Arielle Immortal Quickening (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 4)

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Arielle Immortal Quickening (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 4) Page 8

by Lilian Roberts

  “Arielle, focus, baby,” Sebastian said with a soft chuckle. “We can’t change the past, so we need to move on.”

  She nodded, as she knew that he was right. She had to keep telling herself that she had to accept this type of life. She had fallen deeply in love with an immortal. Her life was part of his undying world, and she shouldn’t be shocked or upset by the changes that would take place as they moved on. There was no world that she would accept to live in without Sebastian, and she was sure Gabrielle felt exactly the same about Troy.

  “How funny is it that Eva was my protector, using her mind and her incredible visions? As an immortal, she will be able to protect me physically against anyone that Annabel would send my way in the future, and I’m sure she will send plenty.”

  “Arielle, I need your help,” Ian said.

  “Anything. Just name it,” she replied.

  “I want you to come to the house in the morning with Sebastian and Troy. We are going to tell Eva about her new identity, and your support will be essential.”

  “Don’t worry, Ian, I’ll be there,” she replied instantly. He smiled with a serene look on his face.

  “Thank you.”

  Troy and Ian left the house around eleven, and she was so exhausted that all she wanted to do was go to sleep. Sebastian walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. She undressed and slipped under the covers. She stretched, closing her eyes and flexing her muscles, trying to relax. She heard the water running, and the thought of Sebastian in the shower made her skin ripple with excitement. The sound of the water faded away while vivid memories of his touch made her body quiver. She shut her eyes in pleasure while his face filled every corner of her mind.

  It seemed eons later when she felt Sebastian’s arms encircling her and pulling her flush against his muscled body. His speed was something she couldn’t and wouldn’t ever get used to. She giggled with sheer pleasure. She reached up and pulled him down to her, and their lips met in a deep, passionate kiss. His immortal breath was sweet, the scent intoxicating and the taste mesmerizing. She moaned with raw desire and her fingers twined through his soft sandy hair. Sebastian groaned in response, and lowering his head, he let his lips travel slowly down the column of her throat and felt the steadfast beat of her pulse. He snaked his arms around her body, and rolling over her, he pulled her closer. The heat of his breath on her throat made her whimper with pleasure. His mouth moved back to hers and the kiss turned scorching hot. His tongue pressed her lips apart and plundered the softness of her mouth. They felt the heat of the kiss all the way to the marrow of their bones. His hands cupped her breasts and skimmed over the hard nipples with both palms. She arched her body against his hands and she gasped, the pleasure was incredible.

  “I want you,” he whispered against her mouth.

  “Mmmm,” she managed to say. Sebastian laughed, against her mouth and she shivered. His hands moved skillfully on her thighs and stroked her soft flesh. His tongue found its way back into her mouth, and she moaned her appreciation. She felt his erection against her thighs, and her knees parted as he pulled her hips up and found his way into his heaven. Her breath hitched as ecstasy ripped through her body and moaned. Soon their bodies found the rhythm, and raced toward the heat of the sun. His guttural moan pushed them over the brink. Their release fused their bodies and they surrendered to the exquisite delight.

  She felt him roll over and lower himself next to her, pulling her into his arms. He pressed a gentle kiss on her lips, and she let out a satisfied sigh. She was happy and sated. Even though she tried to stay awake, her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and she felt herself drifting away.

  Sebastian felt her body go limp, and he knew she was asleep. He chuckled under his breath and squeezed her softly. She was the most important person in his life. The feel of her body next to his was overwhelming. His desire for her was unbelievable, even though they had just made love.

  He closed his eyes and smiled, his excitement evident. He felt her moving into him and was startled when her lips pressed softly against the hollow at the bottom of his throat—the most sensitive spot on his body. His excitement elevated to its highest level. She moved around a couple more times, and then she was quiet again.

  His fingers skimmed over the planes of her back ever so lightly, trying not to wake her up, and he felt fire sweeping through his veins burning his thoughts and feeling him with nothing but want for her love. He took a few deep breaths and moved away from Arielle trying to cool off. God! How am I ever going to go through eternity with such an overwhelming desire for this girl. She is my lifeline, my one and only need for happiness.

