Fake It For Me_A Fake Fiance Romance

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Fake It For Me_A Fake Fiance Romance Page 15

by Kira Blakely

  “What, did you buy me that pony I’d always wanted as an apology present?”

  “Just do it,” he said, his tone light. “I promise it’ll be worth your while.”

  I took in a slow breath and walked to the front windows of the house. Sure enough, standing dressed in one of his sleek suits, a long limousine parked behind him, and a bouquet of flowers in his hand, was none other than Connor Rex.

  My heart thudded in my chest, but I knew I had to play it cool.

  “You’ve got a lot of nerve showing up here like something out of an eighties teen movie,” I said.

  From my vantage point I watched as a broad smile formed on his lips.

  “John Cusack’s got nothing on me,” he said.

  A light laugh slipped past my lips. In spite of how angry I was at him, Connor’s charm was almost impossible to resist.

  “Come on out,” he said. “We’ve got some stuff we need to chat about.”

  “And why would I do that?” I asked. “Already tired of your redhead?”

  “No,” he said, “because I want to take you out on the date I should’ve all those years ago. And put on something nice.”

  “You get jeans and a non-oversized T-shirt.”


  The hand holding the phone dropped to my side and I hit the button to end the call. I couldn’t believe that I was giving him another chance after what he’d put me through, but I just couldn’t resist him. Connor had a hold on me with which no other man could hope to compare.

  “This had better be good,” I said, stepping toward him outside after I’d thrown on some new clothes.

  “It will be,” he said.

  With that, he opened the back door of the limo and gestured for me to get inside. Shaking my head, as if in disbelief at my own actions, I entered the car. Connor followed me into the sleek interior, shutting the door behind him. Once seated, he gave the glass partition between the back and the driver a quick rap, and we were off.

  “You know,” I said, looking around the low-lit back of the limo, “there wasn’t a girl at Hemswood High that didn’t dream of being taken out for a night on the town by you.”

  “So I hear,” said Connor.

  “Never thought it would be me,” I said. “And even if I’d let my fantasies take me away, I never would’ve guessed I’d be in a limo with you while fighting off the urge to pour a glass of wine and toss it in your face.”

  “I suppose there’s a first time for everything,” he said, cracking open a bottle of white and pouring two glasses.

  “I suppose so,” I said.

  “You walked into that office at the most inopportune time imaginable,” Connor said.

  “No freaking kidding.”

  “It was so inopportune, in fact, that I couldn’t help but feel that there was something going on. But you should know that what was happening between that woman and I wasn’t what you thought, what any of you thought.”

  I crossed my arms over my breasts and lowered my eyes.

  “I didn’t do anything with that girl. In fact, all I could think about while she was throwing herself at me was, well, you. I told her over and over that I wasn’t interested, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. Then she pounced, and that’s when you all walked in.”

  Connor went on with his explanation, getting to the part where Richter let it slip that he was behind the setup.

  “You’re serious?” I asked. “It was all a ploy to make you look bad?”

  “Never underestimate the underhandedness of the envious,” he said, shrugging slightly.

  “And now what?” I asked.

  “Meeting with the board tomorrow. They’re going to find out everything, and whatever happens, happens, I suppose.”

  If what he said was true, then there was nothing else to be said about the matter. Connor had been set up, and I’d fallen for it.

  “And what about…us?” I asked.

  “That’s why I’m here,” he said. “I know that I can’t go back in time, and that I can’t make up for the way I treated you. But I can show you a night out that a woman like you deserves.”

  I couldn’t help but smile.

  “And just what do you have in mind?”

  Right at that moment, the limo came to a halt.

  “Take a look—we’re at the first stop.”

  I glanced out the window and gasped. We were in downtown Hemswood and parked in front of La Poisson Rouge, one of the fanciest restaurants in town—at least, fancy when you’re a sixteen-year-old-girl.

  “Well, well,” I said. “You’re finally taking me to the number one restaurant choice for any Hemswood boy hoping to impress a girl.”

  He flashed me a smile.

  “Is it working?”

  “My inner high-schooler is very, very impressed.”

  He matched my smile with a wry grin of his own.

  “Then shall we?”

  “We shall.”

  The interior was lovely. I’d never eaten at Le Poisson Rouge before, and though I was more than happy to give Connor shit for taking me here, it had always been a dream of mine in high school to have a boy take me here, to be seated at one of the white-linen-covered tables in the back, the Hemswood downtown alive with evening pedestrians outside of the window. I would fantasize about ordering the crème brûlée after our dinner and cracking the crusted sugar on top at the same time as my date.

  “Wait,” I said after our meal when our crème brûlée was placed in front of us. “We gotta do this at the same time.”

  “Is that right?” asked Connor, his spoon raised and ready to go.

  “Just go with it,” I said.

  Connor complied, and with a backward count from three we both broke the sugar at the same time. Call me silly, call me sentimental, but it was exactly what I’d dreamed it would be.

  After our meal, Connor and I took a stroll through downtown, the familiar sights bringing to mind memories of the brief time he and I shared together so many years ago. As the night went on, as he and I laughed and reminisced, I felt the bitter memories I had of Connor fade, to be left in the past where they belonged.

