The Third Heaven: The Birth of God

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The Third Heaven: The Birth of God Page 16

by Donovan Neal

  "Image off," commanded Raziel.

  "Why did you stop the reading?" Talus asked.

  "My prince forgive is not needful to know the rest of Eskalion's pain to understand what has happened."

  Talus became angry, "Would you presume to tell me what I need?" He hast done nothing that many of us during the war was want to do. He took up arms to defend. To protect and fight for the cause of El." There is nothing to see here but what billions have themselves done. Therefore, you will show me. How did he become this Golem?"

  Raziel sighed, "As you wish my prince. Advance to the breaking of Eskalion."

  Immediately the image continued and Eskalion was in his bed, and he held his pillow behind his head in an attempt to cover his ears. "Be quiet!" he shouted. "No!" He spoke aloud to himself. He swiped at the air, as if beating back enemies. Yet none was seen save Eskalion alone in his bed.

  Talus looked down disturbed. "Hast the angel lost his mind? What is this that I behold?"

  Raziel said nothing but merely pointed his finger to the image before them. Talus returned his eyes to the floating picture of an angel's bout with apparitions in his mind. Violently Eskalion moved his hands over his head as he rocked back and forth. "I did not kill! I...I...El... they would not stop...I had too...,” and he broke down and cried in his bed.

  "What plagues him?" Talus asked.

  "All of us have had to adjust to the loss of our brethren. To make sense of having to strike down those who earlier were our kin. Now a third of Heaven stands to us lost. We have studied this thing and have called it grief my Prince. An emotion named by El that many now experience. An emotion El works even now to comfort, ease and to console. All must walk the path to wholeness again, and all have done so differently. Eskalion was eventually captured and confined to Tartarus, digested within the flesh that was Minos. He pushed against his brethren trapped within to breath, to fight for escape; forced to climb atop the bodies of his own countrymen that he himself might live. All while other were crushed underfoot. Lucifer's penitentiary was without mercy, for the prisoners within were digested alive, whilst they clambered over one another to stay away from the acids that consumed them. Until Prince Michael rescued him, and Charon defeated Minos he was lost to the dark that was this torture of angelic death. And the fear of death to an immortal will drive him mad.

  "Eskalion is bereft of peace in his actions. For he hast killed, even though it was in defense of others. Most of Heaven now hast blood on her hands. For we have taken the sword to combat the renegade Lucifer, and it has come at great cost."

  Talus watched as Eskalion paced back and forth in his chambers and finally he lifted his hands as if to wave away attackers and cried out, and when he did the surface of his skin changed. Soft platinum skin turned dark green in color, and his veins swelled that one could see the blood vessels that pumped the life from his kiln stone through him. His eyes darkened and stone scales grew atop him and he moved as a creature of rock and stood as a sentinel of stone within his chamber. Nothing emanated from him but breath and the rising and falling of what was now his rocky chest.

  "He has turned to stone? How is such a thing possible?"

  Raziel looked at Talus. "My Lord I am not at liberty to speak of the matters of the heart."

  Talus was incensed. "Your prince has asked you a question, and you would defy me? Was not this the selfsame spirit that compelled me to assault Ashtaroth? Would thou be tempter to me? Answer me I command you!"

  "There are some answers that can not come from but one alone," and Raziel lowered his gaze from Talus and looked at the floor as Argoth entered the room.

  Talus turned to see that Argoth had entered the chamber. “Raziel I hereby charge thee as Keeper of the Library. You have been found faithful among our people. Well done."

  Raziel bowed, "Thank you my prince."

  Talus was not done, and looked at Argoth, "I gave him a direct command yet I stand empty of my answer. I expect answer now."

  Argoth looked at Raziel and spoke, "Forgive the high prince, he dost not know what he asks."

  "There is nothing to forgive my prince. Might I be released to my duties?"

  Argoth nodded and Raziel left to leave the two alone.

  "You have much explanation to give Argoth." said Talus.

