Unbreak My Heart_BWWM Romance

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Unbreak My Heart_BWWM Romance Page 8

by Shanade White

  When his hands stilled, she opened her eyes and looked up at him. He said, “I’ve been thinking about this for so long, but I want to make sure this is what you want too.”

  Chapter 8

  Heather nodded her head, incapable of speech, then pulled his head down and kissed him, her hands roaming over his body before finally wrapping around her erection. She stroked him until he slid his hand between her legs again and stroked her with his finger, releasing a burst of pleasure so intense she opened her legs and raised her hips up to meet him. When his finger slid insider her, she was hot and wet, more than ready for him.

  Sliding between her legs, he found her mouth again, then slid inside her, nearly losing it when her body readily accepted his. Heather was so shocked by the feeling of Brian buried so deeply inside her that she couldn’t help but whimper with pleasure, the connection between them suddenly so complete that the tight coil of pleasure deep inside her began to unravel. With each thrust of his powerful hips, she felt it growing and tightening inside her, an experience she’d never felt before.

  She grabbed his shoulders, her nails digging in and wrapped her legs around his hips, opening herself even further to him. Brian was beyond thought now, his body humming with pleasure, his own tight coil beginning to expand and grow, pushing him to the limits of his control. He didn’t want it to end, but their joining was so complete that his body was beyond his control, the feeling of connection between them so powerful he knew that it would take very little to send him over the edge.

  Heather’s orgasm was all it took, her body began to shake, and she cried out his name, sending him over the edge. It was nothing like he’d ever experienced, Heather’s body took his deep inside her and gripped him, her muscles clenching around him until with one final shudder, she lay still. As the final wave of pleasure washed over him, he knew that no woman would ever make him feel like Heather did and that no matter what else he did in his life, keeping her was the key to his happiness.

  Heather lay with Brian’s body on top of hers, amazed at what she’d just experienced, sex had never been that important to her, but this had been more that sex. She and Brian had connected in a way she’d never thought possible, in a way you only read about in books, and tears sprang to her eyes. Nothing would ever be the same for her again, she knew that the depth of her pleasure was due to the love she felt for him, a love so intense that she’d been unprepared for the extent of it.

  Brian rolled off of her then pulled her closer, loving the feeling of her naked skin against his. “This room has taken on a completely new look,” he said, kissing her and thinking that he would never be able to get enough of her.

  Heather couldn’t help but laugh, “I’ll certainly never look at it the same way again.”

  Later they slipped out of the clinic, both still high on the passion they’d shared, but very aware that at some point what they shared would be tested. They didn’t talk about love, or the future, simply walked in silence to her little house and climbed into her bed and fell asleep in each other’s arms. Tomorrow would be soon enough to face what was to come, a separation they both dreaded but knew was necessary.


  Brian woke with Heather wrapped around him, her face pressed against the back of his neck, her breathing tickling the little hairs there and sending delicious little shivers through his body. He untangled himself gently and rolled over to look at her, thinking that she looked even more beautiful when she was sleeping, and knew that he’d be a happy man if he could wake up next to her for the rest of his life. That thought shocked him, but as it settled a little more in his brain, he realized that it made him happy to envision a life with Heather.

  The Amazon was calling his name, the research project still a huge part of his life, but he had no intention of leaving yet, it was too soon, he and Heather needed more time to figure out what was happening between them. Life was full of surprises and changes, some better than others. Heather was a wonderful surprise, one that he wasn’t willing to let go of just yet. A few more weeks in Homestead wouldn’t make any difference to the project, he could do what he needed to just as easily here as he could there.

  He could have laid there next to Heather for hours just enjoying the feeling of her bare skin against his but a loud rumbling in his stomach made her begin to stir so he slipped out of bed and headed for the kitchen. He made coffee then rummaged around in the refrigerator for something for breakfast. Finally deciding on bacon and eggs, he began to cook. It was a shock to realize just how comfortable he felt in Heather’s kitchen, how normal it seemed to be making breakfast while she slept in the other room.

