Saving Sophia

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Saving Sophia Page 22

by Isabella Laase

  “I have every reason to believe that you can do it all,” Linc laughed. “Even with that crazy organic plan you have.”

  She risked a small pout. “It isn’t crazy. Advertising organic fruits and vegetables will be a big seller for the resort, but it takes years to get certified. Marcus wants to build a few more guest cabins, and we need a plan for filling them. It’ll be fabulous, I promise.”

  When the semester ended and the resort shut down for the vacation month of December, Marcus and Sophia made the promised trip to Delaware. Her father tried to talk her into coming for Christmas Day, but she said, “I’m sorry, Dad, but we really want to spend our first Christmas together at home. We’ll come the whole week before Christmas Eve. Marcus is looking forward to meeting all of you too.”

  It was a slight exaggeration. The few video calls made it clear that both Thomas and Marcus still struggled to communicate with each other, but their common devotion to Sophia at least kept the objective in focus. Interactions were stilted, awkward, and frustrating, but they tried.

  Sophia warned him as they packed their suitcases. “I promise we won’t have to spend every minute with them. We’ll go to the beach and out by ourselves a few times, but you need to behave yourself.”

  “Don’t get too sassy, little girl,” he grumbled. “I’m taking along my belt and the palm of my hand.”

  “That’s all you need to do is paddle me in his living room,” she groaned. “He already thinks you’re a little weird. Can you just try?”

  Despite her fears, the week was a clear success. The little girls were fascinated by a brand new big sister. When Marcus got down on the floor to play their games and made their stuffed animals talk to them, he was an instant success although likely the biggest playmate they’d ever seen. Sophia was thrilled to see his comfort with children.

  Thomas spoke begrudgingly while an identical little girl hung on each of Marcus’ ankles and the baby bounced happily in his arms. “Maybe he isn’t as bad as he seemed.”

  His wife smacked him on the shoulder. “You may only be forty years old, Thomas, but that guy is probably going to be your son-in-law, so you’d better find peace somehow.”

  Peace finally found its ironic place during Sunday afternoon football. The matchup between the Seattle Seahawks and the Philadelphia Eagles represented a potential disaster with each of her men supporting a different team. Sophia dreaded the game and tried desperately to talk Marcus into a ride to the beach. He eyed his adversary and slipped into his Seahawk sweatshirt. “Nope. I’ll stay here.”

  The game was loud and contentious, but fortunately, Thomas was the more gracious loser and a few beers later, the two were fast friends while they both cheered against the dreaded New England Patriots in the second game of the day. At the airport, they shook hands with professional respect and both even offered a quiet grin. Sophia sighed and accepted the tentative move as a good first step.

  The long plane ride back to Jackson was delayed in Chicago due to weather, and it took an extra day to get home. They arrived at the airport past midnight on Christmas Eve, but Sophia said, “I’m wide awake with the time change. Let’s drive home tonight. I want to wake up at Cloudcroft.”

  He grinned. “I’m in. I can’t wait to get you back to my bed and not have to worry about keeping things quiet around your family.”

  “That is so not a sentence I ever expected to hear a year ago,” she laughed.

  It was well past two in the morning when they arrived home, and they fell asleep quickly. By the time they woke the next morning, the extended family was already comfortably established around the big kitchen table in pajamas, robes, and sweats. The smell of coffee and bacon filled the bright room to complete the comfortable portrait of a large family breakfast. Sophia took the moment to just appreciate the cozy camaraderie.

  Bella jumped out of her chair. “It’s about time you got up. I wanted to open presents an hour ago.”

  “Let them eat, Bella.” Monique scolded. “They’re probably starving. Come and sit down, you two. I made banana pancakes for breakfast, and they’re wonderful, if I do have to say so myself. We need to wait for Camille, anyway. She’s still upstairs.”

  The silver-haired stranger who clearly resembled Jack and Linc rose to give them a hug. His strength left her slightly intimidated until his familiar smile eased her nerves. “I’m Elijah Sullivan. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sophia. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  She raised her eyes to his. “I… I bet some of it’s even true, but take anything Bella says with a grain of salt.”

  He laughed as he pulled a pouty Bella in for a big hug, and introduced the tall elegant woman next to him. “This is my wife, and Bella’s mother, Katherine.”

  Katherine put her arm around Sophia’s shoulder. “Sit at the table. I can hardly wait to learn more about you. We’ve all been waiting for Marcus to settle down. Now if we can just get Linc taken care of…”

  The most frightening dom at Cloudcroft spit his coffee back into his mug with a panicked look while the room burst into laughter.

