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Portal Page 8

by Sydney Morgann

  Tal's erection jumped at the sight of the erect nipples visible through her shirt and the skimpy panties that barely covered the hair of her pubic mound. His testicles throbbed as she spread her legs and stood defiantly waiting for him to move.

  “Well?” she rasped. Her body language made it clear she didn't want to remove the rest of her clothes.

  Tal stepped closer until his erection thrust into her belly. His face angled down toward hers until their noses almost touched. “This ship won't move until we do,” he said in a voice raw with need.

  He reached up, grasped the straps on her shirt and yanked them down over her arms. He followed the shirt down, pulling it over her hips. His hands grasped the waistband of her panties then continued to pull both garments down her legs, his mouth trailing over her exposed skin as he went.

  Cea's nipples became even harder, to the point of pain, as his mouth trailed down her belly. Her mouth opened and gasped for air. Her hands reached out to entangle in his hair. All thoughts of Malcolm and Penny were forgotten. She threw back her head and groaned when his mouth and tongue found the cleft of her vagina and slipped into its moist, hot recesses.

  Tal grasped both buttocks and pulled her even harder against his mouth. His tongue teased and licked the swollen clitoris that throbbed at every touch, before moving deeper inside her.

  Her hips thrust forward and pressed harder against his mouth, wanting him to devour her, possess her. Her fingers tightened in his hair.

  Slowly, Tal's hands slid upwards over her hips then her waist until they cupped her breasts. His thumbs ran over hardened nipples, flicking then massaging. When her body began to shake, Tal slid his hands to her waist and gently pulled her down.

  Like liquid silver, Cea slid down his body until she knelt, face-to-face with him. Her hands clasped his neck and pulled him toward her, mouth seeking mouth, tongue seeking tongue. When his mouth closed over hers, Cea's arms snaked around his neck even more tightly while her lips played over his.

  Tal held her firmly around the waist, pressing her bare breasts into the hair on his chest and thrusting his erection forcefully against her belly. With a groan, he eased her back until she lay under him. His hands played over her body, seeking, exploring, tantalizing, until a hand came to rest on her pubic mound. He massaged the coarse hair against his palm then slid his fingers down between her legs, seeking the hot, moist opening he longed to enter.

  Their mouths broke contact. With a gasp, Cea threw her head back and thrust her breasts upward until Tal's mouth closed over a taut nipple. Another deeper groan escaped her lips when his tongue snaked out and flicked the nipple before his mouth clamped over it again. All the while, his fingers played, teased, drove into her.

  Her hips thrust upward, meeting and seeking to drive his fingers more deeply.

  With a ravenous moan, Tal's mouth released her breast. His hands grasped her hips as he positioned his body between her wide-spread legs. He lifted her pelvis and pressed his erection against her vagina until the lips spread and hungrily enveloped the tip. Her hips thrust harder, seeking more of him. Tal paused then plunged until he was buried deep inside.

  Cea's arms were over her head, fingers scrabbling on the floor in ecstasy.

  Tal eased down on her body, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and burying his face into her neck. His lips and tongue teased her earlobe and neck to the same rhythm as the thrust of his hips, agonizingly slow and powerful. One hand snaked down to massage her breast while his mouth sought hers again.

  Tongue met tongue. Their oral play picked up speed as their pelvises met, faster and faster. Tal's fingers sought and clasped a nipple.

  Sweat slicked their bodies as their gasps of pleasure came on top of one another. At last, both gave one last thrust, their hips grinding into each other, locked together.

  A guttural groan erupted from Tal's mouth as Cea trembled against him. Like a wave of red hot lava, their orgasms washed over them, leaving them both shuddering against one another. As the waves of pleasure weakened and finally receded, they collapsed, wet and panting, against each other.

  When he could speak again, Tal raised his head to stare into the clear blue eyes gazing back at him with a mixture of wonder and shock. “If this is the way you plan to kill me, then I'm ready any time you are,” he whispered.

  The wonder faded from her eyes and was quickly replaced with anger. “Get off me, you bastard. I did what I was forced to do, but don't expect it again,” she hissed.

