Katrina, The Beginning

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Katrina, The Beginning Page 7

by Elizabeth Loraine


  The rhythm of the horse’s hooves clopping along the rocky shoreline and the sound of the river calmed me and made me sleepy. It seemed as if months had passed since I’d felt this relaxed. My mind wandered and I wondered about Damien; where would he go? What had he meant by “I’ll find you”? That’s what he had said; “I’ll find you in the New World.” The New World. In all the commotion, no one else had even mentioned the subject since we arrived. Maybe now I could ask Father if the Council would discuss it before they disbanded. Up ahead, I could hear the gate hinges squealing. The news of our return quickly spread though the palace compound and we found ourselves surrounded by family and well-wishers when we entered.

  “I hope you were successful, my Lord,” the Captain of the guard greeted us.

  “We were indeed.” Father dismounted and handed his reigns to the stable boy.

  “There is news my Lord. The Lady Luena killed two guards and has escaped. And her brother Damien is also missing. Even his Watcher doesn’t know his whereabouts. We made a search, but found no sign of either of them.”

  The news about Luena was disturbing; of course I already knew Damien had left. I hoped he was truly free of her, but I couldn’t be sure they weren’t traveling together. Regardless, what he had said about her was surely true: she was evil.

  “Well, inform all the delegates, so they can be on the watch for her and Damien.”

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  “We’ll have to question Damien’s Watcher about the fledglings, so make sure he doesn’t disappear.” The Captain blanched, recognizing the threat implicit in my father’s words, bowed and took his leave.

  “I’m going to get cleaned up and check on the girls.”

  “That’s a good idea, Katrina. I’ll join you shortly. I need to inform the others of the news of the day.”

  “Of course, Father.”

  Together with Thomas and Simon, I walked to Father’s quarters.

  “Katrina!” exclaimed Eleanor, rushing to me. “Rosalinda, Arletta - Katrina’s back. Oh, Katrina, you smell.” She backed away grimacing.

  “Thanks, Eleanor.”

  Rosalinda and Arletta came rushing out of their rooms.

  “Did you kill them all?” Arletta said, her Spanish accent sharpened by anger.

  “That’s ladylike,” I laughed. “And yes, we killed them all.”

  “Tell us everything, Katrina,” Rosa demanded.

  “Yes everything,” the other two chimed in.

  “Can I at least get cleaned up first?”

  “Good idea. You do stink,” Rosa held her nose.


  Sarah, of course, had already prepared a bath for me. She was the perfect handmaiden, always a step ahead of my actual need. The girls told me she was downstairs preparing lunch, and as soon as the word lunch was uttered, I realized I was starving. Rosa helped me take off my boots. Eleanor put my sword away, and Arletta tried to unbraid my hair, while she was working, told us all the news, such as who had arrived, and gossip of the day. It was relaxing and just what we needed; some normalcy. I sank deep into the warm water, held my nose and slid completely under. When I came back up, Sarah was there with a full glass of Crimson.

  “Here, drink this; it’ll give you some energy.”

  “Thank you, Sarah. What would I do without you?”

  “I don’t know, and I’m not going to let you find out. There’s no getting rid of me now.”

  I finished off the Crimson and Sarah took the glass from my hand and replaced it with a bar of soap. She washed my hair while I gave a detailed accounting of the battle. I left out the part about Damien; that memory was mine alone.

  The girls hung on every word and when I was finished Rosa pledged, “I swear this is the last time you’re going into battle without me.”

  “Or us,” Letta said, and El agreed with equal determination.

  “I wish I could have been there with you,” continued Rosa as if the other two had not spoken.

  I hadn’t spent much time with my roommates, but I had a feeling we were going to be great friends.

  “We’ve decided something, Katrina,” Rosa was matter-of-fact. The other two looked at me and nodded in agreement.

  “We have neglected to train as hard as you have. Oh, we learned our languages, our history, rules, manners, and so on. But our battle skills - swordplay, strategy, and the development of each of our special gifts - are sorely lacking.”

  “And…?” I prompted.

  “We want to train with you, if it’s allowed and if you consent. The three of us want to stay with you after our fathers go home,” Letta looked at me closely, trying to gauge my reaction.

  “Well, say something, Kat,” El urged, “What do you think?”

  “I think it would be fantastic!” “And…?” I prompted.

