Phoenix Flying

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Phoenix Flying Page 9

by Kaitlin Maitland

  He used his mouth! This beautiful, sexy man just put his tongue on her clit. Maybe that’s why she was breathless. It was shock and not the aftereffects of passion. She’d never experienced anything like that. Jason Paul did not perform oral sex on women. They performed it on him, something she’d grown disgusted with during the first year of marriage. She might not have known what semen felt like, but she sure as hell knew what it tasted like. It tasted like subjugation.

  He rolled to his side and stared down at her. “Hope you don’t think we’re done.”

  There was no way to answer that rhetorical question without making a fool of herself so Anne settled for shaking her head.

  “Your body is so amazing.” His tone was almost reverent as he smoothed the palm of one hand down her thigh.

  Even to her ears her chuckle sounded bitter. “So you’re a chubby chaser, huh?”

  His blue gaze left its perusal of her body to glare at her face. “No, I’m just a man who appreciates a woman that looks like a woman.”

  He gently tugged her thighs apart. A cool whisper of air brushed over the aroused flesh between her legs. Anne shivered, feeling so outside her expectations that she didn’t know what to say. When he used two fingers to stroke her pussy, she decided it didn’t matter. She bit her lip and fought back the urge to moan and writhe on the bed.

  “Let me see how much you like it. Don’t hide your pleasure from me, Anne.”

  Her hips tilted of their own volition, practically begging him for more. She felt as if she didn’t know her body anymore. She’d had two orgasms already today and she hadn’t even had sex! She hadn’t been aware that was possible.

  He scooted closer on the bed, his body hot alongside hers. Using his knee, he held one of her legs down while he lifted the other with his hand. He pushed on her leg to spread her wider. She was deliciously exposed. It felt wanton and sexy, as if she were some kind of seductress, even though she was nothing of the sort.

  “I’m going to make you come again.” He lowered his head and pressed a line of light kisses down her jawbone.

  “What about you?” She managed to squeeze the words out around a gasp.

  His laugh made her belly clench tight. “Oh, I’ll get mine. When your pussy is good and ready I’ll slip inside you and enjoy every second of it. The waiting makes it sweeter.”

  The words enflamed her already out of control lust and sent her plummeting over the edge of reason. The idea that this god of a man could possibly anticipate joining with her, of all people, was a heady aphrodisiac.

  Her spine arched when his fingers splayed against her clit. He began to work the tiny nub, flicking it, tugging it, and making her gasp as she tried and failed to hold still. Heat scorched her nerves. She was catching fire, flames licking along her fingers and toes. A harsh ripple of tension strung her muscles tight as a bow. It escalated with each stroke of his hand. It rose until she had no choice but to surrender to a climax that left her panting and shattered.

  Harsh breathing drew her attention away from her own fulfillment. Gabriel was flat on his back again, his massive chest rising and falling as he sucked in deep draughts of air. He braced his feet on the bed and lifted himself far enough to slide his pants and underwear over his hips and down his legs. She heard his clothing hit the floor, but she couldn’t tear her gaze away from the sight of him.

  His cock still looked larger than life to her. She had a moment’s apprehension that the thing would ever fit inside her body. Yet she wanted it, desperately. Covered in satiny skin a few hues duskier than the rest of his skin, it was beautifully formed. The crest was wet with precum. The fluid had smeared across his belly and glistened in the dim light coming from the window.

  Had her mind not been so addled with the three orgasms she’d already had that day, she would have never considered doing what she did next. She wanted this though, the courage to do what she never would have with anyone else. His eyes were closed and this would be her best chance.

  Getting unsteadily to her knees, she climbed awkwardly astride his body and settled on top. She lifted herself, thinking that books and movies made this particular maneuver seem a little easier than it really was. Wriggling a bit, she reached down and grasped his shaft in her hand.