  “Where to now?” I asked, half-jokingly. “Cupid’s Crest?”

  Cupid’s Crest was the famous make-out spot in Hemswood, and the concluding point of any good date.

  “Hey,” he said, a playful expression on his features, “I guess it’s true what they say about great minds.”

  I gave Connor a playful nudge, my joking suggestion now seeming quite appealing. We made our way back to the limo and we were soon off, the car making its way up the curving roads to the bluff overlooking the city.

  Once we came to a halt, Connor looked away pensively, as though he had something on his mind that he didn’t quite know how to say.

  “I’ve never been one for big declarations like this,” he said, his voice heavy with emotion. “But here goes.”

  He took a slow, deep breath and went on.

  “I love you, Alice,” he said. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved another woman. And not knowing what I had back when I had it was one of the greatest mistakes of my life. Thinking about how different my life might’ve been if I hadn’t run away from my feelings all those years ago… Well, it’s too difficult to really think about. But you’re here now, and there’s not a chance I’m going to let you go for a second time.”

  My heart ached with his words, and I waited for him to go on.

  “Commitment has always been a four-letter word to me, but something about you makes the idea of it less frightening. And not just that, you make the idea of it seem wonderful. So, if you’re ready to give you and me another chance, I’m ready for you.”

  It was all I’d wanted to hear and more. Leaning in close, I kissed him softly on the lips.

  “Let’s see where this takes us,” I said.

  He pulled me close and kissed me back hard.

  Well, I thought, my heart pounding with excitement—here we go.

/>   Chapter 27


  “And you expect us to believe all of this?”

  Lionel’s tone was one of extreme skepticism. Seated across from the board, I sat with a heavy heart as I finished telling the story of just what had happened, of what Richter had schemed to do.

  “You don’t have to take my word for it,” I said. “Bring the man himself in here. I’m sure he’ll be ready to back up everything.”

  Wendy raised an eyebrow.

  “And why would he be so eager to fess up?” she asked.

  “Richter’s a fine doctor,” I said, “but he’s not really cracked up for the Machiavellian stuff. Once I put two-and-two together and confronted him about all of this he broke down on the spot. I doubt he’d be any better with the three of you seated across from him.”

  “You are aware that this is your word against his, correct?” asked Earl.

  “Trust me,” I said. “He’ll set things straight.”

  Lionel looked hard at me for another few, very long moments. Then he pressed down the call button on the intercom.

  “Bring in Doctor Delahunt.”

  The doors to the boardroom opened a second later and in shuffled the nervous, cowering form of Richter. He seemed to know just what he was in store for.

  “Have a seat, doctor,” said Lionel, gesturing to the chair next to mine.

  I had to use just about every bit of restraint possible to not smirk at the sight of Richter squirming out of the corner of my eye.

  “I don’t think I need to repeat the exact claims that Dr. Rex has made against you, correct?”

  “No, sir,” said Richter, every bit of the cocky airs he’d put on when he thought he had been cornered gone.

  “They’re…rather serious, to put it mildly,” said Wendy. “Scheming with one of the nurses to trap Dr. Rex in a compromising position—we’ve fired people for much, much less.”

  “It’s a lie,” said Richter, his voice small.

  A silence fell over the room.

  “You care to repeat that?” asked Earl.

  “It’s a…”

  Richter wasn’t even able to finish the sentence.

  “Fine, fine!” he blurted out. “It was all a goddamn setup! I brought Lillian on board—it was all me!”

  The board shared knowing glances and I kept my mouth pressed into a hard line.

  “But leave Lillian out of this,” he said, looking up with fearful eyes.

  “Oh?” asked Lionel. “And why should we do that?”

  “Because she was only in on this on account of me blackmailing her. I came across pictures of her on the internet that she wouldn’t have appreciated getting out. I told her that I’d keep her little secret under wraps, but only if she’d do a favor for me.”

  “Then you coerced her into doing this?” asked Lionel.

  “That’s right.”

  “Then we’ll take that into account when deciding on her punishment for her role in this damned debacle. As of you, Richter, you’re not going to be getting off so easily.”

  Richter nodded slowly, appearing to accept his fate.

  “LA is off the table for you, of course,” said Lionel. “But we’ve just gotten word of a new position in the cardiac unit at one of our sister hospitals in rural Idaho.”

  “Very, very rural,” added Wendy.

  “Perhaps a few years working away from the hustle and bustle of the city will do you some good, Doctor,” said Lionel as he weaved his hands together on the table in front of him.

  “I…see,” said Richter.

  The man was lucky as hell—he very well could’ve been out of a job.

  “Unless you have anything else to say, doctor, you’re excused.”

  He opened his mouth to speak but said nothing. It appeared possible that he was considering spilling the beans about my little caper with Alice, but if that was indeed what he was thinking, he showed some wisdom in not saying another word. After all, it was his word against mine, and bringing up something like that was sure to result in nothing but more scandal.

  “Nothing else,” he said, defeated.

  “Then you may leave,” said Lionel.

  Richter stepped out of the room, the door thudding shut behind him.

