Unleashed: Book 2 in the House of Shadows Series

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Unleashed: Book 2 in the House of Shadows Series Page 3

by Michelle Areaux

Now, they had my attention.

  “Wait, who ordered that I couldn’t talk to anyone?” I asked.

  All three guys turned to face me. It was like they had almost forgotten I was even there.

  “Well, Zane,” Jordan said to me.

  “Seriously?” I yelled, throwing my hands up in the air.

  Zane was going too far.

  “I will talk to whomever I want. If Zane thinks he can control who I talk to, then he is crazy,” I lashed out.

  By the looks on their faces, it was clear they hadn’t expected the rage that I had shown. Even if I hadn’t discovered Zane’s terrible secret, I still wouldn’t be ok with him trying to order me around.

  “But...” Lain tried to cut in, but I wasn’t having it.

  “No. I am going to stop you right there. I will talk to Zane about this, but until then, you all are only here to make sure no other Vampires try to kill me. Talking is fine,” I finished, my voice sounding more like a roar.

  That shut them up quickly.

  “So, is it ok if I talk to you?” Donovan asked. His dark hair was slicked back, and his eyes were glowing a golden yellow.

  I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear as a wave of nervousness filled me. It was crazy how wild my emotions were right now. Just a second ago, I was insanely irate and now I was scared.

  “Yes, we can talk in the courtyard,” I stated.

  I had to ensure we remained in public and where my guards would be close by. So much had happened so fast and I still hadn’t had a moment's peace to really comprehend it all.

  Donovan nodded and followed me as I led us out to the courtyard nestled in the center of the school.

  The sun had long faded into the distance and the cool night air breeze wrapped itself around me as I opened the large glass doors leading us outside.

  We walked over and sat on a stone bench by a gorgeous marble water fountain. Blue and Silver lights lit up the walkway and if it had been any other time, I would note how romantic this place was.

  We sat under the stars for a moment before Donovan finally spoke.

  “So, I owe you an explanation,” Donovan began.

  “Yeah,” I breathed, unsure of what else to say.

  “Look, what I did was wrong. I had no right to kiss you while you are dating Zane,” he began, his eyes focused solely on me. “I’m sorry for doing that and putting you in an awkward position. But, I can’t help the way I feel,” he breathed.

  His head dropped and I saw his golden eyes dim a little. Honestly, it broke my heart to watch.

  “I had no idea,” I stated. And, it was the truth. I thought Donovan couldn’t stand me.

  “I know. And, that is my fault, too. I didn’t know how to handle having a Human around. Then, I just had these feelings—I can’t explain it. I just feel alive when you are around.”

  Oh. My. Gosh.

  I had no idea that he had any feelings for me, yet alone that I made him feel alive. I wasn’t sure how to respond to him, so I just sat there staring like a creeper.

  “You don’t need to say anything. I just need to explain all of this to you. When I kissed you and you ran off, I was heartbroken. I thought maybe if you knew how I felt, you might see that Zane wasn’t good enough for you. But, you ran to him,” Donovan growled.

  A shiver ran down my spine at his anger. Little did he know, I now detested Zane just as much, if not more, than he did.

  “You just startled me. I didn’t expect you to kiss me, it made me feel guilty,” I admitted.

  “I know it did. Audrey, you are so sweet and kind, you would never allow yourself to kiss or be kissed by someone other than your boyfriend,” he stated, saying the last word like it killed him to voice. “When I came to the dance I was going to apologize, but Zane smirked at me and everything I knew about him rushed to the surface. All I saw was red. I didn’t think; I just reacted.”

  Once it was clear he was finished, I spoke up. “What do you mean, everything you knew about Zane?” I asked.

  Donovan raised his eyes at me, almost startled by my question. “Well, you know he and I don’t get along,” he began.

  “Yes, but I feel like maybe there is more to it,” I added.

  I was hinting at more. I needed answers and right now, Donovan was vulnerable and talking. I couldn’t give up now.

  “I’m not sure I know what you mean,” Donovan asked.

