Because It's Not Love

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Because It's Not Love Page 16

by Kitty Parker

  Ah, one of his admirer.

  "Maybe I should leave you both alone…" I started and tried to fade out with our surroundings when the girl laughed at me and gave me sly grin. What was so funny? I thought she wanted to give the flower to Kyle.

  "Don't be silly, this is for you." She handed me the flower she was holding. Just then I realized what it was. It wasn't a bouquet; it was just one white lily. One single white lily that was now on my hand, from a stranger, from a girl?

  "I-wah..." I managed to squeak.

  She didn't answer me and just left us with a wide grin. Okay, what was that all about? Kyle tugged me again and we started walking. He was actually pulling me while I stared at the flower with a frown. "Well I didn't know you were that depressed. I never thought you were a lesbian now, Maggie."

  My eyes snapped at him eventually. "I'm not." I said as I gritted my teeth.

  He laughed again as we walked in silence. We turned around a corner again and I was still trying to figure out what just happened back there. I didn't even remember the girl's name.

  "Yo Kyle!"

  I looked up to see one of Kyle's friends jogging toward our way. He was very hot looking (don't blame me, I'm a normal girl) but what caught my eyes the most was the white lily in his hand. I looked down to the one I was holding and looked back up to see the one he was holding. They looked exactly the same. Well duh, was there any other kind of white lilies?

  He was now in front of us, our eyes met for a moment but I looked away quickly. For a reason I felt I had something to do with this.

  "What's up, Matt? Whoa, who's the flower for?" I heard Kyle ask. I felt uncomfortable there and had the urge to leave them but pushed it away. Kyle was my ride and I didn't think I should leave him.

  "This is for Margaret." I cringed at the sound of my full name on his lips. It was weird to hear it on someone's lips that I wasn't close with.

  I looked up at Matt and blinked my eyes. "Me?"

  He gave me an assuring smile and placed the lily in my other empty hand. He left after saying a simple 'bye' and wandered off somewhere else. I glanced at Kyle and he was just looking at me with an amused look. "What is this? Valentine's day?"

  Here we go again with annoying Kyle.

  I rolled my eyes and decided to just wait for him at his car (thank god he brought his car). I walked ahead of him and ignored curious glances around me. I turned around the corner and was casually walking and ignoring Kyle calling my name when suddenly a shrill of cheers perked my ears. I turned to see a bunch of girls cheering about something while…oh would you look at that? Each of them had a white lily in their hands.

  I shook my head, was I seeing things? I was just seeing things, I assured myself.

  Just to make sure if anything happened, I ducked my head down and walked faster than necessary. I hope I was doing this for nothing, because if I was doing this to get away from them then I'd be—

  "There she is!"

  Somebody stopped in front of me and I immediately stopped as well. I looked up to see one of the girls from earlier smiling at me goofily with a flower in her hand. "Oh my god, you're Maggie right? We were waiting for you like forever!"

  I raised my eye brows and looked around. Oh god, I just realized I was actually surrounded by all of them. "What do you girls want?"

  They beamed at me and one by one gave me the lily they were holding. I wasn't seeing things! When they were finished they quickly ran away and giggled while giving me knowing looks.

  Okay, was it my birthday today? I don't think so.

  I counted all the flowers in my hand…eight. I had eight beautiful white lilies given by people I have never talked to in the same hour. Shouldn't there be an explanation about this?

  It was pretty far to get to the parking lot from Kyle's locker and now I had to go to another building section to get to the entrance gate. Where was the guy anyway? I was sure I didn't leave him that far.

  Oh well, might as well wait for him at his car.

  I entered the other building, mumbling how weird it got today before I looked up and just then, at the very spot, my jaw dropped. What the hell was happening! The hallway was pretty crowded and my eyes went wide as I eyed all the lilies in everyone's hand. This couldn't be happening. I pinched my arm just to make sure this was real…and god it wasn't a dream. I turned around for help in case Kyle was behind me but his stupid self wasn't anywhere near me. Where was he when I needed him?