  His eyes snapped open at the contact. “Not that I mind, but we should be rational adults and discuss protection before we go any further. I’ve been tested and I’m clean, but it’s up to you. I have condoms in the drawer.”

  Anne froze. Her ex had always been careful to pull out in time, but she didn’t want that with Gabriel. “I’m disease-free.” She blushed, thinking she’d rather he not know how inexperienced she really was. “And I’m not going to get pregnant either.”

  Not wanting to waste another moment, she fit the head of his cock into her opening and sank slowly onto his erection. He groaned hoarsely, and Anne became violently aware of the extreme pleasure of having his huge penis inside her not-very-experienced vagina. She felt full to bursting and excited beyond her wildest imaginings.

  “Bloody hell, woman.” He grabbed her hips and forced her to hold still. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

  She tried to hold still, but her efforts didn’t last long. She wanted to move. She wanted to grind her pussy against him and feel the intensity of each stroke on the muscles coming to life inside her body.

  Rocking back and forth, she let the primal rhythm of sex claim her fully. Nothing else mattered. Not her ex, not dating, not her life, not anything but the man beneath her. Gloriously full of cock and loving every second of it, Anne became vaguely aware of tension building not in her own nervous system, but inside Gabriel’s.

  Fascinated, she gazed down into his face. Taut lines of angst bracketed his eyes and mouth. His handsome features contorted into something animalistic, base, and absolutely beautiful. His grip became sharp, his fingers digging into the flesh of her hips. Muscles in his arms bulged as he began to control the pace and rhythm of their movements. Swept away by the show, she eagerly let him teach her how to find completion.

  He drove her harder, faster, and then suddenly slower, until Gabriel convulsed. A muscle spasm made his abdominals ripple like a wave, and inside her body she felt his cock pulse. Heat filled her channel and made her cry out as the unexpected kiss of an orgasm sent her spiraling back to heaven.

  When the last undulating muscle convulsion left her limp, Anne collapsed to Gabriel’s chest and lay there. In that moment she was too sated, too tired to worry about whether or not he thought she was too heavy. In the aftermath of passion, this was the one last thing she craved. For just a little while.

  Gabriel had never in his life experienced that kind of sex. He didn’t know what it was. Only that he couldn’t slap a label on it or hope to recreate it with anyone else. More than that, he didn’t want to.

  She was a sweet weight against his chest. Her soft sighs of contentment warmed him from the inside out. What sort of idiot had ever let her get away? That kind of passion didn’t come along every day. You couldn’t buy it, sell it, or teach it. Women like Anne were one in a million. How typical of fate. The bitch had sent him the perfect woman when he had no business considering a long-term attachment.

  He sighed, letting his fingers drift over Anne’s soft skin to make lazy circles. He couldn’t see into the future, but he knew he wanted this woman in it.

  It started with a little wriggle. Several minutes later she was trying to inch away from him on the bed. Gabriel wondered how long it would take her to either have second thoughts or try to tell herself they’d shared casual sex and nothing more.

  When she started to get up, he snagged one hand and laced his fingers with hers. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I need to use the restroom.”

  He started to let go.

  “Then I thought I would go ahead and get out of your hair.”

  Gabriel rolled over and grabbed her, tucking her against his chest. “Care to explain why you’re all
set to leave me high and dry?”

  He could feel the confusion in her tense muscles. She seemed at a loss for words. It was difficult not to wonder just how horrible her previous liaisons had been. Did the men just kick her out of bed once it was done? Or was she the one bolting for the door?

  “I don’t have much experience with this type of thing, but I don’t want to intrude on your privacy.” He had to respect her unflinching tone though he detested her words.

  “My privacy?”

  “Yes, of course.” She sounded more confident now. “My ex-husband especially wanted the bed to himself once we had…made love.”

  “I see.” And he did. That bastard had never shared a bed with his wife. He’d treated her like nothing more than a common whore. “And what you did with your ex—it was similar to what we just shared?”