  “We want to train with you, if it’s allowed and if you consent.

  The three of us want to stay with you after our fathers go home,” Letta looked at me closely, trying to gauge my reaction.

  “Well, say something, Kat,” El urged, “What do you think?”

  “I think it would be fantastic!”

  They jumped up and hugged each other, then trotted over to the tub. I gave them a splash of water, they squealed, and we all laughed. After all the killing, it felt good to do something childish.

  “All right, all right,” scolded Sarah. “Stop making a big mess for me. Shoo, you three. Let me get her out of the tub and dressed.”

  The girls left reluctantly. I hoped they could convince their fathers, and I knew my father would have no objection to the plan. After all, he always saying I spent too much time alone. I guess he didn’t count Sarah or Quinn. “Quinn! What was I going to do about him?” I sighed, and Sarah helped me into a simple sky blue dress, combed my hair out with scented oils, and then deemed me fit to join the others for lunch. Father had returned after washing off the same sort of blood and grime I’d just soaked off of myself. He was now changed and joined us for lunch. The girls each gave me a look, with it urging me to ask Father about the plan for them to accompany my father and I home in order to train with me.


  “Yes, Katrina?”

  “The girls and I want your permission for something. We want to ask their fathers if they may accompany us to Mormont. They’d like to stay with me, so we can all train together.”

  “Is that right?” He paused as he thought it over. “Well, I think it’s a fine idea. If you want, I’ll speak with all your fathers myself.”

  “Oh yes, yes, would you?” they all exclaimed, while clapping their hands.

  “Thank you, Father.” I went to him and gave him a big hug. He patted my arm and when I sat down he gave me a wink.

  “I have news. I’ve decided a celebration is in order. We have much to be thankful for. You girls are safe, and we have averted a great threat to all our people - indeed to everyone on the continent. We shall plan a dinner and a ball.”

  We hooted, laughed and hugged one another and Father responded with a belly laugh.

  “Is this what I have to look forward to?” he laughed again.

  As we finished our lunch, we asked Father if we could move back to our original accommodations, he agreed. We wanted to see each other’s gowns and stay up all night and gossip. As none of us had siblings, not to mention sisters, and we were really looking forward to having each other’s company.

  Back in our quarters, we shook off all bad memories surrounding the place by staging a fashion show. Each of us would be modeling a gown she hoped to wear to the coming celebration. Rosa and Letta, being blessed with beautiful olive skin, looked wonderful in any color. Rosa settled on a copper-colored silk and for Letta a gorgeous tangerine, both finished off their look with gold slippers. As for El and me, we were blessed with the palest of skin, had long legs and comely figures. Everyone agreed gold silk was right for me; and teal looked lovely with El’s blue eyes and light hair. El had
matching teal slippers; I decided to go with matching gold ones.

  We oohed and aahed over each other’s jewelry and decided we would all wear our hair up tonight. After all these important decisions had been made, Sarah demanded we rest before dinner. After everything that had happened, it was natural to feel uneasy about being alone in our rooms, so we paired up; El and I in my room, Rosa and Letta in Rosa’s.

  We eased into my welcoming bed. I sighed as the down comforter enfolded my body and I began to relax. I had just closed my eyes when I heard El’s whispered question, “Did you hear Luena had turned her Watcher?”

  “Yes, and I saw him up close this morning,” I whispered back, my eyes still closed.

  “I wonder if she was sleeping with him. Do you think so, Kat?”

  “I don’t know, but I wouldn’t put it past her.” I snuggled down into my pillow.

  “What about you, Kat?”

  I wasn’t going to get any rest, was I?

  “What do you mean, El?”

  “Well, would you ever sleep with one of your Watchers? All of yours are so handsome.”

  This got my eyes open. I turned towards her, propped my head up on my elbow and studied her for a moment. Could I trust her? Yes, I decided, I was sure I could.

  “Yes,” I responded with conviction.

  “Really? Which one?”

  “Quinn.” Then I told her our whole story.

  “Kat, that’s so romantic! I wish I had a secret someone,” she sighed again.

  “This is all between us for now, agreed?”

  “Of course, Kat. I’m so glad you trusted me with your secret. We’re going to be the best of friends, all of us.”