  "Indeed, yet your query is neither for Raziel, nor I. You query El. Therefore, pose your questions to him."

  Argoth waved his hand and his pen and stylus glowed and they stood immediately in the throne room of El, and the Lord sat on this throne and asked Talus. "Who are you?"

  Immediately Talus bowed and put his face to the floor, and spoke aloud. "I am thy servant Talus, birthed of the Kiln, and High Prince of house Arelim."

  "But are ye not Golem?" replied the Lord.

  Talus held within his frustration and attempted to choke back tears. " what the Lord says that I am."

  The Lord replied, "Thou hast answered rightly. Now rise son of God."

  Talus rose to his feet to look upon the Lord. "My Lord I...I stand in distress."

  The Lord nodded. "Again thou hast spoken rightly."

  Talus grimaced, "I am humbled for from my stone which thou hast created, my stone which you have held in thine hands. I have lifted myself above measure and have brought war into the realm. I am shamed. For if my actions had been other, then war would not have caught hold in Heaven. I confess my sin to my God. I am no more worthy to be called thy son. For why hast the Almighty forgiven such a great thing, for I am no longer worthy to be Lumazi, and my lot should be with the Fallen." And the mighty Talus stood before the Lord trembling, and he looked at the Lord with tears in his eyes.

  The Lord smiled and immediately Yeshua the second person of the Godhead stood next to him, and shown with a brightness and Talus was afraid for the presence of God was within arms reach and he recoiled and he bowed and prostrated himself to the ground.

  The Lord Yeshua reached forth his hand and touched the head of Talus and spoke. "Arise friend." Talus lifted himself from the floor, and beheld the face of God in Yeshua. Yeshua touched his face and hugged him. Talus froze his arms opened wide not knowing how to respond.

  Yeshua spoke, "It is customary when someone hugs you to hug them back." El himself sat on the throne and smiled.

  Talus replied, "I have brought war into the camp of Heaven, and you would show thy servant affection?"

  Yeshua replied, "If it need be done, I will hug you my son until the end of time."

  Talus broke down and swiftly hugged Yeshua, and laid his head on his neck. "I...I am so sorry Lord."

  Yeshua and El spoke as one, "You think that you are cause to Heavens war, that thy actions were seed to strife?"

  Then Yeshua ceased from hugging him, pulled away and touched his eyes, and when he did so a great light flashed before him almost blinding him. Images, and whispers of words spoken in secret, were loosed in his ears and upon the screen of his eyelids. The Lord opened Talus's eyes and he beheld the schemes of Lucifer. The Lord showed him all realities, and how they all wove to form a tapestry that created a picture of God's design, and each image and every idle word spoken; every action was seen from the eyes of God. All points of view weaved and crossed yet all things originated from God's decision to grant the first of angels free will. And Talus saw that in all realities and in every circumstance he could not act but as he acted, and the Lord was neither surprised nor dumbfounded, and knew that after Talus had fell away he would return to strengthen his brethren.

  Talus collapsed to his knees sobbing for he saw his actions through the eyes of God and that El held him no malice. Moreover, he beheld through the Lord the mind of his friend Sariel. And Sariel loved him, and always sought the best for him. For even to the last of his days his heart held a great love for him. The emotions were too much for Talus to hold, and he sobbed and curled as a baby on the golden glass floor of the throne room weeping at the feet of Yeshua and before the throne of El. Yeshua bent down to wrap himself a
round his son and when he did so. Another burst of light bedazzled Talus and after several squints the throne room was dark and Talus lay within his bed, and as he stood up and the guilt and shame were gone. Emotions that no longer plagued him and he knew that his worthiness to be Lumazi stemmed not from him, but from El's own choosing. He saw a glimmer from the corner of his eye and turned, to see the image of Yeshua slowly fade and smiling at him, and words were spoken into his mind.

  "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you that ye should bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain." Then the image of the God of all the universe smiled at him, faded, and disappeared.


