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Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel

Page 20

by Weston Parker

  “Damn, looks like someone went ass up over the table.” He looked over and belted a laugh. “You’ve got no poker face, man.”


  “All I want to know is that it was Allison, and you’re not banging some fucking intern.”

  “It was Thanksgiving, and remind me to fire the cleaning staff.”

  “In all fairness, this room wasn’t used much in the past few weeks. Well, for its intended purposes. I guess I know why you two were late for dinner. Didn’t your text say you were just stopping by here to get her ring?”

  “Yes, and I did. But we haven’t had much time alone lately. I’m going to be in trouble if I don’t start giving her some private time, but it’s so hard with Sierra needing my attention. I’ve got to make up for lost time, you know?” Allison had been wonderful about giving me and Sierra space, but since we’d decided to try and have another baby, she’d been reminding me constantly that we don’t get enough time together. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to spend time with my wife, the truth was, I craved it, but I felt like there wasn’t enough of me to go around and not enough hours in the day.

  “Don’t let the embers die, man. You’ll regret it.”

  “Yeah, not likely. We’re trying to make another baby.”

  He glanced back down at the desk. “Looks like you’re well on your way. When’s the wedding date?”

  “See, that’s another rub. I’ve asked her to pick the date, and she’s yet to give me one. I don’t know what she’s waiting for. I proposed hoping to get the ball rolling. I hated her changing her name back to Beall, and I can’t wait to make her a DeVant. She doesn’t even have the same name as her daughter.”

  “Wow, that’s weird. I’d feel left out.”

  “Left out? I don’t make her feel left out.” Did I? I had been really focused on my daughter, and since moving back to my childhood home, which I’d affectionately named DeVant House, I’d given her more than her fair share of attention.

  I was tired of talking about me and Allison. “So, what’s going on with you and Katrina?”

  “Katrina?” He made a face as if he had no idea what I was talking about.

  “Don’t give me that look. You know exactly what I mean. You spent the entire time at Missy’s Thanksgiving dinner talking to her, and I know you’ve talked on the phone a few times.”

  “She’s my business partner, is all. Thanks to your soon-to-be wife and her, they talked me into a pretty sound investment. I just want to make sure things are going smoothly.”

  “Yeah, smooth is a word I’d use. I’m sure you’re putting some moves on her. Maybe these are her handprints?”

  He gave me a sly grin. “Nah, ass prints would be more my style. I like to look them in the eyes, so they know who owns that pussy.”

  “So, you have owned it?” I folded my arms and gave him a hard look.

  He chuckled. “No, not hardly. I’m just saying that’s more my style.” He shrugged. “Don’t get me wrong; she’s a gorgeous woman. I’ve always been partial to redheads with attitude, and I don’t even mind her crazy personality, but I’m not sure I can mix business and pleasure. I should have met her before I signed my life over to the café, but I think I made the smarter investment.”

  “Well, it’s probably for the best. She’s a bit too much like you.”

  “Like me?”

  “Yeah. From what Allison’s told me, she’s just as crazy.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.” He got up from the table and leaned over to wipe the lipstick stain onto his finger. He studied it a moment.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Making sure it’s Allison’s shade.”

  “You know me better.”

  “I do, but it’s fun to bust your balls. I mean, if anyone strays in these situations, it’s the neglected wife, right?” Allison would never, and I had just about had enough of Greyson’s ribbing. He gave me a nudge. “You know I’m kidding, man. Damn.”

  I looked down to see my hand was balled into a fist. “Call the cleaning crew. Tell them the boardroom needs attention.” I walked out and went down the hall to my office. There wasn’t but a few minutes left in my day and I walked over to the window where the sun was going down on the horizon.

