A Wise Prince: A Poisoned Pawn World Book

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A Wise Prince: A Poisoned Pawn World Book Page 9

by S. E. Rose

  And then, he pulls out of me, leaving me feeling both physically and emotionally empty.

  I don’t know what has been altered, but I feel him shutting down. Even as he hands me a towel to clean myself. He remains the perfect gentleman, but his smile doesn’t reach his eyes and his actions although kind, are not heartfelt.

  I can’t put my finger on what’s changed.

  “I have to leave tomorrow,” he announces as we lie in bed.

  “Oh,” I reply, guessing that is what is weighing on his mind.

  “Business?” I ask.

  He laughs. “Sort of.”

  “Sorry, do royals have business?” I ask, the heat rushing to my face as I speak the words.

  He pushes a lock of hair out of my face. “We do, in a way I suppose.”

  I sigh. “I have to leave in two days too. Family stuff.”

  “Everything OK?” he asks.

  I nod. “It’s fine. The rents just want to see me. What time do you leave tomorrow?”

  “Early,” he says as he trails his finger over my collarbone.

  I curl up beside him and he pulls me close.

  “It’s been…fun,” I say as I trace little invisible designs on his six-pack.

  “Yes, it has,” he agrees, kissing the top of my head. “Maybe we can have fun again someday.”

  “Maybe,” I muse as I curl closer to him. Maybe, someday.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I stare at the Alps as I fly over them on my way to the south of France. A part of me wishes I was skiing today instead of heading into the lion’s den. I left Kate sleeping in my bed until I was ready to leave. And then I kissed her goodbye.

  I sip on mediocre wine as I try to clear my head of the woman that just rocked my world. I need to fucking focus. I glance at the newspaper on the table in front of me. There’s another article about Conrad Johansen. He was elected three years ago and has risen to power in his party. He’s also vehemently against the monarchy. I toss the paper aside, not wanting to hear what the motherfucker is saying now. I spend the next hour going over the plan Anna concocted for me while trying to remember details of other people attending this auction.

  I’m feeling confident as we land. I’m good at acting a part. Hell, I’ve been acting a part my entire life. I have forty-eight hours to schmooze with the wealthiest people in the world prior to the auction which is being held at an art gallery in Nice. The auction is so exclusive that no one knows what’s going to be auctioned until it begins. And to date, no item has failed to sell for less than ten million dollars. Most of the items have sold for well over fifty million dollars and a healthy number over a hundred million dollars. My mind races through the images of famous paintings that have been stolen, ancient artifacts that have gone missing, and various treasures thought to not exist at all. Yet, all of these are now housed in private collections in the homes of some of the wealthiest people in the world: sheiks, royalty, billionaires, arms dealers, former prime ministers, and presidents. My mind scrolls through the lists as I pull up to a private residence in St. Tropez. It’s a property belonging to my father’s best friend who now also happens to be my brother-in-law’s father.

  I’ve been here many times before, but seldom by myself. I’m surprised when I see a car is already pulled up to the house. A minute later, my aunt emerges from the house. She looks good. My aunt was injured in the explosion at our Summer Palace a little over a year ago. Her husband, my late uncle, Hans, was trying to overthrow the monarchies of Norddale and our neighboring Montelandia. She’s been seeing Prince Sten of Montelandia since then. Yep, my father’s best friend, King Edvard, now has a son, Logan, who is married to my sister, and his brother, Sten, is dating my aunt. Our alliances with Montelandia have never been stronger.

  “August, dear, it’s so good to see you,” she says as she walks toward me. Her gait is still off but she no longer requires the use of a cane. I hug her because regardless of my surprise at her being here, I am happy to see her. In the last year, she’s changed. Where she was always involved in our lives, she’s now…motherly, kind, and happy.

  “How are you?” I ask her, pulling back and looking down at her.

