The Ground Rules: Undone

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The Ground Rules: Undone Page 27

by Roya Carmen

  Weston doesn’t seem too disappointed either. “Well, who knows then,” he says with a smile.

  I smile back, a very polite smile. “Yes, who knows?”

  I turn my gaze away, knowing there’s not much more to say. We can’t exactly reminisce. “I should go.”

  He nods and smiles.

  I smile at Bridget as I head toward the door. She practically throws herself at me and holds me in a big bear hug. “Thank you,” she whispers.

  “Take care of him,” I say as I let go.

  He smiles and waves at me as I make my way out. I wave goodbye, the tears already working their way up.

  My last memory of him will always be of him all bruised up, sitting on his bed, holding Claire’s drawing, smiling at me. Happy.

  I fall into sobs as soon as I leave the room.

  Gabe holds me tight. “What’s wrong, Ella?”

  My face his buried into the grey cotton of his sweater. “He didn’t remember me,” I cry. “It was like I was a complete stranger. It was horrible.”

  I can’t explain the heaviness I felt, the hole in my heart. But deep down, I knew it was for the best.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispers, still holding me tight.

  I pull away from him and reach for a tissue in my purse. “Don’t be. This way, we know he’ll never come after me.”

  Gabe studies me and doesn’t say a word. But I can see something in his eyes. It’s the same expression I saw in Bridget’s eyes when I told her we were moving, when I told them we would most likely never see each other again, pure, unfiltered relief.

  “This is finally over,” I promise him.

  Gabe and I are huddled together on our bed, under a cozy plush throw. I feel safe there, in his arms. I feel cherished, cared for…loved. In the past few weeks, I’ve realized I made the right decision.

  What Weston and I had was never quite real. It was never held by a strong foundation, like the love between Gabe and me is. This love affair with Weston started because I craved excitement and he longed to escape…to forget. Having him suddenly taken away from me made me think more clearly, see the situation objectively.

  Gabe is flipping through the movie selection on the On-Demand channel. I tell him I’d like to watch a comedy. He and I have always enjoyed watching comedies together. We have the same twisted sense of humor, another reason we belong together.

  “I think we should watch a double feature tonight. I’m way too excited to fall asleep.”

  He laughs. “Me too.”

  Tomorrow, we’re going to Phoenix to check out a property we’re very interested in; a gorgeous ranch style bungalow with a charming Tuscan style kitchen. When I saw the photos, it was love at first sight. The kitchen is lined with a colorful tiled backsplash and rustic wooden beams trail the ceiling. An old barn wood rustic island grounds the space, topped by a gorgeous wrought iron light fixture. An apron sink and traditional light blue cupboards finish the look — it looks like a picture straight out of a décor magazine.

  But enough about the amazing kitchen. There’s also four gorgeous bedrooms, a yard full of beautiful greenery; cactuses and the like. And the crowning jewel; a lovely kidney shaped pool.

  I know I’m getting too worked up. Gabe tells me to not get too keyed up until the deal is sealed. But I can’t help it.

  I wrap my arms around him. “Are you as excited as I am?”

  He looks off in the distance and doesn’t reply for a beat or two. “Actually,” he finally manages, “I’m excited about the whole bowl of treats; our new life, the new job, new friends and growing old together, watching the girls grow up, being a grandpa.”

  I smile up at him. “You’ll be a great grandpa.”

  He squeezes me. “And you’ll be a mighty fine grandma. The sexiest grandma in town.”

  I laugh. “Oh well, you know, there’s a lot of competition down there, lots of sexy grandmas in Phoenix.”

  He trails his finger along my cheek. “Not as sexy as you.”

  I smile. “Well, it looks like you’re stuck with me,” I tease, “granny panties and all.”

  He laughs. “Speaking of which,” he starts as his fingers toy with the band of my cotton panties. “I’m loving this t-shirt and panties thing you’ve got going tonight, but I’d love to see you in that hot granny nightie,” he teases, “the one with the pink flowers.”

  “The one I wear when I want to keep you off me?”

  “Yeah,” he says. “You do realize it doesn’t work?”

  I laugh, and bury my hand under the grey cotton of his t-shirt. “Yes, that’s why I wear it. I know it drives you wild.”

  “You know what else drives me wild,” he whispers against my ear. “You, in nothing at all.”

  “Well,” I laugh. “That’s pretty easy.”

  And without a moment’s hesitation, I peel off my Cubs t-shirt and flash him a huge smile.



  Six months later.

  Dear Mirella,

  I hope you and your family are well. I’ve wanted to write to you for a while now, and have finally summoned the courage to do so.

  We are very well. We’re better than we have been in ages, in fact. I’m still working, but have cut back my hours drastically to focus on Weston’s recovery and the children. This tragedy was a blessing in disguise. It made me realize how much I’ve taken Weston for granted. I need to be here for him.

