Mason: Inked Reapers MC

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Mason: Inked Reapers MC Page 49

by West, Heather

  Carl ran a hand down his face and turned away from them.

  “Was Kait right all along? Were you slipping something in to my drinks?”

  “He’s been betting against you,” Kait answered on Carl’s behalf. “He laces your drinks with sedatives to knock you out.”

  “Fuck!” Jasper exclaimed, placing his hands behind his head. “Carl, how could you do this to me? You were supposed to look out for me, I trusted you!”

  “He’s done it to many athletes before,” Kait continued. “Remember Michael Daniels?”

  “You’re a fucking monster,” Jasper took a menacing step towards Carl, but Kait wedged herself between them.

  “He’s not worth your anger,” she told him sternly. “Besides, the men who he promised a certain outcome will be coming for him, won’t they Carl? I’m sure they will feel like you owe them a whole heap of money.”

  “Fuck you, you bitch!” Carl raged as Jasper snorted threateningly at him.

  “Perhaps you’ll have to sell all your luxury cars and multiple homes,” Kait tilted her head at him and spoke in a sing song voice.

  “Luxury cars, multiple homes? Christ, Carl, you’re a real piece of work, you know that?”

  “In fact, you probably owe us for damages,” Kait smiled at him.

  “Damages?” Carl spluttered.

  “Hush money,” Jasper countered. “You want your deceit to go unreported to press, then you pay me fifty thousand large. Not a penny less. And you make sure you never, ever show your face in the world of sports again, or else I’ll break every single bone in your pathetic little body, do you understand?”

  Carl’s mouth gaped open like a fish caught on a hook, but he managed to nod.

  “Now get out of here before I do something we both regret,” Jasper leaned past Carl to open the door to his dressing room.

  “Look, Jasper - ” Carl stood meekly before him, as small and terrified as a mouse.

  “I said get out!” Jasper roared, attracting concerned gazes from people outside in the corridor. Carl had no choice but to slink off like the snake he was.

  Jasper slammed the door closed and leaned against it, breathing heavily.

  “I’m so sorry about Carl,” Kait approached him and carefully placed a hand upon his broad shoulder.

  “I can’t believe I didn’t listen to you,” Jasper sighed. “You were right about him all along.”

  “You weren’t to know,” Kait insisted. “He’d worked hard for years to earn your trust. It was only logical that you’d doubt that he’d ever betray you the way he did.”

  “But you didn’t,” Jasper turned around and cupped her head in his large hands. “You had my back all along; you never stopped believing in me.”

  They shared a passionate kiss which Kait reluctantly untangled herself from.

  “There’s more,” she whispered.

  “More?” Jasper’s eyes widened with panic.

  “Don’t worry, this part is good,” she smiled. “So, I got the promotion at work I’d been hankering for.”

  “Babe, that’s wonderful,” Jasper leaned down and tenderly kissed her lips. Kait wanted to linger in the kiss forever, but she needed to finish telling Jasper the whole truth about what had happened.

  “I got a bonus,” Kait explained, pulling back from him. “A very generous bonus which could have been a down payment on a new house or a shiny new car.”

  “I’m so proud of you,” Jasper leaned to kiss her again, but she moved back out of reach.

  “And I bet the lot of it.”

  “You what?” She felt Jasper’s hands tighten.

  “I bet the lot of it on you,” Kait explained. “I bet my bonus on you winning tonight, and the odds were fifty to one.”

  Jasper let go of her and ran a hand over his head as he let the information sink in.

  “You bet your bonus on me?” He asked in disbelief, his eyes misting.

  “Yes,” Kait nodded eagerly. “Because I knew without Carl drugging you, there was no way you’d lose. You’re Jasper Duboix; you’re a champion.”

  “I can’t believe you did that for me,” Jasper declared, humbled. “That’s…that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

  “Well, I kind of think you’re worth it,” Kait purred the words flirtatiously, looping her arms around his neck.

  “Oh?” Jasper grinned at her.

  “So how about you give me my money’s worth?” She teased.

  “Absolutely,” Jasper purred as they embraced and kissed passionately.

  Chapter 117

  The white sand felt warm and soft beneath Kait’s bare feet. Above her, an endless ocean of clear blue sky stretched towards the horizon. The short white sun dress she was wearing showed off her lean legs and impressive tan. Her blonde hair fell down her back, still damp from her swim in the sea.

  Taking a deep, contented sigh, Kait looked out towards the turquoise colored sea as it lazily lapped against the pure sand of the beach. She felt like she had somehow stepped into heaven. Everything about the island was wonderful from the pristine beaches to the towering palm trees. It was paradise, and she got to experience it all at the side of the man she had fallen in love with.