  “Look, I have to tell you something, but not here. Not now. Meet me tomorrow night out by the barn,” I whispered, ensuring my guards weren’t listening or too close by.

  “Wait, why?” he asked.

  “Either meet me or don’t,” I stated, then stood and began walking back to the academy.

  I left Donovan outside, contemplating my words as I went up to my room. Tomorrow night would determine just how far Donovan was willing to go to stop Zane.


  I SLOWLY CREPT BACK into my room, trying not to disturb Eden.

  Even though Vampires really never slept, sometimes Eden liked to rest and not be disturbed.

  As I carefully closed my bedroom door behind me, I almost screamed as Eden shot up out of bed.

  “Where have you been?” she asked.

  “I talked to Donovan outside,” I said.

  “Zane came here looking for you. Did you know you left your cell phone in the room? No one could get hold of you. I had to lie and tell that monster that you were in the bathroom,” she stated.

  Her words might sound angry, but her eyes showed true concern. Eden was the best friend any girl could ask for, and I needed to remind myself of this daily.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t plan to talk to Donovan. He stopped me when I was coming back from dinner,” I said.

  “Oh,” Eden said, her brow wrinkling. “What did Donovan want?”

  I walked over and sat on my bed. Sighing, I lay down and pull my covers up to my neck. I was exhausted and terrified, but I had to tell Eden what was going on right now.

  “First, he wanted to apologize,” I began.

  “That’s great,” Eden beamed.

  “Yes, he was really sweet about it. He said he shouldn’t have kissed me. He also said that he liked me,” I sighed, rolling over to face Eden in her bed.

  A bright smile glowed on her pale face and I knew she was happy to hear that Donovan liked me. I’m sure she would be happy to see me with anyone but Zane, especially, Donovan.

  “Well, then what happened?” she questioned.

  “He told me that he was upset when I ran off after he kissed me. He was so upset about Zane, he just lost it. I understand where he is coming from. But, that’s not the important part,” I stopped talking, waiting for her to react.

  “Ok, spill it,” she demanded, clearly on the edge of her seat.

  “Well, you know how you said that Donovan could be helpful to our second part of our plan?” I asked.

  “Yes,” Eden drawled out.

  “Well, I think we should tell Donovan about Zane.”

  Jumping up, Eden stomped her foot on the ground as she marched over to my bed. “No way. Donovan would kill Zane before just turning him over to my dad,” she screeched.

  I knew she would probably react this way, but I still had to do this.

  “I think we should talk with Donovan tomorrow night. He’s going to meet me at the barn where he caught me sneaking out that one night. I am going to tell him everything I know. He can help us. I just know it,” I finished.

  Eden went to open her mouth and protest, but then she stopped, clamping her mouth shut. She stood there watching me for a few moments before she finally decided to speak again. “Alright. I will let you lead part two of our plan. However, that just means I now have to watch both you and Donovan,” she breathed heavily.

  “I already have guards,” I reminded her.

  “Yes, but now you have more dangers following you that they aren’t aware of. Unless you plan on spreading news of our plans to everyone, we have to watch each other’s bac
ks,” she finished.

  Nodding, I agreed with her.

  “You need to go to sleep. From what I remember, Humans need sleep to survive,” Eden prompted, making her way back over to her bed.

  I fell asleep that night, feeling a little less overwhelmed knowing that I had Eden and together, we would figure out this mess as a team.

  THE NEXT MORNING, I began my day as usual.

  My plans would require me to pretend like Zane and I were still insanely in love. So, I faked a smile as I opened my bedroom door and was met by Zane.

  “Hey, I called you last night and stopped by. Is everything okay?” he asked, concern lacing his words.

  Only, now I knew it was all fake.

  “Yes, I wasn’t feeling well last night. Then, Donovan wanted to talk to me. He apologized about attacking you,” I stated.

  I figured I needed to keep some truth in my words. Zane was friends with my guards, Lain and Jordan. If they told him I was talking to Donovan, I didn’t need to be surprised.