  Pain replaced the soft intimate look in Tal's eyes. “That was a pretty good imitation of a passionate woman enjoying herself, if you ask me. Too good to be an act.”

  Cea's reached up and pushed against his shoulders. “I said get off of me. I've done what you wanted, now let me get back to my work.”

  Tal rolled off her and sat up. “Okay, Captain. Whatever you say.”

  Cea sprung off the floor and reached for her clothing. Her anger clearing almost as fast as it had appeared, she noticed Penny sitting in the captain's chair, watching the two of them. A broad grin covered the alien's flushed face.

  “What are you staring at? You were doing it, too!” Cea snapped, picking up her suit and hurriedly pulling it on without bothering with her under things.

  “Wow,” Penny breathed. “That was something to watch.” Her face flushed a deeper shade of pink. “I mean, Malcolm and I...” she nodded at Malcolm's nude form as he bent over the controls of the ship, ignoring the others as he worked. “...we can get it on, honey, but you two! Wow!”

  Tal pulled his suit back on and calmly asked, “How long did you watch, agent?”

  “Long enough to know Mal and I need to experiment some more.” She smirked.

  “Did the alien device work?” Cea asked, waving at Penny to get out of the captain's chair.

  As soon as Penny vacated, Cea reclaimed her chair then scanned the data on the screen in front of her. “It better have,” she murmured, her cheeks flaming.

  “It did,” Penny said, finally donning her own suit. “About fifteen minutes ago, not that you two would've noticed.” She laughed then went to stand behind Malcolm, resting her hands on his shoulders. “We almost missed it, too, in the heat of the moment. Didn't we, lover?” She leaned over to nuzzle Malcolm's ear.

  “Even I was temporarily distracted,” he answered. “With the energy the four of us were generating, the ship managed to take us to the next star system.” He checked his screen then looked over at Tal. “We're on the farthest side of that system, too. Amazing.” He checked out the still glowing and throbbing device. “Truly amazing that the technology even works in the first place.”

  Tal chuckled. “If all that effort we put out didn't get it working then nothing would.” He leaned over Cea's shoulder to check the screen. “Where the hell are we, exactly? And, is there a planet with fueling and repair capabilities?”

  “There better damned well be, because I'm not doing that again,” Cea snapped, glaring at Penny's grin.

  “Captain, were you thinking of repairs and fuel when you engaged in intercourse with Agent English?” Malcolm asked with a tilt of his head. “You know it is the captain's desire the artifact responds to, so...”

  “I don't know what the hell I was thinking of when we ... uh ... when we ...” Cea stammered. “You have the navigational charts. Where the hell are we?” she growled before shifting her gaze back to the view screen to stare out into space.

  “Oh, I know precisely where we're at, Captain. I was just curious to see if our theory was right, is all,” Malcolm responded in a dry, modulated voice. “We're coming into orbit around a very nasty, little-known machine planet called Ratland.” He consulted the data banks, then added, “Manmade, polluted, over-populated, but it does indeed offer repair and fueling services.”

  “Make ready to land, Malcolm,” Tal ordered, ignoring the nasty look Cea shot at him. “Weapons, armed and ready.” He scanned the immediate area for any defense ships. “Just in case someone decides to
keep us from landing.”

  “Good idea. The sooner I can get rid of you, the better,” Cea replied, her voice trembling.

  Chapter Nine

  Thick noxious, yellowish air made movement through the crowds packing the narrow streets of the inner city even harder for those without protection. Tal noted that almost everyone wore filter masks like the ones he insisted he and Cea carry when they left the ship. As a result, conversation was badly impaired. His words sounded muffled and slurred. “Malcolm says there's a repair shop that can handle our needs a couple of blocks from here.” He pointed to the right.

  Cea nodded and moved through the crowds like a hot knife through butter. She trailed Tal, who headed straight for the dilapidated shop, a sign proclaiming its services above a rusty metal entrance. They pushed through the door then made their way toward a large bald man who noticeably recoiled at Tal's entrance.