  “There you are,” Jasper jogged up to her wearing only a light pair of board shorts. His toned muscles shone in the sunlight, and Kait chewed her lip to try and suppress some of her longing. They’d already made love upon the beach but both times under the cover of darkness. Either she had to drag him back to their cabin for another afternoon beneath the sheets or she’d need to distract herself from such thoughts. Pushing a strand of hair out of her eyes, she decided to focus on the beauty of the shoreline.

  “I wondered where you were,” Jasper explained, standing beside her and also looking out to sea. “I went over to the cabin after I’d finished at the gym.”

  “How’s the training coming along?” Kait asked.

  “Great,” Jasper wrapped an arm around her delicate shoulders. “When I’m back home, I’ll get a new agent and reclaim all of my old titles.”

  “Did you hear from Carl?” Kait asked, feeling a shudder dance up her spine despite the heat of the day.

  “Nope,” Jasper tensed as he replied. “Although,” his voice lightened, “I should probably call him to thank him for funding our holiday. And the new cars we treated ourselves to.”

  “Yes, it really was so very kind of him,” Kait deadpanned, but then her lips widened into a smile and she laughed.

  “I can’t believe what an asshole he turned out to be,” Jasper shook his head as he continued to gaze out at the gently rippling waves.

  “I know,” Kait leaned against him, loving how strong and powerful he felt.

  “I totally didn’t see it coming. I guess I didn’t want to believe that he could do that to me. After all the years he’d spent having my back.” Jasper sighed. “But you stuck by me, Kait,” he said softly. “You were there for me when no one else was. You believed in me when everyone else had written me off.”

  “I’m kind of good like that,” Kait said teasingly as she turned in to him, having to rise onto her tip toes to meet his lips.

  “God, you look good,” he murmured between kisses. His hands began to reach for her curves, cheekily pushing up the hem of her sundress.

  “Hey!” Kait playfully pushed his hands away and scolded him. “At night is one thing, but during the day, we risk giving some of the other guests a scare!”

  “Then let’s give them a fright to remember!” Jasper pulled her back close, pressing their bodies together so that only the flimsy fabric of her dress and his shorts were between them, and even that wasn’t enough to contain the mounting heat.

  “Jasper,” Kait had to step back from him else she knew she’d succumb to his charms. “Later.” She purred the word at him and began to slink her way up the beach, heading back towards their cabin.

  “Where are you going?” He called after her.

  “To get changed,” Kait
shouted back. “You said we were going out for dinner tonight.”

  “Yeah!” Jasper called back. “Wear something nice! It’s a really fancy place!”

  “Is it courtesy of Carl Santino?” Kait asked, laughing.

  “No,” Jasper shook his head, his expression sincere, “tonight is all on me.”

  Chapter 118

  Kait looked at her reflection and wondered for the tenth time whether or not to get changed. She was wearing a bright blue halter neck dress which fell to her knees and showed off both her toned legs and her curves. She loved how she felt in the dress, but she feared she might not be dressed up enough for wherever they were going. Jasper had been strangely cryptic about their plans saying that he’d meet her on the beach, which made little sense to Kait as all the best restaurants were up in the main hotel complex set back from the beach.

  She decided not to dwell on it. Spinning around, she gave her reflection one last check before leaving their plush cabin which stood on stilts over the water. At night, she could lie away and hear the waves rippling beneath it. It was the most calming thing she’d ever heard, and over the last few days she’d slept better than she had in her entire life. She was finally truly happy.

  Tiki torches lit the route towards the beach, and beyond that up to the hotel. Kait walked briskly in her beige patent wedges, eager to catch up with Jasper. It had been several hours since she’d seen him. Where he’d got to she didn’t know. He’d been acting quite mysterious.

  “Jasper!” Kait stopped dead in her tracks when she saw him on the path just ahead of her, patiently waiting. He was wearing a smart cream suit which made him look like a movie star. Kait suddenly felt undressed in her halter dress and also stunned by how amazing he looked.

  “Oh my God, where the hell are we going?” She gasped. She didn’t even know that Jasper owned a suit. He was more of a smart jeans and suit jacket kind of guy.

  “Do I scrub up okay?” Jasper wondered nervously. Kait stared at him in shock. How could he possibly be nervous? He looked amazing!

  “I should say so,” Kait tentatively approached him. “Jasper, you look so handsome. But why the suit? Do I need to go back and change?” She glanced back towards the cabin in the distance, but Jasper reached for her hand and locked it in his, guiding her further down the path.

  “You look beautiful,” he told her warmly. “Besides, we’re almost there.”

  “But, Jasper, we’re on the beach and - ”

  As they talked, they left the path and moved on to the beach. It was then that Kait spotted the private table over by the shoreline, surrounded by about fifty flickering candles. A smartly dressed waiter stood beside the table with a bottle of champagne ready to be poured and a lady in a long gown lingered beyond the candlelight, holding a violin.