  When she finally came through the kitchen door, her hair still messy from sleep and dressed in an over sized tee-shirt and fuzzy slippers, she’d never looked more appealing to him. His first instinct was to grab her and take her back to the bedroom, forget coffee, forget breakfast, he wanted her just as much this morning as he had last night, maybe even more. But Heather had a strange look on her face, a look that he couldn’t quite figure out so he settled for pulling her into his arms and a quick kiss.

  “Are you hungry? I’ve almost got breakfast ready,” he said, pouring her a cup of coffee then fixing it exactly like she liked it, with lots of milk and sugar.


  She took the coffee and sat down at the table feeling a combination of love and despair, sure that Brian was going to announce that he was leaving soon. He seemed not to notice her mood and that made her even sadder, last night had been amazing, so amazing that she knew no one would ever be able to make her feel what Brian had.

  It was bittersweet to discover how wonderful love could be only to have it ripped away from her but she reminded herself that she still had at least a few days before he left. She’d make the most of those few days and hope that when he returned to the Amazon he wouldn’t forget her, wouldn’t fall back into his old life, so focused on his research he didn’t have time for anything else. Long distance relationships rarely lasted, and they would be separated by a long distance and difficult terrain.

  But the last thing she wanted to do was spoil the rest of their time together, so she plastered a smile on her face and said, “That smells good.”

  “It’s just bacon and eggs,” he said, setting a plate down in front of her.

  She really wasn’t very hungry so she pushed the food around on her plate, hoping he wouldn’t notice that she wasn’t eating. “Is there something wrong with the food?” he asked, setting his fork down.

  Heather took a bite of bacon and said, “I guess I’m not really that hungry after all.” Then unable to stop herself she asked, “When are you going back to the Amazon?”

  Brian set his fork down, walked around the table and sat down next to her. He waited until she looked at him, then said, “I’m not going anywhere for a while. Did you think I’d just up and leave you after last night?”

  When tears came to her eyes and she nodded her head, he gathered her up in his arms and said, “I'll have to go back eventually, but I’m right where I need to be right now.”

  Heather looked up at him, a tear sliding down her cheek and gave him the first real smile she’d given him all morning. He wiped it away with his finger and stood up, pulled her to her feet and then down the hallway, and showed her just how much he wanted to be right here with her for as long as he could.

  Later as they lay in bed he said, “I don’t have to rush back to the Amazon and for the first time in a long time I don’t want to. I have work I can do here and until we hear from the other labs I can’t finish the project so you’re stuck with me for a while.”

  “I’m sorry I got upset, I just… well sometimes it’s hard to believe that you want to be with me,” Heather admitted, her heart pounding.

  Brian leaned up on one elbow and looked down at her. “I don’t ever want to hear you say that again, you are the most intelligent and beautiful woman I’ve ever met. You fit perfectly in my arms, you're soft in all the right p
laces and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get enough of you,” he said, the look in his eyes making her heart pound even harder. It was much later when they finally got out of bed again and went back to the kitchen to find something to eat.

  Heather would always remember the next two weeks as some of the best times of her life. In love for the first time, she discovered that there was plenty of time for everything in her life, including Brian. If at times she was tired, it was worth it, there would be plenty of time for sleep when he left, long nights she’d have to spend alone. It was a topic they avoided, they both knew that they were living on borrowed time but chose to treasure every minute they had together instead of dwelling on it.

  They’d figure out the future when the time came for Brian to leave, right now she just wanted to enjoy the thrill of the love and passion he’d brought to her life. She knew that Brian was as happy as she was, the smile hardly left his face when they were together and she hardly remembered the man who had struck out at her so many times when he’d been sick. They’d talked about that night. He’d explained about Barbra, embarrassed at his weakness, but Heather had taken him in her arms and made him forget all about the woman who had once haunted his dreams.

  But all too soon life decided it was time to test them, to disrupt their perfect little love affair.

