The Cursed Crow and the Deadly Hex

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The Cursed Crow and the Deadly Hex Page 12

by Kelly Ethan

  Elspeth whipped around and pointed a finger at her granddaughter. “I think Lila Harrow would look grand with an extra nose, don’t you? It would remind her to keep her noses out of my business.”

  Lila covered her face and dropped to the floor behind Xandie. “You wouldn’t risk hitting your favorite Librarian granddaughter, would you?”

  “Are you really using me as an Elspeth cover, Lila? Where’s your family loyalty?” Xandie scooted out of the way and exposed Lila to Elspeth, the angst of dealing with ASP and her grandmother forgotten in the wake of Harrow antics.

  “Pfft.” Elspeth snapped her fingers. “It’s not worth it. Not when she’s expecting it. I’ll wait until everything dies down. The fear of the unexpected is much more satisfying.”

  “Are we done here?” Buchanan growled at the bakery in general and maneuvered Elspeth out the door. “We need to get back to Harrow House ASAP. It’s too open here.”

  Xandie followed her grandmother and her Paladin bodyguard but stopped to throw a wicked grin at Lila. “I think you better buy some big floppy hats to hide your noses, because your goose is cooked, cousin.”

  With a cheerful wave, Xandie stepped outside onto Main Street. She lifted a face to the patchy sun and inhaled slowly. Winter was around the corner and although Point Muse was on the main coast and temperatures weren’t as extreme as other parts of Maine, snow still fell. The vamps would be out in force as winter brought on the darker days.

  Xandie’s stiffened as her shoulder blades itched. Pivoting, she stared at both ends of Main Street, searching for shadowy ASP agents’ stalking her. But the black-suited government men had disappeared from the streets of Point Muse. With a frown on her face, she jogged to catch up to her grandmother and Buchanan.

  Giving into impulse, she rubbed the back of the neck as she sidestepped a group of witchy tourists standing gossiping. Something didn’t feel right. She stopped and swung around without warning, hoping to catch someone watching. A shadowy figure stepped back into an alley between an empty store and Aunt Winifred’s candle shop. Xandie froze. The prickling on her neck exploded and sent needles along her nerve endings.

  “Something picking at your craw, granddaughter?” Elspeth slid next to Xandie and peered at her face. “You okay, little Xandie?”

  Xandie forced a smile and turned back to her grandmother, linking arms with her. “I’m fine, just an imp walking over my grave.” She led Elspeth back to Buchanan but risked a quick glance over her shoulder. The alley was empty of anything resembling either a government agent or a stalking, shadowy figure, but someone had been watching her. She’d stake her life on it.

  But friend or foe?


  “I found it. I found the link.” Holly ran down the steps of Harrow House, flapping a file overhead.

  Elspeth slammed the door to Buchanan’s nondescript SUV. “What are you wailing about, Death Girl?”

  Holly glared at her grandmother. “I found new information that might help. But if you keep calling me Death Girl, I’ll bury it out back and you’ll never find it.”

  “Fine. Holly, my second favorite granddaughter, what momentous news have you found for us?”

  Holly flapped the files overhead again. “Albert Proctor had a second child.”

  What? Xandie stepped up to her triumphant cousin and grabbed the file, flipping through it. “According to Holly’s information, Proctor had an illegitimate child who’d been adopted out.”

  Elspeth sagged against Buchanan. “We only knew of one child. That boy who exploded Paladin headquarters.”

  Killing Elspeth’s husband and Xandie’s grandfather and decimating the Paladin power structure. The same group who’d allowed Elspeth’s investigation into Proctor. “The illegitimate child would have been older than the son by a few years.”

  Holly nodded. “The adoption records are sealed, but the baby’s name on her birth certificate was Alberta.”

  “Named for her father, Albert.” Elspeth pushed away from Buchanan.

  “And the same name as the woman giving way all those free cruise tickets to get people out of town.” Xandie gave Holly the file back and patted her shoulder. “Way to go, cousin. You found information. Both the Paladins and the PIGs found zip.”

  “I’d resent that statement, but unfortunately, it’s accurate.” PIG agent Ethan Jackson stepped onto the front porch of Harrow House, phone in hand. “Thanks to Holly’s information, we have linked the Alberta from the supernatural agency to the same Alberta in the adoption file.”

