When It's Forever (Always Faithful Book 3)

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When It's Forever (Always Faithful Book 3) Page 13

by Leah Atwood

  “Good to meet you.”

  Although relieved the meeting went better than she’d dreamed, her back ached worse, and her stomach cramped. She nudged Jared discreetly, and he caught her hint.

  He pointed to the baggage claim. “Looks like they’ve unloaded the luggage. Let’s grab them and get out of here.”

  While the three guests found their bags, he pulled her aside. “Are you okay?”

  “I think so. Just hurting a lot.”

  “Why don’t we call in something to eat instead of going out as planned?” His brows crinkled, full of concern.

  “I’ll be fine as long as I’m sitting or moving. It’s the standing still that makes it worse.” She sucked in a breath as another pain gripped her. “You promised them local cuisine, and that’s what they’ll get.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jared never imagined he’d attend a baby shower or bridal shower. Weren’t they typically women only events? Yet here he was, decorating for the combined event later this afternoon. At least he had Jase to keep him company while the ladies did their thing.

  Wyatt and Evan were both still on their way from Pennsylvania and Louisiana, unable to leave earlier due to work conflicts. The important thing was they’d be there tomorrow for the wedding along with their wives.

  Sybil came into the living room, her arm cradling her midsection. “When are you going to pick up the chairs?”

  “As soon as I hang these banners Rysa brought.” He stabbed the end of the plastic banner with pink teddy bears printed on it with a thumbtack. “I wonder if she got enough of them.”

  “I heard that,” Rysa called from the kitchen. “If we’re having a party, we’re going all out.”

  He chuckled, moved the stepladder several feet to the right, and hung the other side. “One more to go after this one.”

  “Would you mind going now? I’ll have Cara or Hollie hang the last one.” Sybil flinched and hunched forward.

  “I think we should call the doctor. You’ve been having contractions since yesterday.” Numerous thoughts ran through his mind, but the two at the forefront were how much he hated seeing Sybil in pain, and that it was too early for Brilyn to come.

  “It’s just Braxton Hicks. They’re normal.” She put a finger to her mouth. “Don’t say anything else, please. I don’t want anyone worrying.”

  His gut said otherwise, but Sybil was the woman and knew more about these things. “Okay.”

  “Back to the chairs. Could you get them now?” Impatience quickened her voice, and he passed it off to a pregnancy thing. “I want to make sure we have enough seating with a sensible arrangement.”

  “I’m on it.” He stepped down from the ladder. “They’re in the fellowship hall, right?”

  “Yes. The rear door will be unlocked for you.” She licked her lips then sighed. “I know, I know, I’m worrying too much about the details.”

  “You want everything perfect. There’s a difference.” He kissed her cheek. “I’ll be back soon.”

  “Need help?” Jase appeared out of nowhere.

  Jared almost laughed at the stricken look on his face. “The loading will go faster with two of us.”

  “I owe you big time,” Jase said once they’d left the house.

  “Too much estrogen for you?” Jared glanced at him with a smirk.

  “Just a bit.” Jase chuckled. “I’m all for celebrating big events, but these women don’t do anything halfway, do they?”

  “It’s in their DNA.”

  “I guess we’ll have to go through it all again in several months, minus the bridal shower—” Jase cut himself off abruptly.

  Jared stopped at a red light and looked at him with a sideways glance. “What do you mean we’ll have to go through it all again in several months?”

  “Forget I said anything.”

  “Don’t think so.” He pressed down on the accelerator. “Is Cara pregnant?”

  Jase nodded. “Don’t say a word. She doesn’t want to rain on your and Sybil’s parade.”

  “Are you kidding? This is great.” Pure joy for his sister surged through him. “Sybil will be ecstatic, too. We’ve been struggling with guilt that she got pregnant by accident when you and Cara have wanted a child so badly.”

  “There are no accidents, and I can guarantee you that Cara is thrilled for you guys.” Jase rolled his eyes. “You have no idea how many stores she dragged me around to, searching for baby girl clothes for Brilyn.”

  He thought of all the shopping he’d done with Sybil and offered Jase a sympathetic smile. “I have an inkling.” His phone rang, and he tipped his chin to it. “That’s Mom’s ringtone. Would you mind answering it?”

  Jase picked up the phone. “Hi, Nora. Jared’s still driving.” His eyes widened. “All right. I’ll tell him.” A few nods. “I’ll put him on speaker.”

  “Jared, honey, you have to come home now.” His mom’s tone screamed urgency.

  His chest tightened. “What’s going on.”

  “Sybil’s water broke. We have to get her to the hospital.”

  The brakes screeched. “What? It’s too soon.”

  “Your daughter has her own timetable.” She’d switched to reassuring mom mode. “The girls are packing Sybil’s bags now, and she’s calling her doctor.”

  He turned into the nearest parking lot—thankfully vacant—and his wheels screeched as he circled his car in a quick turn-around. “I’ll be there in five minutes.”

  His hands shook on the steering wheel, and he prayed out loud. “Please keep Sybil and our baby safe.”

  Jase tapped his shoulder. “Why don’t I drive?”