  Zane took my hand and began leading me down the hall and to the cafeteria. We walked hand-in-hand as though we were the perfect couple. Such a beautiful ruse we had going on.

  “Oh, I’m sorry Donovan bothered you. Maybe we can spend the evening watching a movie or going for a walk,” Zane suggested.

  My heart rate accelerated as I realized we would have to be alone together. I would ensure Jordan and Lain would be around, too, or at least have Eden somewhere close by.

  “That sounds amazing,” I lied. “Can I text you when I’m free? Eden and I are going to review my lines for the play.”

  “Yeah, that works for me. I have some business to attend to then I will be free. Just text me when you are done,” he said, leaning in and placing a kiss on my cheek. His silver eyes bore into me; and it was difficult remembering that only a few days ago, I was once obsessed with this boy.

  I smiled, while silently screaming on the inside. His kiss felt like fire burning my skin.

  Zane walked me into my world literature class, waved, and then turned on his heel to go.

  I watched as he left, leaving Jordan to sit in his wake.

  As I sat at my desk, Holly and Brie walked in and glared at me before finding their own assigned seats.

  “Welcome students. The bell has rung so I need everyone to be seated and get your materials ready. We are going to discuss literature created after the deadly Plague in 1920,” Mrs. Simms began.

  My head shot up as I realized, she was about to discuss a moment in history that changed the course of Eden, Donovan, and the Dean's lives forever.

  I busied myself with getting my books ready and then spent an hour focused on Mrs. Simms.

  AFTER ENGLISH CLASS, I saw Donovan in the hall as I made my way to my next class. He simply smiled at me, but never stopped to talk. We would have enough to converse about tonight: right now, we both needed to remain as normal as we could.

  Once classes were over, I told Jordan I needed to head up to my room before play practice. In fact, I wanted to get a chance to call my dad without anyone around, sadly that included Eden as well.

  Pulling my phone out of my uniform pocket, I dialed my dad's number and moved out onto the balcony.

  After a few rings, his tired voice answered. “Hey Audrey,” he said.

  Sounds of the hospital echoed through the phone. Sighing, I rubbed the bridge of my nose. Sometimes, I wish my dad would take a vacation, or at least a day off of work. Ever since my mom died, he lived and breathed working as a doctor at a fast-paced and super busy hospital. It afforded me the lifestyle I loved, but to be honest, I would prefer to have a parent around, then the material items.

  “Hi, dad,” I sighed.

  “Is everything alright?” he asked, picking up on my tone immediately.

  Now was my chance. Did I break it all down for him? Tell him I landed in a Vampire academy instead of a performing arts academy? Did I tell him the danger I was in?

  “Well, honestly...no,” I said.

  “Hold on,” he stuttered. I heard voices in the background and the machines beeping. Someone made an announcement over the hospital intercom and then a rustling sound emerged. “Hey, I really want to hear about what is going on, but I just had a patient code. I need to get him to emergency surgery now,” dad said, and then the line went dead.

  I stood there, staring down at my phone. Tears filled my eyes and anger coursed throughout my body. Clenching the phone tightly in my hand, I let out a scream.

  “Audrey, what’s wrong?” Jordan asked, rushing out onto the balcony.

  I forgot what fast speeds Vampires had, especially ones who were supposed to be guarding me. I guess ever since the night I was attacked in my room, the bodyguards knew to be more alert when watching me.

  “I’m fine,” I said, brushing the tears away with the back of my hand. “I’m just frustrated with my dad.”

  It wasn’t a lie. I wish he could have talked to me. Maybe I would have found the courage to tell him everything. I could be free shortly, but now, I was still trapped.

  “You screamed, like you were in danger,” he stated, glancing around the area.

  Before I could open my mouth to argue, Zane came rushing into my room and then he had me in his arms.

  His blonde hair filled my face as he hugged me tightly against him.

  “Audrey, I heard you scream. Is everything ok?” he asked.

  “Yes, I was just trying to call my dad, but he didn’t have time for me,” I cried out.