  “God, no.” She clapped a hand to her mouth, a giggle slipping out and warming his heart. “Um, I’ve never…that is to say… You’re only the second man I’ve ever been with, but this was nothing like I’ve ever experienced.”

  His satisfaction at her declaration was almost wiped out by the realization that the woman was practically a virgin. They’d just shared the kind of sex that people only dream of, and she didn’t even know it. “So you’re making the assumption that what just happened is a run-of-the-mill sexual encounter?”

  She didn’t answer right away, and he wished he could see her face. She was warm and soft against him. Her scent was wrapping him in a cocoon of sweet femininity. He wanted to bask in that feeling for the rest of his life.

  “I suppose I did think that because you’re just…so…manly.” She made a little sound he took for embarrassment. “I don’t want you to think that I’m going to demand anything from you.” The words tumbled out hastily, as if she were trying to get them all in the open before she lost her courage. “Men like you”—she waved her hand to indicate his body—“don’t belong with women like me.”

  “Rubbish,” Gabriel grunted.


  Letting go of her, he rolled to his back and stacked his hands beneath his head. He was disgusted with her, with the world, and mostly with himself. “I said, that’s rubbish.”

  She scooted to the edge of the bed and stood up. Two delicate lines appeared between her eyebrows. “What does that mean, exactly?”

  Bloody hell! Now she wanted a vocab lesson? “I think the translation would be something along the lines of that’s a load of crap.”

  Her frown grew more pronounced. “Oh, I see.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  Gabriel wished it were possible to hit a rewind button and erase the last two hours of his life. Except, that would mean giving up the experience of being with Anne. The most incredible sex of his life, and he’d picked the one woman in the world who would let him have it with no strings attached.

  Apparently men like him were fine to fuck on the side, but you didn’t take them home to meet the family. He was reminded of her earlier refusal to consider him as a prospective date to her father’s retirement party.

  A red flush crept up her neck and colored her cheeks. “I just… I only came here tonight because I wanted to know what it was like to have real sex.” She avoided his eyes. “You know, with someone who has a clue what he’s doing.”

  Her confession filled him with remorse. This night had been doomed before it began. How many strikes against them was this? Her complete lack of confidence in her own desirability, his avoidance of long-term commitments, and having no-strings-attached sex because she was enjoying a belated attempt at sowing her wild oats.

  He should’ve walked away. She didn’t care any more than Franny had.

  Anne wished she had just a little more experience with men. She’d only been trying to make it clear that she didn’t harbor any ridiculous notions about his intentions. She knew it was just sex. If she had just a little less pride she’d be on her knees thanking him for giving her a taste of something amazing. Granted, now that she knew how absolutely stunning the experience could be, it would be hell trying to find another lover to measure up. Even if all the things he’d said about liking her body were true, and she really suspected him of being polite enough to soothe her pride, nature hadn’t intended a girl with Anne’s looks to wind up with a man like Gabriel.

  The silence had grown awkward. Anne shifted from one foot to the other and wondered if she should just leave. She was starting to feel like a party guest who’d overstayed her welcome.

  “I’m glad I could fulfill that need for you, but I suppose I’ve made myself redundant, haven’t I?” Gabriel snorted and swung his legs over the edge of the bed.

  He sounded so dull and flat. Had she been that much of a disappointment? The sting of tears was totally unexpected. She blinked furiously to hold them back. She was not going to cry just because she’d failed to live up to Gabriel’s expectations. She’d warned him after all.

  “I’ll walk you to your car then,” he said.

  Anne’s mouth went dry as she watched him pull his pants back on. If you Googled “the perfect butt” online, she was pretty sure a picture of Gabriel’s ass would come up first. He carefully tucked his cock into his fly. Even soft it was bigger than she’d ever imagined a guy’s dick would be. Paul had been a big fan of broadcasting his belief that he was well hung. Now she knew he was all talk.

  “You going to get dressed?”