  Everybody was actually doing what they would do after school. Getting things from their locker, talking with their friends, laughing while they waited for their other friends…it was just like any ordinary day...except for the fact that they were holding one white lily in their hand.

  I looked at my lilies in my hand and looked at all the lilies in the hallway. Those couldn't be for me…my arms were already full with eight! Maybe today was a day of lilies. Yeah, maybe the principal thought it would be nice to have lilies for everyone—

  "Hey Maggie, this is for you."

  "You're so lucky!"

  "Look at those lilies; I'm glad those are for you."

  "Oh my god, you're the girl everyone's been whispering about!"

  I wanted to get away from here! People were saying stuff as they handed me the lilies. Well most guys just gave them to me without a glance and some were smirking at me. Girls were giggling at me while some were glaring at me with envy. Could somebody please tell me what was going on?

  I turned around a corner and saw Principal Bolton standing there with a grin on his lips as he watched me with amusement. Please don't tell me he was giving me lilies too…

  "Principal Bolton, you have got to help me. Everyone is going crazy!" I shouted as I walked hurriedly toward him with my arms full of white lilies.

  "Margaret, I never knew you had so many admirers." He laughed slightly. He was so not helping. "Here you go." And suddenly my lilies were gone as he picked them all up from my arms. I sighed in relief and was about to thank him when all of a sudden he placed something in my hand. It was a basket. My lilies were inside there.

  Oh my god Principal Bolton was in this too?

  "Principal Bolton—"

  "Well off you go! I'm glad I could help." He gave me pat on the shoulder before leaving me speechless.

  "Help? What in the name of god is happening?"

  I was in a bad mood earlier, and now I was even worse. I swear to god if this was a stupid prank I was so going to kill everybody in this school.

  Principal Bolton included!

  I sighed as I looked around the hallway and was surprised that it was empty now. I was too busy fuming with myself that I didn't hear everyone else heading out from school. I guess I had to go out now since it was deserted, kind of creepy being alone at school at the end of the day.

  This wasn't making any sense.

  At all.

  I made my way to the entrance door at the end of the hallway and found it was closed. This was getting scary. I hope I didn't have a secret admire who was going to kill me inside school. I walked closer to the door and I held my breath as I touched the doorknob. Please don't let it be locked…

  I let out a sigh of relief when the door clicked open. At least I wasn't locked inside this enormous school alone.

  I stepped outside and closed my eyes as I was greeted by the wind. It was freezing cold and I felt my teeth chattering fast. I opened my eyes…and suddenly I felt many emotions going through me. Everybody was everywhere, all eyes were already set on me. I looked to my left and saw Lisa snuggling against Nick with a smug smile on her face. Nick just grinned from ear to ear! How dare they act so happy when I was here all confused?

  "Lisa! What the hell is happening to me?" I almost screamed as I headed her way. She merely giggled and tilted her head, pointing to the pathway of the entrance of our school. I glanced to see what she was talking about and my eyes landed onto a figure in the middle of the pathway. I frowned, who was he?

  It was definitely a he, his legs
were long and muscle-y and his shoulders were very wide and broad. I couldn't see his face because of the bouquet he was holding right in front of his face. It was the biggest bouquet of white lilies I have ever seen in my life. There was a paper taped onto it, with a sloppy hand writing it was written in capital.


  I had to laugh at that. I walked to him silently and wished he was somebody I knew. I wasn't in the mood for a stalker.

  Just then the man held the bouquet lower and revealed his face. I gasped quite loud enough for him to hear.

  Carson stood there with a smile on his face. I was surprised he could smile that kind and happy, especially at me. I stepped forward and felt confused as his lips quirked up into a wide grin. He looked amazing. I forgot he was this hot, this was one of the reasons I fell in love with him. His dark red hair was slightly long and messy; his dark blue eyes were full of excitement I had to make sure he was the Carson I knew.

