Breaking_A Firefighter Romance

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Breaking_A Firefighter Romance Page 17

by Brandy Ayers

  On the way back to his apartment, Charlotte called into the station and explained the situation to Michelle. For the first time in her career, she was being selfish, and her boss wasn’t particularly happy about it. But before her boss could really get going, Bekah had entered the office and apparently offered to hold down the assignment desk for the night. God knows the woman had hung out with Charlotte as she worked enough lately to know what it involved. With work squared away, Charlotte turned her attention back to the bereft man beside her.

  Trey’s hand lay possessively on Charlotte’s thigh, his thumb running up and down the seam of her wrinkled work pants. Despite the sadness in the air, she couldn’t help the way her arousal built to an almost frenzied level. She willed herself to sit still, not to squirm until his broad fingers rested at the apex of her thighs.

  Her own fingers gripped the seat on either side of her, ensuring they wouldn’t reach over and paw the man who had just watched two of his friends get carted off in an ambulance. That wasn’t the kind of comfort he needed at the moment.

  Just a few minutes later, they pulled up to his house, and trudged inside, both exhausted. “I need a hot shower.”

  “Sure. I’ll make some food while you do that.” Charlotte turned toward his kitchen, a mixture of excitement and apprehension at poking around Trey’s kitchen. Where a person ate could tell you a lot about them. Would his fridge be full of healthy veggies and proteins? She bet it would given how ripped he was.

  But just as she reached the threshold to the kitchen, Trey’s hand wrapped around he bicep, pulling her back against his chest. “No. You’ve been far enough for long enough. I want you right next to me for the rest of the weekend. I’m not letting you out of my sight until you have to leave for work on Sunday.”

  Charlotte fought the smile creeping onto her face, biting her lip as the happiness and pleasure of having Trey’s hands on her filled her body and soul. “I don’t have any clothes with me. I’ll have to go back to my place to change.”

  “Trust me, with what I have in mind, clothes won’t be needed.” Trey swung her up into a bridal carry, his solid arms holding him tight against his torso.

  Silently, he placed her on her feet in the middle of his modest bathroom. Normally, her curious mind would be looking around, taking it all in, every detail from the tile to lotions spread across his vanity. But with his hands and eyes on her, intensity filling the air around them, nothing but Trey penetrated her mind.

  Once they were both rid of their smoke tinged clothes, Trey reached into the shower, turning the knobs until he was satisfied with the temperature. Steam clouded the room, giving the whole thing a dream like quality that brought an uncharacteristic bravery to Charlotte. Trey stepped over the side of the tub and into the shower first, holding Charlotte’s hand to steady her as she followed.

  Before Trey could make another move, Charlotte fell to her knees before him, his intimidating cock already hard before her lips.

  “No, Charlotte, you don't have to….” The first touch of her tongue to his dick stole the words right off his lips.

  “I know I don't have to. You would never make me do something I didn’t want to.” She flattened her tongue on the underside of his manhood, dragging it all the way up to the tip. He tasted of salt and smoke, and she wondered it that was what he always tasted like, or if the flavor was simply due to his work at the fire. “I want to do this. I’ve fantasized about doing this. And I feel safe enough with you do explore my desires.”

  “Shit, woman, how do you make the beginnings of a blow job the sweetest thing I’ve ever experienced?’

  Not knowing how to respond, Charlotte simply went to work discovering how to pleasure the big man looming over her. She knelt in the space where the shower drops arched over, leaving her largely untouched by the water. Taking the head of his cock into her mouth, Trey fell forward, bracing his hands on the wall above her, and blocking the rest of the water from hitting her.

  As she worked, Charlotte let her eyelids drift shut, focusing all her attention on the texture of the appendage of a man she had always been so curious about.

  “Open those beautiful eyes, baby. I want to watch them as you suck your first cock.”

  Charlotte didn’t even think about questioning his directive, her eyes popping open and taking in the absolute desperation for release painted on Trey’s face.

