Abuse of Power (Rise of the Mages 1)

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Abuse of Power (Rise of the Mages 1) Page 2

by Foster, Brian W.

  “Believe me,” Alaina said, “the last thing I'm interested in is a pair of—”

  “You’re blasted right it’s no! Those are nobles, and they're mine. Look likely to tip a silver instead of the coppers the losers around here give.” Dona tugged her bodice down to expose even more of her generous bosom and pranced to the newcomers’ table.

  Great. Just what Alaina needed—not just regular soldiers but rads-infested nobles! With any luck, they’d take no notice of her. She pointed her face firmly at the floor and swept.


  Auggie ducked under the lintel into the inn’s common room. “How did I let you talk me into this?”

  Benj passed him, walking toward a table in the far corner. “Quit your bellyaching. It’s chilly tonight.”

  “No.” Auggie followed. “We’re riding at first light. You need sleep.”

  Benj’s eyes scanned the girls as he walked. “C’mon now, the memory of a nice bedwarmer is just what I need to keep me happy on the road.”

  Auggie sighed. “That’s not how a gentleman behaves, you know.”

  “Gentleman?” Benj stopped and stroked his chin. “I’m more of a rogue.” He looked back, his eyes sparkling. “A handsome rogue. Besides you’re one to talk.”


  Benj found a table well away from the door and sat, straddling the seat and leaning the chair back on its hind legs. “You didn’t behave like you’d taken a tender’s vows when you were with Trina. Then you ditched her at the first opportunity.”

  “I did not!” Auggie plopped into a chair opposite him. “She left me.”

  “She told you to marry her or else. You chose the else.”

  Auggie narrowed his eyes.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” Benj chuckled. “I’d have done the same. Just don’t claim to be different than me.”

  Auggie’s attention lit on a tiny slip of a girl sweeping the floor in the far corner. “My conscience is clear.” And the fact that he couldn’t meet his friend’s eye while saying that meant nothing at all.

  “What about her?” Benj said.


  Benj pointed at a slight woman with short brown hair. “To be my bedwarmer?”

  Auggie shook his head and returned to staring at the girl in the corner. “I want no part of this.” Smeared dirt on her cheeks marred her looks, but something about her captivated him.

  “Wow, look at her,” Benj said.

  An incredibly busty red-haired young lady bounced toward them. Her breasts nearly escaped their confinement as she curtsied.

  Auggie rolled his eyes. If he had a bit for every barmaid that came on to them, his father’s financial struggles would disappear. After they placed their order for ale, she promised quick service and flittered away.

  “So?” Benj said.

  Auggie sighed and inclined his head toward the girl sweeping the floor.

  “Her?” Benj frowned. “She probably hasn’t had a bath in a week, and her chest … Are you sure that’s not a boy?”

  “She’s intriguing.”

  “She’s wearing a sack.”

  “Look past her clothes.”

  A smile split Benj’s face. “I’d love to. Do you think I can get her to take them off?”

  Auggie rolled his eyes. “Be serious for once. Look at her face. Nice lines. Those eyes glow green.” He stared at her. “And the dirt. Notice it’s only the smudges on her face? None under her fingernails. Her dress—which is three sizes too large, by the way—is immaculate. She’s obviously trying to hide her looks.” Which was weird behavior for a barmaid. Most of them made their living from tips, and typically, the prettier the girl, the bigger the tips.

  Not that it was any of his business. Though, maybe Benj had the right of it. Auggie sighed. A diversion might just take his mind off Trina, and he did find the girl interesting.

  She looked to be several years younger than him but lacked the frivolity he’d expect from one her age. If anything, she appeared too grim as she kept her face cast toward the floor, intent upon her work as if her life depended on getting every speck of dust up. When she did glance briefly around the room, she met no one’s eyes, and she didn’t venture within ten feet of any patron.

  The red-headed barmaid approached her. “When you’re done here, empty the chamber pot in the middle room. Poor chap is sick. Has it coming out both ends.” She laughed and skipped away.

