Katrina, The Beginning

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Katrina, The Beginning Page 14

by Elizabeth Loraine


  We parted ways, and then as I got to the library I sensed I wasn’t alone. Gerhardt; I’d know his scent anywhere.

  “Show yourself,” I challenged, and sure enough, he eased himself out of the shadows.

  “Gerhardt, what are you doing here?”

  “I brought your reply personally.”

  Then he folded his arms, crossed his left foot over his right, and leaned against the wall. There was something different about him, tightness around the mouth that belied his causal look.

  “So what is your father’s reply?”

  “Of course you are welcome to stay as long as you wish, and I for one, can’t wait to show all five of you around my city.”

  “Your city, I see. That ego,” I thought to myself.

  “You’re here awfully early.”

  “I misjudged my own speed.”

  “I see. All the years we’ve known each other and you still continue to amaze.”

  “I could say the same thing about you, Katrina. Who knew when we were just youngsters you’d turn into such a warrior - and a beautiful one at that.”

  “Why Gerhardt, are you actually praising someone besides yourself? Amazing.”

  We shared a good-natured laugh.

  “Well, I should get back. There’s much to do before your arrival.”

  “You’re not coming to the meetings?”

  “Oh yes, I’ll be back don’t worry. I’ve got a special birthday gift for you.”

  Then he handed me an envelope sealed with his family crest.

  “My father’s reply, just to make it official. I’ll see you later Katrina. Remember me to the girls.”

  “Oh, I will,” we both laughed again and he evaporated into the shadows.

  That was so weird, and I would need to talk to Quinn about having someone watch Philepe’s chateau. Wait a minute, I thought. Damien said he sent Ivan ahead, I could ask Damien to have Ivan… No, that wasn’t a good idea, I decided. We needed to keep this to ourselves, but we’d need to keep an eye out for Ivan, too.

  Now to the reason for coming to the library in the first place; Father had just received the latest maps of the Americas, and I wanted a look at them. They were lying on the table; Father must have studied them already. The vastness of the wilderness surprised me and it drew me in somehow. Cities dotted the coastlines; I ran my finger across the map from city to city, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Charleston, New Orleans. As my finger crossed over New Orleans, I felt warmth. As I leaned down to better inspect the map, something clouded my eyes. I shook my head and as my vision both cleared and sharpened, I realized I was no longer looking at the table in the library but now, a busy street in an unknown city. I watched a woman I’d never seen before, walking towards me. I was filled with apprehension; then the vision was gone and I was again looking down at the map. What was that? Who was she? I didn’t know the answer to either question, but knew without a doubt, the evil I felt while watching her was real, and somehow, I needed to find out who and where she was.

  “Quinn said you’d be here,” Kate came into the library. “How long have you been up?”

  “I couldn’t sleep, so I came to study the new maps Father just received. Kate, I’m glad you’re here; do me a favor, run your fingers over this map, paying special attention to the cities marked there. Tell me if you feel anything special.”

  She looked over the map and to my amazement began to run her finger from city to city, just like I had. When she got to New Orleans, she jumped back.

  “What happened?”

  “I got a shock. What did you do to the map?

  I shook my head, “Nothing; I swear.”

  “Kat, there’s some kind of energy coming from this map.”

  “Try again, and I’ll concentrate with you; let’s see what we can ‘see.’”

  We closed our eyes, and Kate began running her hand over the map again. As soon as her hand was over that area of the map, I could feel her begin to shake. I opened my eyes and once again I saw the woman in my vision walking toward us. She was wearing a dark blue dress with a white ruffled collar. Her hair was topped by a matching small blue and white hat, and she held a parasol over her right shoulder. As she got closer, I heard a sharp intake of breath from Kate, and our tension mounted.

  “I knew you’d join us,” she said, “You had a choice and you made it. Once we eliminate the rest of the new coven, there will be nothing to stop us from doing whatever we wish with these easily manipulated humans. Come, my son, let’s join the others.”

  Then the image was gone. I looked into my sister’s face and knew we had both seen the same vision. It had shaken us both. Who was the woman in the vision, and whom was she talking to? She had called him her son.

  Just then the others arrived and we told them what had just happened. We even tried again with all of us concentrating this time, but nothing new happened; we just got a repeat performance of the vision Kate and I had already seen.

  Rosa trailed a finger down her cheek. “So, someone is to betray one of the new clans.”