  Ashton and Elizabeth are doing very well at school and are busy as always. Lizzie asked me about Chloe once, and I told her you had all moved to Phoenix. Of course, she asked if we could visit. I told her it wasn’t possible, unfortunately.

  I thought you’d want to know, Weston is thriving too. It’s been strange for him to rediscover his life, and everything he’s missed these last few years. At first, he was slow to process, slow to do things, and had trouble focusing. But he’s responded well to therapy and is now as good as new. The doctors are baffled by his condition and are studying his case. He was diagnosed with Psychogenic Amnesia or Isolated Retrograde Amnesia, as it is sometimes called. He still hasn’t recovered his memory, and at this point, the doctors feel it may very well be a permanent condition.

  I don’t know if you ever knew this, but a few years back, Weston and I lost a child. His name was Jonathan and he was only six months old. And Weston never recovered. He was never the same after. And neither was I. We were lost. It almost tore us apart.

  And now it seems we’ve been given a second chance. We are in love again. He looks at me the way he used to, years ago.

  I’ve told him about Jonathan. I’ve shown him photos. The story broke his heart, but his pain is nowhere near what it was, because he doesn’t remember him. I am very saddened by this — by the fact that my husband doesn’t remember our lost child. But perhaps this is his mind’s way of dealing with the heartbreak. Weston is a man who feels more than most. He feels very deeply.

  He has also been doing very well at work, falling into all his old routines, even the methodical OCD over-organizing. He’s still the same person in many ways. His partner Simon Hersch has been a godsend, keeping Weston on top of things in the midst of this unexpected turn of events. He’s also taken charge when necessary, and has taken Weston under his wing. The company is still flourishing.

  Not too long after his accident, I was rummaging through his office to get a few things for him and I found a framed photo of you and a CD of photos. I must tell you I’ve destroyed them. I don’t want him to remember you. I’m sure you must understand.

  I wanted to thank you again for making the right decision. Sometimes I wonder if you were the love of his life, and sometimes I wonder if I am.

  As mentioned above, Weston is very much the same, but he wears a silver necklace now — a leafy tree in a circle. He was wearing it the day of the accident and it’s been practically glued to his chest ever since. He doesn’t know where he got it or when, but he feels a strong need to wear it every day. For some reaso
n, it means a lot to him. I’ve concluded the necklace must be from you. I know he was with you on that day. Am I right in making this assumption?

  I do hope you and Gabe are doing well in Phoenix. You must be, with all that sun! He’s a wonderful man and I know how much he loves you. I don’t think this arrangement of ours was ever very easy for him. I know it wasn’t for me. Or for Weston. Or for you, I gather.

  I just wanted to keep you abreast of Weston’s situation, and I will most likely not write again. But I wish you all the best.



  * * *

  Dear Bridget,

  Thank you so much for writing to me. I’m so glad to hear you are all doing well. Gabe and I are doing amazing. He loves his new job. I think he likes finally being able to be his own man, not always in his father’s shadow. I’ve managed to find myself a great job too, at a private school nearby, which was no easy feat in this economy. Gabe’s new boss knew someone who knew someone. Isn’t that always the way it goes?

  I’m so glad to hear Weston hasn’t changed too much… still organizing his DVD collection by category, in alphabetical order, I assume.

  I wanted to tell you I’m glad he doesn’t remember. What we were in…it was quite the mess, wasn’t it? I would never want to go there again, for all our sakes. I’m so glad your family is happy. And mine too. And don’t worry, I understand why you destroyed the photos. I would have done the same.

  And please don’t thank me for letting him go. It’s what I had to do, not only for him and you, but for Gabe and me.

  Speaking of Gabe, he’s already making friends, and has joined a new club. And we’re already getting together with friends around the neighborhood.

  This new life of ours is very exciting, but I do miss friends and family back home, and my kids and colleagues at work. But everyone at my new work is so nice, and the children are surprisingly well behaved. My class is small, only twelve kids! I almost don’t know what to do with myself.

  So life goes on.

  I want you to know that I truly think you are the love of his life. What Weston and I had was all fireworks, excitement…a new world. I think he was drawn to me because I was the polar opposite of you. Please don’t take offence to this. What I mean is, at the time, he wanted to escape his life. And there I was — a free-spirited, quirky, brooch collecting kindergarten teacher. I was fun. That’s all. I was what he needed at the time. I was his escape. I know he loves you. I know how proud of you he is.

  And I can honestly tell you I didn’t give him that necklace. Sorry, but that shall remain a little mystery for you. :)

  I wish you all the best too. And take good care of him.



  * * *

  Hey girl,

  I miss you so much! You’re not calling as much as you used to. Are you already forgetting all about me? Do you have a new best friend yet? Tell me you don’t. I went shopping yesterday and I got loads of cute stuff for the summer. And I had no one to show it off to! I guess I’ll just have to haul it all over when I come to visit soon. I know I’ve already been there twice already. Greg is annoyed we don’t go anywhere else anymore, just Phoenix. But I say ‘heck, there’s great golf, what are you bitchin’ about?’

