Timeless Mist

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Timeless Mist Page 30

by Terisa Wilcox

  "Wait? Nay, there is nay time to wait. I must get to her."

  Morag rose from her chair and put a restraining hand on him. "Ye must make some preparations first, laird. I ha'e a few things to tell ye before ye head off to parts unknown."

  "Like what? I need know nothing more than 'tis possible to accomplish it."

  "I think ye must needs know a few things more than that." She grabbed a satchel from the corner, "come, we must go speak wi' your màthair."

  "My màthair? Why?"

  "Because she can tell ye things ye will need to know."

  "Oh. Verra well, then, let's be off. I doonae wish to waste another moment."

  Morag chuckled warmly and led the way back to the keep.

  * * *

  Kris strolled contentedly through the field behind the keep. It was a beautiful, sunny day and the exercise would do her good. She had no destination in mind, she simply wandered, stopping now and then to pick a wildflower or two.

  She glanced behind her, surprised by how far from the keep she'd walked. She glanced in the other direction and was startled to see a forest in front of her. She hadn't realized she'd walked that far. Of course she'd seen the woods from the keep, but they'd seemed a fair distance away. She should be heading back soon, otherwise Hailey, Aleksa and Brian would be sending out a posse to look for her.

  She smiled to herself. She'd had to get away from them for some peace and quiet. Some alone time. They were well meaning, but ever since they'd found out she was pregnant, they'd been more than insistent that she not do anything to strenuous. If she heard one more time not to over-do it, she was going to scream.

  The sound of a horse behind her made her turn to look. She assumed somebody else was taking advantage of the unseasonably warm fall day. She opened her mouth to call out a greeting when she looked at the rider on the huge black horse.

  Her head spun, she swore she saw stars and suddenly, the ground came up to meet her.

  She put her hand to her head, certain she was imagining things. She tried to sit up, and was helped in that feat by a pair of hands. She looked up. "Iain," she whispered.

  "Aye lass, in the flesh." He said, flashing her a grin.

  Kris closed her eyes. "I'm dreaming aren't I?" She looked at him again, "I'm hallucinating, I know it. You cannot really be here. This is impossible."

  "Nay, lass, this is Scotland. And here anything is possible."

  Kris closed her eyes and willed the lightheadedness to pass. She would not faint. Not now.

  "It's really you." She whispered.

  Iain nodded.

  Kris reached out a hand to touch his face, afraid that it would disappear when she tried. When it didn't, she threw her arms around him and just held him. "It's really you," she repeated, clinging to him. "You're really here."

  "Aye, lass, 'tis really I. We must get ye to the keep." He said, concern coloring his voice. "Ye look verra pale." He pulled away and looked and looked at her, his brow furrowed.

  She nodded dumbly, still not believing her eyes and ears.

  "Are ye all right? Can ye stand?"

  "I…I think so." She shook her head, still unsure whether to believe it or not. "You're really here aren't you?"

  Iain smiled at her, a smile full of warmth and love, "aye, love, I'm really here."

  "Tell me how."

  "We should get ye inside first."

  Kris shook her head. "I refuse to move from this spot until you tell me how you got here."

  "Stubborn bit of baggage." Iain laughed, but finally agreed. He sat on the grass and told her about his visit with Morag. He explained how he'd felt when she'd disappeared and how he'd realized his life meant nothing if he couldn't share it with her.

  He told her how he'd gone to his màthair and put the entire tale to her. "She bid me wish ye a happy hello and gi'e ye a kiss from her. I ha'e a gift or two from her and Elsbeth in my saddlebags."

  "Kiss me." Kris said.

  Iain looked at her, startled.

  "Prove to me that you're real and you're really here, kiss me."

  He smiled, "with pleasure, lass." Crushing her to him, he pressed his mouth against hers. His kiss devoured her lips and she welcomed it, thrilled to it. Blood pounded in her brain, leapt from her heart and made her tremble with desire.

  Iain undressed her slowly, and they made love in the sweet smelling grass.

  * * *

  Much later, as they walked hand in hand back to the keep, Iain explained to her that he'd left Raibert in charge until Devyn was old enough and had enough training to take over. His màthair had given him her blessing and well wishes. Of course she had cried, but she hadn't begrudged him his happiness nor Kris hers.

  Kris stopped him with a gentle tug on his hand. "I have some news for you," she paused, "dad."

  She waited in silence, barely able to contain herself. She saw the import of her words sink in and stick. With a whoop Iain lifted her high in the air, twirling her around. Then he caught himself and set her gently back on her feet.

  "I shouldnae be tossing ye about like that. What if I hurt the babe?"

  "You won't. If what we just did in that field didn't hurt him, nothing will."

  "Ah, lass, I cannae tell ye how happy ye ha'e made me."

  "You make me happy too, Iain. I thought my life would be empty. Oh, I'd have the baby to fill up my days, but it's not the same as having his father with me, to help me raise him or her." She looked at him, a hand on his cheek, "I love you Iain."

  "I love ye too, Kristianna Campbell-MacGregor." And he kissed her again.

  How long the kiss lasted, Kris wasn't sure, but a sudden thought made her break the kiss.

  Iain looked at her, a question furrowing his brow.

  "Iain, how are we going to live? I mean you know how to do a lot, but it's not like it used to be you know. You can't earn your bread by your sword or by stealing cattle and stuff like that."

  Iain stopped her babbling with a kiss. "'Tis all seen too, lass, ye ha'e nothing to worry about. I had a verra long chat wi' my màthair before I made this venture. Her instructions to me for ye were as follows," he straightened and looked at her very seriously, "ye and I are too live happily e'er after. She says to live out your own Cinderella story and make it all come true."

  Kris felt tears burn her eyes. She kissed Iain with everything she had in her.

  When she finally came up for air, she wrapped her arms around his neck, "I love you Iain MacGregor."

  "And I love ye more, Mrs. MacGregor." He kissed her nose. "Shall we go start our happily e'er after."

  Kris nodded, took his hand and grinned. "Indeed we shall, my love, indeed we shall."





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