Chasing Paige (Falling for Words Book 1)

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Chasing Paige (Falling for Words Book 1) Page 3

by Tiffany Janine

  Oh no! I can hear something. It’s so dark inside this cave-room, I can’t see anything other than a faint light coming through the door, and a small skylight above, it’s basically pitched black in here. Suddenly, the door opens.”

  James - Male Beauty - has just taken my breath away. His charming personality is like a bright light, it’s impossible to avoid. With my eyes wide open, I want to walk straight toward that light with no regrets. Yet somehow, there’s a little itch inside my belly that keeps nagging me to slow down. My heart is telling me to move forward, but my head is giving me doubts. I can’t help what I’m feeling, though. For the first time in over two years, I’m excited about being with a man again.

  After watching James walk off, I go next door and open Chasing Pages. Since it’s still quite early, Lynn isn’t here yet. We usually carpool together, but I gave her a little extra time to sleep in. To pass the time before any customers come in, I drown myself in unopened bills, order forms and check the website and Facebook. Everything seems to be running smoothly and orders are arriving on time. The last two months have been very exciting. We’ve had rave reviews from the indie community. It’s been guiding a bunch of readers to come see our store, and we couldn’t be more thrilled.

  An hour goes by quickly and I’m surprised when Lynn walks through the front with coffee in hand, and a determined look on her face. She’s ready to get the goods on my morning date. “So are you going to tell me how it went?”

  “Well, good morning to you too.” I snicker.

  She places her coffee on the counter. “Good morning back, now how did it go with mister gorgeous?”

  I shake my head. If the shoe were on the other foot, I wonder how she would react with me interrogating her. “It went…surprisingly well.” I can’t help from smiling. It’s like a schoolgirl crush all over again.

  “That smirk tells me it went better than just surprisingly well. Come on, spill it, lady!”

  “I don’t know. I shrug. “I mean…we didn’t have a whole lot of time to talk. He had to leave for something with his agent -”

  “His agent? Is he a model or something? I wouldn’t be surprised. He’s super-hot.”

  “No, not a model…he’s a writer.”

  “What’s that look for?”

  Lynn can always sense my doubts. She knows me too well. “Well…Glen was a writer, so what if I’m jinxed, and every guy that I meet is a writer, and they all die?”

  She starts laughing. “That is the craziest thing I have ever heard, and you know it.”

  “I can’t help it. I must be drawn to writers, or they’re drawn to me.” Every guy I dated in college they were either going for journalism, editing, or getting their teaching degree in English Literature. They were all so attractive, intelligent and really great with their words. That’s why I fell in love with Glen. He was smart, and devilishly irresistible. Kind of like James.

  “Either way, James is freaking hot, who cares what he does for a living?”

  Very true. If he drove a garbage truck and collected the city’s garbage, I’d still go out with him. “Oh and get this…he writes horror and thriller novels.”

  “Get out!” Lynn smacks her hand down on the counter.

  “Yep.” I nod. “Do you think it’s just a coincidence?”

  “Does it really matter?”

  “No, I guess not.”

  “Okay, so he’s a talented author who is a hottie, and writes your favorite genre. I want to know more. How did you feel about him? Was he just as adorable as he was yesterday?”

  “More than adorable.” I giggle. “He was charming, sweet, funny…he had the entire package that any woman would die for, but he chose to have coffee with me. Why?” And my doubts come creeping back.

  “Why not? You’re beautiful, Paige. Do not think for one second you don’t have what it takes to attract someone like James. Obviously he’s attracted to you, he asked you out.” Even though I find it hard to believe that someone like James would want anything to do with a widow like myself, Lynn is right again. “So tell me more. How did he look? What was he wearing?”

  With what had to be a dreamlike, goofy grin I say, “Is there another word besides beautiful? Because…Lynn…wow, anyone with lady parts had to see that his jeans hugged his butt to perfection, you could drop a coin on it and it would bounce right off.”

  “Girl, I saw that very view yesterday and it was not something you could look away from.”

