Unleashed: Book 2 in the House of Shadows Series

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Unleashed: Book 2 in the House of Shadows Series Page 7

by Michelle Areaux

  Both Eden and Donovan seemed shocked by the news, but now they understood why the world looked as though all the Human race was gone.

  “We need to get a picture of them and then get back to the school immediately,” Donovan said through clenched teeth. He pulled out his phone and took a few pictures of the guys on the road.

  Satisfied, he tucked his phone back inside his pocket. I felt like the weight of the world had suddenly been lifted off my shoulders. We now had more than enough proof to show the Dean. Zane’s reign of terror would soon be ending. Feeling exhilarated, I stood up and took a step back, preparing to get back to the academy.

  However, in my quick motion, I stepped on a fallen tree branch. The crack of the wood splintering underneath my foot echoed into the silent night.

  Frozen in place, I saw Zane, Alex, and Marcus all stop. They knew someone or something was out there. I had just alerted them to our presence.

  “Run!” Donovan stated.

  Eden nodded and then like a flash of lightning, she began to move.

  Donovan lifted me into his arms with ease and then began to race through the woods.

  I could hear the guys behind us yelling and screaming as they raced into the woods.

  I gripped Donovan’s shirt as I held on for my life. The wind roared around me as Donovan ran so fast, my breath was stolen by the winds racing past us. The world around me became a blur of shapes and colors as he moved at Inhuman speeds.

  Closing my eyes, I just held onto Donovan like he was my lifeline. When he finally stopped moving, I was almost afraid to open my eyes.

  “Audrey, you are safe now,” Donovan said calmly.

  Slowly peeling my eyes open, I realized we were now back inside my bedroom. I was still tucked inside Donovan’s arms, but Eden was standing by the window, looking out on the grounds below.

  Turning to us, she completely ignored the silent moment Donovan and I were having as he held me.

  “Guys, you all can confess your feelings to one another later. Right now, we have to worry about Zane and his idiot friends,” Eden seethed.

  Donovan slowly placed my feet back to the ground and I missed his touch instantly.

  “Do you think they saw us?” Donovan asked.

  “I don’t think so. I ran to the left while you went right. They were hot on our trail at first, but they couldn’t keep up with us,” Eden smiled.

  “What do we do now?” I asked.

  Gone was my excitement over having evidence against Zane. Now, I feared Zane, Marcus and Alex might show up at my bedroom any moment now.

  “We need to go to the Dean first thing in the morning,” Donovan stated. “Dad will have to hear us out,” he ended.

  “Why not go now?” Eden asked.

  “If Zane shows up here and sees any of us out in the halls, our cover will be blown. He will know it was us who had followed us. We need to just stay here tonight and then tomorrow, we will go straight to dad,” Donovan said, looking at Eden.

  Turning to me, he smiled. “Audrey, we have everything we need now. All you need to do is stay in your room until we come get you tomorrow,” Donovan stated.

  With tomorrow being Saturday, I could just hide out in my room. The plan would work.

  Yawning, I suddenly realized how tired I was.

  “You need rest,” Donovan said, walking me to my bed.

  “Are you staying with us tonight?” I asked, as I climbed into my bed.

  “Is that what you want?” he asked me.

  “Yes, I will feel much better knowing that you are here safe with us,” I added.

  Honestly, the selfish part of me just wanted to have Donovan near me. But, I also would sleep better knowing he wasn’t in danger. Together, we could protect one another.

  Eden climbed in her bed and laughed. “You two are going to have the strangest love story of all time,” she mused.

  Donovan shot his sister a look while I know I turned three shades of red.

  Donovan pulled up a chair and sat next to my bed.

  The last thing I remember seeing before I gave in to sleep, was Donovan’s beautiful smile.


  I heard quiet voices as I struggled to open my eyes.

  Bright sunlight filtered into my room and as I stirred, I spotted Eden and Donovan standing by the bedroom door.

