Not Alone

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Not Alone Page 24

by Liz Bradford

  Becca had a wonderful time with Callie that afternoon. She was so glad she had made sure to take the time off and make this a priority. A little part in her loved arts and crafts, especially when she didn’t have to come up with the ideas herself. She and Callie were still laughing at how silly their projects looked as they walked out the front door of the school. Becca needed to find Miller and make sure he could still hang out with them until Jared could get home.

  Noticing an ambulance over by the playground, Becca, out of curiosity, headed in that direction. The large group that had gathered around was leaving, maybe Miller had been helping out with whatever had happened. As people cleared she noticed Rick at the back of the ambulance. Filled with worry, Becca quickened her pace dragging Callie along.

  “Miller! Rick, what happened?” she asked.

  “Oh, Palmer. Maggie fell and broke her arm. They are taking her to the hospital now. But…”

  “Don’t worry about me. Go be with your daughter. I’ll call Caleb, assuming he’s not one of the EMT’s here.”

  “No, he’s not. Thanks, Rebecca. Be careful.”

  “I will. I’ll be praying for Maggie, too.”

  “Thanks.” He climbed into the back of the ambulance, and they drove off.

  Becca pulled her cell phone out of its holder and dialed Caleb’s number. It felt a little odd calling him, but she knew he would come in a heartbeat.


  “Hey, Caleb, it’s Becca. Jared said you were getting off about this time and to call you if I needed a babysitter.”

  “I sure am. I thought Miller was hanging out with you?”

  “He was, but his daughter broke her arm, and they are headed to the hospital. Apparently, Jared filled you in?”

  “He did. Well, I just parked the ambulance. I have to go in and finish up a little paperwork, but I could be at your place in fifteen minutes. Is there someone who can hang out with you until then?”

  Becca glanced around the parking lot. She saw no one left that she knew. “No. Looks like everyone I know is already gone. We’ll walk home though; it’s gorgeous out this afternoon anyway. We could use the exercise, and it’s not that far.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “It’s better than sticking around here for another fifteen minutes.”

  “Okay fine. You have your gun?”

  “Of course.”

  “Well call me back if there are any problems. I’ll be there as fast as I can.”

  “Thanks, Caleb.”

  They hung up. Taking Callie’s hand with her left hand so she could easily pull her gun if needed with her right, they walked down the sidewalk. As they walked the tension from the conversation with Caleb faded, and she nearly forgot all about the danger that could be lurking around the corner. She was still on guard as she always was, but the case was a million miles away from her mind as she enjoyed walking and skipping along with her beautiful little girl. They laughed and played I spy as they walked.

  As they walked up to the front of the house Callie squealed with delight, “Look, Mommy! Daddy sent you flowers!”

  A smile rose on Becca’s lips. He wasn’t going to waste any time asking her to marry him, was he? She leaned over and picked up the beautiful bouquet of asters that lay on the front stoop. They were a gorgeous shade of purple surrounding the yellow center. Asters had become so special to them since he gave her that picture above her mantel. Before she even pulled out her keys to unlock the door Becca dialed Jared’s number. And she unlocked the door as he answered.

  “Hey, Becks, everything all right?” His deep voice made her smile.

  In an overly cheery voice she said, “Of course. Thanks for the flowers. They are beautiful. I really like asters. I’m so surprised,” she kept rambling as they walked in the door. “I have to say I’m kind of shocked you sent me flowers considering the case and all, but I love them--”

  “Becca!” Jared yelled, cutting her off. “I didn’t send you any flowers.”

  Becca stopped dead in her tracks and dropped the flowers on the floor. “Callie, stay with me,” she said grabbing Callie’s arm as she was about to head up the stairs. Tucking the phone between her shoulder and ear, Becca pulled her Smith & Wesson M&P from its holster on her hip and racked the slide, chambering a round. She glanced out the door before slamming it shut and throwing on the deadbolt.

  “Mommy, what’s wrong?”

  “Shhh… be quiet, sweetie. Jared, they aren’t from you?”

