The Last To Know - What I did while we were Engaged

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The Last To Know - What I did while we were Engaged Page 18

by Bridy McAvoy

  The married woman rose to her feet, looking nervously at her husband and, taking Graham’s hand, was led behind a curtain. Music played for a couple of minutes and then he led her back out again. The music died away.

  “Well, here we go, my first failure of the night. I’m afraid our lovely Amy is resistant to being hypnotized, so why don’t you go take a seat down there, and I’ll ask the lovely Simone to take your place. Give her a big hand for being such a sport for trying. Okay, give it up for Amy, everyone.”

  Everybody clapped as Amy walked down the steps off the stage, and took Simone’s seat as Simone joined us on stage. As Amy sat next to her husband he put his arm around her and she cuddled up to him. I wondered if they’d even stay to the end of the show.

  “Now, Chelsea, would you stand up, please.” The girl who’d greeted us when we arrived, and had in fact given me my first massage of the day, rose gracefully to her feet. I think she’d changed her skirt from when we’d seen her earlier—certainly the tight black pencil skirt seemed shorter.

  “Now, tell me, Chelsea, what do you do here?”

  “I cover reception, and I’m a horse riding guide and, like the rest of the staff, can work as a personal trainer and masseuse.”

  “And do you enjoy your job?”

  “Oh, yes, I love working here.”

  “And do you do a good job?”

  “Definitely. I endeavor to give perfect satisfaction.”


  With the exception of Graham, everyone turned to look in the direction the sound had come from, but Amy had her eyes closed as she snuggled into her husband’s chest. Even he seemed surprised.

  “So you give satisfaction.”


  This time we all saw Amy’s lips move as she imitated a pig the way a child would. But she, herself, gave no indication she’d made any noise.

  “I always make sure that I leave my clients fully satisfied.”


  The truth started to dawn on me—maybe this guy actually could hypnotize someone. It was obvious Amy knew nothing about what she’d been doing. The music started again and Graham led Chelsea behind the curtain, for what I was sure would be a fake hypnotism. Everyone else just looked around. Amy’s husband nudged her to sit up and, opening her eyes, she looked around at everyone, clearly wondering why everyone seemed to be staring at her.

  Simone and I just looked at each other, wondering what had just happened. I thought about bolting, but waited to see what was going to happen. The music faded, and Chelsea reappeared with Graham following. Chelsea was strutting rather than walking. She was crossing her feet in front of each other as she walked. Her hips swayed from side to side and her chest moved in perfect counterpoint. I knew she’d been wearing a bra earlier, but it was obvious she wasn’t now.

  Graham allowed her to return to her seat. Chelsea sat down and immediately crossed her legs. This time he beckoned to Chrissie.

  “What do you do here, Chrissie?”

  “I give my clients satisfaction.”


  Chelsea re-crossed her legs the other way. Her skirt rode up slightly, but she seemed to be oblivious, just as Amy was to her pig noises. Amy’s husband just stared at his wife.

  “In what way do you satisfy your clients?”


  Chelsea re-crossed her legs again.

  “I give the very best massages.”

  “No she doesn’t!”

  Everyone looked at Chelsea in shock but she was just sitting there, her legs crossed, her tight skirt sliding a little high on her thighs. She seemed confused as to why people were looking at her.

  I could see the pattern here and I guess so could everyone else. Certainly, Chrissie was enjoying herself, giving the triggers at every opportunity.

  “Oh, I do. I give the most satisfying massages.”


  Chelsea crossed her legs back the other way. “No she doesn’t!”

  Everyone else was giggling now. This guy was good, no doubt about it, even if one of his supposed victims was obviously a stooge.

  Graham led Chrissie off behind the curtain and the music started again. I leaned forward to look past Chelsea who was sitting there smiling out at the audience. I could see the dark band below the elevated hem of her skirt—she was wearing stockings. I guessed the same would be true of Chelsea—all of us were. I started to feel a knot of anxiety form in my stomach, but as I stared at Simone, my friend winked at me and nodded. I guessed she was signaling to go with the flow.

