Bad for Business: Mixing Business With Pleasure Book Two

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Bad for Business: Mixing Business With Pleasure Book Two Page 2

by Ace Gray

  This wasn’t our natural cadence. If he was angry he’d show it, and I’d shoot it right back. I was off my game, but that didn’t mean I was broken. I reached my hand to his cheek and pulled his face so he had to look directly at me.

  “Just say it. You don’t have to sugar coat it,” I said softly.

  “I do. You’re fragile right now.”

  Of course I was, but it wouldn’t stop me from getting a straight answer.

  “Not about my company. I can handle it. Please.” I sighed. “Nicholas Bryant, I do not enjoy begging.”

  He drunk me in then dropped his eyes. He studied the lines of his palm before answering me.

  “He’s a fucking piece of work, Kate. The things I’ve heard he does when he’s going after someone.” He started pacing around my walk-in closet. It was like watching a baited tiger in a small cage. “They’re really dirty, fucked up things. He’s relentless in his acquisitions. He’ll destroy something just so he can say he owns it.”

  He paused and took a deep breath, a wry smirk spreading across his face. “I realize how ironic it is that I’m concerned with the takeover of Vesper. I have no room to talk. But, I’ve told you, I was just going to make an appropriate cash offer. I was digging around to figure out what a respectful number would be. I was debating whether or not to offer you a position with the company. Victor, though…” He sneered through bared teeth. “…threatens you and the people you love. I’ve heard of him destroying family farms and bankrupting small businesses. Or attacking his target until they’re desperate enough to sell. He’s cut off manufacturers and seized distribution centers. He sends his message in a lot of really sick and twisted ways.”

  My stomach dropped as the pieces fell into place. Twisted…bail money…Only one person came to mind that required bail and was so twisted she made my blood run cold: Ally. She was the reason waking nightmares of Trevor’s death—of his blood—were playing with my senses. My legs went weak and my body teetered.

  “What’s wrong?” His hands flew to my hips as my vision tunneled. I saw the moment it clicked, and he figured out why I was panicking. “No. Shit! God, no, Kate, Ally wasn’t granted bail.” Nick’s anxious hand circled wildly on my hip. “Victor tried to post bail for Todd. I called in a favor and it wasn’t granted. The private investigator was tailing Laura, although we’re not sure to what end. And I just found out about the building plans.”

  I could breathe again. The combination of his touch with real, honest information released some of the tension in my chest. But then my second thought inspired almost as much panic as Ally.

  “Has Victor threatened you?” My fingers curled into him.

  Nick let a quick, menacing sound escape his throat. “No, he wouldn’t dare. The problems I present are insurmountable for him. I have more money, more resources, and since I do business with integrity, I have many more connections. He doesn’t touch me or my holdings.”

  I turned away, trying to process everything including the simple fact that Nick had willingly shared information with me. Usually it took at least ten rounds of sparring for us to get close. Numerous times I worried those brawls would cost me Nick.

  Lost in thought, I threw a fox-fur collar over my tee and rolled my skinny jeans over buckled, camel and gold, strappy Fendi heels. My body was on autopilot as I moved around the closet.

  When I caught a glimpse in the mirror, my reflection was haggard. My long dark hair was flat rather than wavy, my eyes lacked their golden hazel twinkle, and my body seemed angular and sharp rather than long and lean. I blew out a deep breath. What made it worse was knowing the press would be waiting. Circling, merciless vultures, hoping to catch every frown, every worry line. I tried to tell myself they wouldn’t be able to see my inner turmoil. My shoulders tensed toward my ears anyway.

  Last time I’d been outside, my clothes had been tattered and torn. The cameras had caught every painful second as I trudged from the police car to my door, covered in blood. I’d overheard Laura on the phone with her dad describing the New York Time’s front page photo, a chill audible in her voice. My stomach turned listening to her pained whispers, and I hadn’t had the heart to seek out the image. I was gnawing on my lip when Nick’s voice pulled me back to the present.

  “I will protect you.”