  Michael looked up at the craggy mountain before them, sighed and then looked at Enoch. "Are you sure you wish to go with me?"

  Enoch looked upwards at the mountain as clouds and small bird flew high above. "I'm in Heaven. If I die, I will just come back here. You have much more to worry about than me."

  Michael chuckled, "But what if I throw you from the top twice?"

  Enoch laughed, "I think that will do it yes." Enoch then gave Michael a wary eye, not sure if he was joking or not.

  Michael laughed then turned to face the base. "Here climb atop my back, it’s time to go."

  Enoch did as bidden and Michael stretched out his wings and lifted himself skyward. Effortlessly they flew and with each ascent in elevation, Enoch beheld the beauty that was Heaven. The clouds now healed from piercings with ladders, hummed and refracted the light while rainbows blanketed the sky. Birds of unimaginable beauty soared. Heaven was alive, and vibrant and everything that lived radiated an aura of song.

  Enoch spoke into Michael's ear, "How far has an angel flown up?"

  "Michael was short of breath as he exerted himself to lift them both with all of their gear but answered in quick responses. "No...angel hast ever...seen the one."

  "Lucifer?" Enoch replied.

  "Lucifer," said Michael.

  Higher they flew and Enoch noticed that they began to reach the cloud canopy that hid the peak of the summit.

  Michael continued, "No angel hast flown near the mountain for the Ophanim guard the mount, and let none approach for it is Holy Ground. Even the Lumazi...have had but limited access...and only at its base. Tales have been...told of angles who...curious have ventured close. Some...even attempted to ascend it...but—"

  Michael pierced the cloud layer and several of the clouds slowly moved towards them, humming, and singing.

  "Woe...woe...Ophanim this one is not." Closer they came, and the sound of their movement was as thunder. Michael could feel the booming of their chant against him, and the waves of concussive sound made it harder to fly.

  "Will they harm us?" asked Enoch.

  "I...I am...not sure. No angel hast ever pierced the cloud banks of Heaven save Lucifer."

  Thunder again boomed and a wisp of a cloud suddenly formed in front of them. "He does not sing as the Chief Prince. He does not croon our song. Why do you not sing?"

  Michael continued to fly and dodged the form that materialized before them. Ascending higher. Michael started to gasp, " having trouble breathing."

  Enoch found himself suddenly choking..."I too—"

  Another cloud formed before them, then several others encircled the duo, and Michael was stopped from advancement unless he forced himself to fly through them.

  "You must sing the song," said one.

  "He is voiceless," said another.

  "He does not croon."

  Michael and Enoch wheezed, coughing with heaving chests as clouds enveloped them and the air grew increasingly thin. Whiteness prevailed in their vision and the booming of thunder in their ears.

  "If he does not sing, he is not worthy."

  "No he is not"

  "Woe to this angel."

  "Woe indeed."

  Michael panicked and reached for his throat. He bucked and Enoch seeing they might fall to their death, opened his mouth to sing.

  "There is one God of all.

  One God there be.

  The Lord of all creation

  The Lord Almighty..."

  "Sing Michael!" yelled Enoch.

  Michael then opened his mouth using his last breathes to lift up El in song.

  "Who is like the Lord?

  Who is like our God?

  Who dwells in the Heavens?

  And makes home among his creation.

  Who is like the Lord?

  Who is like the Lord?"

  "They sing!" said a cloud.

  "Their croon is sweet," said another.

  "Breath upon them! Let us hear more!"

  Suddenly a wind came from the clouds Air filled the lungs of the duo, and Michael felt himself lift under the power of the clouds to new heights. They two continued to sing in harmony each following in a chorus after the other and the clouds joined them in song.

  "Almighty is our God

  Sovereign Lord and King

  Who is like the Lord?

  The praise of whom we sing."