  For the sake of everyone else on the road, Jared agreed. He switched spots with Jase and directed him back to Sybil’s. The truck hadn’t come to a complete stop when he jumped out and ran inside.

  Sybil sat on the sofa, amazingly calm compared to Jared.

  He dropped beside her. “How are you?”

  “A little scared. Dr. Foster is on his way to the hospital, and he assured me thirty-seven weeks is considered full-term and there shouldn’t be any complications.”

  With one arm under her arms, he helped her stand. “Let’s get you to the hospital.”

  “Wait a second.” She touched his arm. “Will you call the chaplain to meet us there? I want to marry you before this baby gets here.”

  “But you’re in labor.”

  “I know, but this is important to me. Please?” She bit down on her lip, silently pleading with him.

  It wasn’t conventional by any means, but what about their relationship had been? If they got married one day early, then so be it. All he wanted was a life with her at his side as his wife and a healthy baby. He made a quick call to the chaplain who conveniently was already at the hospital meeting with a patient.

  “See? It was meant to be.” Sybil gritted her teeth as another contraction hit.

  He scooped her into his arms and carried her to the door, then shouted to the group following behind them. “We’re getting married and having a baby.”

  They met Chaplain Reed in the hospital chapel. Sybil was afraid if they went to labor and delivery first, she’d lose her chance to exchange vows before Brilyn arrived. Mom, Cara, Jase, Rysa, and Hollie arrived minutes behind them.

  His family and friends huddled together in the front two pews.

  Jared stood beside Sybil, keeping his arm around her for physical and emotional support.

  Wearing his Navy uniform, Chaplain Reed opened a small book and read a short passage. Due to the urgent nature, the ceremony was kept short with only a few verses read, then vows exchanged.

  “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The chaplain grinned. “You may now take your wife to have a baby.”

  Their small group in attendance clapped, and Jared kissed Sybil. “I love you, Mrs. Scott.”

  “I love you, too.” She grimaced. “But I think we better hurry upstairs.”

  Thank goodness
they’d dropped off their admission paperwork last week. Once they entered the labor and delivery ward, they were taken directly to a room. Rysa came with them as planned, and to his surprise, Sybil also asked for his mom, who gladly obliged.

  Cara, Jase, and Hollie stayed behind in one of the waiting rooms, calling the shower guests who thought they’d be attending a party in two hours.

  The nurses connected Sybil to several monitors and checked her vitals, along with the baby’s.

  Within ten minutes, Dr. Foster arrived. His familiar face visibly relieved Sybil who’d tensed up once she’d been admitted.

  The doctor examined her, keeping a professional demeanor with a bedside manner that projected confidence and assurance for a safe birth. “Everything looks good, but we don’t have time for an epidural. Someone is anxious to meet her parents face to face.”

  Jared stood by her as she lay on the bed and held her hand. All the breathing exercises they’d practiced flew out the window in the wake of real life. Time blurred for the next half hour as Sybil bravely made it through each contraction that brought their daughter closer to arrival.

  When Dr. Foster announced it was time, nurses scurried to set up for the birth. They brought in a cart with the tools that could be needed, another nurse set up an area to the side of the where the baby would be brought to take her first vitals and given an Apgar score.

  Between contractions, Jared had decked out in scrubs, and stood at her head, holding her and propping her up through each contraction. Mom stood on the other side of the bed, brushing sweat-soaked hair from Sybil’s forehead and whispering soothing affirmations. Rysa stood beside her, following Mom’s lead and holding Sybil’s hand.

  Before he knew it, a crying newborn was laid on Sybil’s chest.

  Emotions flooded over him, and he blinked back tears. He was a dad to this teeny tiny little girl with a shock of dark brown hair like her mom.

  “She’s beautiful.” He tore his eyes from his daughter to look at Sybil. “You did it, Momma. Our little girl is here, safe and sound.”

  “She’s perfect,” Sybil choked out through tears. “Absolutely perfect.”


  “Are you ready to go home, Brilyn Adele Scott?” Sybil leaned over the hospital bassinet and stroked her daughter’s smooth cheek.

  A soft mew answered her.

  When she touched her daughter’s translucent hand, Brilyn wrapped it around her mom’s finger.

  Sybil’s heart expanded with a love she didn’t know possible. Her daughter was only two days old but had already captured her parent’s hearts. Though she’d burst into this world in a fury, she’d been a docile baby, happily nursing without issue and sleeping as well as a newborn could.

  The hospital door opened and Jared entered. “I have the car seat.”

  He set the car seat on a chair then walked to the bassinet and cooed at Brilyn. “Did you miss your daddy? I know, ten minutes is too long to be away from you.”

  Biting back her laughter, Sybil stood by Jared. Only a baby could turn a stoic, grown man into a babbling mess, but she loved him even more for his devotion to their daughter. “I’ll change her into her going home outfit now. I wanted to wait until the last minute so she wouldn’t spit up on it.”

  “Do you need help?” Bending over, he kissed Brilyn’s forehead.

  “I’ve got it. She’s not too squirmy yet.” She’d laid out the outfit while Jared was outside, and now she picked up the doll-sized pink fleece dress that came with matching slippers.