  “Oh, I can’t complain. Sten and I were just packing up. We are off to London for a conference next week, but I heard you were on the way here, so we delayed our departure. I figured we could have dinner together tonight before we head out,” she suggests.

  “I’d love that,” I say, and I mean it. I could use a distraction from…my distraction? I shake my head a little at the crazy situation I’ve gotten myself into this week.

  I walk in to find Franny mixing up drinks at the bar. Franny or Francesco is the main employee of this property. He’s in his mid-fifties and is hilarious. He’s worked here for at least two decades that I can remember.

  “Augs, what’s popping?” Franny yells as I walk into the open living room of the villa. I can see Sten out in the pool, swimming laps and the waters of the Mediterranean glisten beyond it.

  “Hey, Franny,” I say as I walk over to him. Franny looks like the offspring of a surfer and cabana boy. He has a laid-back, “slightly edging on inappropriate” dress code, yet everyone loves him and he’s awesome at managing the property.

  “Your drink,” he says, without batting an eye as he hands me a gin and tonic with a lime peel. It’s my go-to vacation drink.


  He nods. “Anything else you need right now?”

  I shake my head as I sip his masterfully mixed drink. The man could be a professional mixologist if he wanted to be.

  “Lara, anything for you, my dear?”

  “I’m good, thank you, Francesco,” she says as she loops her arm through mine and leads me out to the pool.

  I can’t remember the last time I was alone with my aunt. Maybe as a teenager?

  “So, Chris tells me that you seem fond of the American girl?” Lara starts as we sit down at the bistro table.

  I roll my eyes. Motherfucking siblings.

  “Do you believe everything that Christian tells you?” I ask, raising my eyebrows.

  “Well, he has no reason to lie, and I saw the photo of you two at the ball.” She gives me a knowing look. Shit. Auntie Lara is a smart cookie. The fact that her former husband was able to fool her for so long is impressive.

  “I don’t think I’m at a point to settle down with anyone, if that’s what you are circling around,” I say, trying to get to the point.

  “My love, I know you enjoy your…fluid lifestyle, but you aren’t getting any younger. Maybe it’s time to change your ways, August.”

  I’m about to answer her with a sarcastic comment about her having to lose a spouse to change her ways, but Sten gets out of the pool and walks over to us.

  “Hello, Auggie, how are you?” he asks as he grabs a bottle of water from a small refrigerator in the outdoor kitchen.

  “Good, Sten, and you?”

  “Living the dream. You up for some company tonight?” he asks. Sten’s still a good-looking guy. Up until recently, he was essentially an older version of me. He went from woman to woman, party to party. Edvard had all but given up him ever taking on the throne. And then Edvard was reunited with his son, Logan. I thought for sure Sten would spiral even further down since he was essentially off the hook for the throne, but instead, he became my aunt’s biggest supporter. Turns out, he always had a massive crush on her. I’m happy for them both. They bring out the best in each other. I can only hope to have that someday, maybe.

  “Go change and we’ll have Franny make us reservations at the restaurant down the street,” he says casually as though we are a normal family having a meal together. I look back through to the main living space and see Nico, my head bodyguard, talking with Franny. Nico’s quiet but thorough in his job. I’m so used to security that I barely notice him half the time, which probably means he does a fucking good job. I wonder what security will look like for the three of us to go out
together unscheduled.

  I head inside and go to my room. My luggage is already arranged, my things put neatly away. Yeah, there are fucking perks to being royal. I change into something less formal for dinner and walk out to find Franny frowning with a phone up to his ear. Then he smiles. “Perfect.” He claps before hanging up.

  I raise an eyebrow.

  “Just logistics for dinner. Apparently, the First Family is here on vacation and the Secret Service closed down the restaurant for them, but they would be thrilled to have you all join them,” he says as though he’s just solved world hunger.

  I frown. “The First Family?”

  “Yes, the U.S. president and his wife and daughter,” he says nonchalantly.