  “No, babe. Is Miller still with you?”

  “No, his daughter broke her arm, so he went with her to the hospital. Caleb is on his way.”

  “How’d you get home?”

  “We walked.”

  “You, WHAT?”

  “Jared, I’m scared.”

  He sighed, and his voice softened, “I know, me too. Stay on the phone with me. Jamison is calling it in right now. A couple squad cars should be there in a matter of minutes. When did Caleb say he would be there?”

  “He said about fifteen minutes when we left the school about ten minutes ago, so probably another five.”

  “Okay. Where are you and Callie right now?”

  “Standing in the entry way, by the coat closet.”

  “Okay. You have your gun?”

  “Out and chambered.”

  “Give the phone to Callie and sweep the main floor so you guys can get into the bathroom. That’s your safest bet until your backup gets there.”

  “Okay, here’s Callie. Callie, talk to Daddy for a second and stay right next to me, okay. Hold my jacket.” Becca did a brief sweep of the main floor, just enough to get them safely inside the powder room that was adjacent to the kitchen. Once inside she locked the door and took the phone back from Callie. “We’re inside the bathroom.”

  “Okay. I’ll call Caleb and tell him where you are and to wait for the police.”

  “All right. How far away are you guys?”

  “We’re still in Virginia, so we’ve still got more than three hours until we’re home.”

  She heard Adam’s voice come across the line; she was on speaker, “Not if I have anything to do with it. I’m turning on the lights and siren. We’ll be there as fast as we can.”


  “We will. I love you,” Jared said.

  “I love you too.”

  They hung up. Becca set the phone down and pulled Callie onto her lap where she sat on the floor. The little girl was ashen and trembled, so she held her tight. Becca was scared, too. Stuart knew where she lived, had been at her house, could even still be here now.


  Stuart had learned months ago which of Rebecca’s neighbors were rarely home so parking in front of their house to watch Rebecca’s was perfect. Once again, he sat in his green Pontiac down the street with his binoculars giving him a clear picture of Rebecca’s front door.

  The warm October sun made the car warm despite the slight chill that had been creeping in as autumn came into full effect. But the warmth he felt was more from the satisfaction that had washed over him as he had watched Rebecca pick up the asters he had left for her. She had looked pleased to have received them.

  Her day was almost here. He was looking forward to this one. She needed to be taught several lessons in patience and privacy. It was fitting that she was the one investigating the deaths of her fellow pupils. He couldn't have been happier when he discovered the nosy little trap had been assigned the case. But all the more reason to rid the world of her. He wasn't about to let her stop him.

  He watched as Rebecca dropped the flowers and slammed the door. “Hey!” he couldn’t keep himself from the outburst as he sat straight up in his seat. Those were such beautiful flowers. It’s just like that wench to disregard something so perfect! His blood boiled. How dare she! A lump formed in his throat. He would not let this sleazy woman reject his gift. She would pay; she would pay dearly.

  The sound of police sirens filled the air. Time to leave. A
t least, as far as he knew, they didn’t know who he was yet, but he needed to be extra cautious, just in case she had figured it out. He started the car’s engine and pulled away from the curb. He had to prepare his next gift for Rebecca.

  The five minutes she had been sitting huddled on the bathroom floor with Callie felt like an eternity. They both jumped as they heard a banging on the front door. Becca didn’t know what to do. It should be backup, but she wasn’t sure.

  Her phone rang. It was Caleb.

  “Hey, Caleb.”

  “Hey, I’m out front with Gavin Riley. You’ve got officers all around your house. It’s safe to come out.”

  Slowly she got up and exited the bathroom, gun still drawn. Callie clung to her arm as she stepped around the flowers and peeked through the peephole. She opened the front door and holstered her gun as soon as she saw Caleb’s and Officer Riley’s faces. Caleb drew her into an immediate hug. As they pulled away he said, “Jared’s going to kill me for letting you walk home.”

  “Yeah, but not until after he kills me for walking home.” They chuckled, albeit a little forced on both their parts.

