Promise of Love (Knights of Sin MC Book 6)

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Promise of Love (Knights of Sin MC Book 6) Page 1

by Erin Trejo

  Promise of Love

  Promise of Love

  Knights of Sin MC

  By Erin Trejo

  Copyright 2018@erintrejo

  All rights reserved.

  Cover Design: Erin Trejo

  Cover photos: iStock

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written consent from the author, except in the instance of quotes for reviews. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded, or distributed via the Internet without the permission of the author, which is a violation of the International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines and imprisonment.

  This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, incidents and places are products of the author’s imagination, and are not to be construed as real except where noted and authorized. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events are entirely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, names featured are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 1


  My arms ache. My shoulders burn. I wonder if this is what it was like for Bullet, when he was held in those underground cells. My body has been put through more torture than I ever thought possible. I basically have no feeling left in my hands. If my calculations are right—I’ve been in this basement for seven days now.

  I take in the dingy, dark room, every second of the day, looking for a way out. There isn’t one. The only solace that I have is the beaten girl that they toss in here every once in a while. She doesn’t speak to me. She just lies on the floor and waits for the next round of abuse to come.

  And it does come. I try not to wonder what the hell they do to her when they come for her. All I know is her fiery red hair, is a knotted mess. She’s taller.... Maybe five feet seven. She isn’t petite in that sort of way but she’s rail thin, which tells me they don’t feed her well. Whenever she’s tossed back in here, I’m making it a point to talk to her. At least find out her name.

  The door creaks open and that bastard walks in with a grin on his no-good face.

  “Brought your lunch.” Another guy walks in behind him and unhooks one of my hands. He grabs a chain that’s attached to the wall instead, and hooks my wrist to that before releasing my left hand. It falls to my side with no type of feeling in it. I wiggle it around before the other asshole tosses a sandwich at me.

  “We don’t want you to die before we get what we want,” he snarls. I just smile at him.

  “I won’t help you get him you piece of shit, and I sure as hell won’t eat that.” I nod to the dirty bread that lies on the floor in front of me.

  “I don’t give two shits if you eat or not. You aren’t my goddamn problem.” Dirk’s eyes dance with rage. I know if he wasn’t the President’s son, he would have already put a fucking bullet between my eyes. I smile as I say, “Daddy seems to think otherwise.”

  Dirk pulls back, his fist colliding with my cheek before another blow lands. My lip is bleeding, but I just smile.

  “It would be smart of you to just give him up.” Dirk cracks his neck from side to side as he watches me.

  “Never gonna happen, Dirk. You had your chance. You lost. You got me instead,” I laugh. I can see the anger rolling around those dark eyes of his.

  He hates me as much as I hate him. I don’t give a shit, though. He wants Bomber. That shit is never going to happen while I’m alive. He won’t get him through me, that much I’m for sure of. He thinks he can torture the fuck out of me in this basement for information? Hell, he and his dad have another thing coming. We always knew there were more. When we hit the Ranger’s a while back, we knew we didn’t get them all. Now they are pissed, and want that revenge. Too fucking bad it won’t be me that helps them get it.

  I watch Dirk leave before a bottle of water is tossed in front of me. As soon as the door closes, I reach down and grab it. I examine the bottle to make sure they haven’t tampered with it at all. When I’m satisfied that they haven’t, I take the whole bottle down at once.

  Chapter 2


  “Stupid bitch!” Bone’s hand slams across my cheek for the second time in a row. “You will do whatever the fuck I tell you to. Need I fuckin’ remind you why that little virginity of yours is still intact?” His eyes are dark as the devil himself.

  When I first met Bone, I thought he was a nice guy. I fell into his lap. Literally. I was a drunken mess at the bar one night, running from my dad. I literally tripped and fell into the man’s lap. He could have done whatever he wanted to me then. He could have taken me, used me, but he didn’t. I never understood why, though. Instead, he helped me with my “dad troubles”.

  He brought me back here six months ago. I’ve been under his protection. I thought I was living the good life until one day... he told me he had a job for me. I mean, the guys did beat up on me from time to time but nothing major. I was to repay him for that protection he gave me. I was to pay him for not letting any of his men take me the way they wanted to.

  I’ve had my fair share of beatings in my life. I grew up that way and that’s part of what landed me in that bar that night. I’m not your typical girl. I don’t like to be touched. Bone knows that more than anyone else. I told him all the things my dad used to do to me. The way I watched my life flash before my eyes more times than I care to admit. He truly seemed to care and up until a week ago, no one touched me.

  “You will fuckin’ go make nice with him! You will fuckin’ flash that pretty pussy of yours every chance you get. You go in, you get me the fuckin’ information I want, Jordyn! You don’t have a choice anymore. The day you stepped into my world—you became mine.” He grits his teeth as blood drips down my mouth.