  The demure girl glared after the retreating figure. For the tiniest fraction of an instant, anger flashed across her face.

  “Oh ho!” Auggie said. “She’s got some spirit to her.”

  “That little thing?” Benj spat. “She makes a mouse seem strong.”

  “You’re just not seeing her right.”

  Benj laughed. “Good for you. It’s about time you got back on the horse.”

  Auggie’s nostrils flared. “I’m not interested. Just trying to help you out is all.”

  Benj chuckled. “Really?” He stood.

  “What are you going to do?”

  Benj grinned. “You’ll see.”

  “Don’t you dare.”

  Benj kept right on marching toward her.

  “Don’t make me pull rank.”

  He gave no indication he heard.

  “Lieutenant Flynn, return to this table. That’s an order!”

  Every eye in the room swiveled to the two officers. All except for the girl’s anyway. She kept rapt attention on her broom as Benj approached from behind. He grabbed her about the waist.

  She pulled away and spun in a single motion. Before Auggie knew what was happening, she slapped Benj. The sound echoed through the room, and a silence fell.

  Auggie exploded from his chair and rushed toward them.

  “You were right.” Benj rubbed his cheek. “She’s got spirit.”

  Her eyes went wide, and she shrank from the two officers. “Milords, I’m so sorry. I thought … I mean, I didn’t …” Fear haunted her expression as if she expected to be struck down where she stood.

  Auggie pulled Benj behind him and kept his distance. “You’re not the one who owes an apology, my lady.”

  Her eyes bulged at the honorific, and Auggie stumbled over what to say next. He didn’t typically address chamber maids as nobility. Oh well. He should just go with it. Maybe she’d be flattered.

  Aware he towered over her, he slouched. “Truly my lady, we mean you no harm.”

  Her body remained tense. “Thank you, milord. By your leave, I’ll return to sweeping?”

  The right thing to do was retreat back to his table and be done with it. Even better, leave her a generous tip to make up for Benj’s absolutely inexcusable behavior. But he couldn’t seem to squeeze out the words for either of those courses of action.

  Instead, he extended his elbow in offer of escort. “I feel terrible at the fright my lout of a lieutenant gave you. May I buy you a drink?”

  May he buy her a drink? Really?

  For the first time, a hint of a smile touched her lips. “If it pleases milord, dust waits for my broom.”

  Wow. Her face transformed with the slightest glimmer of mirth. If he thought her pretty before …

  “Of course, my lady.” With a tilt of his head, he backed away a step. “The owner of this fine establishment shall not learn from my lips that you refused to earn him custom.”

  Auggie had never felt like more of an ass. For good reason; he had never acted like more of an ass. He turned slowly and stepped toward his table, waiting for a reply.

  She didn’t disappoint. “Milord, mayhap I spoke in haste. A bit of wine sounds nice.”

  As he and Benj seated themselves, the girl dragged herself to their table. Her eyes darted about seeking escape, her expression caught halfway between terror and rage. She sat ramrod straight.

  What was he doing? A gentleman of any worthwhile breeding did not force his company on a lady, even one serving as a chamber maid.

  She kept her eyes focused on wood stained by ye
ars of sloppy patrons.

  The buxom redhead bounced to them. “Your ales, milords.”

  “And a glass of your finest wine for the lady,” Auggie said.

  The barmaid glared at the waif seated with them. “Excuse me, milord?”

  “You heard me. A glass of wine for our friend, and it better be your best. And it better not be watered down.”

  The redhead recoiled. “Yes, milord. Sorry, milord. No offense intended, milord.”

  Auggie dismissed her with a wave and turned his attention back to the girl. “Your coworker doesn’t seem to like you.”

  The girl shrugged, her gaze not rising.

  “Are you from this village?” Auggie said.


  “Been here long?”


  “What brought you here?”

  She shrugged again. Benj stifled a chuckle by trying to disguise it as a cough.

  Was she scared? How did he draw her from her shell? The direct approach? “There’s no need to fear us.”