  Higher they lifted and Enoch and Michael took in great gulps of air, finally able to breath. When the clouds started to thin they saw that above them were great arcs of lightning that blanketed the sky. Bolts streaked overhead and electric currents heated the air and blasted the mountainside sending rocks careening into the clouds. Michael noted a cleft in the rocks and flew within to shield them from the lightning. Enoch dismounted his angelic brother’s back and looked down. Nothing could be seen across the horizon but clouds, falling rock, and streaking bolts of electricity blanketing the sky. Thunder echoed and bounced off the mountains walls, making the air vibrate, and beat upon the chest.

  "How can we ascend higher through that?"

  Michael unpacked his gear, and took a light stone striking it against a rock and it lit and gave off a warm heat. "I do not know yet. But we shall find a way."

  Enoch sat down and began to open his pack, "Are you sure we can get through, I don't see a possible way one could survive that."

  Michael continued to go through his gear, "Yes I am sure."

  Enoch looked at Michael and observed him. His hands were shaking and some of his gear he could not grasp and he shook from the trembling.

  Enoch reached over and cupped Michaels hands in his own and looked at him, and smiled.

  Michael stopped and looked at him, smiled and nodded. "Thank you."

  Enoch smiled, "You said that Lucifer was the only one ever to ascend the mount. Did he ever share how?"

  Michael shook his head, "The thing is not known to me. As Chief Prince, there is knowledge that only he who occupies the role would know. I...I do not know how he did it. But we will find a way."

  Enoch laughed, "Well one day I woke up, and expected to deal with men who would seek to kill me and my tribe. On the same day Death itself and thy brother visited me, and the God of all creation snatched me away. You will understand that if by now nothing really moves me."

  Michael laughed and when he did a roar of thunder crashed against the cliffs the explosive sound was deafening. The sky lit in illuminated flashes round about. The roll of distant thunder rumbled and then dissipated in the distance. Then Michael squinted and saw it. Pointing at the movement of color in the distance, he spoke, "Look there!"

  Enoch followed his finger and saw it as well. It was large and circled like a wheel or a ball, it shown in between flashes of light and the colors of the rainbow was its skin. It moved in jagged movements as if it was surveying the skies. Immediately they knew it was an Ophanim. The creature flew between the lightning strikes, weaving between bolts as if the descending arcs of voltage stood still. It had no wings, yet it moved ever closer towards them.

  Michael's brow wrinkled and he spoke, "I do not like the look of this, there is a cavern deeper in the cleft. I think we should move deeper in."

  Michael looked at the Ophanim which was clearly racing towards them, and as it did a rainbow like trail of light follow
ed it as if attempting to catch up to it and lightning flashed around it in vain attempts to strike it.

  Enoch nodded, "Agreed, anything that can sidestep lightning is not to be trifled with."

  Quickly they gathered up their gear and turned deeper into the darkness, only holding a light stone for illumination. Enoch turned and saw that it was closing on them. "Hurry Michael...hurry!"

  Michael too turned and saw that within moments it would reach them. It was clearer now. It held four faces, one of a bear, one an ox, and one an eagle, and one of a man. Each face turned and its eyes were red, teeth barred, and it screamed as it flew; great gyroscopic wheels encircled it, and it was awash in color.

  Michael grabbed Enoch, ran and followed the caverns walls. Suddenly light exploded throughout the room, and the grinding screams and screeching of wheels could be heard. The cavern shook and rock and dust fell from the ceiling and found home on the cavern floor.

  "It's here!" cried Enoch.

  Michael turned and he could see the creature burrowing after them, the walls giving way by the wheels, which now scraped against rock and ground them aside as nothing. Waves of invisible force suddenly pulled at them and they began to slide towards the creature.

  Enoch found himself pulled and desperately reached out to grab anything to keep him from being dragged to the creatures clutches.

  "Grab my hand!" yelled Michael.

  Enoch reached for Michael's hand and they interlocked, and Michael held unto Enoch and dug a stake into the earth. The Ophanim screamed and the creature's presence dissipated gravity that they found themselves levitating in the air, and anything that was not bolted to the earthen floor flew towards it and disintegrated in the Ophanim's rotating wheels within wheels.


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