  He slipped out of the bed quietly and jumped under the cold shower. He sniggered, feeling his whole body burning up. It was about an hour later when he felt his pulse receding. He slipped back under the covers, encircled her quietly, and closed his eyes. He knew she was sound asleep.

  He felt her body relaxing in his arms. He smiled and nuzzled her hair, breathing in that so familiar aroma of freesia. A feeling of contentment spread through his body. He knew that this beautiful girl would be his for eternity. He just couldn’t understand why it took so many centuries to discover this amazing feeling. He still couldn’t understand the wonderful familiarity of her eyes. He had spent hours upon hours trying to distinguish this peculiar feeling. Why did he have this extraordinary sensation that he had looked into those eyes before? How could that be possible? He chuckled softly, knowing that was a complete and utter impossibility. Now that he found her, she seemed to be his sole purpose for roaming the earth for over five centuries. She changed his miserable existence and gave meaning to his life.

  When he woke up, the room was still dark. He rolled on his back, and he heard her moaning softly. He could see the clock on the nightstand showing ten minutes to seven. It was still quite early; Troy was not going to be there until nine. He stared at her beautiful face, wanting to wake her up. He wanted to make love, but he stopped his desire again and tried to focus on the issue on hand. This morning, they would have to explain to Eva the details of the accident and her new identity.

  He was completely lost in his thoughts when he heard her sleepy voice. Ripples of heat spreading across his body as her hand caressed the muscles of his bare chest. “Good morning!” she whispered. His arms immediately encircled her, and his lips found her mouth as he pulled her closer.

  “Mmmm… good morning, baby,” Sebastian’s voice came out filled with anticipation. “I’ve been waiting for you.” His hands were caressing her silky skin, sliding from her back to her hips and up again. She moaned and pulled herself even closer; he was excited and this time wasn’t going to let her go back to sleep.

  “I wan…” He stopped midsentence and gasped. She had rolled on top of him with a swift movement that left him outright speechless. He growled with need as heat seared his skin and desire replaced every sense. His mouth moved slowly to the side of her neck, brushing her skin softly, stopping when he reached her breasts. He moaned as he tugged on the hard buds, giving her a rapturous feeling that brought tears to her eyes. He locked his hands behind her back. Moving his head up again, he took her mouth and locked them in a ravenous kiss. She kept her eyes closed as an intoxicating desire spread across her body, making her skin burn with longing for him. She hauled in a deep breath, dragging air into her lungs, and merged them together. She started to move with passion, moaning and whispering his name, leaving him astonished and utterly thrilled.

  “Where in the world did you learn to do this?” he gasped, totally out of breath. He knew her lovemaking experience had been very limited.

  “From you,” she murmured. She opened her eyes and looked into his amazing, emerald eyes. She slipped her hand under his nape. Pulling him to her, she bent down and locked them in another hot, exhilarating kiss. His lips moved beneath hers returning the passion and the heat of her kiss. Arielle gasped as she sucked in another deep breath and moved one last time, taking both of them to another leve
l of fulfillment as they merged in ecstasy. In a voice overflowing with passion, he called out her name over and over again. She heard him groan in pleasure, and she knew that she had created the sensation that traveled through him, burning every vein and every nerve in his glorious body. She lay across his chest for a long time, unable to move in.

  “When are you going to stop amazing me?” he murmured.

  “Never, that’s my mission in life.” She laughed heartily, and he squeezed her tighter, making her gasp for air.

  “What are you doing to me?” He was trying to keep his voice steady.

  “Everything I possibly can.” She laughed out loud again in exhalation. She was afire at the thought that this amazing-looking man was hers. She pressed herself against his body, asking him to hold her even tighter. She wanted to feel and enjoy every inch of him.

  “I missed you, baby,” he murmured.

  “I know, and I’m sorry, but I had a lot of things on my mind,” she said. “I never stopped wanting you. I was just exhausted.”