  He reached for my hand and turned my palm to his lips. His kissed it tenderly in one of my favorite, endearing gestures. He stared intently over my upturned hand, and I managed a small smile for him despite my growing anxiety.

  My chest was getting tight and achy, like my rigid shoulders. At the front door, Nick passed my bags to Jaime. Jaime’s coat shifted, and a glint of metal caught my eye; the holstered gun resting under his arm was enough to make my knees wobble. I reached out for Nick and gripped his forearm. He looked over, his eyes flashing darker as a frown marred his beautiful face.

  “Wait. Please,” I squeaked.

  “You’re completely white. Are you okay?” Nick shifted so he could hold me at both elbows.

  “I need a minute.” I gasped, not caring if my face was under control.

  “Of course.”

  Both men focused on me; Nick’s thumbs circled where he held me. When feeling returned to my toes, I nodded, and one by one, we filtered out of my red front door. The color made me queasy.

  Once in the elevator, Nick shuffled to make room for Jaime, Colton, and the bags. The moment he did, panic came crashing down on me. I grasped the elevator walls, trying desperately to keep myself from collapsing.

  “Kate?” Colton’s voice seemed a million miles away.

  I couldn’t answer; my mouth had gone completely dry. I sagged against the wall. There was a shuffle and a snarl before my body instinctively calmed as Nick’s hands gripped my waist. I could breathe again.

  “Don’t let go of me again. Please,” I whispered as I gracelessly pulled myself to his side.

  “I won’t. I swear.” He kept his hands in place and brushed his lips against my forehead.

  We stepped out of the elevator, and Nick made good on his promise. My feet automatically stuttered when I laid eyes on the waiting paparazzi through the glass door. Nick kept his grip tight, even subtly righting me before pressing me toward the door. I forced my face to empty; no smile, no tension, no anything. As far as New York was concerned, I was mourning but resolute. If the press sensed I was falling apart, they would tear me to shreds.

  Nick looked over, holding his breath every bit as tight as his grip on my hip. If he questioned me, my facade would falter. Somehow, he understood, and managed a thin smile as his steely gaze lingered on my face.

  His eyes didn’t shift away as we walked outside. Colton parted the sea of pariahs and Jaime, with his arm outstretched, tried to give us some distance. I clutched Nick’s shirt and stared solely at my gnarled fingers.

  The photographers were screaming. Voices boomed from every direction, a suffocating bubble all on their own.

  “Was she after you or Trevor?”

  “Who provoked her?”

  “Did you know Trevor Farris well?”

  My knees went weak. I wanted to hide my face in Nick’s shoulder, or better yet, have him carry me.

  Come on, Elliott.

  I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders, willing myself to make the few remaining steps to the car. I collapsed into the backseat, and the second the door clicked shut, I tucked my head between my knees. Bryant’s hand skimmed up my hip and along my spine until his palm rested between my shoulder blades.

  “Sweets, are you okay?”

  I shifted my head into his lap. “I will be.” I sighed. “It’s easier with you around, but…” My thoughts trailed off. What was there to say? I was weak, nauseous, dizzy, overwhelmed? That much was obvious.

  “What can I do?” Nick asked.

  I had to hand it to him. He’d been there for me, uncharacteri
stically quiet and patient. He’d stayed by my side when he undoubtedly had business to attend to.

  “This.” It was the only answer I had.

  He aimlessly stroked my hair, and I hummed against his thigh. I curled my feet up onto the seat. Deep breaths helped gradually thaw my body.

  Once the tension was gone, I admitted how badly I needed to get my shit together. I could be sad and scared, but this was borderline ridiculous. I had to find a way to cope that wasn’t Nick related. But how?

  I exhaled deeply. Nick’s fingers wandered through my hair and down my neck. He began to trace circles slowly down my side. I loved the feel of his soft skin through my t-shirt. I couldn’t help the MMMmmm that escaped my lips.

  “The sound that originally bewitched me.” Nick’s familiar sensual purr returned. “When I got to have you on the balcony…” He whistled lowly. “…I got a taste of the most amazing drug on Earth. I needed you. Desperately. So many unfamiliar thoughts started rolling around my head. Even then I was compelled to protect you. I was scared you might get hurt. Look at what I brought down on you.” His voice broke.