  The music stopped again and Chrissie walked out in front of Graham. Unlike Chelsea, she was walking normally, but I was sure she too had left her bra behind the curtain. She sat down and sat there with her hands on her knees and her knees pressed closely together.

  “So, let’s give a big hand for my next victim—sorry, volunteer—our bride to be, Samantha.”

  Everyone clapped, including the three women he’d supposed to have hypnotized, and as soon as she finished clapping, Chrissie’s hands dropped back to her primly positioned knees.

  “So tell me, Samantha, are you finding your stay here to your satisfaction?”


  Chelsea re-crossed her legs again. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Chrissie slouch a little lower in her chair, her knees parting maybe an inch or two, no more. The audience members roared with laughter. I was obviously expected to play along.

  “Oh, yes, so far the stay has been very satisfying.”


  The other two women moved again. I couldn’t help giggling myself. The basis of the show was in place and I wondered how he was going to proceed. I wondered if Amy, too, was in on the act, or had she really been hypnotized? As Graham led me behind the curtain I knew I was about to find out. There were three chairs behind the curtain, two facing each other. The third, off to the side, had a pile of white cloth on it. As my eyes focused I realized what was there—two bras and a pair of white lace panties. I knew now what Chrissie was doing. Those were her panties, and it was hers and Chelsea’s bras. Since I wasn’t wearing a bra, mine couldn’t join the pile. There again, two bras meant Amy’s wasn’t there, so it was only staff who shed clothing back here.

  Graham watched me as he gestured to one of the seats. He sat down facing me and smiled.

  “I’m sure you’ve worked out their part in the act is a fake. Don’t worry, they know where their underwear is.”

  “I’m pleased about that.”

  “I won’t be adding yours.”


  He chuckled and reached into his pocket and brought out a large crystal pendant on a chain.

  “Shall we see if we can hypnotize you?”

  “You can’t. I know you can’t.”

  “Humor me, look at the crystal. Your eyes are getting heavy.”

  I giggled, I couldn’t help it. His words were just so corny. Just to go along with it, I stared at the crystal…

  “Now, when I click my fingers you’ll come out of the trance. You’ll remember everything that happens from here on, but you will do as I say. Three… Two… One…” He clicked his fingers and, lifting my head, I blinked at him a couple of times.

  “As I said, you can’t hypnotize me at all.”

  “We’ll see, let’s go back to your seat. And maybe just for fun, why don’t you sway your hips as you walk, make yourself look very sexy.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  “Please, be a sport, just for the show. Okay? That audience is a killer tonight. They all think it’s rigged. If you play along, maybe they’ll think differently.”

  He was pleading with me so I did as he asked, making my walk back to my seat much more of a strut, just like Chelsea had. Once I’d sat down, he turned his back on me.

  “And, finally, we come to my last volunteer. And your name is?”


  “Well, Simone, have you found your time staying here sat


  Chelsea crossed her legs to the other side, Chrissie slouched down in her chair and I bounced up a little, pulling my skirt higher and sat down again. Everyone else laughed, but I blushed. I noticed Chrissie had her knees quite some distance apart, and that Chelsea crossed her legs which weren’t pressed together any more either. I was sure the guys sitting in front had a great view of both of them, all the way up under the skirts. Why had I moved too? He hadn’t hypnotized me!

  “Very satisfying, thank you.”


  I moved again and I looked down in a near panic. The tops of my stockings were now in view. I made sure I kept my knees pressed together. At least, unlike Chrissie, I still had my underwear on. My head turned to shoot a look at Chelsea and I realized there could be one simple reason for her panties not being behind the curtain—she’d not been wearing any to start with!

  I’d worked out it was going to be an adult-themed show, but as I watched Graham lead Simone back behind the curtain and the music started to play again, I hadn’t realized just how much a part I’d be playing in it.