  I thought he didn't want to face me? Now he was actually smiling at me. Me, of all people! Wait, was he the one behind all the lilies?

  Was that supposed to be a romantic thing?

  I felt my stomach do many things as I watched him taking a few step closer to me. I wasn't aware that I actually stopped walking to him. He stopped in front of me and all I could see was the happiness written on his gorgeous face. What was he so happy about?


  His voice was low and sexy I felt my knees melting. I just stood there still gaping at him with my mouth open. Say something, anything!

  I couldn't.

  I felt numb.

  My Thoughts

  "Why are we here again?" Carson narrowed his eyes around the room with many various kinds of flowers everywhere.

  "Because you're going to confess your love now, so you better be ready one hundred percent." Dean answered without looking up. He was eying each and every one of the flowers around him, thinking which one would fit Maggie the most.

  Carson clenched his teeth. "I'm not going to confess my uh, love...I'm just going to tell her my…feelings?" He corrected, rather unsure of himself.

  "Lie all you want my friend but whether you like it or not, you're getting a flower for her."

  "Is this really necessary? Because I did not sign up to be a romantic kind of guy."

  John chuckled at his spot as he picked a red rose. "Chicks like it when you give something special to them, especially when you're going out of your stubborn shell."

  "I am not stubborn." Carson said fast. Okay, he was kind of stubborn…but he wasn't going to admit that to anyone. Not even his close friends. Dean and John rolled their eyes in union and Carson couldn't help but sigh out a small sound of frustration. "Can we just get on with this?"

  Dean ignored him. "What's the epiphany, Malloy? You've been pretty cranky for a few days and now one afternoon you think 'Hey, today's a good day and now I think I'm ready to confess my love to the girl who tamed me! Why don't I just call my friends to skip their last period to help me find a flower that my love would like?'"

  Carson rolled his eyes as he leaned on the wall of the shop. "I called you guys to tell you I'm ready, I didn't ask you guys to skip your last period to come and drag me here. I wish Nick was here."

  "But he's not, so you're stuck here with us. Come on John; let's find lover boy a flower for his girl." Dean and John wandered to a corner where they were talking with an old lady that owned the shop. Carson couldn't believe Nick didn't come along; obviously he didn't want skipping schools written on his record. He wanted to get into medical school so bad. Well it wasn't like Carson wished for his friends to skip school and drag his ass here…no, he was thinking of doing the 'confessing' (as they like to call) tomorrow. Not ten minutes after he called them.

  Carson looked around the place; this was not how he imagined telling Maggie he liked her more than a friend. He just wanted to take her to the park and tell her everything, nice and quiet where the chilly air would hug them both. He didn't want much attention, especially anything to do with flowers.

  "Okay, all set!"

  Carson looked up to see Dean grinning beside John that was holding a bouquet of wild flowers. He didn't know what kind of flowers they were but those colors were far too shocking. Red, orange, yellow, white and pink…that didn't even say anything about Maggie. John was holding his laughter as Dean glanced at his choice of flowers. Oh dear god.

  "Young man, are you sure about that?" Even the old lady was unsure of Dean's wild choice.

  "Yes, my friend will buy this for the love of his life—"

  "I am not buying that." Carson said immediately, ignoring 'the love of his life' part. No way was he going to buy Maggie those flowers.

  Dean rolled his eyes. "Well I don't see you picking anything at all."

  Carson narrowed his eyes; did he really have to give her something special? He wasn't even sure how this was supposed to work. If he really did have to give her flowers, would he give them first then tell her how he felt about her or would he tell first and give her the flowers? Was he supposed to be on one knee? No, it wasn't like he was proposing…but maybe she wanted him to be more romantic?

  God! This could be confusing. It wasn't like him to feel this nervous before. He didn't have to deal with any of these things before and now he was messed up. Maggie was special for him now, he hated the fact that he actually ignored her and treated her badly afterwards.

