Because It's Not Love

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Because It's Not Love Page 1

by Kitty Parker


  Copyright © 2016 by Kitty Parker.

  All rights reserved under Kitty Parker. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, or distributed in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Table of Contents

  Like a Virgin


  Friends with Benefits



  Falling For You

  The Game

  Growing Pains

  Strange Relationship

  Do I Dare

  Lost for Words

  Because It’s Not Love

  Broken Arrow

  My Confession

  My Thoughts

  Right Girl


  Say Love

  This Temptation

  Making Love

  I Love You

  Like A Virgin

  I groaned at the sun.

  I usually don't mind a little sun on my skin, but now as my head was starting to pound so hard, all I wanted to do was to shut the drapes. But I couldn't move, it was as if a freaking giant weight was pressing my body, crushing and pushing me further into this ridiculously soft bed. I couldn't even open my eyes, heck, I couldn't even do anything with this aching feeling between my thighs.

  What was wrong with me? No, what the hell happened to me? The sudden urge to throw up was there but I didn't have any strength in my body, not to mention how annoying this snake on my waist felt. Well, it did feel like a snake; it was long, heavy and unusually warm. But it also felt strong and...wait, do snake have fingers?

  Alarmed by the feeling of warm fingers dancing along my stomach, I (slowly) gathered my strength and opened my eyes. The sun glared at me, shocking me with the sudden light that I jerked away and amazingly fell off the bed, hard. I groaned at my clumsiness and shut my eyes as tight as possible. This headache was killing me. As I tried to fight the pain away, there was some shuffling on the bed and a weird noise that kind of sounded like an amused laugh.

  A guy's amused laugh.

  My eyes snapped open before I tried to focus my surroundings. The walls were a light brown, there was a few posters of action movies, some rock band and a half naked girl who I was sure was a famous porn star. Holy shit. This. Was. Not. My. Room.

  The air condition felt extremely cold on my body, and then I wondered; why? That was when I checked myself and found that I wasn't wearing any clothes. At all. Not even underwear. At this moment, I panicked. The panic easily changed my dizziness and I was aware how naked I was...and how I heard the same guy's voice. But this time, he was clearing his throat. I cursed silently. No wonder I was aching between my thighs. Then my eyes widened at the realization of what might of happened last night...god no.

  I snatched the soft blanket that was hanging from the bed and carefully wrapped it around me. I wasn't even sure who I...uh, slept with. God, what a mess! I don't even remember who took my virginity last night, and I bet this guy was surprised knowing I was still a virgin. I bit my lip. W-was I not a virgin anymore?

  I nervously stood up and braved myself to finally take a glance at the person who seemed to be the one I was searching for. I inhaled sharply as my eyes landed on his glory nakedness (trust me, his manhood was glory) and I blushed slightly before checking his face, who by the way was looking up at me with a smirk. The moment his dark blue eyes came in the view, I froze. I honestly felt numb. From all the guy in this town, he had to be the one who took my virginity? Why god why?

  I didn't know what else to do so I found myself just standing there, trying my best to avert my eyes not to look down at his…you-know-what. I couldn't say anything; I was so dumbfounded. I felt my mouth opening, but no, the sight of him just had to make my brain stop working for a while, so instead of saying a civil thing to say, I found myself sighing deeply with adoration in my eyes. "…wow."

  WHY THAT? D-did I really say that? I cursed myself in my head and closed my eyes. Goodness, I must be blushing.

  His low chuckle sent shivers down my spine. Goodness, I forgot I had a crush on this guy. On second thought, I don't actually mind that I slept with him—kind of flattered, to be honest—but sleeping with him was going to change everything. Not that there was anything in the first place, but still, he now knew me. He might not even have recognized me before this happened last night.

  I opened my eyes before they landed on his, finding them blaring with desire. This was not good, not good at all. I gulped nervously. "H-how did this happen?"

  He grinned lazily at me. "You don't remember a thing, do you?"

  I looked at him suspiciously before my face turned into a frown as I tried to remember the events which happened last night. Let's see, Lisa dragged me to this party. I drank beer. And then another one. And another one. Then a hot guy I awfully recognize (who was the host of said party) was talking to me, and with the music playing so loud I had to step closer to hear him. He embraced me. I looked up and bravely kissed him. He kissed me back. He took me to his room and it got extremely dangerous and hot after that...

  My eyes met his gaze. No way.

  It really did happen.

  "You know; I wasn't surprised you were a virgin." He drawled with a sheepish smile. "Actually, it was an honor to take it."

  I gaped at him. How dare he take the only thing I treasured for my seventeen years of life! And to think that I lost it because I was drunk…wasn't much of a help. And that I lost it to him. Him! I was this close to start yapping and yelling about him taking advantage of me, but my lips suddenly went dry when my eyes landed on his lower body part. I took a deep breath at the magnificent sight before me. Oh my god—what was I thinking?

  "Could you do something about your...uh…?" I closed my eyes shut as the sensational feeling came rushing into me. Wait, what the hell was that?