  “Put your hand around the base of my cock. Getting the whole thing in is going to take a lot of time and practice.”

  Charlotte reached up, wrapping her fingers around the thick base. She couldn’t touch her fingers together, and the proof of his thickness made her moan around his head.

  “Fuck yeah. Just like that. Don’t be afraid to go tighter.” She did, and Trey’s head flew back, his fist banging the flimsy shower surround. “You’ve got me at your mercy, honey. Do what you will.”

  A surge of power like she’d never known made her heart swell and her spine straighten. She might be curled at his feet, but Charlotte had all the power. Her hands and mouth moved without her consciously telling them to, a long buried natural side to her coming out to play. She didn’t second guess any of her movements, just let biology and instinct take over. With every downward pass of her mouth, she took a little more of him in, her tongue swirling around the skin stretched over throbbing veins. The hand circling him pressed up to meet her lips, then back down to his base, where she gave him a little squeeze.

  The flesh between her thighs throbbed, begging for its own attention. She tried to ignore her growing need as long as she could, but it became too much. With her free hand she slid two fingers between her drenched folds, circling them around her clit.

  “You just play down there, baby. Don’t make yourself come. That’s my job.”

  “What if your dick in my mouth is what does it for me?”

  “You don’t let it. I’m going to come down your throat, and I want you do to do the same for me. I need to taste your sweet juices before I fuck you into oblivion.”

  Those dirty words issued from Trey made her hips pulse against her own hand. But she tried to ignore the almost painful desire building low in her belly, giving all her attention to Trey’s impossibly hard dick.

  Curious, Charlotte moved the hand on his shaft down to the heavy balls beneath. She rolled them between his fingers, and his hips responded by pushing forward, making her gag slightly.

  “Fuck, I’m so close. I’m sorry, sweetheart. Don’t want to hurt you.” Even as he said the words, his hips flew forward again. She looked up at him to see every muscle clenched trying to hold still for her. She gave him one tug, then sat back slightly, opening her mouth as wide as it would go. And she nodded, giving him the silent signal to do what he wanted.

  Even with the all clear, Trey didn’t let loose as she expected. He cupped her cheek with one hand, smiling at her with affection, even through the building of his release. “Ahhh, sweet girl. I can’t do that to you yet. Someday. But not yet. You lock those lips around my cock and suck as hard as you can. I promise, you’ll still get all the cum you can handle.”

  Disappointed that he wouldn’t let loose, Charlotte did as he said. It didn’t take long before Trey fell forward a little more, his elbows braced against the wall, hands grabbing the back of his neck. Without warning, hot, salty liquid splashed inside her mouth. Taken by surprise, she backed off for a second, letting the second stream of cum land on her breasts. Mad at herself for letting even that much slip past her lips, she locked them just below the crown of his head, curling her tongue up around the very tip of him to catch the rest. Just as he promised, there was a lot of it. The taste of him seared itself into her memory, and she knew from that moment on, she would crave him for life.

  Swallowing it all down, Charlotte leaned back, almost collapsing on her butt at the bottom of the tub. “You taste good.”

  “Fuck.” Trey scooped her up into his arms again. “Hang on baby, I’m going to wash us both off, and then we’re gettin
g out of this little shower to get to the real business in bed.” Under his breath, Trey mumbled something about finding a house for them with a shower better suited for sex. Charlotte giggled, clinging to him like a monkey as he lathered them both up, rinsed, then stepped from the shower.

  Trey didn’t bother toweling them off, just tossed her, wet hair and all, onto the bed still rumpled from their lovemaking earlier.

  “I’m going to get your bed all wet.” Charlotte tried to scramble up to at least dry her hair. Before she could gain her feet, Trey tackled her back onto the soft surface.

  He licked and sucked at the skin of her neck, down to her collarbone, and her small breasts below. “If I gave a shit about my bed getting wet, I wouldn’t be planning on eating your pussy until your juices leak all over the sheets. So, stop worrying and let me have what I need.