  I had grown up with no female companions except for Sarah, but being surrounded by my Father, Quinn and his brothers, had made me strong and independent. Gunter had honed my fighting skills and successive tutors had seen to my education and smoothed off my rough edges. But as close as Sarah and I were, it was not the same as having a sister. It’s strange how things turn out; I had always wished that I had a sister, and now I had three. I felt drawn to them, and knew somehow, our bond was more than just a friendship.

  Just weeks ago my future was unsure, and now I realized just how quickly everything could change.

  “Now can we get some rest?” I burrowed back into my comforter and closed my eyes. I lay there now, thinking about El and how sweet she was. It felt wonderful telling her my secrets, but recognized I had instinctively kept my feelings about Damien from her. Just why, I wasn’t sure. Maybe it was because I wanted that memory to be mine alone. I probably would never see him again, except in my dreams. With that I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

  Sarah woke us about two hours later. We were to meet our fathers for dinner and we hoped they had agreed to let us stay together and train. The ball was to be tomorrow, so we dressed simply and headed over to the main dining room.

  Our Watchers, of course, escorted us, and I noticed when we arrived at the hall, Eleanor was looking around to see if she could get a good look at Quinn. I was looking as well, but he was nowhere in sight. Then all at once he appeared with three of his brothers in tow.

  “Thomas, Simon, look who just showed up,” Quinn was all smiles as he indicated his brothers.

  Thomas laughed. “You missed all the fun.”

  “Thought you’d save some for us,” Avery, pushed his lip out in a pout.

  “Maybe next time,” Quinn laughed.

  “Katrina, I heard you did us proud. After all the whining during your training, I bet now you’re glad we all worked you so hard,” Gregor, his pride showing, beamed at Katrina.

  “You’re absolutely right, Gregor. Just remind me of that, the next time I complain.”

  Just then Father arrived with Gunter, and the men all shook hands. It was good to have them all together again.

  “Since you are all here now, I want to introduce you to your new students. Lady Rosalinda DiPalicio, Eleanor Flanery and Arletta Valdesio, may I present Cedrik, Gregor and Avery Voss. Men, their fathers have agreed, and the girls will be traveling back with us to Mormont to continue their training with you and Katrina.”

  The men bowed, but had startled looks on their faces.

  “We look forward to the challenge,” Thomas said, with a twinkle in his eye.

  “Now,” Father clapped and then rubbed his hands together. “We must meet the others for dinner. Ladies,” he gestured for us to precede him into the hall.

  My friends’ fathers were already inside, and the girls greeted them with big hugs, kisses, and thanks for agreeing to let them train with me. I went to thank each of the fathers as well. We were all so excited we could hardly eat.


  “Yes, Philepe?”

  “Any news of Luena or Damien?”

  “Nothing. The Count and Countess Daminov are devastated by the actions of their children and have gone into seclusion.”

  “We are fortunate Damien wasn’t voted High Regent. With the power of the office they could have continued creating their fledgling army,” Philepe’s relief was obvious.

  We all nodded in agreement. I wanted to rise in Damien’s defense, but this wasn’t the time. Maybe that time would never come. For that matter, I wasn’t completely sure he had told me the truth.

  “We have had word, however, of the Volator. After we were attacked, we sent out scouts to track those that had escaped. What they found was quite a surprise. In the forest, not far from the road, about two miles from the palace, were the bodies of not only the four we knew had escaped, but also the body of one who we now suspect was their leader.”

  “Well, that is fine news Fredrik,” Philepe gestured with his fist.

  As everyone at the table expressed agreement and congratulations at the turn of events, my heart leapt; Damien had told me the truth. Now, I knew I must tell Father that Damien had saved me at the river and all the rest. What else did this mean to me? That was yet to unfold.

  After dinner I went to Father and told him all about Damien.

  “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier, Katrina?”

  “I wasn’t sure he was telling me the truth, especially when I learned Luena had escaped too. But after you confirmed what Damien had told me, I knew you had to be told. Do you think he’s in danger? Could he come back now he’s been cleared?”

  “We still don’t know if he created any of the fledglings and how involved he was in the planning of the attack. Katrina, you hardly know him. Are you sure you can trust him?”

  “Well, I know if he was involved at all in Luena’s plan, it was only because she coerced him. Damien said she was a truly evil woman, and my senses have confirmed that. I didn’t think I was sure until today, but yes, now I do trust him.