  My skin crawled at his tone. I sat up and pushed back to look at him. I had to read his eyes. Of course he was serious—completely and unflinchingly so.

  “Stop it right now,” I said forcefully. “None of this is your fault. If you weren’t here for me things would be much worse.”

  “Worse than Trevor dying?” His face pinched and there was venom in his voice.

  “That’s low.” My face mimicked his and my voice dropped. “That’s not what I meant and you know it. His death is horrific.”

  We sat in silence for the rest of the ride, stewing at one another. Only after we pulled up to the curb did I add, “She would’ve hurt one of us sooner or later. I wish every moment of every day it’d been me so that someone innocent, like Trevor, hadn’t gotten in the way.”

  “Don’t ever say that.” His temper broke, the volume of his voice vibrating the car windows.

  Nick shoved the door open; it protested and bounced on its hinges as he tore out of the car. Part of me ached that he didn’t get how truly responsible I was for Trevor’s death. The other part of me—the part that always wanted to defend or console him—was pissed he was blaming himself. That part wanted to storm out into the street and scream. There was this whirlpool of emotion in my stomach as I stepped out of the still reverberating door after him.

  Every single muscle in Nick’s body tensed when he froze mid-step in front of me. He turned, terror etched plain on his face. In that moment the world around me fell away. My body went rigid, and I felt like I was drowning in the expanse of faceless people surrounding us. Judging by Nick’s expression, something horrific was happening. My eyes widened and my legs were giving out. He reached for me and caught me just in time.

  “I’m sorry. I told you I wouldn’t let go,” Nick whispered in my ear.

  My mouth fell open. He’d stopped my heart, complete with a horrendous face, for that?

  “You scared the living shit out of me!” I would have shoved him away if I hadn’t been shaky.

  I let Nick keep his hand on me until we reached the elevator. Then very uncharacteristically, I asked Jaime and Colton to wait for the next elevator. Bryant cocked his head and gave me a sideways glance.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” I didn’t even wait for the doors to close before pushing free of him.

  “What do you mean?” he asked innocently.

  “You freeze in the middle of the sidewalk, in front of everyone, panic plain on your face. What do you think I mean? That overreaction almost stopped my heart. Do you know the scenarios that ran through my head? My first thought was someone had a gun,” I shouted as my fists balled and flew to his chest.

  “You told me not to let go.” It was a weak defense and we both knew it. “I didn’t realize…” He didn’t even want to acknowledge that my concerns were well founded.

  “And another thing.” My nails dug into my palms as I found my fire.

  “Oh?” He cocked his head as the elevator dinged and I barreled past.

  I was poised to continue shouting but Ari was waiting for us; her barrage of questions ricocheted off the glass box of windows. I didn’t pause; I simply stomped straight over to the private elevator. Ari’s worried face and Nick’s narrowing gaze just before the door slid shut weren’t lost on me.

  I bee-lined to the bedroom the moment the elevator opened. Nick’s footfalls padded up the staircase to catch me. My sigh matched my dramatic flop into his favorite cognac leather chair beside the bed. I tried not to jump when the door slammed shut behind me. After a few loud steps, Nick leaned ominously over me and pinned my arms to the rests.

  “We’re not done with this discussion. I believe you had something to add.” He was quiet and intense.

  “I’m pissed. Pissed you think you brought this on me. You amaze me, you delight me, and my life is better because you’re in it. Hearing you blame yourself infuriates me. I love you, god damnit, and I’m sick of hearing what a problem that is!” I hadn’t meant to shout as I tried to pull myself from his grasp.

  His grip tightened as he leaned in, his eyes finding some of their piercing blue. I started to grind my teeth just before his lips smashed onto mine. It took just a moment to unlock my jaw and kiss him back. I tried to move my hands to his neck. He pushed them down again with a thud and kept me pinned. He nipped my lip then pushed his knee between mine. He bent over, kissing my lips until they became red and swollen.