  “Oh my God!” Kait froze and took in the romantic scene. It felt like something out of a movie, but it was right in front of her and very much real.


  “It’s all for you,” Jasper kissed her cheek and then led her over to the table. “I wanted to give you a magical night beneath the stars to thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” Kait admitted as she sat down at the table with the ocean stretching out dark and mysterious beside her.

  By candlelight, they dined on exquisite food, drank champagne, and were serenaded by a solo violinist. It was the perfect evening.

  Feeling full and content, Kait smiled across the table at Jasper.

  “This evening,” she breathed, “It’s all just been so perfect, Jasper.”

  “Wait!” He raised a hand at her. “I’ve got one surprise left.”

  Kait laughed in shock. What more could he possibly have up his suit sleeve? He’d already whisked her away to paradise and given her the most romantic evening of her life. Surely there was no way he could top that.

  Jasper nodded at the violinist and the waiter who respectfully took their cue to leave. Now the couple was completely alone.

  “Kait,” Jasper was sweating on the other side of the table despite the cool evening air. He loosened the top button of his shirt and nervously cleared his throat multiple times.

  “Jasper, are you okay?” Kait began to fear that he was having some sort of allergic reaction.

  “Just let me talk, please,” Jasper pleaded.

  Kait nodded silently and sunk back in to her chair as Jasper climbed out of his. He smoothed down his jacket and came around to her side of the table. In the flickering candlelight, he looked so handsome and strong. Kait remembered the first time she’d seen him, when he’d saved her. And now she’d finally been able to repay the debt and save him too; they were even.

  “Kait, you stood by me when the whole world thought I was a loser,” Jasper told her, his voice shaking.

  “I know,” Kait insisted, “and you’ve thanked me countless times, Jasper. We don’t need to keep reliving it.”

  “But it’s more than that,” Jasper insisted. “You were always able to see in me my true self, even when I couldn’t see it. You’ve made me a better man. Every moment that I’m with you I’m so completely happy, and I never, ever thought I’d find someone who made me feel like that. So much of my life was spent alone, fighting to survive. But I don’t want it to always be like that. I want to share my life with you.”

  Kait was about to speak when Jasper knelt down in the sand on one knee. A hand fluttered up to her chest as her heart began to patter manically in her chest. Everything felt like it was happening in slow motion, and she was suddenly acutely aware of all the scents and sounds of the evening. She could taste the salt from the sea and could hear the distant humming of a busy evening up at the hotel complex. She could even hear the frantic beat of her own heart in her ear drums.

  “I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you,” Jasper told her as he reached in to his jacket pocket and pulled out a small black velvet box. “And I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. Kait, will you marry me?” He opened the box and raised it to her. Kait gasped as she looked down on a stunning ring boasting one large diamond which glittered like the stars dotted in the night sky above them, flanked by two smaller sapphires. It was the most beautiful ring Kait had ever seen.

  “Yes!” The word gushed from her like an eager fountain. “Yes, yes yes! A thousand times yes!”

  Grinning, Jasper leaned forward and kissed her. His lips had never tasted so good. And then he leaned back and removed the ring from its velvet box and slipped it onto Kait’s extended finger. It fit perfectly.

  “Oh, Jasper!” She held her hand up to admire the ring in the candlelight. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She was now actually engaged to Jasper Duboix, to the man who had previously saved her in a car park. It was like a modern day fairy tale.

  Jasper kissed her, and it was tender, sealing the promise they had just made to one another.

  “So?” He asked as he broke the kiss. “Are you ready to become Mrs. Jasper Duboix?”

  “Absolutely,” Kait gushed without hesitation. “I think Kait Duboix has a real ring to it, don’t you?”


  Jasper was smiling as he walked out of the orphanage. His talk had gone exceedingly well. He’d told them his story to help inspire them with going after their own dreams. It was what he’d always wanted to do – to help others achieve their goals. Since retiring from professional fighting, he’d published his memoirs and become something of a celebrity. But he could never have done it without Kait’s help. He found her over by their parked car; she was radiant. One hand smoothed over the swell of her belly while the other gripped their adopted son, Tai, by the hand.

  “Look,” Kait pointed at Jasper as he walked over, “Daddy’s all finished with his talk.” She released Tai from her grip, and the little boy hurriedly ran over to his father. Jasper scooped him up in his arms and rested him atop his shoulders.

  “So?” Kait asked with a smile as Jasper and Tai
approached the car. “How did it go?”

  “Really well,” Jasper grinned. “I’m going to come back again, and I’ve already made a donation.”

  “Great,” Kait stood up to get in the car and suddenly paused, wincing slightly.

  “What is it?” Jasper asked, tense with concern.

  “Nothing,” Kait breathed deeply and waved a dismissive hand in her husband’s direction. “It’s just the baby kicking.”

  “Really?” Jasper relaxed and smiled warmly at her.


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