  “I will,” I say as I try to keep some kind of composure.

  “You meet me at the old Robin’s place every motherfuckin’ Saturday mornin’. You don’t show up, I will fuck you in ways you’ve never dreamt of.” A shiver races through my body. Fear eats away at my insides. I know he isn’t playing. I’ve watched him follow through on his threats against others before. It’s a scary si
ght to see.

  “When they come, he will take you with.... That’s how he is. You make nice. Two days down there and they’ll come for you both, got it? I’m tippin’ them off.” Confusion whirls in my mind as to why he’d tip them off and then run. It doesn’t make any sense. If he wanted Bomber that bad, why not wait for him to show? Nothing Bone has ever done was normal or smart, though. He’s never really planned anything out before. He’s always a blow by kind of guy.

  “Ok. I will.” I lower my eyes when his fingers touch my chin. My body stills. Pain races its way through me. This is what happens when I’m touched. The pain is real. At least to me it is. I can feel it all through me.

  “Go be a good little snitch,” he says before shoving me away from him. Dirk grabs me and drags me by the wrist back to the basement.

  He tosses me roughly inside, where I land on my shoulder.

  “You motherfucker!” Link roars. I shake my head a little as I hear the door locking behind me. I push my dizzy ass up and lean against the wall before I look up at him. “Are you ok?” he asks in a soft tone.

  “Are you?” I nod toward his face where his lip is bleeding.

  “I will be. Did they feed you?” I nod once because that’s the most that they do for me.

  “You should eat that. It isn’t much... but you should.” Link shakes his head before he says, “Don’t know if they fucked with it.” I give him a soft smile before I say, “I made it. They made me.”

  Chapter 3


  She stays to herself in the corner. I can’t blame her though. She shouldn’t trust me. Not after what these assholes are doing. The door cracks open and Dirk walks in. The girl looks surprised to see him.

  “Miss me darlin’?” He grins at her. She huddles further into herself.

  “Don’t you have somethin’ to fuckin’ do with your time?” I grunt as he looks at me. He gives me a grin, too. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? I have somethin’ for you to do.” He smiles that half toothless smile. I want nothing more than to knock what’s left of his teeth down his goddamn throat.

  “More like someone,” he says, his eyes falling on hers. She shakes her head before pulling into herself more.

  “Fuck you, Dirk. I ain’t rapin’ that girl. Go to hell!” I growl as he walks toward her. He grabs her by the hair and yanks her to her feet.

  “Look at her. It’d be a shame to have kill little ole’ Jordyn, now wouldn’t it?” He puts the gun to the side of her head. I watch her visibly shake in his grasp. Something takes hold of her and doesn’t let go. Something deeper, and darker than even Dirk knows.

  “What the fuck are you gonna get out of it?” I ask feeling my heart kick up a beat. I haven’t eaten in a week. My energy level is a fucking negative zero. I don’t know that I could fight him off if I had to.

  “The pleasure of not blowin’ her brains on that wall.” He grits his teeth when I lean back against the wall.

  “Fuck her yourself. I ain’t touchin’ her.” Dirk’s eyes darken to a level I’ve never seen before.

  He stuffs the gun into the back of his jeans before pulling the knife free. I sit quietly, and watch as he drags it over her skin. Her pale stomach turns the color of crimson as she screams.

  “Leave her the fuck alone!” I roar as I push up, pulling the chain with me. Fuck, I want to snap his goddamn neck. Dirk grins and shoves her toward me. I catch her frail body in my good arm, and pull her in closely. Her body shakes and twitches.

  “Then fuck her! I’ll leave her alone after that. I’m only givin’ you one more chance before I slit her pretty little throat.” This motherfucker is going to pay for this shit. I will kill him.

  “Not happenin’,” I say once more. The girl I now know as Jordyn, is ripped from my arms before Dirk’s sidekick walks over. A needle sticks in my arm before the haze starts to cloud my vision.

  “You motherfucker,” I say groggily. The blade comes to her throat as she looks me in the eyes. The slightest nod of her head tells me she wants me to do it. Just to save her life. She would go to that fucking level to live. This isn’t the way I envisioned my first time. Me, Lincoln Thomas, a goddamn virgin, about to be forced into raping someone my first time. Isn’t that some kind of bullshit? I watch as the blood comes to the surface of her skin. Sobs squeak out of her little throat.

  “Fine! Just don’t fuckin’ hurt her!” I manage to yell. Dirk grins, and rips the clothes from her body. She stands there trying to cover herself when he shoves her back into me. In my fuzzy state of mind, I lower us to the floor before I undo my jeans with one hand.

  “I’m so sorry,” I whisper as Dirk laughs. Jordyn nods and turns her head to the side so she doesn’t have to look at me. I can’t say that I blame her either. I wouldn’t want to look at me. Hell, at this very moment, I don’t want to be me. As soon as I push into her, I can feel it.