  “And that leaves you, Dr. Rex,” said Lionel. “I suppose some apologies are in order. We were too quick to assume the worst about you, and a scandal was nearly the result.”

  “The position in LA is still open, should you still want it,” said Earl.

  I sat back in my chair, thinking the matter over carefully. I closed my eyes and pictured just what my life in LA might be like.

  It was surprisingly easy to imagine. The image of Alice appeared. She was dressed in a two-piece swimsuit, her bottom half wrapped in a colorful sarong. She walked lightly along the surf, the breath of the waves rendering her steps silent. The sun was a brilliant orange behind her as it dipped behind the waves. Scampering behind her was Hunter, laughing happily as he chased the receding waters back into the ocean, only to run back to the shore as they returned. I was seated on the beach, the sand warm against my body. I watched the scene with happiness in my heart, knowing that everything I’d ever wanted was right there.

  Alice smiled back, and the picture was complete.

  “Well?” asked Lionel, his inquisitive voice snapping me out of my reverie. “The transfer, Connor. Is it something that you’re still interested in?”

  I sat back and smiled.

  “I’m ready,” I said.

  Chapter 28


  Months later…

  “Morning, baby.”

  I opened my eyes, the world bleary all around me. My arms instinctively shot out, my well-slept muscles stretching, waves of relief shooting up and down along my body. A little squeal of delight slipped out from my lips. I turned toward the direction of the voice and there was Connor, lying on his side and propped up on his taut, muscular arm, the blanket draped low over those impossibly sexy notches of his hips.

  “Morning, hot stuff,” I said, moving my body toward him and planting a kiss on his full, red lips.

  A little surprise awaited me as I pressed my body against his—Connor’s cock was at full attention, stone-solid and ready to be shoved into something warm and wet.

  “You look like you have something on your mind,” I said, enjoying the feeling of his prick pressed against my belly.

  “Mmm, just thinking about how I can’t even begin to imagine getting tired of waking up to this face,” he said.

  “Such a charmer,” I said, a wave of hot emotion running through me.

  I was playing it cool, but I’d be lying through my teeth if I said that a well-placed Connor Rex compliment didn’t make my stomach flutter like I was a teenager all over again.

  “I’m serious,” he said. “Every day waking up with you has been a gift. Sometimes I worry that I’m still in some kind of dream, and that I’ll awaken for real, put my hand on your side of the bed and find it flat and cold.”

  Now I was getting all teary-eyed. This Connor, this emotionally expressive version of him, was new and thrilling. Few things made my heart sing more than when he’d share something new like this, expose some previously-hidden vulnerability. He was the same man he’d always been, but now with a shade of maturity that fit him like one of his well-tailored suits.

  “You don’t have to worry about that,” I said as he moved his hand along the soft curves of my hips. “I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Hmm,” he said, looking away for a moment.

  “OK,” I said. “There’s no way you can make a noise like that and not expect me to be curious.”

  “Nah,” he said. “Some things are better left unsaid. Besides, it’s a little, ah, salty for first thing in the morning.”

  I nuzzled closer to him, pressing my belly against his cock and making it clear without saying a word just what I wanted.

  “I think you’d better let me be
the judge of that,” I said with a sly smirk.

  “Fine,” he said. “I was just thinking about while it’s very, very nice to have you lying here at my side, I can’t help but think that there’s a position I’d much rather see you in.”

  “Is that so?” I asked, the words music to my ears.

  “Care to let me show you?”

  “I can’t think of anything I’d like more.”

  Connor moved in and kissed me again, this time the kiss slow and deep. Our tongues played together, sliding along one another, the incredible taste of Connor running over my palate like a heavenly wave. And as we kissed, Connor moved his right hand down, down, along my leg. He stopped at my knee and slipped his fingers between my thighs, moving slowly and deliberately along the sensitive flesh.

  By the time he reached my pussy and moved along my lips with the side of his index finger, I was shocked at just how wet I’d become. I let out a long sigh as he teased my cunt with his fingertips, spreading my lips open and dancing along my clit, each tap of pressure sending blasts of ecstasy up and along my skin.

  “Oh god,” I moaned as he slipped a finger inside of me.

  Connor entering me was as indescribable as it always was, but on this particular morning, I was so fucking horny that anything inside of me other than the cock pressed against my stomach was sure to be not enough. I reached down as he fingered me, wrapping my slim fingers around his girth. Connor shuddered as I touched him. I moved my index finger over his head, a smile spreading across my face as I felt just how wet and dripping he already was.

  I moved my fingertip onto the small bead of cum, scooping off the end of him. My eyes locked onto Connor’s, I brought my finger up and wrapped my lips around it.

  “How does it taste?” asked Connor, his voice a low purr.

  “So fucking sweet.”

  I wasn’t exaggerating even a bit. Connor’s cum was like ambrosia. This answer appeared to be just what Connor wanted to hear. With a keen, effortless motion, he moved his hands onto my hips and positioned me with my back down on the bed, his body between my legs and his eyes boring deep into mine. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his hips, pulling him close. His cock grazed my lips, the sensation like nothing else. But Connor stopped short just before entering me.


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