Into the Dream [The Arcadians] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Into the Dream [The Arcadians] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 10

by Laurie Roma

  Cael growled a low warning at the woman, making her take a quick step back. “Foolish female, you overstep yourself. We are already mated.”

  Vanya’s eyes widened in shocked horror. “Nay! This cannot be!” Her glowing eyes narrowed, and she inhaled deeply, as if trying to draw in Tynan and Cael’s scent on Allie. “Her? I cannot smell the mating bond. You have not yet completed the mating ritual. Break with this little female, and I will agree to blood bond with you.”

  Tynan stood so fast his chair flew out behind him. His enraged growl had Vanya scrambling back to cower among a few of the warriors behind her. “You insult my mate! We are already blood bonded with Princess Allie.”

  Vanya’s face paled. Even the warriors surrounding her took a step away from her for daring to insult a princess of the royal house. The woman was obviously too stupid to know when it was time to quit.

  “How could princes of the royal house take a mate too small to produce heirs? If you breed with her, your babe would tear her asunder,” Vanya cried out. “Take a true female to your beds and leave this little one to the lesser males. I claim a bonding challenge!”

  Cael jumped to his feet, and Tynan leaped over the table as if to attack the female. Vanya screamed and fell to her knees, holding her arms over her head. Tynan stood over her cowering form, his large chest billowing out with every harsh breath. Both Tynan and Cael’s claws slid down from their nail beds, and they snarled with such fury that all the warriors in the room cast their heads down to avoid eye contact with the two enraged princes.

  “You would dare challenge our mating? I should rip you in two,” Cael hissed. “You cannot call for a bonding challenge anyway, female.”

  By the time Allie shook off her shock, Tynan was already ordering a few of his warriors to remove Vanya from the hall.

  “Take this female from our sight. She is hereby banished from the palace.” Tynan’s voice lowered until he sounded practically feral. “If I ever catch you near my mate or even so much as looking at her, I will end your existence.”

  “You cannot deny me my challenge! I claim the right to challenge the mating!” Vanya screamed as two males grabbed her by the arms, hauling her shaking form toward the exit.

  “Wait!” Allie called out as she came around the table to stand between Tynan and Cael. They both growled at her, but she quickly put a stop to that. “Cut it out!”

  Allie sighed as the warriors turned around so the larger, rabid female was facing Allie. She turned to look at Tynan. “Okay, what exactly is a bonding challenge?”

  Cael’s massive body shook with fury. “We would have to prove that we are truly bonded. It is an insult to us as well as to you, and that is not something I can allow.”

  Allie’s face paled. “Oh shit, you mean we have to have sex in front of everyone?”

  That caused a startled laugh from Tynan, and he relaxed his stance. His claws disappeared as he reached out to touch her face but stopped before he actually touched her skin, unsure of whether or not she would want him to touch her.

  Allie reached up and grabbed hold of his hand, pressing it to her cheek.

  “Nay, mate. Once a grouping has formed a true bond, a trio would never tolerate another male seeing their female in the throes of passion. I would kill any other male watching you come on my cock besides my brothers.”

  Okay, well, that was blunt enough, but Allie still didn’t understand. “So what does that mean then?”

  Cael’s large body pressed up behind her, his arm banding around her middle to hold her close. “Only other males may call for a bonding challenge. If a bonding is not true, if it has not been blessed by the Goddess, then the female may watch as the trios fight for the right to mate her. She will then belong to the winners.”

  Incensed, Allie turned to glare at Vanya and wanted nothing more than to smack the satisfied off the other woman’s face. “I don’t want anyone else,” Allie all but snarled. “I won’t have anyone fighting over me.”

  “Do not worry, mate,” Tynan said softly as he stroked a hand over her hair. “Even if we did have to fight for you, we would never allow anyone else to claim you.”

  “Besides,” Cael added. “No other males would be stupid enough to challenge us for you after we have already blood bonded with you.”

  “I will fight her for the right to mate with you!” Vanya screamed.

  Allie was shocked by that. Sure, she had learned to fight during her rough childhood, but this enraged female was more than a foot taller than her. Plus, they had claws.

