Blissful Tragedy

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Blissful Tragedy Page 9

by Amy L. Gale

  He drives himself into me and groans. Electricity sparks through my body spreading a current through each and every cell. I moan as he thrusts repeatedly in a strong, steady motion, filling me completely. My heart pounds and my whole body scorches with pleasure. Passion builds quickly. I find my release twice, before he finds his and collapses on top of me. We lay there, satisfied and sweaty.

  Finally, I’m able to catch my breath. Ugh, I’m a hot mess! I roll myself out from under Van.

  He pulls me close to him again.

  “I think I worked up more sweat than you did on stage. I saw the bathroom on the tour bus and I think I’d prefer to shower here.”

  “Sounds like a plan, but I can’t promise you won’t work up a sweat again tonight.”

  “You’re certainly making me a very dirty girl, Mr. Sinclair.” I catch my lip between my teeth and raise my eyebrows.

  He gently runs his fingers up my body and sweeps my hair away from my neck. “Maybe I need to clean you up. Let’s start here.” He softly kisses my neck, running his tongue along my moist skin.

  Goosebumps erupt all over my body and chills run along my skin. My heart palpates and my breathing increases. My muscles tighten and desire aches throughout my core. Self-Control, where are you? I need him again. Time for round two!


  Completely disheveled, a shower is now a necessity. I walk into the bathroom and start the water. Oh no, all of my toiletries are on the bus. Good thing the hotel provides some. Strong arms wrap around me as the warm water washes the day away. We playfully kiss and tease one another while cleaning our steamy, sweaty bodies.

  Just about every muscle in my body is completely relaxed. I crawl onto the bed and cuddle with Van while he flips through the channels on the TV. My cell phone rings. I glance at the screen and begin to fidget with my fingers. It’s Brooke. I don’t want to have this discussion in front of Van, but I have to talk to her. I grab the phone and answer.

  I twirl my hair around my fingers. “Hi Brooke! How was your trip?”

  “My trip was great but how about we discuss this note you left me?”

  I look at Van and cover the mouthpiece. “Hey Van. It’s Brooke, I just need a minute.”

  “Take your time.”

  I walk into the bathroom and close the door. Sweat beads form on my forehead. “I didn’t want to call you in Mexico and I basically made a spur of the moment decision. I’m sorry you had to find out through a note.”

  “I can’t believe you dropped everything to go on tour with Devil’s Garden. That’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done.”

  “I know. Since I have the next few months off anyway, I figured I’d give it a shot. I just want to try to make it work with him. You know, follow my heart for once. I couldn’t just let him go. I know it’s really fast and sounds crazy but he means a lot to me.”

  “Thank God! I’ve been trying to tell you to go for it for the last week and you’re finally doing it. I’m going to miss you this summer. Make sure you call me and text all the time. I guess I won’t see you until Sydney’s bachelorette party.”

  I let out a deep breath and a smile spreads across my lips. “I promise to drive you crazy with my calls and texts. Thanks for understanding. The next show is in Ohio, so that’s where I’m headed.”

  “Be careful. Have fun and call me.”

  “I will. Bye.”

  A weight lifts from my shoulders. I breathe easier knowing my best friend is behind my decision. I’m sure Van heard my whole conversation. I fidget as I walk back into the room and put my phone on the nightstand. I crawl into bed and cuddle up next to him.

  “Everything ok at your apartment?”

  “Yeah, everything’s great.” I pull Van closer; the heat of his body warms my skin.

  We’re just about to drift off to sleep when my cell phone chimes.

  Van picks it up and looks at the screen. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

  I rub my eyes and look up at him.

  He hands me the phone with a sinister look.

  There’s a text from Jesse.

  I can’t believe you ran off to be some rocker’s groupie. You really will let anyone get in your pants.


  “God help that asshole if I ever see him. I swear to God I’ll put my fist right through his face.” Van grinds his teeth and clenches his fists, his knuckles turning white.

  “He’s just jealous that you have me and he doesn’t. Please don’t let him ruin our night. He’s not worth it.” I put my arms around Van and lay my head on his chest.