  As I moved, both turned and looked at me.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” I asked.

  Donovan moved to the side of my bed and smiled as he sat down next to me. “Hey, we were talking about going to see my dad,” Donovan informed me.

  “Great,” I exclaimed.

  My heart felt lighter knowing that soon all of this mess would soon be over.

  “I was just about to tell Donovan that I had texted our dad and he is going to meet with us within the hour. But you, Audrey, aren’t to leave this room until we get back,” Eden instructed.

  I hated that I didn’t get to go with them, but I was happy that they were going to give the Dean all of our evidence.

  Leaning in, Donovan placed a kiss to my lips. My heart danced and my pesky butterflys returned with a vengeance.

  Smiling, I kissed him back. “Don’t be too long. We have to celebrate when Zane is expelled,” I said.

  “You are the only exception to all of the rules we have here. Once this is all over, I promise I will make all of this up to you,” Donovan breathed.

  I knew there were so many factors against us—me a Human and him a Vampire. But at this moment, none of that mattered. All I cared about was having my chance with Donovan and being free once again.

  Eden and Donovan left, and I lay back on my bed, a blissful smile stretching across my face.

  Everything was turning out just like it should.


  WHEN I THOUGHT ABOUT myself at an exclusive academy, I never imagined that would entail being submerged in a world of Vampires. Befriending those who would live forever and never experience true pain.

  Going back home wasn’t an option for me anymore. I had given my heart away twice, but only one time mattered.

  With eyes wide open now, I knew where I belonged. I knew my purpose and while I felt like I was living in a fantasy novel, I was preparing for my own happily ever after.

  A knock on my bedroom brought me out of my own thoughts. Praying it was Donovan, I jumped out of bed and rushed to the door.

  As I swung the heavy wooden door open, I was sad to see it was only Jordan.

  “Hey,” I said, glancing around the hall.

  “Hi. Donovan sent me up here to tell you that he needs you to leave the House of Shadows immediately,” Jordan said.

  “Wait, what?” I asked, clearly confused. “Where is Donovan?”

  “He was meeting with the Dean. He said something about meeting up with you by the woods,” he finished.

  Ok, that made sense.

  “Give me a minute to get dressed,” I said, closing the door.

  I hurried about the room and slid on a pair of dark jeans and a plum colored shirt. As I opened the door to leave, I pulled my hair back and away from my face. My black converse sneakers would have to do as I walked around the grounds.

  As we hustled down the hall and then outside, something in the air didn’t settle right with me.

  “I will meet you back here. Take a walk. I am to watch for Zane,” Jordan advised.

  Nodding, I understood. Jordan was sent to get me away from Zane. I would just take a walk and then when Donovan hopefully texted me, we could meet up and celebrate our victory.

  Exhaling a huge breath, I began to explore.

  MOVING THROUGH THE trees, I turned, searching for something I recognized. Maybe I should have left breadcrumbs like Hansel and Grettel. But, something told me I didn’t want to find what could be waiting for me in these woods. But, if Donovan needed me away from the academy, then I knew this was best. Maybe Zane had gone ballistic and it was dangerous for me to be there?

l I had wanted to do was get away for a little bit. Hide away among the forest and trees, like Donovan had instructed, but now I was just lost.

  I tried not to panic as the sun began its descent in the sky. Evening was fast approaching, and I was stupid to leave my phone behind. I had no light other than the blinking stars that would surely make their appearances soon.

  Suddenly, a snap of a branch alerted me to the idea that I wasn’t alone.

  Spinning on my heel, my eyes began searching the area around me. All I saw were trees, brush, and a few scattered leaves that had fallen in an earlier storm.

  “Hello,” I called out.

  Gulping down my fear, I quickly scanned the ground for something I could use to defend myself against an animal or attacker. Maybe even both. A stark realization hit me all at once and panic really began to set in. This was just like the dream I had the other night.

  The branches above me rattled, sending a shiver down my spine as a sound of waves reached my ears.