  The man pushed his thick arms off the counter then crossed them across a massive chest, which strained against a dirty red shirt. “What the hell do you want, English?” he growled. A gold earring dangling from a mutilated ear rattled in sync with his words.

  Tal pulled off his mask and approached the counter. “Well, well, well. I wondered what rock you hid under, Crank. Now I know.” Cea took up a position behind him. “Last time I heard, you were wanted for murder back on Argo.”

  Crank scowled. “You ain't got no jurisdiction here, English. In fact, you might just find your ass in some real trouble if you try to play cop here.”

  “I'm not here as a cop. I'm here as a customer.” Tal scowled back at the grubby man. “I need hull skin; enough for a large job.”

  The man's arms dropped and his small eyes gleamed. “Cash? You got cash? That speaks loud here, man.” A twisted smile curled his mouth.

  “Yeah, cash. If you've got what I need.” Tal's face remained fixed and rigid.

  Crank's eyes fixated on Cea's slim body as she stood quietly behind Tal. She watched him with suspicion. When his gaze consumed her breasts, her chin came up and her eyes flashed a warning that he chose to ignore.

  “Who's the whore?” Crank asked, running his gaze up and down her body. “Nice tits.” He smirked at the bands of crossed silver that barely contained her breasts. “She for sale? Now, I'd be willing to throw in quite a bit more for a piece of ass like her.”

  Cea's hand slid down to her belt and rested on the small stun gun hidden there. “Big man, small dick,” she snapped. “And even smaller brain.”

  Crank's hands gripped the counter then relaxed when he noticed the weapon in Tal's hands; the one aimed at his head. “She's the captain of the ship and you will show some respect, asshole.” Tal's voice was calm and even.

  The big man's scarred face paled, and he held up his hands. “Okay, okay, I was just makin’ nice with the lady. I didn't mean no harm.”

  The laser in Tal's hand didn't move. “Good. Now, deliver the hull skin to space dock twelve in one hour. If you don't, I'll come looking for you, and I won't act like a cop. You got that, Crank?”

  Tal threw some cash down on the counter, holstered the laser then turned and took Cea's arm. “Come on, we have people to see before we leave.”

  Cea resisted the tug on her arm, pulled out the tiny stun gun and blasted Crank in the chest with it. His head sank to the counter, his body twitching, but still holding him upright. Cea shrugged off Tal's arm and leaned down to peer into Crank's alert eyes. “That's for calling me a whore. Next time, you'll think about the difference between the scabs you fuck and a woman with class, won't you, pea brain?” She turned and stalked out the door. A laughing Tal followed her.

  When Tal caught up with her on the street, filter mask in place once again, he shouldered his way to her side and glanced down as she pushed through the crowds. “I warned you about dressing to impress here. Only weapons accomplish that.” He chuckled. “Besides, I don't blame the man. A woman like you doesn't show up here too often.”

  Cea stopped and pointed the stun gun at his face. Her thumb twitched on the setting trigger. “This thing may be small, but it can kill. Don't ever think something smaller than you can't be deadly,” she hissed then turned and began walking again.

  “Remind me never to piss you off,” he commented. Her set jaw and flashing eyes blazed a path through the crowds.

  “Too late,” she snapped, leading the way back toward the space docks. “You always piss me off, English.” She turned toward the Europa's loading bay. “Remember that, and you might live a little longer.”

  Tal escorted her without speaking until they reached the safety of the ship. At the base of the entry ramp, he stopped while she continued up. “Stay with the ship. I'll be back later. Don't let anyone in here.” He turned back toward the street.

  “Where are you going? Shouldn't you be helping with the repairs? Malcolm can't fuel up and do those at the same time. I want to get off this filthy place as soon as possible.” Cea stood poised at the entry door.

  Tal stopped and glanced over his shoulder. “I have to check in with the local cops. I want to see if there are any new reports on Crowe's whereabouts.” Without waiting for her comments, he turned and disappeared into the milling hordes of people streaming past the gate to the bay.

  Malcolm appeared from the back of the ship and stared at his captain. “Don't worry. He'll be back,” he said, noting the concerned look on her face.