  That did not bode well for her.

  “Silence!” Tynan roared. “No one will fight our mate. And we would not have you even if we were not mated! You speak to a princess and are very close to being banished from the City of the Sands entirely!”

  “We would never allow anyone to harm you,” Cael said in Allie’s head. “There will be no challenge.”

  “You cannot!” Vanya whispered in horror. When she saw the resolve in both Tynan and Cael’s eyes, she then turned feral eyes on Allie. “The Goddess will never bless a mating between you and the princes. You are too small, too—”

  “Bitch, please.” Allie let out a tense laugh, trying to lighten the mood of the room that had turned deadly. It was way past time to end this farce of a conversation. She turned to send Tynan a mischievous smile and winked at him.

  “Too bad, I was kind of hoping the bonding challenge meant I could kick this idiot’s ass.” Allie could feel the rumble of Cael’s laughter at her back.

  Vanya snarled at Allie, which made both her mates snarl back at her, making the other female cower back in fear.

  Geez, this is getting old.

  Allie stomped forward, trying to shake off Cael’s restraining hand. “What is your deal anyway? Why are you going through so much trouble to mess with males who don’t even want you?”

  Vanya sneered down at her. “You are not fit to be a ruler beside these princes. If you cannot bear their younglings, then what use are you?”

  Cael and Tynan both let out a vicious snarl of rage that had Vanya backing up another step.

  Allie simply snorted out a laugh. “You’re one to talk. If you’re calling a breeding rite to try and get pregnant, it won’t matter if you’re gangbanged by the entire city. If you haven’t gotten pregnant yet with several different sets of males, then it is never going to happen.”

  Several warriors surrounding them sucked in a harsh breath. “Prince Tynan, what does the princess mean by that?” one of the warriors asked.

  Allie spoke up before Tynan could speak. “She means that sometimes females are barren, unable to produce children. It is not only males that can be sterile.”

  “You lie,” Vanya gasped, then raised her voice in a snarl. “You lie!”

  “I don’t,” Allie said honestly. “As a doctor, I could name several reasons why you may be having problems getting pregnant, and if you stopped acting like such a bitch I might be able to help you,” Allie said, exasperated.

  “You bitch! I want no help from you,” Vanya snarled as her claws shot out from her fingertips. “I should rip out your lying heart!”

  “Take one more step toward our mate, and you will forfeit your life. Now sheath your claws!” Tynan raged as his own claws sprang forth. Vanya’s claws disappeared as she stumbled back in surprised terror when Tynan lowered into a crouch, as if he were prepared to attack.

  “Fine, I will leave the palace. But know this, taking this small foreigner will bring disgrace to your house,” she added as she glared at Tynan and Cael. Vanya shook off the males that reached out to grab her and stomped out of the room.

  Three huge males, obviously brothers, came up to Allie and her mates as Tynan straightened and retracted his claws. The new males bowed low then stood at attention. The trio was handsome, with shoulder-length dark-brown hair, and had large, muscular forms even bigger than Allie’s mates.

  Tynan and Cael snarled inside Allie’s head at her perusal of the new males, but s
he simply ignored them. They were really going to have to get used to her admiring the eye candy around this place…or learn to stay out of her head.

  “Princes. Princess. Honor to your mating,” the large warriors said in unison.

  One stepped forward. “We beg forgiveness for our former mate’s behavior.”

  Tynan sighed. “It is not your fault. Mate, this is Braden, Jasyn, and Aeron, our chiefs of security and heads of our fighting forces.”

  “You are not to blame for a female you no longer have a connection to,” Cael said.

  “She chose us at her breeching ceremony. It was not long until we realized that it was not an honor to be paired with her. She will never be a true mate to anyone,” Aeron stated.

  “Even though we are the first males that Vanya cast aside, we still feel responsible for her actions in our home. We only wanted a chance to have our own younglings,” Braden growled. “Princess, what you said about a female being unable to conceive…”

  “Yes, it’s true,” Allie said. “I would help her but—”

  “You will not,” Tynan snarled. “You are not to go near that rabid female.”