  Father thought for a moment, I could see him battling through before he finally decided.

  “This is what I will do. I’m calling off the hunt for Damien and will send word to his father he has been cleared. I’m sure Count Daminov will be relieved.”

  “Thank you Father; I know this is right. There’s something else I want to ask you. Now that the crisis has been averted, will the Council be taking up the issue of forming a new clan to colonize the New World?”

  “We may.” Father replied. “Don’t tell me you want to be among those wishing to be chosen?”

  “I think I’ve earned a place, don’t you agree Father?” I was confident.

  Father chuckled, “That is surely true, daughter; you’ve more than earned it. But it will take some time to debate this subject further. And don’t forget, you have committed to an extended amount of time to train your new friends.”

  “All I ask is to be seriously considered when the time comes to pick members.”

  “If that is still what you wish, Katrina, of course.”

  “Thank you, Father. Now I’m going back to my room. I’m still rather tired. Oh, Father, is it all right with you if I go hunt later? I promise to stay close.”

p; “All right, but don’t go alone. Take Quinn.”

  My head snapped around, my mouth gaping open.

  “Well, he’s not your Watcher anymore,” Father said with a wry smile.

  I rushed out the door. Was he saying what I thought he was saying? I flew down the steps to where Thomas was waiting.

  “Whoa, Katrina, slow down.” He put his arms out as I tried to go by him.

  “Yes, Thomas?” I stopped quickly; irritated he was keeping me from looking for Quinn.

  “My brothers and I were wondering if you and the girls would come over to the training compound tonight for games and fun, so we can all get to know each other.”

  My irritation melted away.

  “And Thomas, which of the girls would you like to get to know better?”

  He was blushing now.

  “Well, Lady Eleanor seems very interesting,” he said shyly.

  “Interesting?” I prodded.

  He nodded without looking up.

  “All right, the get-together sounds like fun. If the girls agree, when would you like us to join you?”

  “About ten o’clock. Of course, I’ll be outside your door; Luena is still on the loose. I’ll escort you.”

  I gave him a concerned look.

  “You don’t think she’s still around here, do you?”

  “I wouldn’t put anything past that one, and I’ll not take any chances by letting our guard down.”

  “Thank you, Thomas. My family is so lucky to have your family watching out for us.”

  When I reach our quarters, I saw that the girls’ Watchers were in their places, so I knew they were in and I couldn’t wait to tell them about our invitation.

  “Katrina!” They all chimed at once. “Where have you been?”

  “I had to speak to Father.”

  Then I told them of our discussion about Damien. Still leaving out the part about the kiss and what he’d said about finding me in the New World.

  “Oh, and something else, we’ve been invited by Thomas and all his brothers, to the training compound for games and fun, as Thomas put it, so they can get to know you better, since they’ll be training you. Do you want to go?” of course knowing the answer.

  “Well, I suppose so,” Letta said slowly.

  Then we looked at each other and laughed.

  “Thomas will be here around ten to escort us to the compound. We should wear our training outfits, since there will be games, and we’ll be sitting by the fire, so we’ll want to be comfortable.”

  They agreed. We split up. Rosa went to her room, Letta to the sofa in front of the fire, where she proceeded to read.

  “Eleanor,” I whispered, motioning to her. When she came near, I took her arm and guided her into my room.

  “Father gave me permission to hunt tonight - with Quinn.”

  Her eyes got big.

  “He knows?”

  I nodded. “I guess so, because he acknowledged Quinn isn’t my Watcher anymore.”

  “He as much said it’s all right,” she exclaimed.

  “I think so too.”

  We clasped hands joyfully. I told her what Thomas had said about her and watched as she blushed with pleasure. After she left my room, I laid on my bed thinking of what the evening might bring. After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, I decided I wanted to go hunting first. Changing into the appropriate clothing, I now stood in front of the mirror buttoning my vest. I took a last glance to make sure my hair was still intact (Sarah had twisted it back at the sides then pulled it back in a ribbon), and thought I saw a face reflected in the mirror. I turned, pulling my sword at the same time, but the room was empty. I went to the window, but didn’t see anyone.

  “I’m so foolish,” I said out loud. Re-sheathing my sword, I walked out of my room and out the door. Thomas was, as he said he would be, outside guarding the hall.