  “I don't care if the bastard ever comes back. I hate him,” she snapped before disappearing inside the ship.

  Penny's voice wafted from behind the ship. “Yeah, right, and I'm the Empress Amadala.” A deep belly laugh followed.

  Chapter Ten

  The narrow side street Tal walked down was dark and crowded with heaps of reeking garbage. There were no signs of life other than some small rodent-like creatures with the heads of a viper and the warped bodies of a kangaroo. They hopped between piles of trash before ducking inside them to rummage around. When he came too close, they bared wicked, curved fangs and razor sharp claws. He made his way with caution, alert to every sound.

  The door he sought was at the end of the street, chalky blue and warped from ages of erosion.

  When he reached the entrance, he banged on it, causing the rat-like creatures to disappear. Soon, the door opened, and a tall, younger man with wild red hair and an eye patch peered out at him. “What the hell you want, mate? This ain't no fuckin’ bar or junk shop. Go away.”

  The door began to close. Tal's arm shot out to stop it. “I'm not here to sell; I'm here to buy. Will gold griffons do?”

  The redhead stopped pushing against the door and grinned. “Why didn't you say so in the first place! Hurry! Before someone sees you.” He grabbed Tal and pulled him through.

  The man slammed the door shut then dropped a heavy steel bar across it. “Too many eyes and ears in this place,” he added before turning back toward Tal. “Simon sent you?”

  “No, Jeffers. I need to report and to get some information,” Tal responded.

  “Come with me.” The man waved a hand for Tal to follow and moved into the dark interior of the small room.

  A click then a door opened in the back wall, revealing a well-lit back room filled with the sound of several people talking. Tal stepped through the door and swept his gaze over the computerized stations where police monitored and scanned incoming and outgoing radio relays.

  The redhead beckoned to him from the far side of the room where he stood in an open door to the only office. When Tal passed him, the redhead nodded, stepped out and shut the door behind him.

  The aging blonde man who sat behind the desk smiled when Tal entered. “I'll be a son of a whore! Tal English! What the hell you doing here?” The man stood and came forward with a hand outstretched.

  Tal shook the hand and smiled back. “On the job, Sebastian, as usual. I just came in on a small ship called the Europa. It's a nice ship, but I figured I'd wait to send a report until I hit land and a secure office. That's why I came here as soon
as I could. I've been out of touch with base for too long, now. I need to report and get some updates on my quarry.”

  “Sit down.” Sebastian nodded at a big leather chair in front of the desk. He eased back down into an even larger chair across from Tal's. “I'll punch up base and see what's happening.” His fingers flew over the console built into a module to his right. “Lately we've been so busy with ships being attacked in this quadrant that I forget to report in myself.”

  “I have to leave in a couple of hours, so I figured I'd better get this done right away,” Tal commented while inspecting the cramped office. “They really did stick you in the asshole of the galaxy, didn't they?”

  Sebastian continued to type. “Yeah, that job you and I did on Rigel really pissed off somebody big. They sent me here, and you undercover again.” He raised his face for a moment and grinned. “I think you got the worst of it, old buddy.” He chuckled.

  Tal laughed with him. “I never did find out why somebody higher up didn't want a gang of thugs who stole museum displays caught. It never made sense to me.” Tal shook his head. “But, somebody didn't like it. As you say, I was sent out again and you ended up here, so the two of us couldn't stir a pot again.”

  “Who knows what the hell those government jerks are doing? I know I...” Sebastian stopped and stared at the screen in front of him. “Holy shit!”

  “What is it?” Tal asked, instantly alerted by the look on his ex-partner's face.

  Sebastian pushed back from the screen, his eyes, filled with questions, boring into Tal's. “HQ issued an intergalactic order for your death, Tal. Why? What did you do that warrants siccing every bounty hunter in the galaxy on your tail? Not to mention every cop?”

  “What? There must be some mistake,” Tal shouted, jumping out of his chair. “Is this one of your jokes? If it is, it's not funny.”

  “Sit down,” Sebastian ordered, his hand moved toward a button under his desk. “Sit down and explain, or I'll be forced to do something I really don't want to do, old friend.”


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