  Before I knew it, he yanked me aggressively as I landed on top of his strong chest. Oh my, his male anatomy was harder than I thought it would be. I shut my eyes and shoved the naughty thoughts that suddenly appeared in my head. I placed my hands on his chest, trying to push myself up but failed miserably as my hands slipped down, making me fall again onto his body while he just kept on grinning at me like a stupid idiot.

  "Carson..." I finally breathed out heavily. I honestly wanted to call his name and tell him to stop holding me, but it came out wrong and husky that I felt him wrap his arms tighter around me.

  He groaned and kissed my shoulder. "Oh Maggie..."

  Hold on, he knew me? He actually

  Damn it! And here I thought my brother's best friend didn't recognize me. Okay, that was stupid. But hey, he was older than me, and Nick's friends never take notice of me because Nick never liked his friends get too close with me, seeing how they were all manwhores and sluts. And now I was in the arms of his best friend, who recognized me, who knew my name and who's long member was getting hard on my thigh. How ironic.

  I struggled and wiggled from his grasp before he flipped me, crushing his weight on me.

  "God, you're heavy," I said quickly without thinking.

  "Babe, you didn't mind it last night." He gave me a mischievous smile.

  I glared at him. He ignored me and started to kiss the crook of my neck, and then I shut my eyes again. I swear a tingling feeling of pleasure shot right through me as he thrust his hips slightly toward my own one. I found myself getti
ng out of breath as one of his hands cupped my breast slowly. This shouldn't be happening. I bit my lips forcefully at the feeling of his touch on my body. No, don't response. No...

  "Get…off…me." It came out breathlessly as his hand played with my breast. Somehow the blanket that was wrapped around my body was now all wrinkled up, exposing my upper body. He took my right nipple in his mouth and glided his tongue there, making a pattern that surely made me feel all giddy with excitement. I moaned quietly, which made him smirk, of course.

  "Why? Don't you think this is fun?"

  "No Carson, let go—holy shit." I moaned louder as his hand slipped my inner thigh. I could feel his fingers massaging me slowly, torturing my personal part of body with his skilled fingers as he slipped inside me, and then out, and then in again while his thumb teased me even more. The first thought when I felt a gush of wind on my body was: where the hell did the blanket go? To be honest, I really don't care. Because in my horny mind right now, I was anticipating for what would happen next.

  He began to kiss my lips and I found myself kissing him back. This was so, so wrong. I was about to have sex with my brother's best friend who took my virginity...again. I've always wanted to lose my virginity with someone that I loved and loved me...or if I had to lose it in a drunken way, I thought it would be easy and would be forgotten like *snaps fingers* that.

  Guess I was wrong.


  We had sex 3 times in a row for about 2 hours. And what made me feel guilty about it was the fact that I was sober...the whole time.

  It was fine with me for losing my virginity when I was actually quite drunk—which was probably not ALL my fault (technically)—but to do it the next morning for a few times and you were actually enjoying it was another thing. I didn't know if I should feel happy that I now could finally call myself a 'woman', or feel stupid because I let a guy use my body so easily. I hated the thought of the latter.

  I blamed Carson for everything...because if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here inside his fancy car. He was now taking me home while the awkward silence ate up the air. Believe me, it was awkward. It wasn't that type of pure silence you like to enjoy.

  I watched the trees and buildings pass us by and felt the wind blowing my hair as I heard the radio being turned on. I glanced at Carson who was fumbling with the radio while he still had his eyes fixed on the road. His messy brown hair—which sometimes seemed like a really dark shade of red—was swept back by the wind, his wide lips was pressed into a line of concentration and even though he looked like a Calvin Klein model, he still had that boyish look. I shook my head in wonder. How could somebody look gorgeous and cute at the same time?

  My eyes drifted towards his long body and I couldn't help but to imagine his perfect lean torso. Oh, it was lean alright. I liked the way his body moved against mine, or the way his lips traveled through every inch of my body…and to think that I spent the day with him was something hard to believe. I mean come on; this was Carson James Malloy. Popular guy at school, loaded like crazy, my brother's best friend...

  I groaned at the thought of my brother.

  I did not want to deal with the possibilities of how my brother would react, but to make things safe (for now), I still called mom earlier and told her that I spent the day with Lisa and slept over at her place last night. You know, just in case something went wrong. I was sure Lisa wouldn't mind, but when I called her afterwards to ask her to do a favor, she was just damn curious.

  "Lisa, could you do me a favor?" I asked from Carson's cell phone since my one died after I called my mother. I was at Carson's bathroom at that time with his sheet wrapped around my body.

  "Who is this?"

  "It's me—"

  "Oh my god, Maggie! Where the hell are you? What happened to you at the party? Why did you leave me alone? I thought you hated parties. Whose number are you using? Where's your phone? Maggie? Hello?"

  I cringed at her voice that got louder and louder in every question. "Lisa, one question at a time."

  "Maggie!" She pressed on.

  I sighed. "Just do me a favor, please. I'll tell you the rest at school, okay?"


  "Lisa, please! I barely ask you any favors, so for the love of god, just this once! I'll explain later, just...not now." I begged desperately.