  We both laugh. “Seriously, right?”

  “Okay, more. What else stood out?”

  “Everything about him was simple…but geez…so sexy,” I continue giggling. “He had on a plain white t-shirt, with a black denim jacket over it. I swear it was like a second skin.” I’m getting so hot, I start to fan myself. God, I’m so ridiculous. “He even smelled perfect.” I get to laughing because Lynn starts to fan herself as well. Aren’t we a pair of fan girl goofballs?

  “What else did you guys talk about?”

  “I told him I hadn’t gone out with anyone for a really long time, and that my husband had died.”

  Lynn gasps. “Oh how’d that go?”

  “He was really sorry about it, but there was something else there. It was like, he couldn’t believe I said yes to have coffee with him. He even thanked me.”

  “Of course he did. He likes you.” She pushes my shoulder.

  Biting my bottom lip, I respond, “I think I like him too.”

  “As you should. I mean who wouldn’t? Geez, I want to find someone like him.” She sighs.

  “I don’t know everything about him, Lynn, so don’t go dreaming about cloning him just yet.”

  “After what I went through with my jerk-face ex? Anyone would be better than him.” Lynn was married to a producer at a TV news station. He had multiple affairs with women who claimed he sexually harassed them. Of course, he denied the accusations, and still remains at his big-time paying job, doing God knows what to other women. I’m so glad Lynn got out of that mess and moved in with me. She needed me just as much as I needed her.

  “Anyone you meet, goes through me first,” I point out. “I won’t let what happened with your ex, happen again. And if they’re anything like him, they’ll eat dog crap, and get kicked in the nuts.”

  She laughs, and then comes around to the other side of the counter, and gives me a hug. “My bestie is a badass. I so love you.”

  “Love you too.” I smile. “Did I tell you James took my hand and kissed it? It was such a sweet gesture, and…sexy at the same time.”

  “Oh my, I think I’ve fallen in love.” She sighs, again.

  “Seriously though, am I jumping the gun on this guy? What if he turns out to be a total doofus and too good to be true?”

  “I doubt that will happen, but if he does become one, at least you opened that door to the possibility of falling in love again. Just go with the flow. Don’t rush things, and listen to your heart.”

  We are both so good at giving each other advice. If only we could follow what we say, then everything would be hunky dory. Lynn is right - yet again. My heart has been nailed shut for so long. It feels so good to allow someone in again. Even if it means James turns out to be a total loser, at least I know that I’m not dead inside, and finding someone to love again may not be such a bad thing.

  I haven’t heard from James all day. I guess deep down I’ve been anticipating a text…or something. Crazy…just crazy to already be obsessing over someone. Maybe he was slammed with interviews, or was writing all day, who knows? I cannot go bonkers over a guy I just met; someone who made me weak in the knees from just a simple kiss on the hand. Hot and bothered needs to take a back seat, pronto!

  Once Lynn and I closed the store down for the night, we went out for Mexican food. It was Cinco de Mayo. Lynn is Latina and tacos are our favorite tradition every year. And who could forget margaritas? After a long day of being on our feet, a little tequila hit the spot. Don’t worry, we didn’t get drunk. One drink each and fi
ve tacos down, we were ready to call it a night.

  After washing, and moisturizing my face, I finally hit my pillow with a thump. It feels so good to snuggle up in my covers with my tablet and continue reading my latest J.D. book. Just thinking about tomorrow, meeting him for the first time - O.M.G. - I seriously cannot wait! I’m like a child waiting to meet her favorite cartoon character at Disneyland. I’m so anxious. I truly hope he’s a nice guy. Not that I should be worried about things like that, but I don’t want to meet my favorite author only for him to turn out to be a jerk. That would ruin every single book that I have of his. I’d sell them or maybe even burn them. Calm the heck down, Paige. You’re getting ahead of yourself. Time to read.

  A few minutes go by when my phone buzzes - Male Beauty. Like a total geek, I hold my tablet like it’s my bible, and answer the call with a big smile. “James, hi.”