  “That’s what it sounds like, or the person she was talking to could be trying to infiltrate their clan,” El suggested.

  Kate just looked at her. “Always the optimist.”

  “Why would we get this vision if it wasn’t meant to warn us?” Rosa wondered.

  “Have any of the rest of you had a vision like this before?” Kate wondered. Each of us either shook our head no, or said no.

  “Then we don’t know enough about visions to know what they mean yet, but I definitely felt evil emanating from that woman,” Kate gestured emphatically.

  El, Letta, and Rosa spent extra time studying the new maps, while Kate and I moved on to the books on witches, wizards, and magic. We needed to know all we could about spotting them. I of course, would have an identifying scent once I knew it, but we would need more for the others and we’d need protection. Even though it’s forbidden to use magic for anything but good, El’s school experience was proof there are always those who break those laws and those who are just evil, and if all those who were evil joined forces we needed to know how to fight them, as well as protect ourselves.

  “Hello ladies, how are the studies going?” Mother called, as she came into the library.

  “Okay, I guess, but we could really use your experience to help us.”

  “Really, Kate? What would you like to know?”

  “How can we spot a witch or warlock? And is it possible to block their spells or reverse them?” I asked.

  “Well, let’s start with the first question. Witches and warlocks have marks, like a birthmark in the shape of a pentagon, usually on their neck, either behind the left ear or on the back of the neck just below the hairline. They can be covered easily, however. Remember these are not humans or another race that learns magic, but a separate, ancient race like ours.”

  “They are long-lived as well. They don’t live as long as we do, but they’re around easily for hundreds of years. They have a strong anise scent. Since all of us have enhanced senses; it will be another way to identify them, but for Katrina especially. However, the scent, too, can be masked.”

  “Most warlocks and witches are good and abide by the laws of our councils. But, just like rebellious vampires, violators of our laws, by any race, are sought out and dealt with swiftly. If you think you may be challenged by a witch or warlock; there are talismans that can block their spells, magic you can learn to reverse spells and for protection. If you find an evil witch or warlock, don’t confront them alone. Seek out allies to help you, law-abiding leaders of the local covens.”

  “If we can block their spells, they will be no match for us, and we can take care of them ourselves,” I stated.

  “They also have many ways to hide, and most have individual gifts just as we do. They may be shape-shifters, so they can blend in and disappear. Usually each individual can only change into one kind of thing, either a living or an inanimate object. So you
would need to be on the watch for something that seems out of place or was not there before.”

  “Great, once again, so much to learn in such a short amount of time,” Letta shook her head.

  “You’ll never stop learning, my dear, and you still haven’t told me why you think you’ll come across such evil.”

  “We’ve all learned Luena, her mother and possibly Damien’s mother, are evil and seeking to recruit others to join them, even if they have to turn humans into vampires to do it. We want to be prepared for anything.”

  “I can have talismans made for each of you. They will each contain a spell that will protect you. I’ll request them from a powerful wizard who can insure they will make you undetectable by witches or warlocks when you are wearing them. I will also ask his recommendation for any other items which may be of use to you.”

  Kate hugged her. “Thank you, Mother.”

  As she stood she asked, “Would you like to take a break for lunch?”

  “That sounds good. I didn’t eat breakfast, and now I’m starving,” I realized.

  We enjoyed a nice lunch and it gave me a chance to give Father the message from Philepe.

  “Gerhardt brought it himself, Father. Don’t you find that strange?” I asked.

  “It is odd, but he has always been unpredictable. I think he gets that from his mother. Oh, I almost forgot, I’m sending provisions to the mission this afternoon. Do you still want to take it yourselves?”

  “Yes, thank you, Father.”

  I found the others, told them that today we would be delivering the provisions and once we’d changed into our riding gear, we all went to the stables ready to help with the loading of supplies. Packed up, we mounted, and with two wagons filled with food and clothing, were on the road for the mission.

  “How far is it?” El asked me.

  “Just a few miles east.”

  As we rode along, I couldn’t get the image of the woman in our vision out of my head. Was she Damien’s mother, and was Damien the one she was talking to? No, I didn’t want to believe that, but I couldn’t be absolutely sure; not yet.

  We arrived at the mission and helped unload the supplies before heading to the hospital. We were all excited at the prospect of helping El enhance her healing gift. We were shocked when we entered the mission hospital and found it was overflowing with patients. Cot after cot was filled with men and women, young and old.