  My frown deepens because I just left the daughter in my bed several hours ago. She did mention something about seeing her family this week, but she would have said she was leaving today too, wouldn’t she? Franny must be mistaken. Then I remember that they have another daughter. My frown disappears.

  “Very good. Guess we’ll be chumming it up with the Americans, then,” I muse. I try to squash the small part of me that grew excited about the thought of seeing Kate again. She can’t be mine. And she sure as shit can’t be here right now. My protective instincts want to keep her as far away from here as possible.


  “God damn it,” I mutter as my phone continues to ring. I run out of the bathroom and grab it.

  “Darling! We’re sending the jet now. Daddy was able to clear some extra days!” my mother cheerfully chirps from the other end of the line.

  “Great,” I say, trying to sound super enthusiastic about that. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the last few days with Auggie. I feel like my mind is foggy and maybe some family time will clear it up.

  “Fantastic. Your sister will arrive the day after tomorrow, but the jet will be there in a few hours, so go ahead and get packed up. I can’t wait to see you!” she says and hangs up.

  “FML,” I curse as I let myself fall back on the bed. A knock at the door has me tossing on some clothes.

  “Just a minute,” I call out as I stumble toward the door while pulling up my pants. I open it to find Anna standing there.

  “Oh, hey,” I say to her.

  She grins. “Want to go riding? I have a safer horse for you. I mean, if your hip is feeling better.”

  “I’d love to, but my parents just called. I’m hopping on a plane and going to meet them for a long-overdue family vacation,” I say with a mild groan on the last word.

  She snickers. “Will that be super painful or only mildly torturous?”

  “Somewhere between a strong spanking and being put in front of the firing squad,” I say. “Hard to tell which end of the spectrum before I arrive.”

  “Well, hopefully, it’s somewhere good,” she adds.

  “South of France,” I add as I stand to one side so she can come into my room.

  She frowns but quickly regains her composure. “Which part?”

  “St. Tropez,” I add as I start packing.

  “You guys should head down to the Amalfi Coast. It’s beautiful this time of year. And there are some great islands off the coast of Spain,” she suggests as she starts handing me clothes from a drawer.

  “I can get someone to pack for you if you like?”

  I shake my head. “Thanks, but it’s just as fast to do it myself. I’ve tried to suggest Italy, but Dad’s friend told him that St. Tropez was the place to be and once that man has his mind made up, well, there’s just no room for arguing.”

  “Do you need a car to the airport?”

  “Hold that thought,” I say as I message Dominic and Jackie with the new plan, which I assume they already know.

  A moment later, there’s a knock at the side door to my suite.

  “Come in,” I say, as Jackie pokes her head around the corner of the door.

  “We’re getting a car. We leave in thirty minutes,” she says. I groan again.

  “Thirty minutes, seriously?”

  She shrugs. “Sorry, we have a short takeoff clearance, I guess, and your dad already arranged dinner plans.”

  “Fine,” I mutter. I know I sound like an ungrateful brat, but I miss the control over my own life. Fine, I miss the idea that I can control my own life because I’ve never actually had any control. By the time I was an adult and in college, Dad was in his second term as president. And now, we are in his last year. I know we’ll have assigned Secret Service for years to come, but I hope things like this will be dialed down a few hundred notches.

  “Well, I’m sorry you won’t be able to stay longer. You’re more than welcome to come back anytime. Logan and I aren’t always here, but it’s certainly nice having another female around this place,” she says with a giggle. I do like her. She’s the type of woman that I would want to be best friends with.

  “I appreciate that, Anna. And thank you. It was so nice getting to know you and spending time here. This place is really magical,” I say to her. “I suppose I should find your father and thank him as well.”

  She takes my hand. “Come on, he’s in the study.”

  I follow her as she walks down the hall and the main staircase to a set of double doors. She knocks and opens the door before the king can answer.


  “Come in, sweetheart,” he says affectionately to her.

