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Chasing Paige (Falling for Words Book 1)

Page 4

by Tiffany Janine

  Without giving me another glance, Paige walks into her storage room, leaving me with a stinging cheek and bruised ego. I immediately go after her. The storage room is a narrow hallway, with an office on the left, located by the back door. All around me, on either side of the walls, are boxes of books, lined up on metal shelves; some are open and some are waiting by the back door, still taped shut.

  Following her inside her office I beg her, “Paige…please, you have to listen to me.”

  She snaps around with a gleam in her eyes, which knife me in the gut. “No I don’t!” she spats. “You’re no one to me. You’re just a stranger who played with my feelings. Do you even realize how hard it was for me to start opening up myself to you? Do you? You’re the first man I’ve talked to since I lost my husband. For you to do this to someone who is newly widowed…it’s disgusting.” She looks me up and down, giving me a very disgusted look. “The sight of you makes me sick, so please leave me alone, and go do your damn signing.”

  Everything she said is the absolute truth. However, playing her was never my intention, and I desperately need to get her to understand that. “I never meant to hurt you.”

  “Too late for that,” she argues.

  “Is everything okay in here?” Lynn asks from behind me. Crossing my arms, I bow my head in shame and defeat. It’s one thing hurting the woman you’re starting to care for, but it’s another when her best friend gets in the middle. I’m going to be in the dog house for sure.

  “As a matter fact, Lynn, no,” Paige answers, angrily. “Please meet J.D. Parker, otherwise known as a pitiful excuse for a man, who is a liar.” Ouch.

  “Say what?” She screeches.

  “Yep, you heard me. This…this person decided to lie about himself to me.” She stabs a finger toward my chest, and continues. “He’s the one who is signing today. He’s the one who I’ve been dying to meet for a year. God, I’m so humiliated!” she shouts. “I’ve got to get out of here.” Without letting me say anything in my defense, Paige storms off.

  The second Paige leaves, and before I get to storm off after her, Lynn gets up in my face. “You’re J.D. Parker?”

  “I wasn’t trying to keep my identity a secret from her, I truly wasn’t.”

  “Wow.” Shaking her head, “…and I was the one who encouraged her to meet you for coffee.” She crosses her arms, and slightly tilts her right hip out, obviously showing me how pissed off she is. “You’re a real jerk, J.D. Parker.”

  “Yeah, I know, but can I at least explain?”

  “Seriously?” She chuckles. “Hell no. Oh, and by the way…your brother is no better. Jerks must run in the family.” Double ouch. Yet she’s not wrong about my brother, he can definitely be a jerk at times. Okay, most times.

  Speaking of the devil, Dom finds me. “James, let’s go. The readers are waiting.” He orders me.

  “You better get yourself out there. Time’s awastin.” Lynn smirks with a look that could slice you right in half, and I’m pretty sure she’s imagining doing that about me right about now. She steps up in my face again, and gives me her final word. “And when you’re done…don’t ever step foot in our store again or contact Paige. She’s been through hell and back, so don’t make it any worse for her.”

  As much as I want to listen to Lynn, and ignore anything that has to do with Paige, ever again…and without causing her any more pain…I can’t. I’m a selfish bastard, through and through. No way am I finished with her. We’ve only just begun.

  Right after Lynn pushes by me I make my way to the back entrance. I need to find Paige and make this right, but Dominic gets to me first. Grasping onto my shoulder he stalls me. “James, where in the hell are you going?”

  “I’m going after her,” I irritatingly say, jerking his hand away.

  “No!” He argues. “You’ve got to stay for the signing.”

  “Tell the readers I’ll be a few minutes late.”

  “And I’m telling you, this is a terrible idea. Don’t do this.”

  Dom should be the first person who should understand how it is to be in love. He was in a relationship with a woman, Liz, for many years, but broke his heart when she left him. He was devastated. It baffles me he can’t understand what I’m going through.

  “For the first time in my life I think - no…I know I’ve found the woman who will make me happy. I cannot ignore it.”