  “Father said I could go hunting tonight, Thomas.” I paused before continuing. “He also said I could take Quinn.”

  Thomas look shocked.

  “Since he’s not my Watcher anymore, it’s allowed.”

  “Your father is really something, you know that?” Thomas shook his head.

  “You’re right. He’s the best.”

  Thomas called another Watcher to take his place at the door and walked me down to the Watcher’s quarters. He left me outside while he went in to inform Quinn of my arrival, and I realized I was nervous. Why? When Quinn finally walked out the door and stood before me, I decided I was more excited than nervous.

  “Father gave me permission to go hunting tonight as long as I didn’t go alone. He suggested you go with me,” I said, peeking up at him to judge his reaction.

  “He did?”

  “Since you weren’t my Watcher anymore…”

  Quinn pulled me close and gave me a big hug.

  “This is wonderful Kat. No more hiding,” he crowed, relieved. “Let’s go! We’ll bring back some meat for the kitchen, and you’ll get your strength back.”

  Hand in hand we walked across the compound together, with a spring in our step. Once outside the gate, I used all my senses to discover where the game was.

  “There are deer about two hundred yards on the right. Let’s start with them, shall we?” I reopened my eyes and turned towards Quinn. He was adjusting the quill of arrows he had strapped to his back as we’d left Mormont.

  “That sounds good to me, Kat. You take the lead once we get close. You can use your speed and I’ll use my arrows.”

  We agreed and made for the forest. As we got to within fifty yards of the deer, I nodded to Quinn and streaked off, curling around the herd and driving them back toward Quinn. I picked out a nice stag, and overtook him easily, grabbing him around the neck and pulling him down in one maneuver. I sank my teeth into the large vein on his neck and fed until I was completely full. The hot flush of his blood was warming my whole body, transferring all his energy to me. When I finished, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and then licked my hand clean with my tongue. Satisfied, I looked for Quinn. He was about twenty yards away, retrieving his arrow from a doe. We cleaned our game and dragged them back toward the palace.

  “Let’s rest,” Quinn dropped the doe to the forest floor.

  “All right, if you’re tired.”

  He laughed as he sat down on a fallen moss-covered tree.

  “I’m not tired; I just want to take some time alone with you before we head back. Last time we were together there was a lot of killing involved.”

  “That’s true; there wasn’t much time for conversation, was there?”

  “Did Thomas tell you about the get-together later tonight? All my brothers are very excited about their new training partners. Except Gunter of course; he’s married and thinks,” he took on Gunter’s deep serious voice, “those girls will be nothing but trouble.”

  “Well, I guess that trouble will be for your five other brothers because you’re already taken too.”

  Then I sat down on his lap, put my arms around his neck, and kissed him.

  “We should go back, Quinn; it’s almost time for the get-together.”

  “You’re right and I want to change.”

  We rose, gathered up results of our hunt and resumed our journey back. We left our prizes with the butcher and Quinn walked me back to my room. He pulled me to him between the hall and stairs so we could have one last moment to ourselves.

  “For as long as I live, I will love you,” he said kissing me.

  I sighed as I closed the door. All three girls rushed out of their rooms.

  “Did you go hunting with Quinn?” El probed.

  “Yes, and it was successful. We brought back a stag and a doe.”

  El looked worried and then softly admitted, “I told Letta and Rosa all about you and Quinn and what your father said. I didn’t think you’d mind anymore.”

  I gave her a stern look, but then softened when I realized she was right. “It’s true, we’ve nothing to hide anymore
and I can’t tell you how glad I am. And for your information, the hunt was wonderful! But now I must change; did Sarah put out my things?”

  “Yes, and also soap and water to wash up. She didn’t think you’d have time for a bath,” Letta said.

  “I’ll go clean up and change, then.”

  They all looked like scolded puppies.

  “All right, come and help me get ready and I’ll tell you all about my hunting trip.”

  Placated, the girls followed me into my room asking questions about Quinn and if we kissed again, and then about Quinn’s brothers. I answered while they got my boots off and then while I combed out my hair and put up the sides with fresh flowers. They helped me put on my training leggings and matching vest over a white shirt and high leather boots. We were all wearing similar outfits and agreed the four of us were going to dazzle the Voss brothers.