  “Father Jonas, what has happened? Why are so many hospitalized?” I asked him.

  “The villagers started coming down with some unknown illness two weeks ago. Our physicians do not even have a diagnosis, let alone a cure,” he said.

  “What kind of symptoms do they have, Father?” El asked, coming to the priest’s side.

  “Although, all seem to be in a catatonic state now, when they first come to us they are weak and pale, with no appetite, and suffering from memory loss. It is as if they were the walking dead.”

  Our eyes widened and our stomachs tightened.

  “What can we do to help, Father Jonas?” El asked.

  “Thank you my child. We have been overwhelmed.” Father Jonas called over one of the women attending to the female in the bed next to the door, and introduced us. Our duty, he said, would be to help out wherever we could.

  We followed Father Jonas to a small room, where we each received fresh linens, cloths for washing, and basins to be filled with clean water. He left us then, to attend to his many other duties.

  As we made our way back to the ward, we noticed the physicians were applying leeches and saw their assistants were preparing ointments and potions to relieve pain and treat symptoms. They were using a wide range and combinations of herbs, bark, molds, lichens, mushrooms and grains.

  “Where should we start, El?” I whispered.

  “I know each of us recognized what has happened to these people just by Father Jonas’s description of their symptoms. You know what we need to look for, signs of vampire attack,” she replied in a low but urgent voice.

  We all knew it, but hearing it out loud, was still shocking.

  “Might as well start here,” El pointed to the bed next to her.

  In first bed was a pale young man, no more than fifteen years old. Although he appeared to be awake, because his eyes were open, they were unfocused and unblinking and for all intents and purposes he was unconscious. He was totally unresponsive to our touch. El examined his neck, chest, and his arms down to his wrist. She found a slight bruise on the inside of his left wrist. It was, to anyone other than a vampire, an ordinary scratch, something he might have gotten working on his farm. We quickly examined the others and without exception, they each had similar wounds in different locations on their bodies. We huddled together at the end of the corridor so no one would hear us.

  “It’s obvious a vampire is at work here,” Rosa stated emphatically, “The fiend is trying to hide the evidence by changing the positions of the bites, so no ordinary human would suspect; but we’re not human or ordinary, are we?”

  “It doesn’t help them to use leeches.” El pointed to the men applying the slimy black wigglers to the patients. “These people need blood, not have it taken. They are so far gone now, they’ll die soon, if we don’t do something,” El was adamant.

  “First, let’s see if we can enhance El’s gift enough to help them. If we improve their condition by at least half, I think their own bodies will be able to heal themselves. If not, we can try again in a few days,” I suggested.

  “Okay, let me give it a try,” El agreed as she prepared herself.

  We gathered around the young man as El placed her hands on his chest. We all concentrated on the healing with her, and slowly his color started to improve and he began to moan. Two physicians came running from the other room.

  “What has happened? What have you done?”

  “We only washed him and gave him the herbs you provided,” answered El.

  They examined the boy and were amazed at his sudden recovery.

  “He’s turned the corner. I think he said he’s hungry! Come, we must make more of the herbed drink.” One doctor said to the other assistant.

  We hugged El and got right back to work. Every single one of the patients improved, and all but a few were to the point where we were sure their own bodies could heal them over time. We spent the rest of the day giving them soup, water, and of course the miracle herbs.

  It was early evening before we got back to Mormont, exhausted, but satisfied. We had agreed it was necessary to tell Father what we had discovered at the mission, although we decided to keep our part in the healing to ourselves for now.

  After listening carefully to our descriptions and conclusions, Father sent out both Watchers and the elite vampire guard to locate the vampire causing the human plague.

  “We need to find this rogue immediately,” he said. “This is just the kind of thing that can bring our whole race down. I don’t know if this is just one rogue vampire, fledglings, or another distraction to draw us out. You girls go and get your rest. We’ll speak of this again tomorrow.”

  We arrived at our rooms, where Sarah had dinner waiting and several jugs full of much needed Crimson. We ate and drank our fill and afterward felt somewhat renewed.

  “You did wonders today, El,” I said, awed by her gift.

  “I’ll go back in a few days to see how they are. You know we were lucky none had died before we got to them. If we’d been there even a day later, we’d have a whole new problem to deal with.”