  Her face flamed red-hot as she realized he was now dressed and she was still naked. “Oh! Pardon me. I’ll just…be a second.”

  She scooped up her discarded panties, stockings, and shoes before dashing out of the bedroom in search of her remaining clothing.

  The green dress was in a puddle on the floor. Anne hopped a little to get her panties back on before pulling the stretchy dress over her head and yanking the skirt into place. She’d barely managed to cover herself before Gabriel stalked into the room. He already had his boots on and his T-shirt tucked in. She would’ve never known he had just finished making love to a woman had she not been there herself. His scowling expression didn’t look like the face of a satisfied man.

  “Where’d you park?” he asked tersely.

  She glanced at her stockings, feeling so out of her depth that all she wanted to do was run home and sob. “I walked. I don’t live far.” She stuffed the stockings in her purse and shoved her feet into her heels. “I guess I’ll just…see you around.” She’d been edging toward the door while trying to make her awkward excuses. Snagging the handle, she decided it was time to make a hasty exit.

  “Hang on, you’re planning to walk? Alone?” He started muttering beneath his breath. She couldn’t understand anything he was saying. Something about nuts, shambles, and rubbish, which were not words she typically thought of in the same context.

  Her traitorous tear ducts began to rebel once again and Anne grew desperate. “Thanks again and have a wonderful evening.”

  She flung open the door and trotted down the wooden steps just as quickly as she could in the flimsy heels, which wasn’t very fast. As exits went, it wasn’t impressive or cosmopolitan.

  So focused on not falling flat on her face, she didn’t realize Gabriel was right behind her until she paused at the bottom to find the back door. His huge hand on her arm made her freeze.

  “Wait one bloody minute, will you?” His frown was now epic. “I’m not letting you walk home alone this time of night.”

  She wished his touch weren’t so electric. Even under these tense circumstances she was fighting back the urge to fling her arms around his neck and beg him to take her back to bed.

  No more begging. She had begged enough for one lifetime and look where that got her. Divorcing Paul and dealing with his emotional shit had destroyed what little self-confidence she had. A man like Gabriel had the potential to lay waste to her in ways she couldn’t even imagine. It was better to walk away now. Savor the experience and find a modicum of happiness with someone like…like…

  Why c
ouldn’t she remember his name? Oh yes! Stewart!

  “Anne?” Gabriel’s expression was like a thundercloud. “I’ll walk you home.”

  “That’s really not necessary.”

  He took her elbow and all but shoved her toward the back door. “Yeah, it is.”


  Gabriel couldn’t wrap his head around the puzzle that was Anne. She thought she’d just walk home, in the dark, after midnight, by herself? Worse, she thought he’d let her? If he hadn’t been so certain she didn’t mean anything by it, he’d have been insulted.

  The night was dark and still with only the pale light of a crescent moon. He inhaled deeply as they crossed the small paved parking area behind the Phoenix and headed for the sidewalk. The heavy scent of the river overshadowed the city smells in the humid air. Other than the muted sound of the jukebox in the bar, there was no noise.

  “You didn’t have to do this,” she told him.

  He watched her wobble on the uneven cobblestone street before stepping onto the level sidewalk. “Yes, I did.”

  “Don’t you have to get back to work?”

  “I took the rest of the night off.” He followed her in what he could only assume was the direction of her building. Half a block would put them right in front of the park where he’d seen her that morning.

  The memory of touching her soft, fat pussy for the first time gutted him. It was worse now that he’d known the sweetness of being inside her. He knew the sounds she made when she found her climax and the way her body felt in the throes of passion. In short, he knew too much.

  “I’m sorry.” In the glow of the streetlamps, her expression was disproportionately horrified. “I’ve ruined your plans for the rest of the night.”

  If he hadn’t known better, he’d think she was truly mourning the idea. Except that would have made no sense. Didn’t the daft woman understand that she had been the sum of his plans for the rest of the night?


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