  I fought to control my breathing and tried not to pay any attention to the fact my nipples were hard, and indenting the front of my dress. Despite my embarrassment, I was getting turned on. I guess I sat there lost in my own thoughts, because the music died away and Simone walked out in front of Graham. Like Chelsea and me, she strutted rather than walked, her little blue dress bouncing around her thighs. The spaghetti straps were tied at the shoulders with little bows, and if anything they seemed looser, as if she’d re-tied them back there. I knew she was wearing a bra, a strapless one, but she was showing more cleavage than before. Glancing down, I checked I wasn’t—but I was showing a lot of leg.

  “Ladies, stand up, please.”

  The three of us shot to our feet and Graham moved the chairs back. Of course, all our skirts fell back into place, cutting off the view we’d been giving to the appreciative audience. I wondered what he was going to do for a finale then gasped as I realized that was the reason he’d moved the chairs back to make room on the stage.

  “Music, please, for our four dancers.”

  Before the words were out of his mouth, the Stripper tune started to play. I blushed, knowing now what the finale to the act would be, but even so my body was moving to the music, as was the case with the others too. Simone and I lifted our hands above our hands and danced on the spot. Neither of us made any attempt to remove any clothing. Chelsea and Chrissie had obviously been given other instructions as they stepped to the front of the stage and, working almost in unison, started to unbutton their white blouses as they bumped and ground to the music.

  The guys in the audience were laughing and clapping and obviously enjoying the show. Even Amy’s husband seemed interested, but given the nature of the resort, that didn’t surprise me. Indeed, Amy was grinning and sitting upright, her eyes intent on the show.

  Once the blouses were undone, Chrissie stepped back for a second and Chelsea took center stage, turned her back on the audience and, looking me right in the eye, whipped off her blouse. Her nipples were standing out—she enjoyed doing this. I shivered as I danced but kept dancing—I couldn’t make myself stand still. The audience roared their approval as she spun around to face them, unselfconscious in her near nudity. She stepped back and Chrissie repeated the performance, although she fixed her gaze on Simone rather than me. Again, there was a roar of approval and the two went back to bumping and grinding as their hands went to the backs of their tight skirts. I watched as they undid the button and zip and then partially wiggled them down. Once more they turned their backs on the audience and faced Simone and me. This time they worked together and lowered their skirts to the floor with perfectly synchronized moves.

  When they turned back to face the rest of the hall they were, of course, naked. Chrissie still had her heels on, and Chelsea was wearing stockings, but everything was on display and the guys were clapping and cheering. I waited for the music to stop, but it didn’t. I was still dancing, as was Simone—both of us dancing in place, our hands over our heads, our hips swaying to the beat.

  Chelsea whirled around and beckoned to Simone. Without hesitating, my bridesmaid walked across the stage in front of me, still dancing as she moved, to stand in front of her. Chrissie did the same to me and I guess my face was a mask of horror as I did the same. Everybody laughed and I could see one or two of them pointing at my face. I guess Graham was a better hypnotist than I thought he was.

  A naked Chrissie moved behind me, put her hands on my hips and started moving me in time to her body, and then, once she had me nicely grinding back against her, her hands slid toward my stomach and then up.

  I couldn’t help a moan as her hands reached up, cupping my breasts. I glanced sideways to see Chelsea had Simone doing the same, but her hands were on Simone’s shoulders and, as I watched, she pulled the strings on the bows, releasing my friend’s dress. It cascaded down, revealing her strapless lace bra, but caught on her waist. A moment later Chelsea’s hands had pushed it down to pool around Simone’s feet.

  I felt Chrissie step closer still, her naked breasts pressing tightly against my naked back, tight enough I could feel her hard little nipples digging into my equally naked back. Her hands rose and met behind my head. I knew she was going to undo the halter neck but I didn’t stop her—didn’t lower my hands as I kept dancing.