  My fingers were itching to touch him and continued to fidget under his firm grip. He groaned into my mouth, “You amaze me, you delight me, and my life is better because you’re in it.” He was vehement as he repeated my words back to me.

  I couldn’t take it anymore and I stood, using all my strength and momentum to get out of the chair and free my wrists. He smiled and let his hands fall away, knowing it was the only way I could actually move his body. I pushed him back onto the bed and followed him down. I pinned his wrists and started to kiss him as artfully as he had me. He easily wrestled his hands free and wrapped them tightly around my torso, using his hold to flip me. His lips and hands were everywhere, his delicious golden skin obscuring my view of anything else.

  When I reached for his shirt, he helped yank it off. Nick returned to kissing me as soon as he was free of the fabric, traveling from my lips to my neck and chest. When the deep V of my shirt finally interrupted his trail, he grabbed it and pulled. The fabric tightened against my neck before it gave way. He held up the scraps before tossing them aside, making me moan oh-so loudly. He tugged on my pants violently; I half expected the denim to tear. When he had my legs bare, I wrapped them around his hips, pressing every inch of my skin to his. Somehow, he’d managed to leave my stilettos in place, I dug them into his ass. He cried out in pleasure.

  Nick pressed his body against my naked chest and notched his denim-covered erection against my clit. A non-coherent whimper rolled off my tongue when he began to thrust. The rosy sunset reflecting through the windows highlighted his jaw as he kissed up and down my body, never breaking pace. His perfectly practiced roll of the hips melted me completely. The only reason I’d learned to surrender at all was his expert touch.

  I could feel the slight dampness of sweat building between us. Nick bit the skin just above my breast, and I returned the favor arching to nibble on his nipple. The rumbling in his chest tickled beneath my lips. I shoved against his shoulder to roll him onto his back. Again, he let me.

  I lowered my body so that I could kiss him, but instead of meeting my lips, he reached for my breasts. He pressed them together and started alternating licks and pulls on each sensitive nipple. I let my head fall forward and my hair fell from its knot. My long waves brushed his chest as he moaned into my cleavage.

  My fingers scrambled down for his pants button
. He took the opportunity to flip me onto my back. He yanked his jeans off before crawling back and pressing into me in one swift move. Nick moved quickly in and out, hitting my ache, forcefully and repeatedly. I hadn’t realized we were so close to the headboard until my head knocked against it. The brushed steel didn’t hurt; it was just enough of a hot, heavy edge to make me call out his name in time with the roll of his hips.

  My body quivered; those familiar waves of pleasure were just beyond reach. The emotions of the last few days were like a cage, and I wanted to break free. I wanted to revel in his expert fucking, his strong hands, and perfect kisses. The weight of the world just hung so heavily on my chest.

  “Don’t over think this, Sweets.” His chest rumbled against mine.

  He snaked his hands around my ass, purposely gripping, pulling, and pressing against the soft pucker of my backside. Nick used his grip to lift my hips off the bed to meet his thrusts. I cried out and raked my fingers down his arms. He groaned in response and dug his fingers further into my flesh.

  In that moment, he was all I could think of, all I could feel. Nick had succeeded in making the outside world fall away. His pace doubled when he realized I was finally there with him. He took advantage and slid his finger in where it was nestled at my back. I yelped as everything in my body clenched down on him.

  His delicious thrusts continued as my body adjusted to his finger. When I relaxed, he moved his finger in time with his cock. Over and over. When my name passed through his bared teeth I was sure I’d explode. He leaned down and bit the sensitive skin above my breast. I lost control.

  “Nick!” I called out as my orgasm shattered me.

  I fell apart below him, writhing with an orgasm too long missing. He raced to finish, coming brutally inside me. I was on fire with his cum pouring into me while the waves of my honeyed orgasm rolled out to my fingers and toes.

  We melted into each other as the aftershocks shook both our bodies. I let my heels drop away from his hips but otherwise refused to move. I whispered a ragged “Thank you” when his forehead leaned against mine.


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