  At least I could be honest about my anger right now.

  Holding me tighter, Zane rubbed my arm. “I’m so sorry. What was so important that you needed to call him right now?” Zane asked.

  If I wasn’t already on to his schemes, I would have questioned him. He seemed alert right now, like he was worried that I was reaching out to my dad.

  “I just got homesick after what happened the other night. He’s my only family I have left. I just wanted to talk to him,” I whimpered.

  That seemed to appease Zane for the moment. “Well, you said he was a doctor. I am sure he is a very busy man. Let’s get you back to classes and then we will talk more about this tonight,” he finished.

  Zane escorted me back down to the main hall where our classes were.

  “I have play practice now,” I reminded him.

  “Right, well, Jordan can take you there. I will see you later,” he said, and then gave Jordan a knowing glance.

  Watching their exchange, I had to wonder; was Jordan part of Zane’s group? Was he after me, too?


  “THE COURSE OF TRUE love never did run smooth.”

  As Greg, one of the guys from our play who was playing the part of Lysander stated, I found myself thinking over those words. No truer words could have been spoken that fit to the course of my life right now.

  I was standing center stage, practicing my part of Hermia as everyone around me, too, spilled out their words.

  The stage looked like a dream world filled with pink and gold clouds, beautiful homes made of white and gray stone, and fields of real flowers littering the stage. They were going all out for this play and I was glad. Right now, it was my only bright spot. The one thing that kept me going.

  I moved to my spot on the stage, hiding out in a field of yellow daisies as Puck made his entrance.

  “Lord, what fools these mortals be,” Puck called out.

  Everyone on stage fell apart and began laughing. It wasn’t lost on me that they were all looking at me.

  Realizing I could get upset or run with it, I decided on the later.

  “Sure, go ahead and make fun of the Human,” I teased. “At least I know what I am,” I said.

  “Yes, our dinner,” Brie snickered from the far stage.

  I turned and glared daggers her way, but she just laughed and walked away. She hated me now more than ever that I landed the part she wanted.

  A few people continued to laugh, including Holly, but the
rest got back to working as our professor began yelling at us.

  “Audrey, it’s your line,” I felt a nudge behind me as our professor glared at me.

  Oh right. Shaking my head, I quickly looked at my script and then remembered my lines.

  “Before the time I did Lysander see, Seemed Athens as a paradise to me. O, then, what graces in my love do dwell. That he hath turned a heaven unto a hell!”

  As the lines spilled out of my mouth, I felt tears burning in my eyes.

  What was going on? It was like the universe was messing with me or something. It was like this part and these words had been handpicked for me. I had read millions of lines in my life, and I played the part of some of the world's best known characters; and yet, never had I become so emotionally wrecked as I was in that moment.

  I felt a weird connection with this character. Being thrown aside by someone she had cared so deeply for was unnerving. My world at The House of Shadows had become a paradise. I had friends and finally been accepted, only to discover it was all a lie... A true hell on earth.

  “Audrey, are you sure you are alright? Want me to call Zane?” Jordan asked, stepping onto the stage.

  Shaking my head, I quickly shot that down. “No, I will be fine. I just need to take a moment,” I said, looking at our professor.

  I walked off the stage and made my way over to the red, velvet chairs that faced the stage. I sat there, watching the actors perform their parts, but I just couldn’t calm down. I had to get through a date with Zane after meeting up with Donovan. Hopefully, tonight I would have some clarity on all of this. Because if I didn't, I feared what would happen to my heart and mind.

  After practice, I went through the rest of my day in a daze. No one else seemed to bother me or ask questions. I was lost and confused, and it was like everyone knew. Maybe they thought I was finally losing my mind. Maybe I was.

  When it was time to meet up with Donovan, I sent Eden a quick text message.

  Me: Hey, meeting up now.

  Eden: Ok. I will be around in case you need me.

  Me: Thanks.

  I wasn’t sure what she meant by, being around; but something told me that if I needed her, she would be ready in a flash.


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