  I let out a deep breath as I thought about my father. He’d wanted me to work like he had, until the day I died, right there in that office, with the same view and the same old desk. But I knew it wasn’t for me. We weren’t the same person. While he’d been inclined to leave his daughter to raise his family, I wanted to spend all the time I could with my daughter and Allison too. My little family was going to be my main purpose, and while I owed my father a debt of gratitude for making it all possible, I shouldn’t have to live to please a dead man.

  As the sun dipped down below the horizon, I gathered my things and headed home to be with my girls. I had a promise to keep with Allison, and I’d show her just how much I loved her and how important she was in my life. With any luck, we’d make a baby. I’d missed out on so much of Sierra’s childhood that I wanted that experience, and even though I loved my little girl, I really wanted a son to carry on my family name.



  Waking up with a cock in my ass crack might have been David’s way of saying he was sorry, but after being jilted the night before, he was going to have to do a whole lot more to convince me. I played like I was asleep and shifted away from him.

  “Hey, wake up, sleepy head.” He kissed my ear, and I opened one eye and glared over my shoulder.

  “So nice of you to finally come to bed.” He’d fallen asleep during Sierra’s bedtime story, and it wasn’t the first time it had happened. I had gone in and covered them both up. “You know, you’re supposed to be tucking her in, not me tucking you both in.”

  “Sorry. Sierra loves her bedtime stories, and I’m not able to tell her no.”

  I moved to the edge of the bed, letting the covers fall away from my naked body, and sat up to swing my feet around to the floor. “It’s fine. I understand. You want to be a good father, even if it makes you a lousy fiancé.” I pulled my robe on and headed to the bathroom.

  “Ouch,” he called to me. I stopped in the doorway.

  I regretted my words as soon as they fell from my lips. “Sorry. I understand, really. You’re making up for lost time; I get it. I just wish you’d stop losing time with me to do it.” Sierra had gotten more time than I had since we’d moved in together, and even before then.

  I shut the door and took a minute to collect myself, washing my face, brushing my teeth. It wasn’t that I wanted to fight, I really didn’t, and it wasn’t that I wanted him to stop giving Sierra time, but I wished he’d give me a bit more attention and not the watered down syrupy affection that felt half-hearted and often rushed. I needed to feel alive. I needed to be taken in his arms like I was his water in the desert; his last breath of air.

  When I came out he was still lying in bed, now totally naked, the thin sheet barely covering his hips and doing nothing to hide the bulky erection beneath it. My body warmed in response, heat licking my core and causing a pulse between my legs.

  His eyes bore into mine. “Are we going to fuck or fight?” I walked back to the bed, and he sat up and took my hand to pull me down with him, but I resisted. He gave a sound of frustration and gripped my hand tighter. “I’m sorry, baby. I meant to come back, and I guess I was just too tired.”

  “You need to learn to tell her no. You’re only going to make me look like the bad guy if you don’t learn how to say that word.” His soulful eyes were so hard to resist, and I didn’t want to for much longer, but I had things on my heart I needed to say.

  “I know, baby. Come here and let me make it up to you.” He pulled me close, and this time I let him. I got on my knees next to him, and he pulled me down to meet his lips.

  His tongue slipped between my lips and mingled with mine, but I wasn’t about to let him keep things tender
and sweet. I gripped his hair and kissed him harder, demanding he give me as good as he would get.

  His eyes flashed, and a devilish grin spread across his face. “You want to get rough, baby?” He rolled me over so fast that I lost my breath and he kissed me hard before I could catch it. His cock pressed hard against me, and his hands moved the covers from between us and nudged my legs wide. “Spread your legs for me.” He rutted against me, his cock head parting my folds as his hips worked to find my center.

  I turned and kissed his ear. “Mm. That’s right, baby. Fuck me.” His cock thrust hard, burying deep into my walls and he fell into a steady rhythm as I moaned, digging my nails into the thick flesh of his back. I ground upward, and he hitched up my legs, and I wrapped them around his waist.