  Huh, maybe giving her flowers wasn't such a bad idea.

  But what kind does she like? As long as he has known her…he didn't know what her favorite flower was. As many times he had slept with her he didn't know anything much about her.

  God he was such a pig.

  "So? What do you think she likes?"

  Carson ran a hand through his thick hair. "To be honest, I don't know."

  John laughed while Dean rolled his eyes to him. "Are you serious? God, I wonder why she ever slept with you." Carson smirked at his friend's words.

  "If you don't know what her favorite flower is, why don't you think of a flower that resembles her? It helps sometimes." The old lady suggested, giving a smile to Carson.

  A flower that resembled Maggie? Well, she was definitely beautiful. She was elegant and stunning that it took his breath away. She has a fiery personality that he liked to watch whenever she was angry, where her lips would pout and her eyes would twitch like there were flames dancing in them. But other than that, she could be fragile. She could be a lost puppy searching for something she wasn't even sure of. She could do something amusing and she could bring joy to his life…everything about her was pure and fascinating. Maybe all words couldn't explain how great she was in his life…it was always heavenly to be with her.

  Carson's lips twitched into a small smile as he looked away at a distance, imagining her beautiful face smiling gracefully at him and only for him. "White lily," he whispered so quietly that his friends couldn't exactly hear the words he was saying. But the old lady was already looking at him in awe as if she was so stunned seeing this handsome guy being totally in love.

  "Now that's more like it." She grinned at him even though he wasn't paying attention to her. He was more likely like a crazy person smiling to himself.

  Carson finally glanced at her and nodded firmly. "I'd have one white lily please."

  "Coming right up." She was about to get the flower he was asking for when all of a sudden Dean's voice stopped her.

  "One? Just one?" He asked in disbelieve as he looked up at Carson.

  Carson merely shrugged and gave his friend a grin. "Yep, it's sweet and simple." He answered with a smug face.

  "No, it's cheap and dull." Dean glanced at the old lady that was watching the boys in amusement. "Why don't you give him a basket full of white lilies and another big bouquet of white lilies too?"

  Carson's eyes went wide. "I do not need that many."

  "You do! John help me out here buddy."

  John laughed as
he stepped closer to Carson. Ugh, Carson hated it when John gave him advice. He was that great of a listener he was always right most of the times. "Okay, do you know what I think Carson?"

  "No." Carson grumbled.

  "You've been quite impossible with her for the past days, kind of not fair." Carson was about to interrupt but John beat him at it. "You've ignored her, made her sad, kissed her and ignored her; making her feel even worse…don't you feel a little guilty? Don't you feel like you owe her that much? Like you wish to give her the world when she's the first special girl that came into your life?"

  Well, there was nothing he could say about that.

  Seeing as he was silent as he thought about how John's words strung his mind that bad, Dean smirked and turned to the old lady again. "So? What else are you waiting for? Bring the boy some white lilies!"

  * * *

  "Are you sure this is going to work?" Carson asked nervously as they all walked toward the school building. Dean and John explained what they would do while they asked Carson to just relax and be ready at his part off the big plan. It was pretty outrages, but Carson didn't say anything to stop it. In fact, he kind of liked it. Even though he wasn't that big for romance, he did want to do something big and special for Maggie.

  Dean turned around and gave his friend an assuring smile. "I told you not to worry about it. Just be ready at the entrance door and we'll bring your girl okay?" He then grinned and continued walking with a smirking John beside him holding the basket of white lilies.

  He was anything but ready. God, just the thought of being the only man with her was getting him all sweaty and nervous. Was he ready to make a commitment? Was he ready to be in a relationship now?

  He remembered the night after he saw the only girl he liked walking away from him. Not only did he feel the pain lingering inside of him, but he felt angry at himself to let her go. Why didn't he say anything? Why didn't he tell her how much he liked her? Why?


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