  Just when I think I’m in the clear, he stops me, yet again. “What about Becca?”

  Becca? Why in the hell would he bring her up, of all people? Becca’s my ex-fiancé, someone who I met through my parents’ longtime friends. Up until last year, I thought I loved her, but it was all lust. We were together for three years. We were very different people who strived for different things, yet I ignored the signs and continued my relationship with her. I was stuck in a toxic rut and didn’t know how to get out of it. Looking back, I believe I thought I couldn’t do any better, but I now know that I can.

  Dating women this past year hasn’t been easy. They’re only interested in my celebrity, and it bothers me. Being with Paige, for the last couple days, have been refreshing and puts everything into perspective. She didn’t see a celebrity author, she saw the real, raw me. I just need her to realize I wasn’t playing her and have nothing other than genuine feelings for her.

  “I don’t love her,” I snap. “It’s over between us…it has been for a long time. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to find Paige.” I turn around, and exit through the back door.

  My brother yells after me, “You’re playing with fire, James!”

  Yeah, whatever. If only Dom would get his head out of his ass, maybe he would find some kind of compassion. On the other hand, he’s right. Getting involved with Paige is like lighting a match and releasing the flame in a field of dry brush. I’m going to start a blazing wild fire whether or not it’s the right thing to do.

  I pick up my pace jogging around to the front of the store, looking both ways for her. Just as I’m about to go in the direction of the coffee shop, I see her painted toenail feet, sticking out from the stair walkway that divides her store and the one next to hers. Good thing I didn’t have to look very far. She’s sitting down on one of the brick steps, leaning against the wall. When I approach her, I place a foot on the first step and settle my hand on the opposite wall, ready to get through to her.

  I hope to lighten the mood a bit. “You didn’t get very far.”

  By placing her head in her hands, she groans, “For the love of God, please leave me alone.” Yeah, I don’t think the charm is going to work. More than anything, though, I want to make her anger and hurt go away. I know it’s only been three days, but the connection I have with her is too strong to give up.

  I take a seat on the step. “Paige, I’m so sorry for lying to you. It wasn’t my intention to do so, you have to believe me.”

  Her head pops up. “I don’t have to believe anything.” She glares at me. If looks could kill, I’d be a dead man right now. “Go away, James. You have readers who want to meet you.”

  “The readers are going to have to wait. I want to explain why I lied.”

  “The readers are more important.”

  “To me they’re not.”

  “Then, not only are you an ass, you’re stupid too.”

  I don’t disagree. “Maybe I’m an ass, but one the thing that I know is…how I feel about you…it’s not stupid. Far from it.”

  She forces out a laugh. “That is the cheesiest saying ever. You have no feelings for me. We just met a few days ago.”

  If she thinks I’m going to back down, she’s got another think coming. “Go ahead and put me down, but it’s the God’s honest truth.” I comb a hand through my hair, and try to find the words to get her to understand. “When I saw you for the first time, reading my book, I was going to tell you who I was. But…something held me back because…I wanted to know how it felt to actually meet a woman who didn’t know who I was. Most women only go out with me because of
what I do for a living. They can’t get enough of J.D. Parker, the famous author. I wanted to know how it felt to be liked because of me.”

  Like the firecracker that she is, she immediately stands up. “I did like you because of you, now I don’t!”

  Slowly getting back up on my feet, I hold back a laugh. The way she is fuming is too adorable. The little indentations between her brows, and her pink, pouty luscious lips could get any guy to beg for mercy. Amused with her attitude, I fold my arms and grin. “You are one stubborn woman, aren’t you?”

  “Stubborn?” She gasps. “You have a lot of nerve saying that to me. You chose to lie to me until the day of the signing. You can’t expect me to jump and forgive you within minutes of finding out your little secret.” I hear everything she is saying, and I know I’m a complete moron with how I handled things, but I can’t get enough of the heat coming off from her. Slowly stepping forward, inching my way closer to her, she steps back and hits her back against the wall. “What are you doing?”