  “I took the liberty of calling Amy on my way over. She had just finished up at the dentist’s office with Grayson and said she would be over in about ten minutes after she dropped the kids with Tom.”

  “Oh, thank you, Caleb.”

  “Detective Palmer?” Riley interrupted.

  “Yes, Riley.”

  “We are going to do a sweep of the whole house and yard, all right?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Rebecca,” Captain Baker came through the front door and around the CSI team that had come in to collect the flowers. “Are you all right? And where is Miller?”

  “I’m fine, just a little spooked. Miller is at the hospital with his daughter; she broke her arm after school today.”

  “You could have called me. Should have even.”

  “I know. I realize that now. Sorry,” she said looking down at the floor.

  The Captain placed his hand on her shoulder. “I’m just glad you’re all right. So, tell me what happened.”

  Becca ran him through exactly what had happened. Soon Amy arrived and offered to take Callie. Becca asked her to just take her upstairs. It didn’t take very long for the teams to finish their sweep for evidence around the house. There was nothing indicating that he had done anything but leave the flowers on the front porch.

  Amy stayed upstairs with Callie as Becca continued to talk to Captain Baker and Caleb. After what seemed like forever, Jared and Adam finally arrived. Becca was sitting at the island when Jared came bursting through the front door followed by Adam. Becca jumped up from her seat and ran to Jared and jumped into his arms nearly knocking him over. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, and he wrapped his arms equally as tight around her waist, lifting her off the ground. They held each other for a long time. Becca wasn’t sure how long it had been, but she knew it wasn’t long enough. Eventually, they did loosen their grips on each other.

  Without letting go of the other completely, Jared and Becca went into the kitchen where the three gentlemen were waiting. But before they could start talking, Callie flew down the stairs. “Daddy!” she shouted as she ran into Jared’s arms.

  “Hey, Princess. Are you all right?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Mommy protected us.”

  Captain Baker interrupted, “Why don’t we talk about it all further in the morning? Jared, keep her safe tonight and get her to the station safely in the morning.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Jared, Adam is going to take me to go get your truck from the station. Do you guys want me to pick you up some dinner?” Caleb said.

  “Would you?” Jared asked handing his brother his keys.

  “Of course. Chinese?”

  “Oh, yes, please!” Becca chimed in.

  “Thanks,” Jared added.

  Once everyone had left and Callie ran into the family room to play, Jared grabbed Becca by the shoulders and looked at her with an intensity that almost frightened her. “What were you thinking, Becca? Walking home by yourself? What if he had been here waiting for you?”

  “Jared, I can take care of myself every once in a while. Plus, Callie was with me. He’s never tried to take someone when they were with their children. Jared, I didn’t know what else to do. I felt way more vulnerable waiting for Caleb at the school. It was practically empty by the time Miller had left and I called Caleb. What was I supposed to do?”

  His shoulders dropped slightly, and his gaze relaxed, “I don’t know, Becca. I’m just scared.”

  “I know, Jared, but you have to remember I do carry a gun and know how to use it.” She tried to shoot him a flirtatious smile, but he just laughed at her causing her smile to grow. He pulled her into a hug, and they stood there in the kitchen holding one another until Caleb came back with their dinner.


  Jared jumped up in bed. It was three o’clock in the morning. What had woken him up? Then he heard it again. A blood curdling scream. Grabbing his gun, he ran to Becca’s room, why was Callie screaming? Were she and Becca okay?

  He pushed the door open and swept the room keeping his gun pointed low. The room was dimly lit by Callie’s stuffed animal nightlight that cast red stars across the entire room. His eyes came to rest on Becca who was sitting up in bed with her finger to her mouth telling him to stay quiet. Callie was still lying in bed sleeping with Becca gently rubbing her back, but he could have sworn he heard her scream. Confusion was written all over his face.

  “It’s okay, Jared. She’s having a night terror,” Becca spoke softly.

  “Shouldn’t we wake her?”

  “No, it’s different than a nightmare. It’s worse to wake her. Trust me, I made that mistake the first time she had one. It’s better to just let her sleep through it.”