  “Hi, how are you?”

  Oh, his voice. Like melted butter. “I’m fine. My feet hurt, so being home is nice. How about you?”

  “Same here. Not the feet part, but you know what I mean.”

  I laugh. “I do, yes.”

  “Look.” He exhales. “I wanted to apologize, again, for leaving so abruptly this morning. I feel really bad about it. It was rude, and definitely not who I am.”

  Can this man get any sweeter? I want to sigh every time he speaks, he gives me goose bumps. “No…Please. I never thought that. It’s okay…really.”

  “You sure, because I’m usually not a flake.”

  “Of course I’m sure. Believe me, I totally understand. Rude is definitely not the word I would describe you.”

  “I think I like where this topic is going. What word would you describe me then?”


  “Mysterious. Huh…never has anyone ever said that about me before. I like it, but why mysterious?”

  “Because you’re still a stranger to me.”

  He lowers his voice when he says, “I hope to change that very soon.”

  James really knows how to get to me to squirm, so I take a couple deep breaths before I begin speaking again. Still holding onto my tablet like it’s going to jump off my chest, I bring up the conversation we had before he was summoned away. “You never did tell me what your author name is, and what books you have written.”

  “You’re right, I didn’t. Well how about this…if you agree to go to dinner with me tomorrow night, I’ll let you in on my little secret.”

  “That’s very sneaky, but okay.”


  “Aren’t you going to tell me?”

  “Nope. Not until we have dinner together.”

  I laugh. “Wow, I walked right into a trap.”

  “But a good intentional trap.” he laughs. “On a more serious note though, I’m really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.”

  Biting my bottom lip, and getting a bit shy I reply, “Me too.”

  “Until then…goodnight, beautiful.”


  After we hang up, I sigh and lie in bed looking up at the ceiling, grinning. How in the heck did I go from being someone who felt dead inside to someone who is now waking up from a long, deep a coma? What on earth is James doing to me? Whatever it is, I don’t want to it to stop.

  The next morning I’m a complete, hot, mess. From tripping over my shoes, to burning my hand with my flat iron, I thought I wasn’t going to be able to pull myself together before the signing. I was a nervous wreck. Thank goodness for Lynn. She finished my hair, helped with my makeup, and made me drink a shot of something. I don’t even know what it was, but it did wonders and helped me to calm down. Of course Lynn didn’t need any help in her beauty department. With her Jennifer Lopez body, and skin that is all over caramel color, she has never had any problems looking beautiful. She has always made me sick with how gorgeous she is.

  After the chaotic morning, we carpooled in Lynn’s car. Good choice, because I don’t think I would have been able to do it without getting in an accident. I don’t remember ever being this nervous before. What is up with me? Seriously, it’s just an author for crying out loud. Yeah right…just an author my ass. J.D. is not just anyone. Meeting him has been on my bucket list for a while now, it’s a dream come true. Plus, he has chosen to do a signing at my store. My store! It’s going to be a very exciting day.

  The store was all ready for J.D. and the customers. Lynn and I moved things around to make room for a table at which J.D. would be sitting at. We were given a banner, a box of his books, pens, and bookmarks to display. Touching all those beauties was like touching an award. What a dream today was going to be.

  Looking out our front window, I see a few readers lining up. They look just as excited as I am. Good thing it’s not raining like it had late last night or my book customers would be drenched. Of all days for it to be gloomy, the San Diego weather is not cooperating. We’re not used to rain, so when it does get to that point, we’re like headless chickens running around with our flip flops on.

  Lynn is in the back, doing I don’t know what, when a very handsome gentleman, with dark brown, short curly hair, green eyes, wearing a tailored navy suit and tie, comes walking inside the store. Where are all these hot guys coming from? They’re like dropping from the sky.

  “Ms. Turner?” the fine gentleman asks - very professional might I add.

  “Yes, I am.”