  Her eyes darted up and fixed on the sword hanging from his belt for an instant before returning to the table.

  Okay. She had a point. Two military officers. He was a foot and a half taller than her and outweighed her by two hundred pounds.

  He plastered what he hoped was a warm smile across his face. “If I killed every girl who slapped Benj, we’d have to close half the taverns in the duchy for lack of barmaids.”

  Her face rose from looking at the table. “You do kill some of them?”

  “No! That’s not—”

  Benj choked back laughter and ended up in a coughing fit. The edges of the girl’s lips threatened to curl into a smile.

  Auggie nodded. “So you’re teasing me now.”

  Behind her, the door burst open. A short, slight man wearing a tunic and hose entered. Three black-liveried guardsmen followed. They cast harsh glares about the room.

  Two farmers sat near the entrance. Despite a half dozen empty tables in the area, one of the newcomers forced the locals to move.

  Auggie snapped his concentration back to the girl. “What’s your name?”


  Not that he was considering courting the girl, but her name dismissed any possibility of him marrying her. He wouldn’t subject his worst enemy to the too-cutesy double initials he hated so much. Alaina Asher. Ugh.

  Auggie grimaced.

  She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. “You don’t like it? Well, I’m sorry. It’s the one my papa gave me.”

  Oops. If he were to have any chance of having a bit of fun with her, he needed to deflect the offense he’d given. “No, my lady. Your name is the very definition of loveliness. Something behind you distracted me.” He bowed his head toward her. “Please forgive my disgraceful manners.”

  By her expression, she obviously didn’t believe him.

  “Truly. A catcher and his men walked in.”

  Her eyes went wide, and she glanced back at the four men seating themselves. “How do you know that’s what he is?”

  “That hideous outfit he’s wearing hasn’t been the court fashion in Bermau for two seasons.” Auggie shuddered at the thought of that particularly heinous year. At least he’d only been forced to adopt the style for a single ball, and thank the Holy One, Benj hadn’t been around to see it. “And his soldiers wear black. If he were a merchant, he wouldn’t bother with livery, and a noble acting on his own behalf would have them dressed in his house colors.”

  Trembling, she stared at the table in front of her seat.

  “Not to worry,” Auggie said. “We won’t let any harm come to you.”

  She met his eyes for the first time. “That’s some boast, milord. No one can do anything about them.” Bitterness tainted her voice.

  “That’s not true.”

  “He’s being too modest,” Benj said. “We’ve killed three of them.”

  Her head swiveled between the two officers. “How can that be?”

  Auggie tried to shush him.

  “It’s easier when you’re the niskmo,” Benj said.

  “You?” she said to Benj. “You’re the duke’s son?”

  Auggie knew what was to come next. Her attitude toward him would change. The only women who pursued him harder than barmaids were noblewomen. Why did Benj have to bring that up?

  Auggie took in her fine features and lithe form. Then again, maybe her being after him wouldn’t be the worst fate, but it would make it harder to avoid entanglements. Oh well. He sighed and raised a finger. “Guilty. August Asher at your service.”

  Anger flashed across her face, and she shrank further into her chair as if trying to sink through it. Crap. She probably thought his station made it even more likely they’d kill her for slapping Benj.

  Auggie kept his tone calm and reasonable. “The lieutenant makes it sound like we kill people for sport.”

  Benj opened his mouth but, for a wonder, clamped it shut at a glare.

  “We had those catchers lawfully executed,” Auggie said. “It was no different than hunting bandits and bringing them to justice.”

  “I’ve seen men claiming to be catchers, not so finely outfitted as those, but …” Her voice grew heated, and she checked herself. “I’ve seen them force a girl into bed by saying she’s a mage. No one did a thing.”

  “Not while I’m around.” He froze. “Wait. They didn’t—”

  “Don’t worry. My virtue is intact.” She bit off each word.

  Was everything he did and said destined to offend her? He had never had this much trouble with a woman. They normally swooned at a mere hint of the niskmo’s interest.