  Without giving her a chance to run off again, I cage her in the small stairway by placing both my hands against the wall, on either side of her head. Gazing down into those amazing brownies of hers I assure her, “I’m going to shut you up by kissing you, then I’m going to go do my signing, and then tonight…I’m going to pick you up and take you to dinner like we had planned.”

  Her eyes widen. “You’re crazy if you think–– ”

  There is no other way to shut her up than by smashing my lips onto hers. So that’s what I do. I take that smart mouth of hers and cut her words right in half, and in replacement, I get to taste the mixture of coffee and peppermint. At first, she’s hesitant to kiss me back, but one bite to her glossy bottom lip, she finally allows me to take over. As our tongues collide, a small whimper escapes from her mouth. I let go of the wall, and instead, grasp onto her waist and pull her into me. Her hands make their up and around my neck as I ravish all the goodness that is Paige - deep and slow. I can’t get enough. She tastes like heaven and I want more. So much more. I could go on kissing her all day, but I’ll end it, because I want her to beg for more. I want her to think of me when she looks in the mirror and sees what I have done to her - how I have affected her. I want her to see there is no turning back.

  “Knew I’d shut you up,” I tell her, against her lips. I leave her in the stairway with swollen lips, heavy lidded eyes, out of breath and with a look of shock, passion, and want. She wants me as much as I want her, and there is no greater feeling than that.

  After the most intense, most insane kiss I had ever experienced, I had to settle myself down before the signing. Meeting the fans with a bulge at the front of my crotch wouldn’t be very professional. So I gave myself a couple more minutes until it subsided, then proceeded back inside the store. One look from my brother and he knew I couldn’t hold myself back. He shook his head with disappointment the second I reappeared, but didn’t open his mouth about it. No doubt, I knew he would have a few more words to say later on.

  Throughout the signing, Paige never came back. Lynn, however, was there the entire time, giving me the stink eye, and making sure I knew I was still in the doghouse. I’m hoping to get on her good side again as well. I just need to figure out how. Overall, the signing went great. The readers were amazing as always - most of them women. So lots of kisses on my cheek, many selfies, and tight hugs. Yet every so often, a couple cell numbers got slipped inside my hand. It happens. I don’t mind the attention and enjoy meeting my readers. If it weren’t for their loyalty, I wouldn’t be this successful. And if you’re thinking I call any of those numbers? The answer is no. It’s not my thing.

  Keeping my signings at smaller venues has always been my decision. I tried a couple signings where there were over a hundred authors, but I couldn’t handle it. It was way too loud and overwhelming for me. So when I became better known, I wanted to change things up. I wanted my signings to be more personable, and took control on where things would be held. It was the best decision of my career. I tend to look for smaller, independent bookstores around the country, and if one catches my eye, I have Dom set up a signing. It has worked out very well in the last two years.

  Discovering Paige had a bookstore led me to the signing I’m doing here. However crazy this may sound, I knew it was my only way to meet her.

  After the signing, Dom, and I go straight back to the hotel and order lunch. There wasn’t a chance in hell Lynn was going to tell me where she and Paige lived, so instead I’m going to have to figure it out myself. Call me a stalker, but you have no idea how much I need to see her. Need is a strong word, but Paige is causing me to see polka dots and she’s the only one that can make them disappear. She’s turning me into a madman with some kind of addiction. It’s frustrating and exciting. I don’t ever chase after women. I haven’t ever needed to. The women have always come after me. So you must understand where I’m coming from. This obsession, this desire of wanting her for so long has turned into a need, and I can’t stop it. I won’t stop it. Whether or not Paige wants to see me, I still promised her dinner, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing. There is no way my night is going to end without kissing her again. I’ll make sure of that.

  First, I’m so ready for a nap. Getting up at the crack of dawn to workout and then today’s event have left me exhausted. I lie flat on my bed with my eyes closed, ready to zone off. It’s been a hell of a day, but my brother is still in the room with me. He’s ready to have his last word, I can feel it.

  “Our flight leaves at seven in the morning,” Dominic mentions, in his authoritative tone. He finishes off the last bite of his lunch, then immediately gets up from the table to discard his trash.

