Bound By Darkness: Eternally Mated Novel

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Bound By Darkness: Eternally Mated Novel Page 8

by Twombly, Valerie

  “To make you stronger. To shield you from your father for as long as possible.”

  She was dumbstruck. “What the fucking hell! You stupid son of a bitch! You didn’t ask what I wanted, you simply took it without permission.” She rolled her fingers into fists, ready to punch him again. “Break it!” she screamed, even though she had never heard of a way to do so.

  “There is only one way to break it, and I like living, thank you very much.”

  She jumped to her feet, pacing to try and rid herself of some of the panic. Or was it anger? Her emotions were so jumbled together, she had no idea what she felt anymore. She stopped and whirled to face him. “What do you get out of this?”

  He tipped his head in confusion. “I’m sorry?”

  She marched to stand in front of him, hands still clenched at her side. “What does this bond give you? There must have been a reason other than doing this to help me, as you called it.”

  “No reason except your safety.” He got up and walked to the exit and began clearing the way.

  His reply made absolutely no sense. No one did something for nothing, and there had to be a reason he would bind himself to a demon for eternity. She only needed to figure out why. While pissed he did this without even discussing it with her, there was currently nothing Kelana could do about it. She might as well use it to her advantage and figure out the rest later. Storming behind him out of the cavern, she asked, “What happens now?”

  “Mates usually change into guardians. However, Ashley broke that rule and with you being part demon... Well, I have no idea what’s going to happen.”

  Yuck. The thought of being a goody-goody guardian made her ill. “Why can’t I become a warrior, like you?”

  “Females don’t become warriors.”

  “Well, angel. Perhaps it’s time to break the rules.”

  * * *

  Actually, Lyzander liked the thought of her as a warrior. She was feisty enough and not much seemed to faze her. Unfortunately, there was the complication of her father. The only thing he could come up with was getting to Tegan. His commander would know how to handle this, but first they needed to get out of here. They’d been traveling for several hours through narrow passages, scaled a sheer rock face that stood over a river of bubbling magma where the heat had been almost unbearable, but they had made it without fail. A few times, they both had to fight off several krutoi, but at the moment, it was quiet.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “Still pissed,” came a curt reply. “And my back itches like a mother.”

  He stopped. “Your back itches? Did you get into something?”

  She glared. “No. Not unless it was the moss I was lying on earlier.”

  “Let me see. Turn around.”

  She gave a loud sigh then did as he instructed. He held up his sword to help shine some light on it. Thankfully, the leather halter gave him a good view. “Looks like you are about to gain a new addition.”

  “What? What the hell does that mean?”

  “Wings, love. You are about to sprout wings.”

  She whirled. “No fucking way!”

  “I’m not sure if that is excitement or you’re mad at the prospect.”

  She blinked. “I mean like, wow. Real wings?”

  “No. Fake ones.”

  She punched his arm. “Shut the hell up.”

  “Of course real wings, and once they reveal themselves then we’ll know for sure what you’ll become.”

  She curled her upper lip. “I despise the sound of that. I am me, and I don’t plan to change, and I sure as hell will not become someone’s guardian angel.”

  He shook his head. He’d mated a Hellcat that was for sure. Secretly, he never liked his women frail. “Let’s keep moving. Your new addition will arrive when ready. In the meantime, I sense a shift in the atmosphere ahead.”

  She gave him a puzzled look.

  “I think our way out isn’t far.”

  Her eyes widened. “Well, let’s go then.”

  They walked for another two miles, by Lyzander’s calculation, when they finally reached a ball of light that spun into a sphere and went from the floor to a good seven feet in the air. “This is it,” he stated.

  She took a step back. “That looks a little freaky. I’ve never seen a portal like that. Are you sure it’s safe?”

  “Only one way to find out.” When she gave him a wary glance, he followed up. “This from the woman who used a charm to get us here without fear, even knowing it would leave her vulnerable. Where is your sense of adventure?”

  She stood straighter. “Let’s go.”

  With his trusted sword in one hand, he grabbed Kelana’s arm with the other and stepped in. No sense in waiting around wondering. He was all about action and less discussion. Seconds later, they came out and found themselves surrounded by a thick forest and snowcapped mountains. The breeze was mildly warm. He opened his senses and instantly knew where they were. “We’re in Alaska.”

  “Alrighty. Now what? It looks like wilderness for miles.”

  He flashed her a wide grin. “It is. However, now that we’re out of Hell my full powers are active. Care to go for a little ride?”

  She glanced around. “You have a car stashed close by?”

  He laughed. “No, love. I meant up, that way.” He tipped his head back and looked at the sky. The beautiful, brilliant, blue sky. Damn, how he had missed it and the fresh air. He took in a deep, cleansing breath until his lungs couldn’t hold any more.

  “Oh. Umm, where are we going exactly?”

  “A place where it’s safe until you complete your change, and I come up with a plan.”

  She held out her hand, and he couldn’t help laughing as he swept her off her feet and tucked her to his chest. His wings spread wide; he lifted them off the ground and followed the invisible line to his hideaway.