  Dear God, the man followed through on his promises. Planting his face directly between her thighs, Trey went to town, devouring her until she was a screaming puddle of hormones and sweat, pulling him closer one moment, then pushing him away the next when it all felt like too much. Through it all, he stayed the course, refusing to come up for air until she came so hard and so long, dark clouds began to overtake her vision.

  Finally, he crawled back up her body, flipping them over so he rested on his back, and she sat on top of his lap. “I need to watch you sweet girl. Want to see you ride my big cock with your small body.”

  Through the lust fog, her shyness came roaring back, uncomfortable with the unobstructed view he had of her body. The pressure to perform and give him pleasure bearing down on her.

  “Hey.” His voice softened from the gruff bass he slipped into during sex. Back to the gentle giant she talked to all those weeks on the phone. “Nothing you can do is wrong. As long as I’m inside your body, I’m good. Trust me. Trust that I would never do anything you weren’t comfortable with. But I want to see something good after all the bad today. And you riding my cock for the first time fits the bill perfectly.”

  The man beneath had some sixth sense when it came to her, because his words put her at ease immediately. With one resolute nod, she reached between her legs, pulling his cock up to rest along his stomach. He cursed and fisted the sheets, and she lowered herself to rub her soaked pussy along his length. The tip of him peeked out from between her lower lips as she shifted back, then disappeared to teeter on the edge of her opening as she reversed the direction.

  Moving slow, methodical, she observed his body as it tensed, pushed his hips up trying to slip into her body. “Fuck, Char, baby, get my dick inside your little tease of a body before I lose my mind.”

  “I like making you lose your mind. Is that bad?” She did too. Already soaked from the multiple orgasms he’d given her with his tongue and mouth, everything became even more slippery, her clit tingling with rising desire the more he seemed to lose control.

  “Nothing you do could be bad. But I’m about to lose it and flip you over onto your stomach. I don’t want that yet. I want you riding me.” One of his big hands came up to slap her ass. “Get to it.”

  With a gasp, Charlotte did as he said. She wrapped her hand around his cock, just under the head, and positioned it at her empty opening. Then pressed down. And down. Until every inch of him stretched at her still tight channel.

  “Fuck. So tight. Feels like you’re strangling me baby. But in the best way.”

  Whimpering, Charlotte couldn’t find the words. Instead, she braced her hands on his chest and let her body show him how she felt. Experimenting with movements, she started off rocking back and forth, with him rooted inside her. The base of him rubbed against her over-sensitized clit. The zap of pleasure made her gasp and rise up on her knees, his cock slipping half out of her. She dropped back down, and his head grazed against the mysterious spot inside her sending another zap through her body.

  “Oh God. How do you keep a rhythm going when it all feels so good? I can’t concentrate.”

  Trey chuckled, deep and a little darkly, but didn’t respond. Instead, he gripped her hips and helped her find the movement that gave them both the most pleasure. A circular up and down rotation that had him scraping against every pleasure center between her legs and in her core. Within seconds she was a breathless, useless mess, Trey doing all the work despite her being on top.

  “Need my mouth on you.” He jack-knifed up into a sitting position, wrapping her legs around his back, and keeping the rhythm they had set going. Charlotte screamed when his lush lips captured one nipple, sucking and biting at it in turn. Everything felt impossibly tighter now, and her clit rubbed against his body with every thrust.

  “Oh, it’s too much. I’m going to come apart.”

  Trey curled his arms behind her, gripping her shoulders and using them to shove her body harder down on his huge cock. The way he manhandled her was the final straw that broke her apart. She clung to him, dragging her nails across the flesh of his back and ass, grinding against him as her limbs went numb, all sensation centered in her throbbing sex.

  A hot rush filled her still fluttering cunt, setting off a second orgasm. Trey growled, bit down on her neck and held her tight against his lap.

  Charlotte collapsed against him, her head resting on his shoulder and her whole body wrapped around him.

  “Never been so good.” Trey kissed the spot where he bit down, then worked his way up her lips. “I’m never going to get enough of you.”