  Pivoting again, I looked left now. Whatever had made the initial noise, was now moving again—only they were moving fast as lightning.

  “I’m not scared,” I lied, my lips trembling as the words escaped.

  A dark laugh echoed above me and as my head shot up, something that sounded like footsteps reached my ears from the right.

  I was about to become dizzy from the quick sounds I was following.

  Emerging from a group of trees, a guy began walking slowly toward me. As I squinted to get a better look, I realized it was Zane.

  I heard him behind me, and my heart began to jump into my throat. It had been absolutely stupid to run into the woods alone. We were alone now, and I was beyond terrified.

  Placing his hands up in surrender, he kept a stoic expression as he regarded me carefully. He didn’t look dangerous but looks could be deceiving.

  “Are you trying to scare me?” I shouted at him.

  “I’m sorry if I frightened you,” he called out, stopping just a few feet away from me. “I heard you out here. Alone.”

  Something about the way he said, alone, gave me a strange sensation. It was almost threatening as the words rolled off his tongue.

  “Yeah, I just thought I would take a walk and I guess I got a little lost,” I said, trying my best to calm my nerves. Something was terribly wrong. Why would Zane be out here? Why would Donovan send me out here?

  “You've been distant and avoiding me,” Zane said, his eyes never leaving mine.

  Normally, when Zane talked to me, I saw love and caring in his eyes. Now, after learning the truth, I only saw disdain.

  “I’m sorry, I am just having some personal issues,” I stuttered out.

  He had to see the terror stricken across my face. I was trying to lie to him, but I was failing. For an actress, I sucked at lying. I needed to think straight. I had to get away from Zane, this wasn’t right.

  “You aren’t telling me the truth,” he stated, taking a few steps toward me. He was closing the distance between us and I felt like with each step, he was stealing my air.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, trying to fake a smile.

  “Stop it!” he screamed, shocking and terrifying me all at once.

  His anger was like a raging storm and I felt like I was about to get caught in the middle of the rain.

  “Zane...” I tried to speak, but he interrupted me before I could say anything more.

  “Stop it, Audrey. I know you have been snooping around the school. You are starting to get in the way,” he sneered.

  Gone was the tender boy who I had fallen in love with. Finally, the monster within him was emerging and showing the true Zane. The Zane I had seen only a few nights earlier.

  “By the way, you shouldn’t have followed me the other night,” he said.

  My eyes grew the size of saucers and my breath faltered. How did he know?

  Seeing my alarmed expression, Zane laughed. “What, you didn’t think I would smell the scent of a Human on my trail? I have spent a lot of time with you, Audrey. Your scent is memorized in my brain. Too bad though. Maybe if you hadn’t been such a snoop, I could have found a good use for you,” he growled.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Don’t play dumb with me,” he shouted. I cringed as the ground shook under his wrath. “I know you are aware of my plans now. At first, I wasn’t sure if you had figured it out yet; but then when I realized you had followed me, I knew that you were on to me. So, I began following Donovan. Your new little pet was on his way to see his daddy the Dean. I knew he was going to tell me, so I decided to throw a wrench in his plans. All I had to do was convince Jordan to tell you to leave the House of Shadows.”

  “It was you!” I cried out.

  I had been tricked yet again. Now, I was face-to-face with the devil himself.

  “What do you want?” I asked, my voice shaking.

  Zane took a step closer to me and smiled, his fangs shining in the morning sunlight.

  “Audrey, what I want is a Human. Looks like I found one,” he said, reaching out and grabbing me.

  I tried to run, but it was no use. His speed was no match for me. I struggled in his arms, but it was only making me weaker. Zane had me now and there wasn’t anything I could do.


  PAIN THROBBED IN MY head and I felt like I was going to be sick.

  My mind was fuzzy as I tried to figure out where I was.

  The last thing I remembered was seeing Jordan and then taking a walk.

  Like a punch to the face, everything came crashing back down.