  * * *

  She was flying. Well, not her personally, but this was just as good. Maybe even better as she was tucked against Lyzander’s firm body. Oh, she was still pissed as hell at him, but she wasn’t so stupid as to not enjoy the small things. Or, in this case the bigger than life she was freaking flying things. The air cooled on her skin only slightly, but what filled her lungs was purer than any she had ever inhaled. As she was enjoying the view, she noticed they passed through some kind of vortex and suddenly the air warmed, a hint of salt on the breeze. Lyzander landed and planted her feet on a sandy beach.

  She looked around. “Oh my...” she spotted a house tucked up in the dunes. “This can’t be the same place.”

  “It is. Come on. The house has everything we need and no one, not even my closest friends, know this place exists. You’ll be safe until we can figure out what to do.” He led her up the sand dune and to a deck that overlooked the tranquil ocean. He kicked his boots off then opened the sliding glass door. She followed his lead, not wanting to track sand inside. Once she entered, she was greeted with an open living area and kitchen combination. Vaulted ceilings gave the appearance of vastness, yet it was quaint. Glass framed the door they had come through and went all the way to the ceiling. Above her, she saw a loft and wondered if that was the master since it would also have a view of the ocean.

  “Wow. Nice house.” Apparently, angels lived well.

  “Upstairs is the master with a bath. I don’t have any clothes for you, but you can take anything you wish out of my drawers or closet. I’ll toss together something to eat.” He headed for the fridge and her stomach rumbled. A shower sounded divine, as did food.

  “I’ll hurry.” She raced up the spiral staircase and entered the loft. Same as the downstairs, it was open but with a king bed in the center, and as expected, it faced the beautiful view. She could definitely get used to this. Above were three skylights that let the sun or the night’s sky shine in. She found herself wondering if she could see the stars from her bed. To the right was the bathroom. She stepped in and realized it was bigger than any she’d seen. Closing the d
oor, she began to strip then stepped into the large, tiled stall. A skylight above her, and a high window where she could still see the view while she cleaned up, allowed the sun to drift inside. Damn, the designer thought of everything, and she wondered if Lyzander had designed this himself. She also found herself wondering if he had brought other women here. The thought made her want to hunt them down and claw their eyes out. The fact that she was even having these thoughts pissed her off. Damn him and his fucking bond. Still, he was likable. His sense of humor softened the warrior edges. Something not usually seen in her world, and she found she liked his many layers.

  She pushed that shit to the back of her mind and went about enjoying the hot water that trickled down her back, while she reached for the shampoo, snapped open the cap, and sniffed. “Ohh, so the angel likes ocean breeze. Go figure.” She laughed and washed her hair. Minutes later she was drying off with a fluffy blue towel that reminded her of his eyes.

  Damn him.

  Kelana opened the door and peeked out to make sure the coast was clear. Why? It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen her naked at least a couple of times. The memory of their last time together flushed her cheeks, and she found herself wanting him. She quickly went to his dresser and jerked open a drawer. Fitted boxers. She pulled a pair out and eyed them then decided there was no way they were going to fit. Next drawer was a jackpot of T-shirts. She lifted a pale blue shirt from the drawer and brought it to her nose. It smelled like him, and she found herself wanting to snuggle into it. Into him. Instead, she slipped it over her head.

  It came to her knees.

  Perfect. The climate was warm and it worked as a dress. After running her fingers through her damp hair, she was ready to eat. Descending the stairs, she found Lyzander on the deck with the grill smoking.

  “That smells delicious.”

  He turned to reply but stared. Desire filled his eyes. “You’re sexy as hell in my tee, and I like your hair free like that.”

  She flushed again. Why the hell did he make her feel like a giddy schoolgirl? She was a demon who had finally reached her immortality. Maybe it’s the damn bond. Ah, yes. That was probably it. Certainly had nothing to do with the fact he was every woman’s wet dream. Even a demon’s.

  “Burgers. I hope you like them.”

  He snapped her out of her lust and her mouth watered. “I love a juicy cheeseburger. Can I help?”

  “There is a bottle of wine on the counter.”

  “Got it.” She turned and headed back into the house and located the bottle of Zinfandel, a cork remover next to it along with two glasses. Kelana made quick work of removing the cork and pouring two glasses. She carried them to the table on the deck where there were already two place mats of sea-foam green laid out. She smiled to herself. After setting the glasses down, she called out. “Anything else I can do?”

  “I’m afraid I don’t have a lot of fresh supplies in the house, but there might be a bag of chips in the pantry.”

  “I’ll check.” Back in the house, she found a tall door at the end of the kitchen and pulled it open. Yep pantry, so she walked in and located the lonely bag of potato chips on the shelf. By the time she got back to the deck, Lyzander had the burgers on buns and set on the table.

  “All ready.” He pulled out a chair. “Sit.”

  “You’re going to spoil your bad-ass reputation if you keep showing good manners,” she chuckled as she took the seat, and he pushed her chair in.

  He rounded the table. “Don’t let it leak out and we’ll be fine.”