  He gripped my ass, tilting my hips and hitting my spot until my pleasure reached its climax. My tight channel clenched around his cock, milking him so hard that it was only seconds later he grunted against my flesh like a beast and pumped his hot seed deep inside of me. He collapsed on me, kissing me as I licked the salt from his neck and ran my fingers through his hair.

  He turned and met my eyes. “Do you forgive me?” His cock twitched inside of me as if daring me to say no.

  I gave him a sly smile of my own. “Yes. For now. But I want more, David. I need more of this. We’re never going to make a baby if we don’t.”

  “Good enough.” He slapped my ass. “I’ll do better, I promise.”

  “No promises. I want to see results.”

  He let out a growling moan. “You know what I want? For my fiancé to set a date.” He gave me a sidelong look. “Have you even thought about it?”

  “I’ll come up with a date when you have time to marry me.” I gave him a pouty smile, and he gave me a quick peck. We were playful, but I knew he understood there was truth in my words.

  “I can’t make the time I if I don’t have a date.”

  “You were supposed to be making time by handing Greyson the keys to the kingdom remember? But now you want to put that off. Maybe I won’t set a date until it’s done.” I gave a little shrug, and he gave me a less amused look and pushed his semi-hard cock deeper.

  “Is that right? So, you won’t marry me until it’s done? I need you to give me time to do it right. A little incentive would be nice.” He brushed his fingers through my hair as a phone rang on our bedside table.

  “That’s mine,” I said, as he reached over and grabbed it.

  He glared at the screen. “Yeah, but it’s my brother, so…” He gave me a wide smile and answered the phone, pulling his cock free in the process.

  “Hey, brother.” He paused a minute and then let out a sigh. He held the phone away and brought it to his chest. “Is there something I should know? Am I being traded for a different DeVant? Are you upgrading?” He handed me the phone. “He really is calling for you.”

  “You know better. You’re my favorite DeVant.” I put the phone to my ear as Blaine made a gagging sound.

  “Did I interrupt pillow talk?” From the sound of his voice, I could imagine his lip was curled, and he was making a face like he’d eaten something sour.

  “Maybe.” I wished I could see him squirm. I’d always loved to tease him and thought of Blaine as a little brother, even when we were kids and hoped that one day David would be mine and I’d be a part of their family.

  David got up, and the shower went on as his brother continued.

  “I just wanted to thank you for having Katrina call. Having my art in the café will be a great opportunity.” He’d been doing so much to better himself, and I hoped this was a way we could show our support.

  “I hoped you’d like the idea.”

  “I love it. I’d like to talk to you and Katrina today and go over a few ideas. Could I coordinate with you about the time? I’ve got a busy schedule.”

  “Sure. I’d love to get together.”

  After a few more minutes of talking, we said our goodbyes. I hung up the phone and was excited about the plans. The sooner we got the finishing touches on the café, we could go through inspections and get her open.

  David came out in a towel, the water still beading on his back as he went to his closet. “So, did you and Blaine work something out?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, we have a date later today.” I gave him a wink, and he gave me a lazy grin.

  “Oh, I see. You can make dates with him, but I have to quit my job first.”

  “Actually, I gave him a job.”

  That earned a narrow stare as he slipped on his shirt. “You hired my brother? For what exactly?”

  “What he does best. We have a café that needs art, and he’s an artist. It seemed like a no-brainer.”

  “That’s a great idea.” He crossed the room and sat beside me. “I love you.”

  “I love you, Mr. DeVant.”

  “Mhm. I’d love for you to be Mrs. DeVant even more.”

  “Then you know what you have to do.” I leaned in and kissed his lips, and I wanted so badly to pull him down with me and worship his body another hour or two before he carried on with his day, but I had to get our daughter to school, and he had a company to run.



  I had to admit that the days when I got laid before work put me in a much better mood than usual. I knew I needed to rethink the timing of letting Greyson take over, but it was going to happen sooner or later, and I just needed Allison’s support for letting me decide when. I couldn’t bring myself to just dump it on him, and I didn’t think my father would approve of such a move either, especially at this time of the year.