  They kissed gently as he maneuvered them back against the bed, covering up with a sheet. It didn’t take long before the world fell away, and Charlotte drifted off into a heavy sleep.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “You need to stop.”

  Charlotte bolted upright, shocked by the volume and intensity of Trey’s command. Sheet pressed to her chest, she looked around for the man that had spent the better part of their weekend making up for all the years she’d gone without any kind of sexual experience.

  After their second round on Friday, she’d insisted they go back to her apartment so she could feed Weasley. The poor cat was not happy about their guest and had been hiding ever since they walked through the door. He’d get used to having a man around eventually, right?

  Through blurry eyes, Charlotte took in her bedroom. Clothes were flung about, the curtains drawn tight, and it smelled vaguely of sex. A grin stretched across her face to the point of her cheeks aching. The place had never looked better.

  “Please, just come talk to me. I’ll make time for you.” Trey’s voice was an odd mix of angry and pleading.

  Wrapping the sheet around her, Charlotte padded out to the living room to find him. She drew up short at the sight of his larger than life body hunched over her kitchen counter, one hand gripping the base of his skull, the other with a phone pressed to his ear.

  “It’s getting out of hand.”

  A high pitched female voice came through the line, muffled, but distinctive enough to tell who ever Trey spoke with was pissed as well.

  “No, don’t… Fuck!” The phone dropped away from his ear, clattering to the floor. Trey clenched his fists on either side of his head, bracing his elbows on the countertop.

  Frozen in her spot, Charlotte had no idea what to do. She’d spent most of her life avoiding big emotions, scared that indulging in them would lead to the same road her mother traveled. Ups and downs. Manic and depressed. To avoid all that, Charlotte stayed numb. But Trey had ended all that with his demanding body and sweet words. He wore his big heart on his sleeve, and it was obvious at that moment that it was breaking.

  Quietly, she drifted behind him, taking his big strong body in her much smaller arms, hugging him from behind like she could hold his pieces together. The heart that she was quickly falling for pounded under her hand, and a tear dropped onto her skin.

  “What can I do?”

  His head shook back and forth. “Nothing. There’s nothing to do.” Sucking in a huge breath, Trey stood to his full height, patting her hands where they still
clung to his chest. “Just family drama. Nothing to worry about, I swear.”

  It didn’t take a genius to recognize the lies pouring from his mouth. The journalist in her wanted to dig, to keep scratching away at his surface until he let her deeper. Until he told her everything. But the terrified girl in her first relationship kept her lips sealed.

  The smooth skin between his shoulder blades called to her, and she laid a kiss there, sweet, lingering, not meant to ignite passion. Not like the rest of their kisses had been.

  Trey turned to face her, his face now schooled, no trace of the tears that he had allowed to spill just seconds ago. “It’s just been a couple rough days with the fire and everything. But I heard from the Chief this morning, both the men injured the other day are going to be fine. They’ll both be out for a while, but none of their injuries will derail their careers.”

  “That’s great news.” Charlotte nuzzled into his chest, that heart that had been under such turmoil only moments before slowing to his regular steady beat. Her touch had done that. Helped calm him. For some reason that knowledge made her feel even more powerful, more confident than anything else.

  “Yeah. The cat lady is fine, too. Just some smoke inhalation on her end. Should be out feeding the strays of the world in no time.” Breaking their hold on each other, Trey turned toward her bedroom, striding in with purpose. The sheet that had been wrapped around her chest slipped to around her waist before she caught it and tugged it into place once again. Trey didn’t even look at her half naked form. “I need to head into the firehouse and meet with some of the guys to rework the schedules. There will be a few holes to fill now that Jerome and Will are officially out on leave.”

  Disappointment rang through her body like the ripples of a stone tossed across water. She was due back at work tonight, but had hoped they would have at least a few hours together.

  “Oh, okay. That makes sense.” She stood behind him as he finished dressing, unsure what to do.


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