  “So, Whitburn deliberately hunted this Alberta down after coming across the adoption file?” He’d recruited a woman who’d never turn on him because of a hatred of the woman instrumental in the investigation of Morrigan Coven and ultimately her father’s death.

  “That’s what we suspect.” Jackson waggled the phone at Xandie. “Phone call for you. Some Troll.”

  Her Great-Aunt’s private investigator, Herman. Xandie ran up the stairs and snatched the phone from the Forget-Me-Witch agent. “Herman?”

  “How you doing, Librarian girl?”

  Xandie hip-shoved Jackson down toward Elspeth and Holly before turning back to Harrow House. “Surviving, Herman, surviving. Any good news for me?” Xandie leaned against the open front door and watched Buchanan and Jackson squabble about their next move.

  “Someone’s been applying pressure to the backers behind ASP. There are mumblings about dodgy dealings and illegal activities by both the backers of ASP and their agents. Word is someone high in Paladin is putting the smack-down on ASP. Looks like the government is listening so far. Most of their agents are being recalled to headquarters.”

  Could the big dog protecting her mother be Paladin, not PIG? “Any information on my mom?”

  Herman cleared his throat. “This is unofficial, and my source won’t go on record. She assures me Miranda Harrow is alive and well.”

  “But where is she?” Xandie clenched the phone tight. Her mother was okay, but she still wasn’t standing close enough to hug. Frustration gnawed on Xandie’s nerves.

  “Considering the large contingency of ASP agents still hiding in Point Muse, despite their orders, I’m betting she ain’t far away.”

  In a perfect world, her mother would be just around the corner. But Point Muse wasn’t perfect. The body count proved that.

  “Thanks for your help, Herman. Keep me updated.”

  “My invoice is in the mail. I’ll call you if anything else comes up. Be safe, Librarian.”

  Xandie bit her lip as Herman hung up. “Yes, safe. In Point Muse.” She lifted her eyes to the heavens and whispered a plea for good luck. As she stared up, a black speck soared above their heads, circling around Harrow House. She squinted as the bird moved closer. It looked like a falcon. Peregrine falcons loved the Point Muse area and nested heavily throughout.

  Holly followed Xandie’s gaze as the bird soared above them.

  Elspeth stepped between the warring law enforcement agents as the bird circled back, right overhead.

  The falcon dropped in height, low enough Xandie could make out the blue-gray helmet that covered its head and face and his white feathered throat…and the sizeable chunks of skin missing from its lower body.

  A zombie falcon. The bird folded its wings in and fell into a sharp vertical dive. Right at Elspeth and the agents. Xandie leapt forward, screaming a warning.

  Holly picked up on the danger and dragged Elspeth out of the way, leaving the agents to stare at the Harrow women in shock.

  The falcon reared back, claws extended, and its beak open at an impossible angle. The bird was in attack mode and probably loaded with one of Elspeth’s heinous hexes. And no one was clear of the fallout zone.

  A slim hooded figure strode out from the tree-line to the side of Harrow House and raised something to its shoulder. The figure paused for a moment as if sighting the bird and, with no noise or vibration, launched a projectile into the feathered attacker. It ignited in a greenish-blue flame
until nothing was left but ash that floated down on the light breeze.

  Xandie ran forward, but Elspeth yanked her back.

  “See that green flame?” Elspeth pointed to the green fire that lingered in the air, even though the body had turned to ash and had now drifted away. “When that…whoever it was… shot that diseased bird, I think it was ready to let loose one of my radioactive belches. But the bird imploded instead. That flame is the leftover radioactive hex in the air. You don’t want to go near it.”

  Xandie stared at the slim, mid-height shooter. From a distance, it was impossible to tell whether they were male or female, but something in Xandie’s gut screamed female. The shooter raised a hand and Elspeth choked up behind Xandie.

  Her grandmother’s hand tightened like claws on Xandie’s arms, holding her in place. “Stay.”

  “That’s…” She couldn’t finish the thought, her words failing her.

  “The only person in our family other than my husband who was an excellent shot with bows and arrows and guns. Mystical or physical, your mother and your grandfather were expert shots.” Elspeth dropped her hands away from Xandie as the figure disappeared back into the tree-line.