  “This house isn’t big enough for another woman, Katherine,” he mumbled. “These two suck the life out of me.” Sophia and Bella laughed as they snuggled into each of his arms, and he was pacified by their simultaneous kisses on his cheek.

  The room had been decorated for Christmas and a sparkly tree with colorful ornaments and flickering lights sat comfortably in the corner. Quiet carols played in the background while linens, plates, and glassware completed the festive scene. But it was the abundance of homemade pastries and a high-fat breakfast that guaranteed the holiday atmosphere, and Sophia almost drooled when Monique put two full plates on the table. “Sit and eat. I’ve made enough for an army.” Marcus had the first bite to his mouth before his mother finished her sentence.

  “This place looks great, guys,” said Sophia with genuine enthusiasm as she sat daintily next to Marcus who was already looking for more bacon. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to help decorate.”

  Bella couldn’t contain her excitement. “You haven’t seen anything. Choke that food down and bring your coffee with you. You should see the living room.”

  “Let her eat in peace, Bella,” chided Katherine gently. “The decorations can wait, and so can your presents. Honestly, you’re more impatient now than you were when you were six.”

  Sophia laughed but barely finished chewing her last bite when Bella pulled her through a multitude of fresh greens and decorations until they arrived in the living room, and she was speechless. Covered in elegant clear glass ornaments, a huge, fresh evergreen must have reached fifteen feet into the air. The fragile antiques were stunning, but when Jack flicked a switch, the white lights of the tree bounced off the windows and walls in the formal room, and she gasped at the beautiful display.

  Katherine sighed as she verbalized what Sophia was thinking. “I know your mother and grandmother spent years collecting those, Elijah, but they never cease to amaze me.”

  Marcus pulled Sophia closer while he gently kissed her forehead. “Merry Christmas, little girl.”

  “Okay, let’s open presents,” Bella said impatiently. Instead of moving to the huge pile of brightly wrapped gifts, Bella ran to the door and shouted, “Okay, Camille. We’re ready.”

  Sophia sorted through the packages to make sure Bella had added her own carefully chosen presents to the pile. Her first real family Christmas meant she was going to a have a present for everybody, but her lack of imagination and still pitiful bank account had made the job a little challenging, and she feared she may have come up short. Deep in her dilemma, she heard Camille come into the room but remained buried in her task.

  “We all got you a present, Sophia,” said Marcus. “Camille was taking care of it for us last week.”

  She still didn’t turn around. “I got you one too. Hang on while I find it. It’s got to be here someplace.”

  “Turn around, Sophia. It can’t wait.”

  “Yes, it can
. Just a minute. Here’s my present for Bella so yours has to be close.”

  The deafening quiet was quickly apparent, and her heart skipped a beat at the possible causes. Jack said sternly, “Would you just turn around already?”

  Slowly, she did as she was told, and her gentle giant held the most adorable black and brown puppy she’d ever seen. Marcus’ grin caught her heart. “Merry Christmas, Sophia.”

  The tears filled her eyes before she could stand. She ran to his side and he embraced her with the solid little puppy, but she still had no words. She lifted her face to the extended group and hoped that her nonverbal message of approval was clear.

  He stroked both of their hair. “She’s from all of us. She’s a Gordon Setter, and the granddaughter of our last dog here at the ranch. We wanted you to have a part of Cloudcroft and a little bit of the childhood you’ve missed. Do you like her?”

  Sophia buried her face into the dog’s fur only to have the little thing wiggle enough to get a few licks on her nose. “Oh, my God. I’ve never had a dog before… I’ve never had anything so special. Thank you… everyone… I love her.”

  Under the weight of her emotions, the right words were hard to find. “Thank you. All of you. I don’t think I’ve ever been as happy as I am right now. You’ve accepted me into this family and made me feel welcome beyond my wildest imagination. Lying on my job application was clearly the best thing I ever did. I feel like a whole new person.”

  The room laughed, but Elijah gave her a stern look. “Be careful, young lady. You and I still need to have a conversation about that. Nobody gets away with lying around here.” Despite more laughter from the room, Sophia frowned.

  “You aren’t a new person,” murmured Marcus in her ear. “You’ve always been this strong on the inside. You just waited for us to come along to show the world who you really are.”

  Bella interrupted their quiet moment. “I’m glad you like the puppy. But you already owe me the pair of sneakers she chewed up, so keep her drool-y, pee-ridden self away from my stuff. Now, where are my presents?”