  She’s a fucking virgin.

  Chapter 4


  I feel like I’m hyperventilating. I can’t fucking breathe. It hurts like nothing I’ve ever experienced in my life. Maybe letting him slit my throat would have been the better choice.

  It’s not just him either. It’s that he’s touching me. All of me. His body looms over mine, our skin meshing together. I turn my head so I don’t have to see him. I keep my eyes clenched shut so that I don’t throw up. He’s easy with me. He’s stoned out of his fucking mind, thanks to Dirk, that bastard. The poor guy probably won’t even remember what he was forced to do to me. I can’t believe that Dirk would do that but he never did want me with his dad. I guess this was a blessing in disguise.

  “See. Was that so bad? Now the little cunt can live.” I hear the door slam shut before Link quickly pulls out of me.

  “I’m so fuckin’ sorry,” he whispers over and over. It’s like his mind is on repeat. His eyes are glazed over, he’s clueless.

  “You had no choice. He would have killed me and we both know it.” I slide up and lean against the wall next to him. He slides the chains as far as he can as he tries to reach my shirt. When he has it, he passes it to me without even looking at me. He’s probably disgusted by the fact that I was a virgin.

  “I’ll kill him.” His voice is slurred from whatever drugs Dirk had shot into his veins.

  “If only it were that easy,” I mumble. I wish it was. I wish it was easier than it actually is right now. I would have killed him too, but that’s not an option anymore.

  “I promise we’ll get out of here. My boys will find us. I know they will.” I listen to him mumble about his crew coming for us. I already know they will. In fact, we just need to get through the next two days and they will be here with bells on.

  I glance over and watch Link. His mouth moves but words aren’t really forming now. He’s lost to the high that runs through his system. He doesn’t strike me as the using type either. Maybe that’s why it’s affecting him so bad. I can see it in his eyes. This isn’t something he’s used to. He’s really pretty gorgeous. He has that boyish face with his over grown blond hair. It isn’t long, but long enough that you’d want to run your fingers through it. He’s well-built, although he’s undernourished right now. Nevertheless, you can still make out the defined muscles.

  I watch as he drifts in and out of sleep. I find myself wondering what his club is like. What will they do to me. Bone and Dirk were the ones that I thought I was safe with. That turned out to be the biggest lie of my life. They are, in fact, the worst kind of people I could have landed with. Bone kept me safe for his own personal reasons but what Dirk just did, I have no idea why…. He never goes against Bone’s orders. There’s never been a time that he’s disobeyed him that I’ve seen. I do know that Dirk didn’t want me around later. Maybe that was the whole reason behind all of this. Before Link was brought here, I was still a punching bag at times but never like what they started being when he showed up. Even Bone took his anger out on me.

  I suppose that just seals my place in whatever this rivalry is
between them. I know that Knights of Sin took out one of the clubhouses, or meeting houses. I wasn’t sure which but I know they blew it up. I heard the ramblings of Bone when it happened. I can only thank God, I wasn’t there at the time. Or at least I wanted to thank God. Now, I kind of wish that I was there. I wish that I knew then, what I do now. I would gladly take death. I don’t know why I just shied away from it. I should have let him slit my throat and ended it all right then and there. There was just something about the look in Link’s eyes that stopped me, though. He looked so lost and broken in that moment. Like the world rested on his shoulders.

  Something inside of me didn’t want to add to that.

  Chapter 5


  I hear a commotion and I try to pry my eyes open. I feel like I’ve been hit by a goddamn train. I’m not even sure how long that shit knocked me out for.

  “Get up, brother! I ain’t caryin’ your big ass.” I hear Kane’s voice filter through the fog.

  “Fuck off,” I mutter under my breath. Is it them? Are they really here? Or am I just fucking dreaming again? These drugs have kicked my ass. I force my eyes open with all the strength I have left in me.

  “We’re goin’ home, Link.” Dax leans down, his face nearly touching mine.

  “I must say, your accommodations where much nicer than mine.” Bullet chuckles to himself. I shove up off the floor and stand on unsteady legs. I shake my head a few times to get my bearings when I hear Jordyn scream. I check my arm to see the chain is already off.

  “Don’t touch me!” Her cries rip through my chest before I move. I stop in front of her and push Micah back a step. That’s about all the strength I have in me. Micah looks at me but I just shake my head. He seems to get the silent warning.

  “It’s ok, Jordyn. They’re gettin’ us outta here,” I tell her. She looks up at me with sad eyes before she nods. I tug on Micah’s shirt until he takes it off and passes it to me. “Here sweetheart. Put this on for now.” Jordyn hesitantly takes it and slides it on over her short one. It comes down just far enough to cover her up.


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