  "What's wrong with now?"

  "Because I'm not sure how I got into this situation myself."

  She was quiet at first, probably debating if my mysterious situation was worth her help, but she finally sighed at the other end. "Okay, fine. But you owe me an explanation."

  Good thing I didn't have to explain now. "Of course."

  "What do you want me to do?"

  "Okay, I told my mom that I slept over at your place last night and that we're going shopping today. If she calls you and asks you about it just say...yes." I laughed nervously. "See? It's no big deal."

  Silence came next. I cleared my throat. "Lisa? Hello? You still there—"


  I could understand why she was so surprised at this, because as far as she has been my best friend, she knew me pretty well. Which, of course, meant that she was aware of how I never ever stay at any other places over night except my own house or her place. I felt really bad for lying to her. "I'll tell you about it later..."

  "'re not kidnapped, are you?"

  I laughed at this. Me, being kidnapped? That was hilarious. "Lisa, trust me I'm fine. Just do me the favor, please?"

  "Ugh, damn it!" I could already sense her defeat. "But promise me you'll tell me the first thing in the morning at school. Say it Maggie, promise me."

  I sighed out a little groan. "I promise."

  "I'm holding onto your promise!"

  I then smiled slightly. "Bye, Lisa."

  That was how our conversation ended. Well, it actually ended with Carson entering the bathroom and pulling me into the shower, but I really don't have to explain that, now do I?

  "We're here." I heard Carson announce as the car stopped in front of my house.

  I glanced at Carson and tried to smile—which I'm pretty sure looked rather awkward. "Uh...thanks."

  He frowned slightly and tilted his head. God he looked so cute just by doing that. "For what?"


  His eyes somehow softened before his hand came to my face, and with a smooth move, he gently took a strangle of my copper hair and tucked it behind my ear. I stared at him adoringly. If he did this every time after he slept with a girl, no wonder they kept crawling back to him. I took a deep breath and looked away from his magnifying eyes. "So uh, yeah...bye."

  I was about to reach for the door but instead I found myself being pulled against his strong chest as his lips crashed onto mine. I sighed and responded, giving him the same hunger as his. His tongue made a way in my mouth and I shivered by the taste of it. I was so close to sit on his lap when he pulled away with a well known smirk playing on his features. "See you tomorrow at school."

  School. I didn't even know what would happen then. Would he approach me? Or would he still sleep around? I'd say he would sleep around again. The thing between us wasn't a permanent thing anyway...whatever it was. It probably was just great sex on a one, or should I say two night stands. But I smiled anyway. "Okay."

  I stepped out of the car with lots of thoughts in my head. As he drove away much further I couldn't help but to think how good he was in bed. Of course he was good; he practically had many practice with all the many girls...unlike me, I was a mere beginner. I was sure he didn't want anything to do with beginners, right?


  * * *

  I walked with my brother through the big doors and to the hallway of our school. It was really normal seeing people greeting him while I walked beside him like a shadow. He was popular; I was just the sibling of the popular. Sometimes people just greet me because being a sister of one of the popular guy at school, they just had to greet you.
  "Hey Nick, save a seat at lunch for me."

  "Nick Darling, why didn't you call me last night?"

  "Yo Nick, football practice after school, don't forget."

  "Nicholas, great party at Carson's, eh?"

  I stopped my pace and watched as Dean Anthony approached us. It was funny that his name was actually Dean and the principal was his uncle. Talk about ironic right? I walked towards my locker which was actually a few lockers down, and when I placed the books I didn't need, I found Nick and Dean still following me. I guess Nick decided to hang out with me for a while.

  "Yeah, one of the best so far." I heard Nick's reply.

  "I'm guessing you got laid?" Dean was leaning on the locker on my right, facing me awkwardly since my brother was at the other side of me.

  "Yeah, but I'm not sure who she actually was, to be honest." I cringed at my brother's reply. Really? Just...really?

  Dean chuckled. "I'm not talking to you, Nick, you always get laid at a party."

  "Then who were you asking to?"

  "Your sister."

  I choked on nothing and shut the locker with a big thud. Act casual, Maggie, Act casual. I turned my body to Dean and gave him, which I hoped, was a confused look. "What are you talking about?"

  That sounded confused right? It was times like these I wished I took acting class like mom wanted me to.

  Dean stepped back and stared at me with an amused look. "I don't just have the aura."

  "The what?"

  "You slept with somebody?"

  I cringed at my brother's tone. Somehow, my hands became sweaty and I felt really nervous. Okay, you could do this. No need to rouse suspicion. I did what I did best, I rolled my eyes and gave my brother a look. "I'm not you, I don't sleep around at parties."

  "Oh yeah? Then why are you blushing?"

  I gave Dean a glare. I was about to open my mouth and tell him to shut the hell up when a familiar voice echoed through the hallway. "Maggie!"

  I was thankful that my best friend knew when to come when I needed her the most...but then I cursed silently. This was the part where I had to explain everything to her. Oh god, I turned around and saw her running down the hallway. She gave a narrowed look. "You have lots of explaining to do."


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