  She rounded on her grandmother. “If that was my mother, why hold me back?”

  “We don’t know how much she remembers. Miranda could be operating on instinct. A wounded animal can be very dangerous when cornered. We wait for her to approach us.”

  Xandie closed her eyes for a moment. She knew her grandmother was right, but the temptation to run after Miranda Harrow beat at her resolve. “Fine. What do you suggest we do?”

  Elspeth jiggled her hipflask. “I think I need a top-up and those two need a timeout.” She pointed to the still warring agents.

  Xandie grabbed the back of Jackson’s shirt and pulled him away from the older agent. “I’m glad Braun isn’t here, otherwise the testosterone levels would choke us.” She dropped her grasp after she’d shoved the agent back up the porch.

  “And apparently you’re dating the shifter, so his testosterone levels must appeal,” Jackson growled and dusted himself off.

  “My choice of date and his level of testosterone is none of your business. What is your business is how you conduct inter agency cooperation.”

  “That Paladin is so frustrating...”

  “Takes one to know one.” Elspeth sailed past the aggrieved agent and into Harrow House.

  Holly and Buchanan crowded up onto the porch and everyone gaped at the suddenly cheery witch.

  “Did she defend me?” Buchanan stared open-mouthed at Elspeth.

  Holly shuddered. “Don’t ask that…ever. If she defended you, there’s a reason. A diabolical, soul-destroying reason. Just go with it. It’s better than facing eternal damnation.” She stepped into the doorway of Harrow House. “Well, it’s dinnertime somewhere in the world. Let’s eat.”

  The trio crowded in behind Holly and followed her to the kitchen where Elspeth banged plates around.

  “Did I see who I thought I saw?” Holly whispered.

  “That’s what Elspeth thinks. She also said mom might be a wounded animal and not to approach.”

  “As much as it hurts me to agree with my evil grandmother, she’s right. You don’t know what Miranda remembers. She could see you as a threat.”

  Dammit, why did the Harrows always have to be right? Xandie huffed and dropped into a kitchen chair around the old battered table.

  “Make yourself useful, girls.” Elspeth dumped a container of cold cuts and a knife on the table. “Slice the meat up for dinner and there’s steamed cabbage, carrots and potatoes in the refrigerator. Just needs heating.”

  Holly scowled at Elspeth. “Where are you disappearing to now?”

  Elspeth sniffed dramatically. “The house needs my opinion on something. Plus, I need to change my wig. It clashes with the chocolate banana cream pie that’s in the fridge for dessert.”

  Buchanan stood as Elspeth took a few steps. She whirled back and pointed an accusing finger. “Don’t you dare, Patrick Buchanan. I am quite capable of picking my wig out. The house will keep an eye on me.” She spun and stomped out.

  Colin raised his head from an embroidered large gold pillow placed in the corner of the room. “Her wigs are her pride and joy. Even my bootylicious canine magnificence doesn’t step into her room for fear of hex consequences. Bet that cat wouldn’t care. In fact, send him in. He can be cannon fodder.”

  Speaking of Theo… “Where is my mouthy cat?” Xandie frowned at Colin. “Please tell me you didn’t do something nefarious to him?”

  “I can neither deny nor confirm that the annoying fake feline is glued to Elspeth’s closet door.” Colin shook himself, all his rolls wobbling in hypnotic coordination.

  “Ignore the animal situation. We need Elspeth here, ASAP.” Buchanan sat and glared at the PIG agent.

  Jackson raised his hands in denial. “I have nothing to do with the animals so don’t glare at me. And it’s not my issue what wig Ms. Harrow picks as long as she stays alive while doing it.”

  “Did I hear Elspeth mention chocolate cream pie earlier?” Holly opened the fridge and clapped like a little girl in delight.

  “Elspeth’s banana chocolate pie. I have no clue whether she baked or waggled her nose and used magic but I’m saving room for a very large serving.” Holly shut the fridge door and smiled at the room. “Now who’s turn was it to fight?”

  Xandie ignored the drama, piled the meat on a platter, and busied herself heating the vegetables. Say what you will about her grandmother’s anti-social tendencies, she knew how to feed a person.