  He extends his hand. “I’m Dominic Parker, J.D.’s agent. We spoke over the phone.”

  “Oh, yes, hi. It’s very nice to meet you. I wanted to ask you over the phone, but are you related to J.D.?” I cross my arms and smile.

  Without smiling back and yet rather stiffly, he replies, “Yes. I’m his brother.”

  “Oh, that’s great. So, where is J.D.?”

  “Next door, getting coffee.”

  “I’m so excited to finally meet him. His books are amazing.”

  “Glad to hear it. I’m going to step over here and make a couple calls.”

  “Sure.” Okay, that whole thing was rather awkward. J.D.’s brother is definitely not the warmest muffin in the oven. Wonder what his deal is?

  Lynn makes me jump when she comes up from behind me. “Is he here yet?”

  “No, but his agent is.” flicking my head toward Dominic. “They’re brothers’.”

  “Oh, he’s cute, too!”

  “Yeah, I guess.” I shrug.

  “I’m going to go over there and talk to him,” she mentions excitedly.

  Boy, I hope she doesn’t try to go out with that guy. If anything, he needs to relax and read a good book. Or better yet, get laid. Sorry, not sorry. I’ll just let her do her thing, and turn around and go on the computer for a few minutes. I’m getting so antsy about meeting J.D., I need something else to do besides lurking out my store window.

  Still overhearing my best friend try to hit it off with mister professional, I stay in my world as I scroll through Facebook. I gasp the second I hear his voice, “Place looks great,” James says.

  All those nervous vibes leave my body the moment my eyes land on him. He is so beautiful. Actually, he looks exceptionally dapper today. He’s wearing a pair of black slacks, and a crisp white button-front shirt, rolled up to his elbows, showcasing his masculine arms. I can see he takes great care of his body. Oh my, goodness. And like every other time I have seen him, he looks as if he came right from the shower - all clean, smells fresh and his skin glows. My mouth waters every single time.

  His smile makes me smile, it’s contagious. “Hi, thanks.” I reply rather overly chipper. “You’re here early. The signing isn’t for another half-hour.” I walk around to the other side of the counter, and stop a couple feet in front of him. More than anything, I’d love to bump chests. Okay, enough!

  I notice he has a cup of coffee in one hand. He places it on the counter, and then puts both hands in his front pant pockets. “Yes, I know. Listen, uh…I need to tell you something.”

  “Are you cancelling dinner?”<
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  “No - I mean, at least I hope it doesn’t get cancelled.”

  I cross my arms, obviously very confused. “What are you talking about?”

  Suddenly he takes me by my elbow and guides me over toward a corner by the Science Fiction section. It’s out of the way of anyone seeing us. What is going on?

  Combing a hand through his perfectly dark blond blanket of hair he says, “Paige…I’m J.D. Parker.”

  Everything comes to a screeching halt. James didn’t just say what I think I heard him say, did he?

  “Huh?” Shaking my head. “Wait…I’m so confused here. You’re the J.D. Parker? The author who’s going to be signing today?”

  “Yes,” He breathes out.

  “The one I babbled on about how I couldn’t wait to meet him, and how he’s my favorite author?”

  “That would be me.”

  He did just say what I thought I heard him say. It all makes plenty of sense now. First, I never knew James’ last name, he never gave it to me. Second, he’s an author who writes horror flicks. And last, he looks an awful lot like his brother. Wow. This guy just played me - foolishly and embarrassingly so. Why?

  “Paige, say something.”

  Allowing myself to look into those gorgeous blue eyes of his, no matter how painful this is, I give him a piece of mind. I slap him across the face. “How dare you,” I snarl at him. Then, as calmly as I can, I choose to walk away.

  The sting from Paige’s hand shocks the hell out of me. Even though I shouldn’t be surprised by her reaction, I am…most of all a slap to the face. As much as I deserved that slap, I won’t allow myself to give up on her. I’ll do anything to get her to forgive me. Regrettably, there is so much more she’ll hate me for, but that will be for another time and day.


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