  “That’s true, and Father has already dispatched Watchers to check the surrounding villages to make sure they don’t have victims as well. He’s also sent word to other clans to be on the lookout for any signs of rogues in their area. Usually when we have a rogue, there are murders, I’ve never heard of anything like this before.” I was puzzled.

  “Vampires have always taken advantage of plagues or wars, when nobody notices one more death, but we don’t start them. Not that I’m aware of anyw
ay,” Letta said.

  “Well, let’s talk about it tomorrow. Sarah has our baths ready and I’m still exhausted, even after the Crimson,” El hugged herself. She did look drawn and pale; it was evident the healings had taken a lot out of her.

  “See you in the morning, then,” I stood and went into my room.

  I undressed and sank into my fabulous bath once again.

  “What a day. One continuous strange day after another,” I thought as I drifted off.

  Sarah woke me when she came in to brush out my hair, she got me into a nightgown, and I slipped into bed, thinking no bed had ever felt so good to anyone. I fell right to sleep and didn’t wake until Sarah pulled open the drapes and let the morning light stream in.

  “Breakfast is ready, if you’d like something,” she bustled around the room.

  “Go for a ride,” I heard in my mind.

  “Just some fruit please, and something to drink. Is anyone else up?”

  “They’re already at the training grounds. You know Gunter.”

  “I think I’ll go for a ride this morning. Tell them I’ll meet them later.”

  I rushed to dress, eat, and get over to the stables.

  “I brought you something, Nulla.”

  Her ears pricked up and she leaned out as far as she could. I offered her the apple and she took a big bite. I rubbed her forehead and patted her neck as she finished it up.

  “Need any help?”

  “Quinn, hi. No, I can get it.”

  “I wanted to let you know I decided to go to Paris myself and will send Avery to Portugal. I also think sending someone to the ports in France and England would be a good idea. If someone didn’t want to call attention to themselves they might use a less-used departure point.”

  “That is a good idea, but I worry sending out so many more of our people may be too conspicuous.”

  “I don’t think so, since your father has already sent Watchers out, many have returned and others will be sent.”

  “If you think so, I trust your judgment.”

  He was smiling at me, with that twinkle in his eyes.


  “I was just thinking how much you’ve changed from that little brat in braids I used to chase around these very stables.”

  “Ha, it seems like yesterday we were riding our ponies into mock battles and wishing our fathers would let us go along on their journeys.”

  He came closer to me and took both my hands in his. “You know some things never change, Kat. I’ll always be here for you, no matter what, no matter where.”

  “I know,” I said and I gave him a big hug. “But thanks for reminding me. That works both ways, you know; there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you or your brothers.”

  I looked up at him. “You be careful in Paris. And did you hear Gerhardt was here yesterday morning?”

  “I did. I’ve never liked him, but his father is a good man.”

  “Don’t you find it strange he would come all that way to bring the message himself?”

  “Not really; he’s never been one you would call normal. He probably had nothing else to do.”

  “There was something different about him yesterday; I can’t put my finger on it, but something. So if you could keep an eye on him and the chateau you might find out something. Also, I remembered Damien was sending Ivan ahead to prepare things for him, so keep an eye out for him as well.”

  “He gives me the creeps, but he’s always been loyal to Damien.” Quinn frowned as he thought of Ivan.

  “He also may be loyal to Luena. That’s what we need to know.”

  “All right, I’d better be going. I don’t have vampire speed you know.” He smiled again.

  “As I said, be careful.”

  “I will. I’ll see you soon.”

  He left the stable and I led Nulla out of her stall, so I could saddle her. After putting on her halter and rechecking the tightness of her cinch, we walked outside, where I mounted and rode to the front gate. As I cantered over the hill and past the vineyards I heard:

  “Katrina, I’m here.”

  “Where?” I replied, as I took in a breath and looked around. His scent was strong; he couldn’t be far. “Pinpoint him,” I told myself as I pulled Nulla to a stop. Another breath in revealed he was in the woods to my left. My instincts told me to ‘see’ if anything or anyone else was nearby, but I detected just animals.

  “Let’s go, Nulla,” I urged, and we cantered on.

  There in the woods was Theo, beautiful Theo, and stepping out behind him, Damien, his hair and his cape being tossed by the wind. He was taking off his riding gloves when I rode up beside him.

  “I wasn’t expecting you for at least another week.”

  “I couldn’t wait, and I’ve completed all the preparations I could, so here I am; but I can go back if you wish.”