  The family made themselves comfortable while Linc and Jack passed out gifts. Christmas music played softly in the background and brightly colored wrappings, bows, and ribbons filled the open spaces while people chatted with the familiar relaxation that came from committed relationships.

  Marcus sat on the floor and brought both her and the puppy into his lap. Sophia whispered, “When Elijah says he needs to talk to me… he really means talk, right? That’s not some euphemism for paddling my ass, is it?”

  He exaggerated his whisper. “You never know with Elijah.”

  The evasive answer made her frown, but Jack interrupted her thoughts before she could ask for clarification. “You know, Sophia, that little girl’s grandmother was probably the best bird dog we’ve ever had. Do you have any interest in training her to be a hunter?”

  Bella scoffed, “Don’t be silly. Sophia’s a gentle soul and not a killer. You guys are just going to have to go off and kill defenseless animals on your own. We’ll go shopping without any scolding on what we spend.”

  A quick glint came to Sophia’s eyes as she stood with her sleeping puppy. “Hunting? I’ve never tried that, but I’d love to learn. Can you guys help me train her?”

  As the men quickly agreed, Bella groaned, “Oh, my God, I’ve spent years looking for a sister, and all I got is a brother without a penis.”

  Sophia retorted, “Suck it up, cupcake,” and delivered a firm smack to a surprised Bella’s ass. Laughter from her extended family warmed her heart, and she just grinned at Bella’s pout before she snuggled back into Marcus’ arms with the knowledge that she made the best choices in the world.

  The End

  Coming Soon: Another Cloudcroft Ranch Novel

  Lillian Adams is a tough, professional manager for an upstate New York manufacturing company, but when an unexpected discovery sparks her interest in the world of BDSM she travels to Cloudcroft Ranch to explore this new side of herself. After meeting stern, handsome rancher Lincoln Sullivan, she soon finds herself surrendering to his practiced dominance. Lincoln’s masterful lovemaking brings Lilly more pleasure than she would have thought possible, but will their passion grow into a true romance?

  Cloudcroft Ranch, Book Three

  by Isabella Laase

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  Additional Books in the Cloudcroft Ranch Series

  Breaking in Bella

  After Bella Mikelson wrecks her car while driving drunk, the spoiled twenty-two-year-old faces a difficult choice. If she wants to stay out of jail and keep her trust fund, she must accept a plea bargain which will require her to spend a year working on a Wyoming ranch under the strict supervision of Jackson Sullivan and his brother Lincoln, two tough, handsome cowboys who will not hesitate to provide the stern discipline she has been missing.

  Seeing no other way out of her predicament, Bella agrees to the terms, but it is only a matter of moments before her defiant attitude earns her a painful, humiliating spanking that leaves her cheeks blushing and her bare bottom burning.

  As she grows accustomed to life on the ranch, however, Jackson’s firm-handed dominance sets her once-hidden passion on fire, and soon she is yearning for him to claim her properly. But is she just a project for him, or is he ready to be the master she has desperately needed for so long?

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  More Stormy Night Books by Isabella Laase

  Tamed by the Virginian

  Eighteen-year-old Jory Logan has made more than her share of bad decisions, but things come to a head when she is involved with a robbery that goes horribly wrong. Facing a long prison sentence, she decides to play along with a mysterious woman who claims to be able to offer her an alternative to jail. According to this seemingly powerful stranger, Jory must spend four years in the past, learning the lessons she was never taught in her own life, and then she will be free to return to the present day with a clean slate.

  Though she agrees to the woman’s offer, Jory does not truly believe such a thing could be possible, and thus it comes as a shock when she awakens in Virginia in the year 1785. Alone and utterly unable to fend for herself in a world so different from her own, she is relieved to be taken in by frontiersman Nial McKay and his brother. She soon discovers, however, that life on a farm is hard work and disobedience, disrespect, or failure to carry her own weight will earn her a sound spanking on her bare bottom.

  Nial is determined to keep his relationship with Jory chaste and proper, but as time passes he is forced to admit that he is falling in love with the beautiful, spirited girl. Can he bring himself to claim her as his woman rather than his ward, or will his hesitance cause him to lose her forever? And when her four years is up, will Jory be forced to leave everything she has grown to love behind in the past?

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  Isabella Laase Links

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

pter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Coming Soon: Another Cloudcroft Ranch Novel

  Additional Books in the Cloudcroft Ranch Series

  More Stormy Night Books by Isabella Laase

  Isabella Laase Links




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