  “Yeah, got it,” I reply with a yawn. I’m still not looking in my brother’s eyes. His disappointment in me doesn’t feel good. I’ve always admired him and looked up to him, but he has no idea what I’m going through right now. If only he were in my shoes, then he would tell me to go with my gut and not give up.

  “I’m sorry if you’re still upset with me about this morning, but as your big brother, I feel the need to protect you from getting hurt. You’re going to continue on hurting Paige in the long run, and that is going to hurt you as well.”

  “I understand, but I don’t need your protection. I’m a big boy, if you haven’t noticed.”

  “Aside from all that, Becca still loves you. She wants to be with you, James.”

  Why in the hell does he keep bringing her up? I shift my body over the side of the bed and stand up. “But I’m not in love with Becca. How many times do I need to tell you that? I ended things last year, and made it very clear to her we were no longer together before I came out here.” Unfortunately Becca is just as clueless about our break up as my brother is. She’s tried everything to get me back, and every single time she has failed.

  “She’s good for you.”

  Now he’s talking crazy, and pissing me off even more so. “Do you even hear yourself right now? Unbelievable.”

  Ignoring me as usual in an attempt to control the situation, Dom says, “Be ready at four,” and leaves my room

  J.D. Parker - Minus

  “Watching her through the door’s peephole, was giving the serial madman a thrill. He could already taste the metallic blood, seeping from her open wounds picturing where they would appear on her body once he had her. Imagining her eyes bugged out, the sweat dripping from her forehead, and the fear radiating off her skin, left him hard as a rock. Before he gets the chance to experience her death, he needed to deal with the other one first. She was waiting in the corner of the dark room, shivering from extreme fear. He loved the smell of fear. It excited him to no end.

  Time to gather his tools for his next victim.”

  I was left with tingling lips all day from James’ kiss. He caught me off guard, and literally took my breath away. One second I was mortified and hated the man, the next I couldn’t even see clearly. My vision was clouded, full of stars, I wasn’t sure if I
could stand straight. His lips were warm, soft, and strong and the kiss was intense, gratifying, and heart stopping. The grip of his hands around my body only intensified the kiss. He felt so good, I didn’t want him to let me go. Ever. The man’s touch did wonders, and I was aching for more.

  I hate comparing James with my dead husband, but the truth behind that kiss was no lie. James’ dominant gesture exploded all my inner organs…something Glen could never do. I felt wanted, important, needed. Those feelings haven’t touched the surface of my soul until James and that kiss. Unlike him, Glen cared more about his career, his deadlines, and his needs instead of me. I loved him though. With every fiber of my being I loved him, and I knew he loved me the only way he knew how. I’ll never have any doubts about that. Yet, somehow, through this one amazing kiss…my world…my life…everything I thought was perfect with Glen, had now completely shifted. That kiss was no lie. James’ lips were telling the truth. He was not giving up, and I had no idea what to do about it.

  No way could I go back to the signing after what had happened between James and me. I needed space from him, to clear my head, to gather my bearings and think things through. Unfortunately, nothing I did helped. I thought by going home it would help, but it only made things worse. It was too quiet inside my house, making things louder inside my head. The crazy voices were screaming at me to forgive him, because however badly I wanted to forget him I couldn’t.

  Lynn and I share a house near our store. It’s a three-bedroom cottage home, which we fell in love with the first time we started shopping around. Instead of buying a house, we decided to rent. The owners lived in Italy and had no use for it anymore, yet they still loved their beautiful home and wanted to keep it. So renting was the perfect choice. It’s small, quaint and old fashion, like something from the early nineteen-forties. Each doorway was arched, adding wonderful character. Chestnut brown wooden floors flowed throughout the entire house, making it feel warm and inviting; a kitchen designed for people who love to cook, with brand new, state of the art appliances surround the small space. Lynn and I spend many a night gathered around the island counter drinking a bottle of wine, and cooking up a new dish we both wanted to try. It’s one of our favorite things to do after a long day at Chasing Pages.


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