  Kelana spread mustard on a bun. “This looks so good.” She took a bite, juice running down her hand but she didn’t care. The taste of beef and sharp cheese hit her tongue and she moaned. She took two more bites before she set the burger down and picked up the glass of wine, took her first sip and smacked her lips. “Tastes a little like peaches and strawberries. I like it.”

  He chuckled. “I take it you’re not a wine drinker?”

  She grabbed a chip and crunched. “No. More of a beer drinking kind of gal, but I could get used to this.”

  He raised his glass. “I love a good beer myself. I have some home brew stashed away, I’ll bring it out later.”

  So, he was a beer drinking hell-raiser. The man was a mystery that needed to be discovered, and a sudden desire to see him naked in that huge bed upstairs heated her skin. She shoved it away.

  “We are mated, so wanting each other is perfectly normal.” He reached across the table and touched her hand. “However, I will allow you to decide when you want to be together.”

  Why did he have to be nice? It threw her off balance and made her feel like she was tumbling from a cliff. It was far easier to dislike him when he was being an ass. That she knew how to deal with, but kindness? It was something foreign to her. People always wanted something from her. Be it sex, gold, or what little possessions she had, it didn’t matter. One thing was certain, however, she was an expert at the game and would find out soon enough what his agenda was. A little piece of her wished, for once in her life, that someone wanted her for herself and nothing more. She watched Lyzander eat and realized with great fear that she didn’t want him to be mated to her solely so he could protect her, but because she was the only woman he had truly wanted.

  You are such a stupid girl. Stop wishing for what you can’t have and remember he is an angel. He’s the enemy.

  Kelana pulled her attention away from him. “So, what is your plan?” A quick change of subject should cool things down.


  The wine along with everything else had made Kelana extra sleepy, so Lyzander had tucked her into his bed and kissed her on the cheek. She was snoring before he’d even left the room. Knowing she was safe on his island, he left her alone and went in search of Tegan.

  Tegan? He called out on a private link he held with his commander.

  Son of a bitch! Zander? Where the hell are you?

  He took in a deep breath. It was good to hear a familiar voice and finally have a connection to his life again. I have a lot to tell you, but we need to meet in private.

  Come to my home then. No one is around.

  Lyzander spread his wings and visualized the path to his commander’s private home in the clouds. He made sure when he landed, he snuck in through the back gate and wound his way down the path until he hit the back door. It opened before he could even knock, and Tegan stood there larger than life. The archangel stepped out and pulled Lyzander into an embrace.

  “Dammit.” He gave a quick squeeze and a slap on the back before releasing him and taking a step back. “Where the fuck have you been?” There was no mistaking the command in his tone.

  “Hell. It’s a long story.”

  Tegan turned and stepped back through the doorway. “Get in here.”

  He followed the angel to his private office where he took a chair near the window. Tegan sat across from him. “I don’t know how it happened, but Aezyla captured me. I was in Lulerain.”

  Tegan whistled.

  “I don’t need to paint you a picture of the events that took place there. The important thing is I was rescued, and this is where things get complicated.”

  Tegan leaned forward. “Worse than the torture you endured?”

  Was being mated worse than that? Absolutely not, but the thought of his mate in danger most definitely was. In order to save time and help Tegan process the information completely... “Link with me and I will show you.” They connected and Lyzander began with the night he was instructed to kill the demon family. The events unfolded in his memories as if they happened yesterday and quickly sped to the present where he’d met Kelana, their escape, and his recent mating with her. When he finished, he broke the link and stared at his commander.

  “I don’t even know where to start. You did the right thing though, by saving the child.” Anger lit Tegan’s green eyes. “I’m not surprised at Malik’s actions. I’ve always suspected he played by his own rules but never had proof. Of course, you reali
ze you are in danger as well if he finds out she is alive?”

  “Of course, but my number one concern is keeping her safe.”

  Tegan shook his head. “I’m guessing she has no idea it was you there that night?”


  “You’re playing with fire. You’ve already cemented the bond without her permission, which was foolish enough on its own. But to deceive her further will only lead to disaster.”

  Lyzander shifted in his seat. “I know all of this, and I will tell her in time. Meanwhile, what do we do? She wants to kill those responsible and we both know her father––”

  “Her father needs to be brought up on charges in front of the Maker.”

  “I assume the Tribunal hasn’t been reinstated while I was away?” The Tribunal, their ruling body, had been made up of seven females. After it had been revealed that Lucifer had used the souls of the fallen to replicate several of the females of the Tribunal, everything had fallen apart.

  “The Maker is still working on a solution. I don’t know everything that’s going on because it’s been kept quiet, but I believe the entire Tribunal will be rebuilt.” Tegan rubbed the dark patch of stubble on his chin. “First thing is finding out what your mate turns into. I don’t recall an angel has ever mated a... Well, there is no delicate way to put it. A half-breed. Where are you staying?”

  Tapping his fingers on the arm of the chair, he almost gave in. “I can’t tell anyone but it’s safe. For the moment, she can’t leave on her own.”

  “I understand. I would do the same. For now, go back to her and wait for her transformation. Contact me the minute it happens, before she gets summoned into service.” His brows scrunched down. “You did tell her about that part, didn’t you?”


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