  “I would help her,” Allie stressed, “but you heard her, she doesn’t want my help.”

  “But if another female was unable to conceive, would you be able to aid her?” Jasyn asked.

  “There is no guarantee, but I would try to help,” Allie assured him.

  “That is all we wished to know,” Braden said. “Blessings to you on your day of birth, Princess. We will see you at tomorrow’s celebration.”

  Allie smiled at him. “Thank you.” The three large men bowed again then took their leave. She turned back to her mates. “What’s going on tomorrow?”

  Cael interrupted Allie. “It is a celebration to honor your day of birth and our new mating. By tomorrow eve, Ryder should also be able to attend.”

  “Come, mate,” Tynan said, glowing eyes burning with intensity. “Let us retire to our suite.”

  “I will join you shortly,” Cael said. He pressed a quick kiss to her lips before he loped off.

  “Where is he going?” Allie asked as she watched him leave.

  “He will be back,” Tynan growled. “Right now I think it is time for us to celebrate in private.”

  Chapter Eight

  Allie walked into the suite holding her mate’s hand. Tynan pulled her to a stop before she could move further into the great room of the suite.

  “Come with me.” Tynan pulled Allie down a hallway she had never been down before. They entered a large bedroom with a huge bed, its own sitting area, and a large balcony off to the side that overlooked the pink sea.

  Allie’s breath caught as she looked around. The room was beautifully decorated in the crimson color of their house, with drapes of material hanging from the ceiling over the bed like out of some fantasy. Large crystals sat on each side of the bed carved into gorgeous sculptures, like dancing flames. Smaller crystals were placed strategically around the room, lighting up the room with their soft glow.

  Where Cael, Tynan, and Ryder’s bedrooms definitely had a masculine feel to it, this new room was a woman’s dream bedroom.


  Tynan let out a husky laugh as he lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss on her knuckles. “This is my gift to you on your day of birth. Until this rising, this room had remained as storage for me and my brothers. As our mate, we needed to give you a place of your own that you will share with us, but still remain a haven for you alone.”

  “Oh, Tynan,” Allie cried out as she threw her arms around his waist. “I love it!”

  Tynan drew her small body close to him and buried his face into her hair. “I am glad that you are pleased with my efforts.”

  “My turn,” Cael announced as he entered behind them, carrying a wooden box. He came over to stand in front of Allie and, to her surprise, dropped down on one knee. He opened the box and held out his hands. In them lay the most beautiful necklace Allie had ever seen. It was an intricate torque made of a deep gold the same color of his eyes. The gold was woven in thin threads around three large red stones that sparkled in the crystal’s light. The gold weaving around the stones made it look like they were held into the necklace by streams of sunlight.

  “These are firestones…very rare and beautiful, just like our mate. I have seen it is customary in your world to wear rings to announce to the world that you belong to someone, but here we gift our mates with a mating torque.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes as she looked down at the piece of jewelry Cael held out to her. “It’s so beautiful,” she breathed.

  Cael stood and moved around to her back. Tynan gathered Allie’s hair gently and raised it so Cael could place the torque around her neck. It fit snugly around her neck, almost like a collar, but to Allie it represented that she belonged to her three mates.

  “You do belong to us,” Cael growled softly before placing a kiss on the back of her neck. The soft press of his lips against her skin made her shiver, and her nipples tightened in reaction.

  Allie’s hand came up to feel the intricate necklace and turned to look around the room. Cael laughed and pointed to a large mirror at the far end of the room. “You may go look if you wish.”

  Both males chuckled as Allie hurried over to the mirror to look at her gift. It truly was a work of art. She turned back to them and gifted them with a brilliant smile. “Thank you. I love it.”

  Cael set the box down on a stone shelf. “There are three gold torques in here for you to place around our necks as well, but I thought we should wait for Ryder to do that.”

  Allie walked back slowly until she was standing in front of Cael. She rose up on her tiptoes but still had to pull his head down to her in order to kiss him.

  She felt how the kiss seared Cael straight through to his soul, just like it did her. He growled into her mouth as he shoved his tongue deep in order to mate with hers.