  I swung my left leg over Nulla’s shoulders and hopped down right in front of him.

  “I don’t think so,” I put my arms around his neck. My stomach was full of butterflies as his eyes met mine.

  “Why didn’t you just come to the castle?”

  “I wanted some time with you alone.”

  He put his arms around my waist, pulled me closer, and leaned down to kiss me. It was not the needy, lustful kiss from before, but a deep loving one that made my knees weak. I didn’t want it to end, but all too soon he pulled back.

  “I missed you,” he said without speaking.

  “I’m right here,” I replied.

  We spent the morning in each other’s arms, nurturing our relationship, walking, sharing reminiscences, telling secrets and sharing our hopes and dreams until it was time to return. Whatever lay ahead we would handle together. At least in these moments, my doubts were gone.

  “Well, well, it’s amazing what you can find out in the woods,” Rosa smirked as we approached.

  “Nice to see you too, Rosalinda,” Damien chuckled.

  “Are you joining us for lunch, or do you have something else planned?” Rosa was in her element.

  “We’ll join you as soon as we get the horses taken care of,” I interceded.

  We walked Theo and Nulla back to the stables and left instructions for their care and feeding.

  “Nulla is looking good, healthy and gaining weight. I see you are giving her extra oats. Is there a reason for that?” he teased as we walked away.

  “You know very well what the reason is.”

  “And you aren’t upset about it anymore?”

  “I should be, but now I’m sure it’s going to be a colt that looks just like his beautiful father.”

  “You might be disappointed; I don’t think you should get your heart set this early.”

  “No, not usually, but…I’ve seen him.”

  Then I instantly regretted telling him that.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Well, I’ve been having premonitions,” I said reluctantly.

  “That’s a feeling; you said you’d seen him.”

  “Well it started with feelings, but now it’s more like visions,” I admitted.

  Why was I feeling hesitant about telling him this?

  “In that case, we should pick out a name for him.”

  Just like that, he let it go; no other questions, nothing, it was really strange.

  “Look who just arrived, Father,” I said as we entered the dining hall.

  “Damien, good to see you. How is your father?”

  “He’s fine sir, thank you. I completed all my preparations early, so I decided to come ahead. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all, I’m sure everyone is glad to have you here. You remember Elizabeth.”

  “Of course. How nice to see you again. You look lovely,” Damien bowed slightly and took her hand.

  “I hope your trip was uneventful,” she inquired sweetly.

  “Lonely, but yes, uneventful.”

  “We’ll talk of your upcoming trip this afternoon,” Father said.

  “Of course, Fredrik. I look forward to it.”

  The girls arrived then.

  “How was your training?” I asked.

  “Gunter is relentless,” groused Kate, “but he’s really happy with us.”

  “He just wants our fathers to be impressed with our progress,” Letta added.

  “I’m sure they will be,” Mother assured them. “You’ve all been working very hard.”

  “Your father tells me you had a surprising afternoon at the mission yesterday.”

  “That’s for sure. Thank goodness for El; she really saved the day,” Kate stopped loading her plate long enough to smile over at El.

  “What happened?” asked Damien.

  “The mission hospital was full of sick patients and their physicians didn’t know what was causing their illness or how to treat it. We discovered it was caused by vampire feedings. Through El’s gift of healing, she was able to make them well enough so they could recover on their own,” I said, not totally sure we should reveal our gifts yet.

  “I have forces out, as we speak, looking for this rogue vampire,” Father said.

  “Never a dull moment,” quipped Kate.

  “These attacks seem very odd,” Damien considered. “Fledglings would normally kill because they can’t control themselves; but this seems more like someone trying to be discovered.”

  “The feeding sites were varied, as if to prevent humans from seeing a pattern; and the ages also were varied, as if the choices were random,” El explained.

  “How did you keep the fact you were healing them a secret?” Damien asked.

  “Oh, they had been collecting and compounding herbs. They think they found a combination that finally started to work, and luckily the patients had no memory of us even being there, or what had happened to them,” El explained. “Father Jonas told us people had been falling ill for several weeks now. He also said he would let us know if they received any more people with the same symptoms.”

  “These things can start panic in the villages, and if people suspect for one minute a dark force is responsible, no one here will be safe,” Father was adamant.

  “Humans are always quick to blame, even without any proof,” Mother said and shook her head.

  “True. Once again, I think you helped avert a disaster,” Damien said smiling.


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