  He takes a deep breath and pulls me close, turning my chin toward him. “No one talks to you like that and gets away with it.”

  “Van, he wants a fight. Why else would he send me that text? He wants to get a rise out of us. I’m just ignoring him. That’ll piss him off more than anything.” I run my fingers along his chest in soft circles. Tiny electric impulses surge against my fingertips. “Thanks for defending me, it’s really sweet.” I lift my head and kiss his cheek.

  He sighs, softly caressing my arm. “I’ll always defend you.”

  Goosebumps spread across my body like poison ivy. My whole body begs for his touch. I take a deep breath and cuddle up next to him, letting the warmth of our bodies merge. The soft tones of Van’s heartbeat relax my tense muscles. Exhaustion finally takes over and we drift off to sleep.

  The sun blares in my eyes, blinding me as I try to open them. I squint for a few seconds until my body adjusts to the beaming rays. I’ve got to remember to close the curtains next time. Morning is here way too fast and it’s already time to check out of our hotel room and head for the bus.

  “Marcus and Jenna want to share a cab.” Van pulls a T-shirt over his head. The muscles in his back flex, creating exquisite peaks and valleys as he pulls the fabric down.

  My eyes follow the thin material until it reaches the waistline of his jeans, blanketing his skin. They travel down, over the thick black belt and perfectly tailored denim. I blink slowly, immersed by the alluring vision.

  “Earth to Lexie.”

  I jerk my head back and rub my eyes. “Ok.” My face heats up like a blazing inferno. “Is caffeine in my future?”

  He picks up our bags with one hand and grips my hand with the other. “Let’s check the lobby.”

  My eyes widen as they travel over the buffet table. Yum, complimentary continental breakfast! My stomach growls. I pour a cup of coffee and take a few blueberry bagels on our way out. No time to stop for a meal. We have a ten hour bus ride ahead of us. Ugh, looks like showering and getting ready on the bus is unavoidable. I wish there was some sort of schedule to follow, but it sounds like it is every man for himself.

  Before we hit the road, Van introduces me to Bob, our bus driver. What does Bob think of me, a girl, joining the tour halfway through? I’m sure he’s seen and heard some unbelievable things while driving for Devil’s Garden.

  I stare at my bagel. What happened to my healthy appetite? It’s probably absent because I have to deal with Jesse while trying to adjust to a whole new lifestyle. He’s never going to stop hassling me. Tormenting people until he gets what he wants is his best skill. What made me think of him as admirable and ambitious? He’s just abusive and annoying. I sigh and rub my brow. Maybe I should change my number or block his calls. If he keeps this up there’s a good chance Van will make the trip back to Lakeview U just to kick his ass. Hmm, what’s the best way to handle this situation?

  A slow throbbing begins in my temple. Trying to come up with a resolution will make this long ride pure torture. A little relaxation can only help. I close my eyes and sit back, letting my head sink into the soft leather. Finally, we all agree on the programming. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is playing on the movie channel, so that takes care of the entertainment for most of our ride. Van lays his head on my shoulder and dozes off half way through The Two Towers.

  I stretch my legs and gaze around as the bus slows to a stop
in front of the amphitheater. Everyone is napping, the rhythm of the road having soothed us all to sleep.

  Van rubs his eyes and glances at his watch. It’s five o’clock, just two hours before show time. He winks at me. “Hey guys, let’s let the girls get ready in peace while we do our sound checks.”

  Jenna jerks her head up and rubs her eyes. “Was I dreaming or are you guys finally acting semi-human and letting the ladies go first?”

  “We just don’t want Van to beat our asses,” Chaz replies.

  “You have quite the reputation, I’m glad I get to reap the benefits.” I kiss Van softly on the lips, running my hand along his cheek. He’s really trying to make it as easy as possible for me to adjust. I guess he wants this to work as much as I do. Jenna is also reaping the benefits, which makes things even better. Our friendship is essential to both of us since we’re in the same position. We need to stick together.