  “Troy is coming over at nine,” he reminded her. “You haven’t forgotten that we have to go and talk to Eva, have you?”

  “No, I do remember, but it’s only seven-thirty, and for the next half hour, you are completely mine.” She was giggling.

  “Mmmmm…I like the sound of that,” he said, laughing with delight.

  “I surrender,” he murmured. He lay flat on his back and moved his arms behind his head, stretching leisurely. “Go ahead. I’m all yours.” A wide smile was spread across his face as her arms reached around his broad shoulders, pulling him into a kiss so fervent, so intense, he gasped for air. The next half hour was mind-blowing.

  In the shower, Arielle remembered to ask Sebastian about his plans to disguise Ian and Eva’s sudden healing. How were they going to explain something like that to people around them? That is when she found out about his decision to send Ian and Eva on a holiday.

  “Have you told Ian?”

  “Yes,” he said. “Ian was actually very happy about spending time in a secluded place.”

  “Where are they going?”

  “I thought they could use the house in Tuscany. Don’t you think they would be happy there for a month or so? Geneva said she would be more than happy to look after them.” Sebastian had a sly smile on his face.

  “Oh! Sebastian, that is wonderful,” she said. She wrapped her arms around him and held him warmly. She was startled when he picked her up and locked their lips in a luscious kiss. She felt like a little girl every time he did that.

  “When will they have to leave?” she asked.

  “They should leave today, sometime in the afternoon. I already have arranged for their tickets with the airlines. I have also arranged for someone to pick them up at the airport and drive them to the house,” Sebastian stated. He made everything sound so easy. She sighed in amazement.

  “I know they’ll be happy,” she murmured. “It will make their transition much easier.”

  “We have just one more hurdle with Eva, and then we can all concentrate on Gabrielle’s recovery.” He had a thoughtful look in his eyes. His lips found hers again, and their kiss brought her back to reality and ready to face another day.

  Troy arrived exactly at nine, and they drove to Ian and Eva’s. The closer they got the more anxious she felt. The guys were sure that she would be the one to help Eva get through this troubling and stressful moment. She knew Ian would be Eva’s rock because he was the man she loved, but Eva would need Arielle there. They were not just best friends; they were more like sisters. Eva, Gabby, and Arielle had such a strong bond between them that would never break. They knew each other better than anyone else, and that included their parents.

  Chapter 9

  THEY ARRIVED AT IAN AND EVA’S HOUSE around about thirty minutes later, and Ian opened the door. Arielle smiled and gave him a warm hug. Looking in his worried eyes, she leaned in and whispered in his ear. “Nothing has changed, Ian, you’re still the same gorgeous man, and my best friend.”

  He grinned and nodded, but she could see stress and bewilderment spread across his face. Arielle stared into his eyes, and it took but a moment to work out the reason he was so agitated. He knew what was about to happen.

  “Hey, you guys!” Eva called out cheerfully as she approached the front door on crutches. “I’m so happy to see you! What brings you this way?” she asked. “I know you aren’t here to take me dancing,” she snickered, pointing to the large cast on her leg. They all laughed, and Arielle reached over and embraced Eva warmly.

  “No, we’re not going dancing today,” Arielle said, forcing a smile. She could feel her heart drumming, and her stomach churning. “Maybe tomorrow,” she furthered, trying to make light of the situation.

  When they all had moved inside, Arielle hugged Eva, “We’ve missed you, Eva,” she said. “We thought it would be nice to spend a little time together. How are you feeling?”

  “I actually feel great; it’s just a little difficult to move around with this huge cast on my leg.” She looked fondly in Troy’s direction.

  “Troy, you are my hero,” she said. He looked a bit shocked, not being sure what she was referring to. “I’m so grateful about this outcome. Tolerating this leg cast for a short period of time is insignificant. I can’t bear to think the alternative result.” Troy breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and hugged her warmly.