  Jared had removed her sleeper and stuck it in the small suitcase. “Are you nervous about taking her home?”

  “A little,” she confessed. “I’m glad your mom agreed to stay for an extra week.”

  “It didn’t take a lot of convincing.” Jared chuckled. “At the first mention of extra time with her granddaughter, she was on board.”

  She supported Brilyn’s neck and slipped the dress over her head. “Did you tell her she doesn’t have to stay at your house?”

  “Many times, but she wants to give us time alone to adjust as a family.”

  Finished dressing her, Sybil scooped Brilyn into her arms. “Too bad Cara and Jase can’t stay longer.”

  “I know, but soon, we’ll see them all the time.”

  “I can’t believe it’s only been three days since I met them.” She snuggled Brilyn close to her. “So much has happened in that time.”

  Jared grinned. “Well, yeah, you got married, and had a baby.”

  “Best two days of my life.”

  Grabbing a camera from her bag, he directed her to the wall. “Stand over there so I can get a picture of her with you before we strap her in.”

  She moved to the only clear spot on the wall and positioned Brilyn to face the camera. Sybil smiled, wondering how she’d ever lived without this joy in her life.

  Holding the camera to his face, Jared adjusted the settings. “Say cheese.”


  He snapped several photos, then set down the camera. “Trade places?”

  “Here’s Daddy.” She carefully handed over Brilyn, who looked even smaller in Jared’s arms, then picked up the camera.

  The photo session didn’t end once she’d taken pictures of Jared and Brilyn. After they strapped her in the car seat, they each took another round of photos. She wanted all the memories possible of her sweet little girl.

  On the way out, they stopped at the nurses’ station where they had to have the car seat inspected and ensure they had Brilyn strapped in correctly. Once they got the stamp of approval, they were officially discharged to take their child home and start their life.

  Jared had parked his truck in the patient discharge lot, right at the front of the hospital. He handed her the car seat, then opened the back door. Their hands brushed when he took the car seat back, and a warm shiver passed through her.

  “Our sweet Brilyn.” She tore her eyes from their daughter. “Funny, how we didn’t know when we chose her name that it also meant noble.”

  Jared’s arm slipped around her as they stared at Brilyn. “My prayer for her is that she grows up to know she’s a child of the King.”

  “Amen.” She lifted her head to the sky with a heart full of gratitude. “Thank You for adopting me as Your child and giving the gift of my new forever.”


  Seven Months Later

  Jared stretched his arms, preparing for the long drive home. An hour of driving used to fly by, but when he’d been gone from his wife and daughter all day, it seemed interminable. The day hadn’t been a waste though. He’d enrolled for classes and was an official college student—a decade past the typical freshman.

  Fortunately, he’d be able to take the majority of his classes online, which would save him hours a week in commute time and allow him more time with his family. Taking advantage of an accelerated program, he’d have an agricultural degree in three years. In the meantime, he’d work with the ranch foreman and business manager to learn the business.

  The drive home invigorated him, and when he pulled into the outskirts of Weatherton, he envisioned his ancestors making the same trip, but with wagons and horses instead of a four-wheel-drive crew-cab truck.

  This land had a history, a mix of good and bad. If it could talk, it would tell illustrious stories of love and heartache. Life and death. Falls from grace and tales of redemption.

  The ranch gave him roots, a place to settle down and call home. It gave Sybil stability and a legacy to carry on—an overdue ache, stemming from her childhood, fulfilled.

  His journey home had come with a price. He’d had to be broken from the inside out to find what he searched for. A chill passed over him, and he glanced up, imagining Mike smiling down at him from heaven.

  Life was hard but beautiful in its intricacies. He’d seen the far ends of the spectrum, from the ugliest side of depravity to the miracle of birth. And through it all, he’d found peace from a God who was always faithful.

p; Letter from the Author

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for joining the Always Faithful ride. I can’t believe that after years of tossing the series around in my head, that’s it’s over now, but my prayer is that the characters and the lessons they learned will stick with you and touch you beyond your time of reading.

  While Jared and Sybil have a happy ending, I know that doesn’t always happen in real life. Life is hard, messy, and ugly at times. People are flawed and will let you down. As in Rysa’s case, the church will, as well, at times, because it’s made of humans who are imperfect.

  But through it all, we have a Savior who will never fail us. Who loves us and wants a relationship with us. No matter what you have done, where you have been, or what you think, He loves you and wants you as his child. He is a merciful God who fiercely loves us.

  I can’t think of a better way to sign off this series than with Lamentations. Lamentations 3:22-23 (NASB)

  The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.

  He is faithful! In your good times and in your darkest hours, cling to that truth and morning by morning, experience His everlasting goodness.

  Until next time,


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  Other Available Titles

  Contemporary Romances

  Come to Me Series

  Come to Me Alive

  Come to Me Free

  Come to Me Again

  Come to Me Joyful (Bonus Novella)

  Modern Conveniences Series

  Love In a Fix

  Calling Love

  Lost in Love

  Waiting on Love (Bonus Novella)

  Always Faithful Series


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