  “Does she have them often? When did they start?”

  “She had her first one when she was two, and they aren’t very often, just every once in a while. I should have warned you she might have one tonight after all the ‘excitement’ of the day.”

  Callie continued to be agitated, thrashed about, and screamed and cried. It tore at Jared’s heart. He wanted to make it stop. Slowly her sleeping settled, and she began to look more peaceful. Then she began to wake up.

  “Jared, put that,” Becca motioned to his gun, “in here.” She unlocked and opened the safe in her bed side table. Jared quickly slid his Glock into the drawer next to Becca’s Smith & Wesson as Callie sat up and rubbed her eyes.

  “Mommy? Daddy?”

  “Hey, sweetie. Did we wake you?” Becca asked.

  “No. I don’t think so.” It appeared she had no recollection of her night terror. “Daddy, can you sleep with us?” she asked scooting to the middle and patting the bed on the other side of her. He looked at Becca who was smiling her approval.

  “Sure, Princess.”

  He crawled over to the other side of the bed and slid under the covers. Callie snuggled close to him and put her arm around his neck. He responded by putting his arm around her, and after giving her a brief squeeze and a kiss on the forehead. He looked over at Becca through the darkness. The stars cast an amusing glow across her face. He reached across Callie who was already asleep again and stroked the hair out of Becca’s face. Sleep quickly took Becca, and Jared lay there, in awe of the two ladies who held his heart. He couldn’t wait to make them his official family. But there was a killer out there bent on foiling his plans. He had to protect Becca and make sure they could have their happily ever after.

  Jared ran his hand through his hair as he sat back in his chair at the conference room table Thursday afternoon.

  “He’s not going to be that stupid,” Becca retorted in frustration. “Why waste the time and energy?”

  “Because maybe he’s not as smart as you give him credit for, Palmer,” Jamison replied. “It would be stupid on our part not to go and take the poss
ible opportunity to nab this guy.”

  The two had been arguing about whether or not to go to the park that evening for the last five minutes. Jared and Miller just sat back and listened as Adam and Becca went back and forth. They both had valid points, and while Jared wanted to keep Becca as far away from this guy as possible, Adam was winning his vote.

  “Palmer, we have no other leads on where this guy might be. None, not one.” Jamison was becoming very animated and was speaking with his hands. “We would be foolish to not go to the one place we know he might show up. We’ve kept his name and face out of the media so far for this exact purpose. He doesn’t know we are on to him, or at least he shouldn’t. We haven’t wanted to spook him out of town. I say we go to the park tonight, if he’s there – perfect, we bring him in. If not, then we plaster the guy’s face all over the news and wait for the leads to come in. Something has to give. He is going to try to grab you in the next few days, and I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m not going to let that happen.” Jared knew Adam cared about Becca; they all did. She was the kind of person who endeared herself to all who got the least bit close, even if she didn’t let them get as close as they would like.

  “I hate to say this,” Jared finally spoke up, “but I agree with Jamison.”

  “Me, too,” Miller added.

  Becca let out an exasperated huff. “Fine, but Callie is not going.”

  “No arguments from me on that one,” Jared replied. It was bad enough to think about Becca being in harm’s way, but the last thing he could handle was potentially putting Callie in the line of fire.

  “Well, let’s put together an ops plan to present to the Captain,” Miller spoke. They all huddled around the table and planned out who would be where and how many more officers they would need. In no time they had a plan in place. Captain Baker approved it, and they moved towards implementing the plan as soon as they were able.

  Becca dug deep inside for a bit of courage before she stepped out of Jared’s truck. It felt bizarre to come to the park without Callie, but she did not want her here in case they did take Stuart down tonight. And she really hoped they would be able to, even though she very much doubted he would risk coming tonight. But Jamison was right, they hadn’t shown their hand yet, and maybe he didn’t know they were on to him. But on the other hand, he had acted with such care to not get caught that it would be foolish to come even if he didn’t think they knew.


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