  She, on the other hand, obviously wanted nothing at all to do with him. Which meant he should gracefully accede to her wishes and excuse himself from her company. Etiquette drilled into him from birth demanded he do so.

  He opened his mouth to do just that, but the words wouldn’t form. Her reticence was so compelling. Was he no better than a toddler desiring that which he was denied?

  “The point is that they do have limits.” Auggie sighed. “I’m making it sound too easy. Each of those we caught took weeks to set up, and two we suspected of heinous abuses got away.”

  The catcher’s booming voice carried over the din of conversation, drawing every eye save Alaina’s. “Do you have any idea who I am? Bring the innkeeper at once.”

  The red-headed barmaid scurried toward the kitchen.

  Seconds later, a thin man wearing an apron hustled to the table. “My lord, what is being the problem?”

  “My men and I require food and libation.”

  The innkeeper exhaled as if he were expecting a larger problem. He smiled. “What would you be liking?”

  As they ordered rum and meals, Auggie turned his attention mostly back to Alaina. “As I was saying …”

  The innkeeper named a price that Auggie couldn’t hear.

  The catcher erupted to his feet. “I am Emar M’unda, third to the earl of Nahda. I will not be insulted!”

  The slim man backed away a step. “My lord, I did be meaning no offense, but all customers must be paying for their meals. How else am I to be feeding my family?”

  “I care not for your water-cursed urchins. One such as I should not even have to talk to one as low as you, much less pay for the privilege.” Emar eyed the man from head to toe. “On second thought, perhaps I should investigate your family further. You seem the type to hide a mage.”

  The innkeeper inched backward holding his hands in front of him. “There be no needing of that.”

  Auggie leapt to his feet and kicked his chair out of the way. The wood crashed to the floor. He marched to the catcher’s table. “You will not threaten my subjects.”

  Emar stood, followed by his three guards. Auggie felt Benj behind him.

  “Your subjects?” Emar said.

  “My father’s, and mine soon.” The words caught in his throat. The duke’s failing health kept rumormongers ch
attering. Auggie didn’t know which was going to be worse—his life being constrained to ruling from the castle or losing his dad.

  Emar motioned his men to be seated. He inclined his head a fraction though his eyes remained hard. “My lord, I have no quarrel with you.”

  Auggie lowered his voice and relaxed his muscles. “I don’t know how it works in Kaicia, but in Bermau, catchers do not extort proprietors for free meals.”

  Emar at least had the decency to appear chagrined. “I apologize if that’s the impression my actions gave. I simply sought to perform my duty.” He smiled. “By treaty, mage hunters are allowed to investigate where they will, from the scions of the nobility to the lowest scullery maid.” He looked toward Alaina.

  “I don’t think you want to go there, friend,” Auggie said. “Take your seat and pay the man for the food.”

  Emar tossed a silver onto the floor. “Keep the change.”

  The innkeeper grabbed the coin and scurried away.

  “Good choice.” Auggie turned his back to the catcher.

  Emar called to him. “Wait a moment, dukeling. I find interesting a barmaid who sits with such high company and refuses even to look in my direction.”

  Auggie spun, and his hands clenched into fists. “She is none of your concern.”

  “Is she not, now, dukeling? I seem to recall that it is my decision whom to investigate.”

  A hand grasped Auggie’s arm, but he shook off the restraint. He turned to see Alaina cowering in her chair, her back to the argument.

  Emar marched past them and faced Alaina. He grabbed her chin and tilted her face up. “By order of the Three Kingdoms, I place you under arrest for the use of magic.”

  Auggie surged forward. Benj grabbed both his shoulders, but Auggie plowed ahead, dragging his friend.

  “Stop!” Benj lowered his voice after the shout. “This is neither the time nor the place. We can’t be seen flaunting the law.”

  Auggie hauled the lieutenant a few more steps before relenting. Blast it! Benj was right. Frustrated, Auggie found a nearby chair and clenched its top rail. The pine snapped under the pressure.

  With a sneer painting his face, Emar pulled Alaina from the tavern.


  Alaina sat rigid in the small saddle.


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