  Seeing Zane.

  Realizing he was on to us.

  Being kidnapped.

  I tried to sit up, but my body was tied, and I couldn’t move. Fear began to course through me and as I started to panic, I heard a voice chuckle nearby.

  Opening my eyes, my vision was blurry from the pain inside of my head.

  “Don’t try to move, you are tied up,” Zane said, watching me with an amused expression.

  “Why are you doing this?” I asked.

  My voice was hoarse, and my throat was dry. I was suddenly very thirsty.

  As I looked around, I realized that I was in a small room. A window was covered with heavy shades, but I could see that it was dark outside.

  How long had I been out?

  Zane stood and walked over to me. I was tied on a chair and the heavy rope burned against my skin as I tried to move my arms.

  “I already told you, Audrey. I need Humans.”

  “Why can’t you just drink the animal blood the other Vampires do?” I asked.

  Laughing, Zane’s silver eyes twinkled. It was scary how dangerous he truly was. I couldn’t believe I had been alone with him, that I had developed feelings for him. I should have seen the warning signs.

  Eyes turning red, Zane leaned over me and looked at me with pure disgust. “Humans are for Vampires to feed from. It has been that way for thousands of years. Then, the Dean comes along and wants us to learn how to live civility with mere mortals. It is disgusting,” he spits.

  As I watch him grow enraged, I can’t help but wonder why he is so angry. He had it made at the House of Shadows. And he was willing to throw it all away just because he didn’t want to conform to the rules.

  “Why me?” I asked.

  “Well, at first, it was a nice error. Professor Martin had been toying with the idea of bringing in Humans to the academy. He had tried to talk to the Dean about it, but, of course, he wasn’t going to hear any of it.”

  Zane shook his head as he stood and began pacing the small space. As he continued to talk, I saw how on edge he was. With Humans in quarantine, I was sure he hadn’t fed from a Human in a while. Continuing, he said, “Professor Martin found me one night when I was hunting. I was having withdrawals from not feeding on Humans. When I was first turned, I had ravaged an entire village. Then, when I discovered the House of Shadows, I tried to follow the rules, but it was killing me. Anyway, Professor Ma
rtin had just fed off a Human and offered me some blood. We made a pact right then and there that somehow, we would find a way to get Human blood. It started slowly. We would go to the towns and feed on unsuspecting Humans. They never remembered anything the next day. Then, we used Marcus and Alex to get the blood for us. They were young Vampires and were eager and willing to jump at a chance to do anything remotely dangerous. They are just pawns in my game,” he laughed.

  I cringed and closed my eyes. I couldn’t even look at Zane. He had no remorse for any life—Human or Vampire.

  “So, when Professor Martin found my application, he jumped to get me in here,” I stated, adding to his story.

  “Yes, exactly. It worked beautifully. Then, I realized Donovan had a crush on you. At first, I just went after you to upset Donovan, but then I came to discover you could be used to do more than just feed off. No, we could use you to lure more Humans here. How amazing would that look? A Human living among Vampires. We would have Humans all around the world trying to get a spot at the House of Shadows. Now that I have you, I am going to feed from you.”

  “Why not just continue to use me?” I asked.

  I was trying to buy time. I didn’t know if anyone knew I was missing yet or not, but as long as I kept Zane talking, he wasn’t killing me.

  Zane stomped a foot and the old wood floor underneath me shook. He moved down so that our faces were only inches apart. “You destroyed my plan. Donovan is right now telling the Dean about my plan. And, it’s not like I can just go find the next town to feed from. All Humans are locked away in their homes, fearing the COVID-19 instead of me. I had Jordan lure you here in the promise I would allow him to feed from you, too, but again, I lied. I will kill you tonight. Everyone who thought they were taking me down will now face my wrath,” he yelled.

  Pure terror struck me at that moment. This was the end for me. I wasn’t going to escape Zane. He had me right where he wanted and there was nothing I could do now.


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