  “How are you, dazzling boy?” Eva said, turning in Sebastian’s direction, reaching out to get a hug. Sebastian couldn’t hold back a hardy laugh. A wide smile spread across his face, and leaning down, he gave her a loving squeeze. He knew how much she loved his dazzling gaze, but the smile left him as soon as realization settled in. He wasn’t going to be able to dazzle her come tomorrow. His expression didn’t change, but his gaze grew uneasy.

  Eva seemed to notice the change in his behavior.

  “Why the long face, Sebastian?” she asked. “You are always the happy one. What’s bothering you?” She was very perceptive to people’s feelings, human or immortal. Arielle was staring at Eva’s back while she was carrying the conversation with Sebastian, and suddenly realization crushed hard into her brain, like a whirlwind twister. An overwhelming sensation of loneliness hit her like a ton of bricks. What if she could never connect with her best friend the same way they did before the accident? Abruptly, she became aware that she now knew the reason she couldn’t read Eva and Ian’s minds in the hospital. They were going through an immortal transformation.

  Her lips tightened and deep emotions slipped stealthily into the depths of her soul. She would never have access to their thoughts again. For a moment, her breath caught in her throat. She had a strong desire to cry, but she reined in her emotions, and the need to cry dwindled away. She took a seat next to Eva and put her arm around her shoulders.

  “Have you been able to remember anything more about the accident?” she asked, wanting to probe a little deeper.

  “Arielle, I have tried hard to remember, but I don’t seem to be able to recollect a single thing from the crash. Everything is a complete blank,” she said, looking puzzled. “Did I tell you that Ian and I went to see the car after we left the hospital?” she asked her.

  “No, but Ian said that he saw the car.”

  “We both did, and we realized that it was only a miracle that kept us alive,” Eva said. Looking at Troy, a wide smile spread across her face.

  “I know!” Arielle replied. “That’s the first thing my mother said when I talked to her the morning after the accident. We were all sure that you had a guardian angel that kept you safe,” Arielle murmured and gave Troy a meaningful look. Her voice was joyful, and Eva embraced her blissfully.

  The guys pretended to be engaged in a conversation about sports. They were letting Arielle lay out the groundwork by having a casual visit with Eva.

  “Arielle,” Eva’s voice drew her out of her thoughts. “Something strange has been happening to me ever since the night of the accident.�
� Arielle stiffened at her words. The guys stopped talking, and their eyes were fastened on Eva’s face. The anxiety spread across their faces didn’t escape Eva.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked. “Why are you all looking at me this way?” Her gaze grew sharper as she glanced between them.

  “Oh, nothing really, Eva. We were a little curious about your statement,” Ian replied.

  “What statement is that?”

  “You said something strange is happening to you,” he mumbled. “I wanted to know if there is something that you haven’t told me.”

  “What’s happening to you?” Arielle asked, waving Ian off.

  Eva turned her gaze to Arielle again and added, “Ever since I woke up at the hospital, I seem to be able to have incredible visions about the future. I can see clearly that Gabby will recover with no complications at all. I can see all of us going on with our lives, as if this incident never took place. I have never experienced visions this powerful and so vivid.”

  “Eva, you were always extremely gifted. I’m not surprised at all,” Arielle said. Silence fell for a short moment. Eva’s face looked puzzled. She drew a deep breath, and her gaze darted between her friends, stopping at Arielle’s face once again.

  “There is a vision that I find a bit peculiar. I see Ian and me in a faraway place,” she said, enigmatically. Arielle felt a tight knot in the pit of her stomach and forced a smile.

  “Really?” she exclaimed.

  “Arielle, I’m completely mystified. The feeling is so real, and the vision so vivid,” she mumbled, pressing her lips together anxiously. After a short pause, she shook her head and continued. “But how can it be?” She turned and swept her gaze over Ian’s handsome face for a brief moment, and then turned back to Arielle. Arielle noticed the fast rise and fall of Eva’s chest as she tried to decipher her own thoughts. She had paused again and was running her tongue over her dry lips, incredulously. “Ian and I wouldn’t think of taking a trip right now,” she said suddenly and groaned. “I’m so frustrated I could scream,” Eva continued. A faraway look flickered in her eyes.


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