  Thomas and Quinn were waiting for us. The girls’ Watchers, still on duty, would be our guard, but with so many Watchers at the gathering we weren’t worried about safety. Although Thomas greeted all of us, he kept his eyes squarely on El as she smiled shyly back at him.

  “Shall we?” Quinn gestured for us to take the lead.

  We walked to the training compound, making small talk and laughing amongst ourselves. When we arrived, we could see a large fire had been built on one side of the compound. The fire was surrounded by low wooden stools. A table heavily laden with refreshments was close by. There were many people milling around and others standing in small groups making conversation. I could see Gerhardt surrounded by a group of adoring young ladies. It was hard to miss Sven, so tall, his long blond hair flowing in the breeze. He was animatedly speaking to a gathering of Watchers and other young men, no doubt relating tales of heroic battles and great conquests. Most of the families seemed to be represented, and all seemed to be having a fine time.

  “There you are,” Simon called. “Come, get something to eat and drink.”

  At hearing their brother call out, the other Voss brothers came to greet us - except Gunter, who was on duty guarding Father.

  “Nice to see you ladies again,” Avery stood.

  “You four put all the other girls to shame,” Gregor added.

  The girls blushed and thanked them, accepted the offer of wine and food, and we all carried our full plates over to the fire for some story-telling. One of the elder Watchers, a Norseman named Thorn, began an oral history about the origins of the Watchers.

  “It all began when the first vampires came into existence, when the race was unable to tolerate the direct rays of the sun, and needed someone they could trust to keep them safe during those dangerous daylight hours. In those early days, the vampires used their powers and intimidation to keep the Watchers loyal, but as the centuries passed there developed mutual respect and bonds of friendship between us, so now the Watchers are regarded as family and in turn, consider it an honor to serve.”

  We all clapped and toasted, cheering, “Hear, hear!”

  We challenged the boys to play some games - horseshoes, darts, and archery. I’m proud to say we held our own. I noticed Arletta taking an interest in Avery. Rosa, so stunning was dividing her time equally with the other three Voss brothers as well as several young vampires, including Demitrie Devorak. Eleanor and Thomas were off by themselves in cozy conversation.

  We all had a wonderful time, staying late into the night, singing folk songs and listening to those who played instruments or were willing to entertain us with a native dance. Then people started to slowly head back to their quarters, as did we. Quinn and I were hand in hand, as were El and Thomas. Letta and Rosa had Avery, Simon, Gregor and Cedrik surrounding them. Quinn and I stopped and let the others pass us, so we could say goodnight alone.

  “It’s been such a wonderful day, hasn’t it Quinn?”

  “Yes, but anytime we can be together is wonderful,” he brushed my cheek with his hand. We leaned into each other then, his breath on my face was so warm and sweet. The kiss started softly then deepened with an urgent passion. I felt as if I couldn’t get close enough to him; Quinn responded by holding me tighter. As he lifted me off the ground, I heard myself moan softly and felt him quiver slightly. We broke the kiss and he slowly lowered me to the ground. We stood looking into each other’s eyes, our unspoken desire was clear to both of us.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  I hugged him, “I love you too.”

  We walked up the stairs, the boys were coming down toward us, and in the hall we could see Thomas kissing Eleanor.

  “We’ll wait outside,” Gregor said, as he passed Quinn. Quinn nodded and wished me a good sleep and sweet dreams. I waited, my hand on the door latch, as Thomas finalized his goodnight to Eleanor then I drew her into the common room.

  “It’s always the shy ones, isn’t it Letta?” Rosa laughed. “Well, tell us El, is he a good kisser?”

  “I wouldn’t have anyone to compare him to, but I thought the kiss was heavenly,” she sighed, closing her eyes as if to remember each second.

  “How about you two? Any interest in anyone?” I asked, curious now about whom they might choose.

  “Well, Avery is handsome,” Letta contemplated the brothers, “but I haven’t made up my mind yet. How about you, Rosa?”

  “I’m having so much fun with all of them, to choose just one seems, well, selfish.” She pretended to be completely serious, then looked at all our shocked faces and started to laugh.

  We discussed the party for another hour, and then once we were no longer able to keep the conversation going or our eyes open, one by one we said our goodnights and drifted to our rooms.

  I put on my nightgown, slipped under the down comforter, and sank into the feather bed.

  As I fell asleep, I tried to imagine what it would be like to make love to Quinn.


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