  Greyson came in to grab his usual cup of coffee and was so busy texting that he didn’t have time to say hello. I watched him and laughed when he sat down with me like usual and proceeded to ignore me for his device.

  “Good morning to you too, friend.”

  “Oh, sorry, man. I’m not great at multitasking and texting. I’m not really great at texting. I’m always inadvertently typing something inappropriate thanks to fucking auto-correct and fat fingers.”

  “Who is getting all of your attention? Is it a girl?”

  “Yeah. If you have to know, it’s Katrina. And before you go making any cheeky remarks, no; we’re not sexting.”

  “I wasn’t going to say a word. But if it gets to the point your sending dick pics, I’m going to make you marry her.”

  “Relax, I’m not a total fucking sleaze, man. Innuendo at best.” He gave me a wink and then balanced the phone on his knee as he sipped his coffee.

  The phone rang, and it was still a bit early for business, but I answered it anyway. “David DeVant.”

  “Hello, Mr. DeVant. This is Ms. Caine from Oaks Academy.”

  My heart stopped thinking there was a problem and what was worse, I’d have to call and tell Allison. “Yes, ma’am. What seems to be the trouble?”

  “Oh, there’s no trouble. Sierra’s doing wonderfully. In fact, she’s trying out today for a part in the Christmas pageant, but I’m afraid I’ve hit a snag, and while it’s the last thing I wanted to spend my morning doing, I’m afraid I’m calling to see if you might help us out with a little financial issue.”

  It wasn’t every day that a school called asking for money and especially by reaching out to me directly. “What kind of a financial issue?” Greyson’s head popped up from his coffee, and I suddenly had his full attention.

  “It seems the money I’m usually allowed to put on the Christmas pageant has been cut. I’ve got enough to pay the deposit for the venue, and we have a few costumes and items that we can reuse from previous years, but I’m afraid I’ll not have enough for all the props we’ll need to really make the pageant the success it’s been in years past.”

  “I see. So, how much money are we talking about?” I knew what was a lot of money to some, wasn’t but a drop in the bucket for me, but I needed to always present myself like it mattered.

  “Well last year our total spending was just unde
r three grand, and that was after we bought refreshments and paid the rent on the stage. My budget is less than a thousand this year.”

  “I’ll send you over a check for five thousand dollars, Mr. Caine, but I’d like for you to take what’s left and see it goes to a worthy cause.”

  “Oh yes, Sir. The show is free for our parents and friends, and the last night of the show we ask for a charitable donation. I’ll see to it that what’s left goes into the till.” Her voice was so full of joy that I knew the amount of my check was only going to get bigger. “Thank you so much.”

  “Glad I can help. You know, Sierra really loves her new school. I’m appreciative of all you do. Have a Merry Christmas.”

  “Same to you, Mr. DeVant.” She hung up the phone, and I looked up to see Greyson shaking his head.

  “Aren’t you just the original Santa Claus.”

  “Yeah, if Sierra gets a part, you’re getting a ticket.”

  “Lucky me,” he said and rolled his eyes until I cleared my throat. “I mean, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  “And you’ll bring your checkbook. It’s for charity, after all. Perhaps, you could even bring a date.” I laughed, and he shook his head.

  “You don’t give up do you?”

  “Not when it bugs the shit out of you, no.” I belted a laugh when he shot me the finger.

  “Did you ever get the team to look at the Dax Scott account?” He was supposed to put the group on it, and each was going to come back at us with an idea.

  “Yes, and we’re spending the day looking at their concepts. I can’t wait to see what they come up with.” He sounded really enthused and sincere, much more so than my current mood.

  “You love this job, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I really do. The creative part is always a rush, and I love making a deal.” He spoke with conviction and with a sense of pride for what my father built as I had never had.


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