  Tynan moved in behind Allie and pushed her hair to the side so his mouth could play across his mating mark on her shoulder. He stroked his tongue over her mark and felt it like a caress over his own cock. Unable to stand the barrier between them, Tynan ripped the dress from Allie’s body and knew his brother captured her gasp of surprise.

  Allie’s body went hot. The bite mark was like a new erogenous zone on her body. Feeling Tynan’s tongue stroking over his mark sent jolts of sensation zinging through her body straight down to her clit. Her body jerked as he continued sucking and nipping at his mark. She felt herself shooting closer to climax, but he pulled back before she could come.

  “I need you now, mate,” Tynan growled. “It has been too long since I have felt the pleasure of your body beneath mine.”

  Cael allowed his brother to lift their naked mate and watched as Tynan placed her on the bed. “She is too sore to take in her ass,” he warned.

  “I know it. I can feel her discomfort and would not cause her more,” Tynan growled at Cael. Tynan turned those burning eyes to Allie. “We will let your ass be for now. We will both take you in that tight little pussy and spill our seed inside you.”

  Allie’s pussy clenched in need at his words. She wanted them to take her, both of them. Desire was a tangible thing, flickering over her skin like fire, molten hot. Boldly, she spread her legs wide, allowing her mates to see the proof of her need for them. She was rewarded when both of her mates let out guttural growls as they ripped the clothing off their own bodies.

  Tynan grabbed a bottle of the trela oil and poured some into his hand. He stroked it over his cock as he approached the bed. “I would love to stick my tongue inside that tight hot hole and drink down your sweet release, but I cannot wait, little one. I need you too much.”

  “Then have me,” Allie whispered as she opened her arms to welcome him.

  Tynan moved over her quickly, shoving her thighs wide to allow for his large body. His mouth crushed down on hers as she felt the broad head of his cock at her entrance. Befor
e she could prepare herself, he shoved deep, filling her instantly. She cried out and gripped his biceps in a punishing hold. Her body strained to take him, and she forced the muscles of her pussy to relax around his massive shaft.

  Allie was confused by the mixture of emotions flooding her body. She felt the sharp bite of pain at his abrupt entrance, but she could also feel the combined pleasure of both of them. Through their blood bond, she could sense the acute ecstasy Tynan was feeling being buried deep inside her and the struggle he was having staying still to allow her body to adjust to his large size. Allie allowed their combined pleasure to guide her movements and began rocking her hips to help slide his large cock deeper.

  Tynan growled and used a hand on her hip to try to still her movements. “I felt your pain. Keep still or I will not be able to control myself until you are ready.”

  “I’m ready,” Allie promised. “Move, please. Please move inside of me.”

  Lost, Tynan bent down to kiss her deeply as he began to slowly thrust his cock inside of her, trying to work the rest of his shaft into her. Her body felt like heaven wrapped around him, and he could no longer hold back.

  “Aye, she can take it. Give it to her slow. Shh, love. Let him in. Take his cock inside you,” Cael growled from where he was sitting beside her on the bed.

  Allie turned her head to see Cael was stroking his long, thick cock with his large hand to the same rhythm that Tynan was thrusting inside her. It felt strange to her to have someone watching while another man made love to her, but these males were both her mates, and she knew she would have to get used to this new sharing of their loving.

  “We just want you to feel good, Allison. Enjoy it, love. We will make you feel so good,” Cael crooned as he stroked her cheek.

  “Shit, she is so tight. Relax, little one, and let me in,” Tynan ground out. It was a plea, a demand. Feeling her flesh relax as the trela oil began to work, he started brutally pushing in, forcing inch after inch of his cock inside her, sliding in then pulling back then sliding forward deeper until he was all the way inside her.

  Cael’s eyes were bright with lust as he watched Tynan’s hard cock stroking in and out of Allie’s tight body. “That is it, love. Relax and let Tynan fuck you. He is not going to stop until he spills inside you. Let him in. Show us how much you need us, and let Tynan fuck you with his big cock. It is so hot watching him slide into you. I love watching him fuck you.”


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