  She pulls me inside with her. “Kate’s parents arranged for her to leave early.”

  I bow my head toward him. “Thank you, Your Majesty, for having me the past few days. It’s been lovely getting to know your family and spending time here at the palace.”

  King Michael rises from his seat and comes my way. I expect him to hold out a hand for me to shake, and I’m completely caught off guard when he sweeps me into a hug before giving me a double cheek kiss.

  “I’m so glad you enjoyed yourself, my dear. And you are most welcome anytime you’d like to visit. Just contact my office to arrange a guest room. There are always family members coming and going here now.” He chuckles on the last words.

  Anna laughs. “Well, we did have to grow up, Dad.”

  He looks fondly at her and I can see the overwhelming love in his eyes. “I know. It doesn’t mean it makes it any easier for your old dad.”

  Anna rolls her eyes. “Anyhow, I’m going to show Kate out. Logan and I are going riding later if you want to join us…I mean, if you aren’t too old.” Her eyes sparkle with mischief and King Michael’s laugh bellows in the great expanse of the room.

  “I suppose I could still manage,” he says. He takes my hand in his and squeezes. “I mean it. You need anything, you just let me know. I know how it can be when you are living far from home.”

  I nod and thank him as Anna and I head out front to get in the car that will take me to a plane. I sigh. I’d love to have a staycation, but I guess that’s not happening.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I roll my eyes as we pull up to the restaurant. Americans. It’s like they want to broadcast their existence from the sky in neon lights and fireworks. There are at least a dozen Secret Service agents standing around and on top of the building. It’s as subtle as a gun. Oh wait, some of them have those, too.

  I’m curious to meet Kate’s sister. I don’t know much about her. Their family sheltered both of them quite a bit from the press. Ashlyn Bradford is a typical college student from what I can tell. And yes, I did some digging. Where Kate looks like her dad, Ashlyn looks more like their mother. It’s been a few years since I have seen President John Bradford and his wife, Jessica. They are a pleasant couple from humble beginnings.

  Nico opens the door for us as we walk inside. The restaurant is small and there are a few tables in the front room by the window. We are led by a server into the back. I’m taking in the details of the restaurant when my eyes come to rest at the dining table. And…what the fuck?

  I don’t acknowledge the president or first lady because
the daughter sitting at the table isn’t Ashlyn. It’s Kate, as in the woman I left in my bed this morning, as in the woman whose pussy I’ve claimed as mine, as in the woman who’s gotten so under my skin that my world about flipped upside down after a few days.

  Kate’s eyes widen as she sees me. Neither of us was aware of all of our fellow dinner guests this evening. That makes me feel slightly less agitated.

  The next thought in my head is concern that Kate is here. I don’t like all of these important people being in proximity to the auction, especially not Kate.

  “John,” my aunt says warmly as she crosses the room, breaking the silence as she does so. She embraces him and kisses his cheek. My aunt has spent a fair amount of time biding our countries duties in North America, so it’s no surprise they are acquainted.

  “Good to see you, Lara. You’re looking well,” the president says to her as she moves on to greet the first lady with equal enthusiasm. Sten follows and shakes hands and cheek kisses.

  “Prince August, it’s been many years,” the president finally says as he turns to me with an outstretched hand.

  “Yes, yes it has. So good to see you, sir. Thank you for letting us crash your dinner party,” I say to him trying to sound light-hearted and unphased by the presence of his daughter.

  “No problem. We were happy to have you join us. I’m sure you and Kate can share fun stories from the ball last week,” he adds as he moves out of the way so I can kiss the cheek of the first lady.

  “You’re just as handsome as I remember,” Jessica gushes. “I hope Kate has represented us well in Norddale.”

  Her comment seems a little off-putting to me and I’m suddenly curious about Kate’s relationship with her mother.

  But before I can contemplate that, I find myself standing in front of Kate. I can see her inner struggle that is not so inner as she clears her throat and hugs me casually.


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