  I heard a roar and looked to the side, just in time to see Simone’s bra hit the floor, and Chelsea’s hands drop to the waistband of my friend’s panties. A moment later the halter gave way around my neck and my breasts were bared to the audience to another roar of approval. Seconds later, the dress hit the floor and Chrissie’s hands went to the strap of my thong.

  The music stilled and the audience gave a long drawn-out arrgh of disappointment—obviously they wanted to see us naked. Chrissie, behind me, chuckled and then I heard Graham start to count down.

  “Three… Two… One… Panties off!”

  The applause filled the room, even though there weren’t that many people there, as the two camp personnel pulled our panties down on his count. I just stood there, everything exposed, my pussy in view, framed by my garter belt and stockings. Simone was standing still too, although she only had her stockings on—I’d lent her hold-ups.

  Chelsea and Chrissie moved to stand next to us and then Graham led another round of applause for his willing volunteers and the show was over. Everyone except Graham, the four of us naked women, and Amy, filed out. Graham went over to Amy and, clicking his fingers, talked quietly to her for a moment. I couldn’t hear what he said. In any case, Chrissie was helping me put my dress on and pull my thong back up. Once I was dressed she kissed me on the cheek and thanked me for being such a good sport. Graham then came over as Amy left.

  Standing in front of me, he clicked his fingers and I guess talked to me just like he had Amy, then, clicking his fingers again, smiled at me. “You were wonderful. One of the best volunteers I’ve ever had on stage.”

  I frowned at him—I’d come over for dinner not to display my body to all and sundry. Graham, though, moved away and repeated the process with Simone, whom Chelsea had helped dress. The two women were still naked, and not in the slightest bit bothered about it, confirming my suspicions they had been stooges, and hadn’t been hypnotized at all. Thinking back, Graham had actually confirmed that to me.

  We had another drink in the bar and a couple of the guys tried to chat up both Simone and me. Most of them, though, were concentrating on Chrissie and Chelsea who had simply donned short silk robes and hadn’t bothered knotting the belt. Since fraternization away from the house was actively discouraged, it was clear why, apart from the nudity, they were more interested in the staff.

  I signaled to Simone and we left. Once we made it back to the cabin, Simone suggested a nightcap but I refused—I’d had enough to drink—and we turned in. I put on a long T-shirt to sleep in, but
wasn’t surprised to see Simone climb into her bed naked.

  I slept the sleep of the damned, and was groggy the following morning. Simone was, of course, up and about and lively with it. The bitch!

  Chapter Eleven – Biking and Beyond

  Breakfast was delivered—again, simple fare: toast, croissants, butter, jam and even chocolate spread. Simone pounced on the latter and I didn’t get a look-in, not that it worried me—I preferred the jam. Even the coffee in warm cups was really good—much better than the instant we had available.

  We got ready for our excursion and headed toward the house.

  Simone nudged me. “Shall I book a tennis lesson for this afternoon?”


  “Why not? I could see the way Graham was ogling your bod last night.”

  “I’m quite sure he had eyes on all of us.”

  “Nah, babe, he was only interested in you. You had the best rack on that stage.”

  “And I’m wondering how I ended up on that stage. Why Chelsea made sure he picked me?”

  “Duh! Silly, she picked all the women in the audience, but since Amy was the married one, they just gave her a sideshow part. You and I were the main attraction, baby! You know the other two bitches weren’t hypnotized, don’t you?”

  “Well, duh! Right back at you. Of course I knew they were stooges. I didn’t think he could hypnotize me, let alone anyone else.”

  She giggled and then leaned in close to me. “Don’t you wish we’d stayed for the after-show party?”

  “In a word, no!”

  By now we’d arrived at the reception desk. There was a different girl there, and as soon as we walked in she smiled. Simone dealt with her while I looked around a bit. This place was plush. I hadn’t really taken much notice of it before. A couple of minutes later Lance, according to his nametag, walked out of a side room, carrying his helmet. It was customized and I could see a GoPro mount on the side of it.


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