  Holly helped Xandie carry the dishes to the table. “Right. Someone go and drag Elspeth away from her wigs. Xandie, you need to deal with Harrow House.” Holly pointed to Buchanan and Jackson. “You boys need to cool it before Elspeth threatens you with a hex.”

  The men grabbed plates and loaded food on.

  “What did she need to help Harrow House with?” Harrow witches built the house over two hundred years ago. Various generations added on and improved the house. And magic had built up within the walls until the house had become a sentient, protective Harrow guardian. And it had distinctive mood swings like a certain Harrow witch. A noisy banging echoed from the front of the house. Xandie jerked in shock as the noise rang out again.

  “The front door’s flapping. Means someone’s coming, or the house wants to talk on the porch.” Holly shrugged unconcerned. “Or the zombie apocalypse is upon us again. Who knows?”

  Sighing, Xandie headed for the door. She stepped outside onto the porch. “What’s up, House? Don’t tell me Elspeth hexed the whole town from her bedroom?”

  The entire house quivered. Xandie grabbed a porch column and held on until the movement subsided. “That can’t be a good omen.”

  A growling noise of mechanical engines along the Harrow driveway snapped Xandie to attention. “That’s why. Someone not so nice is approaching the house. Someone on Elspeth’s hex-on-sight list?”

  The house vibrated again in response. “I’ll take that as a yes,” Xandie mumbled as three black SUVs rolled into sight and came to a dirt-spinning halt in front of Harrow House. The same black tinted vehicles those idiotic ASP agents paraded around town in. Her mother may have made an appearance and now the rogue agency hunting her head has as well.

  The front door to Harrow House slammed open with a bang and Holly stood framed in the doorway, her eyes wide. She stuttered a few words before clearing her throat and trying again, “We have a gigantic problem.”

  Xandie pointed to the three cars and the black-suited agents swarming onto Harrow land. “Yep. It’s called ASP.”

  “Nope.” Holly shook her head as men bellowing in unison drifted out of the house. “It’s worse than that.”

  “Nothing’s worse than egotistic, power-mad human agents, bent on controlling all supernatural creatures, conducting a house call.”

  “Elspeth’s missing.”

  “Right. We�
��re now at DEFCON three.”

  A missing Elspeth was like a nuke on the loose.

  Harrow help Point Muse if anyone got in her way...


  “Well, well, I told you I’d be seeing you soon, little Librarian.” The head ASP agent with a graying military style buzz cut smiled at Xandie.

  “And I told you I have no clue where Miranda Harrow is.”

  “There was a sighting of a woman who matches your mother’s description not far from here.”

  And wouldn’t this idiotic covert wannabe love to haul Xandie and her mother away to some sealed black ops site? No chance. “Afraid I can’t help you. Plus, you’re on private property without a warrant or permission. It’s time for you to leave.”

  The agent leaned against his SUV and folded his arms over his chest. “This is a nice place you Harrow’s have here. I think I might stay. Got any spare rooms?”

  “From what I hear, you’ll be out of a job soon, anyway. Time for a holiday?” Xandie smirked and thanked the gossip gods for her private investigator troll, Herman, and his sources.

  The smile dropped away and his beady eyes laser focused on Xandie. “Where did you hear that?”

  “Around.” Her troll was her secret ace up her proverbial sleeve. So nameless he would remain.

  “ASP performs a necessary evil. We get rid of the supernatural vermin, like you and your family.” The lead agent spat on the ground and the other men formed a semicircle around him.

  “Still sporting that same old prejudice, Malcolm?” Buchanan and Agent Jackson stood on the porch with their hands braced on their hips while Holly hovered in the doorway.

  “I’m a patriot, Buchanan. You wouldn’t understand.”

  “And I’m hungry and the sun’s starting to set. Can anyone say kebabs?” Zach Braun strode out from behind Harrow House, followed by his Deputy brothers. He came to a stop next to Xandie and scratched his nose with a sharp gleaming bear claw.

  Nodding to his men to withdraw, the ASP agent opened his car door, but paused and stared at Xandie. “Miranda Harrow is ours. No matter who pulls our strings. She’ll always belong to ASP.” He slammed the door shut and all the vehicles reversed out of sight, in a spray of dirt and gravel.


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