  For once I don’t have to rush. We take our time getting ready without any interruptions from the guys. Luckily, Jenna and I are the same size. I check myself out in the mirror. Wow, the backless, black dress and studded belt I borrowed from her fits me like a glove. She always looks great, but purple is her color. Why can’t I have her fashion sense? The zebra scarf she tied around her waist makes the dress runway worthy. I brush my soft curls over my shoulders, letting them fall down my back. The hot rocker chicks are ready.

  The door slams shut and the guys trudge their way back on the bus. Five minutes later, they’re showered, dressed, and ready. It must be nice to be able to look so great with no effort. I stare at Van and shake my head as he finishes his quick grooming routine.

  I step out of the bus and take a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent of the summer air. It’s a clear night in the middle of the state of Ohio. The stars gleam and twinkle like thousands of fireflies lighting up the sky. I want to take in every part of this experience, not allowing myself to overlook a thing.

  So much for the serenity of the moment. The same familiar scene. Half-naked women line the entrances while drunken fans make their way to their seats. My eyes gravitate toward Van and the whole world fades away. A few locks of his damp hair fall against his cheek as we make our way to the stage. His bicep dances as he runs his hand through the light brown strands. My face flushes and my heart pounds, drumming against my chest. When will I be able to compose myself? I’m mesmerized by everything about him.

  The crowd roars as the guys take their places and begin to play. The acoustics of the amphitheater, along with the perfect rhythm of the band, creates an awe-inspiring performance. The fans plead for an encore, echoing cheers through the air. A chill runs through my body causing my nerve endings to tingle as Van belts out the lyrics and works the crowd. I can’t take my eyes off of him! His muscles tense and pulsate as the energy and passion flows through him into his music. Ah, my sexy rock god! I’m weak in the knees.

  He glances over at me, flashing a quick smile. I exhale deeply and fear I may faint from pure bliss. The power this man has over my body is exhilarating.

  Thousands of eyes follow Van as he walks off the stage. I wipe my palms against the thin fabric of my dress. No drug in the world can produce this euphoria. My heart is hammering. I yearn for the moment when this delightfully sweaty man embraces me. He’s showing the world that I’m his, and there’s nowhere I’d rather be than in his arms.

  I’m falling for him, deeper with each passing moment. I’m out of my realm and in a place I’ve never been before. Oh, how I ache for his touch, to hear his voice, to feel his body. Everything about him appeals to me. He mesmerizes my soul, putting me in a hypnotic trance.

  Van places his hands on my hips and pulls me toward him. I inhale and try catching my breath as he holds me close, claiming me as his. The sweet, sweaty embrace sends shivers through my body as he places a soft kiss on my temple.

  I weave my fingers through his damp hair and press my body against his as we wait for Jenna and Marcus at the bottom of the stage steps.

  “Awesome show guys, the crowd was amazing! We definitely have to come back here.” Marcus’s face lights up as he professes his love for the concert-going residents of Ohio.

  “Come on Tyler. Let’s find us some hot Ohio chicks. I saw a few fine looking specimens who can’t wait to get their hands on us.” Chaz bobs his head, flashing a half smug grin.

  “I hear you brother,” Tyler echoes as he follows Chaz.

  Van and Marcus walk slowly behind them. It’s obviously no secret that Jenna and I hate this part of the tour.

  Jenna crosses her arms. “Huh, I bet walking to the electric chair is less annoying then meeting groupies.”

  I huff. “Yeah, or being mauled to death by grizzly bears.”

  Marcus sighs. “The fans come out to see our shows. We’re nothing without them.”

  I nod. Well, if this is the worst I’ll have to put up with I should run off to Vegas and marry him right now. Unfortunately, as much as I want to pretend Van is perfect, I’m sure he has his faults just like anyone else, and I‘ll be destined to see them at some point.

  It’s ‘meet and greet’ time. Great! We make our way to the meeting room underneath the amphitheater. Luckily, there are bottles of beer in an ice bucket right near the door. We’re certainly going to need a drink tonight. I grab two and hand one to Jenna. It’s amazing how our animosity for other women has brought us closer.

  Jenna rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “Welcome to the bitching hour.”