  Everyone at school misses you. Sylvia’s still up to her old shenanigans. That new teacher is having major problems with that kid Sebastian in your class. Apparently his parents were called in and it was explosive. I bet she’s can’t wait for the end of the year.

  I can’t wait to open my pool. I know what you’re thinking — your pool is open all year round. (Did I mention I hate you?). Seriously, I’m so tired of it. It’s been a cold winter. Maybe I’ll move to Phoenix too!

  But enough about me. How are you and Gabe? Do you still love your job or has the honeymoon phase passed? How is Gabe liking his new job? How are my two little cuties? Are you and Gabe finding your mojo again? Hot sex in the pool, under the warm all-year round summer sky?

  Do you miss Weston? I know you loved him. I know I didn’t support you but I still understood. It must be hard for you, after all you shared and all you’ve been through this past year.

  Anyhoo, I hope you’re doing well. But if you’re not, I have some good news to cheer you up. I wanted to wait and tell you this over the phone but I’m writing it now. I’m too excited. I’m pregnant! Almost twelve weeks. Can you believe it?

  I want to squeeze in another trip or two to Phoenix before the baby comes. And then maybe, you can come up here when the baby’s born.

  I miss you so much.

  And I hope you’re being good, you naughty, naughty girl.

  Please, please, tell me you’re not hooking up with any insanely hot couples. I will literally come down there and kill you. And I mean that.

  Your bestie,



  * * *

  Hi Gwennie,

  Miss you so much too! So excited about your news! You will be an incredible mom! Please call me as soon as you find out the sex. I’m dying to know.

  We are doing great. I am enjoying my year-round pool. Yes, you may punch me in your imagination. :) God, I’ve been slathering on the sunblock religiously. I should start buying it at Costco.

  I still love my job and the girls have already made friends at school.

  And I am so looking forward to seeing you soon. I can’t wait. And bring all the clothes. I want to see.

  And by the way, Gabe and I don’t need to find our mojo, thank you very much. We never lost it. But I must tell you…no sex in the pool yet. A goal to work towards I guess. One must always have goals, don’t you think?

  And don’t worry about us. We are never, ever, doing that swapping thing again. Ever.

  As you know, the whole thing messed us up nice and good.

  You are right…I do miss him.

  I’ll never forget him. He’ll always have a special spot in my heart along with Gabe and the girls, and you too, of course. : )

  He was my lover, my friend, a truly kind and sweet soul. But he wasn’t the one I was meant to be with. I know this now. Gabe has always been the one. And I’ll never take him for granted again…take this happiness for granted.

  I love you and miss you so much.

  Your BFF,




  A million thanks to all my wonderful new friends… too many to name. I am so blessed to have made so many new friends from across the globe. Some near me in Canada, and in the USA. And some as far as South America, the UK, France, Africa, India, Australia, and everywhere in between.

  From the bloggers and fellow authors who have shared The Ground Rules with hundreds… thousands of followers and friends, to all the readers who have enjoyed my stories — you are all equally precious to me. I don’t want to list names because I know I will forget someone — you know I heart you all! That said, I do want to take this opportunity to send a special shout-out to my friend Kandace Milostan. She was one of the first to read TGR, the first to leave an Amazon review, and the first to share the story with all her friends. It is because of passionate readers like Kandace that TGR went from complete obscurity, to be enjoyed by thousands of readers.

  Thank you to Elizabeth Riley at Omnific Publishing for giving TGR a chance and taking a risk on a new unpublished writer. To Lisa O’Hara, my lovely editor, and Micha Stone for the fantastic covers — I love them! And let’s not forget the busy bees, Traci Olsen at Omnific, and Neda Amini of Ardent Prose. Thanks to Kathleen Rivest for starting up a street team. And thanks to my good friend Emily Keel for her constant support. You all rock, ladies!

  Last but not least, to my gorgeous hubby and my adorable kids, my extended family and friends — some of whom like to tease me now (blushing).

  They say it takes a village to raise a child. I say it also takes a village to make a Book Trilogy a success. And my village is filled with the most amazing, fa
ntastic people a person could ask for.

  About the Author

  Roya Carmen is a book junkie, doodle addict, and self-professed chocoholic. A graduate of Ryerson University, she worked in Graphic Communications before becoming a stay-at-home mom. She has always loved writing, finding her passion for romance in 2008. She enjoys spending time with her family, camping, and painting. And of course, there is nothing she loves more than sitting down at her laptop and making up stories — and if those stories should include beautiful men, a little romance, and a few steamy scenes, all the better!

  Roya Carmen lives north of Toronto with her husband and three children.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three



  About the Author




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