  We had coined the term at our last venue.

  “They can look all they want, but the guys come home to us.” I twirl my hair around my fingers and sigh. “Does this part ever get easier?”

  “I wish it did, but no. There’s always some skank that tries to take it too far. I never thought I’d be forced to look at so many tits.” Jenna slugs her beer, almost finishing the bottle in one gulp.

  “Well, I’ll try to make sure you don’t have to see mine.”

  Seeing each other half naked on the cramped tour bus is a definite probability. I’ll have to be more careful when changing. I really don’t need any of the guys seeing me indecent.

  The parade of trashy girls is much longer in Ohio than usual. In fact, there appears to be more Devil’s Garden fans here in general. Maybe their music is just hitting the east coast which means that we should be seeing bigger crowds as we make our way west. Bigger crowds are a double edged sword. Sure, it’s more success and exposure for the band, but it also means more irritation for me and Jenna.

  The amount of women vying for our men’s attention increases with their growing success. I need to find a healthy way of dealing with my aggression toward female fans.

  “The bitching hour is taking longer than usual. Want to take a slow walk to the bus?” Jenna asks.

  “Definitely, but I don’t want Van to think I bailed on him. Let me tell him quick.” I grimace as I trudge through the mass of half-naked women, getting pushed and elbowed on my way. Finally! I’ve almost made it to Van. I cross my arms and narrow my eyes. What’s this woman doing? She’s determined to keep me from getting through the crowd.

  He spots me trying to reach him and shouts, “Hey, let her through, she’s my girlfriend!”

  Ah! They’re the sweetest words in the English language. Van Sinclair just announced to the groupies of Ohio that I’m his girlfriend. Chills run down my spine and my whole body tingles. I love the way those words sound, rolling off his tongue. My smile can light up the amphitheater, no doubt. Oh no, I almost forgot what I came to tell him in the first place.

  “Jenna and I are walking back to the bus. I just wanted to let you know where I’d be.”

  My smile must be infectious. A huge grin appears on Van’s face too.

  “Ok, I’ll see you in a few.” He gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

  I wave and catch up with Jenna.

  “Wow Lexie, I didn’t know that rubbing elbows with a bunch of slutty women makes you so happy.” Jenna smirks. She
locks eyes with Marcus, raises her chin, and points toward the door.

  He nods, seeming to know exactly what she’s trying to say.

  My cheeks hurt from the huge smile that refuses to extinguish from my face as I walk. The sound of crickets chirping in the fields breaks through the calmness of the night.

  Jenna stops and puts her hand on my shoulder, turning me toward her. “Ok, spill it. What did he say?”

  “When one of the girls wouldn’t let me by, he yelled Let her through, she’s my girlfriend! and that’s the first time he’s ever said it out loud.” My cheeks are starting to hurt.

  She raises her eyebrows and tilts her head. “You couldn’t figure that out on your own? He invited you to go on tour with him. That should tell you something.”

  “I know, but it’s different when you actually hear it said, especially from someone who’s been pretty anti-relationship from what you told me.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. It’s a big deal for Van to announce that he has a girlfriend.” Jenna smiles, validating my excitement. “Come on, let’s get these heels off and relax. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but guess where we’re sleeping tonight?”

  “Ugh, I figured. At least we’ll get to stay at a hotel during our next stop, right?” Please let her follow up this bad news with some good news.

  “Yep, thank God.”

  We stroll through the huge parking lot. The tour bus is parked in the back, away from the crowds, in a designated area. I run my fingers along the chain link fence that lines the perimeter of the lot. Its purpose is to separate the band from the public, but it’s low enough to jump over so it’s probably not that effective. Some fans are still on the other side of the fence, but most are walking to their cars while others continue to tailgate after the show. Is it still considered tailgating at this hour?

  A few guys hoot and holler at me and Jenna as we make our way through the lot. She gives them the finger but a small smile comes across her face. There’s always a small part of a woman that feels good knowing guys find her attractive, like we’ve still got it. At age 22, I really hope I still got it, especially since I’m trying to keep a man like Van Sinclair.


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