  When Brian came to pick her up after work one night she wasn’t in the lab as usual, he found her in the reception area of the clinic on the phone, an open patient record in front of her. When she hung up the phone, he could tell by the look of concern on her face that someone was sick.

  He stepped up behind her and began to massage her shoulders, “Mmm, that feels good,” she said, rolling her shoulders. “I’m going to have to run up to the village tomorrow. I’ve got a patient that’s really been worrying me and there hasn’t been enough improvement.”

  “How long will you be gone?” Brian asked, already missing her.

  “Just overnight. You could come with me,” she said, closing her eyes and relaxing for the first time that day.

  “I promised Mr. Humphrey that I’d help him butcher that cow tomorrow but I suppose I could try and convince him to wait,” Brian said, his hands no longer on her shoulders but slowly creeping towards her breasts.

  Heather laughed, then moaned when his thumbs brushed across her nipples, sending a wave of pleasure and anticipation through her. They’d made love every night since the first time and she was still as hungry for him as she’d been that night. And she didn’t think the need would ever go away. That was fine with her, she loved the way Brian made her feel, and each time they made love she learned more about what gave him pleasure. In fact, she’d been thinking about him all day, and was finally feeling brave enough to try something she’d never tried before.

  Remembering what they’d been talking about, she said, “He won’t change his plans, that old man is as stubborn as they come. I’ll only be gone overnight.”

  Brian pulled her to her feet and spun her around to face him. “Then we better make the most of tonight, it has to count as two,” he said, then kissed her until her knees were weak.

  After a quick meal at the diner downtown, they walked back to her house, the passion between them already almost to the boiling point. It had been difficult for them to keep their hands off one another at dinner, both aware that after being together almost constantly for the last month, they would be separated for two days. Heather had been thinking about what she would do when they got home and she knew that she had to do it as soon as they walked in the door or she’d lose her nerve.

  Once the front door was closed, she took Brian’s hand and pulled him back to the bedroom without a word. He followed her, more than willing to follow her where she led him. When they got into the bedroom, she pulled him to the end of the bed, then let go of his hand, crossed the room and shut the door.

  When Heather turned back from locking the door, she crossed the room and turned on the light by the bed, filling the room with gentle light. Then she turned back to Brian and stepped up to him and began removing her clothes, her heart hammering in her chest. He watched her, the desire growing in his eyes as each piece of clothing hit the floor, but when he reached for her she stepped back just out of his reach. When she finally stood naked in front of him, she was blushing but unembarrassed, how could she be when it was clear that he liked what he saw.

  Feeling desire spread through her body, she stepped up to him and began to unbutton his shirt, smiling when he sucked in a big breath of air as her hands brushed across his naked chest. She let his shirt slide off his shoulders, then reached for his pants, unbuttoning them and sliding them down but never touching him. When he stood before her as naked as she was, she let her eyes roam over his body, thrills of pleasure rushing through her at the memory of what his body could do to hers.

  She could see the need growing in his eyes and couldn’t miss the throbbing erection that stood out proudly. Stepping up to him she sank to her knees in front of him, looking up and smiling at him when Brian sucked in a deep breath of anticipation. Leaning back on her heels she ran her hands up and down his legs then leaned forward and flicked the tip of his swollen penis with her tongue. The groan that came from the back of his throat sent another wave of pleasure through Heather and any inhibitions that had been holding her back evaporated.

  Gripping him in both of her hands she began to stroke him, her tongue flicking in and out of her mouth. Moaning, Brian threaded his hands into her hair and held on, the pleasure rushing through his body so intense he had to clench his teeth. When she took him in her mouth, her hands cupping his butt, he moaned in pleasure sure that he’d never experienced anything as erotic as that moment. But then Heather began to lick and stroke him, taking him so deeply into her mouth that he was sure he felt the back of her throat, her quiet little purrs of enjoyment only increasing his pleasure.

  In only minutes, Heather had Brian on the brink of orgasm and that was the last thing he wanted, what he wanted was to plunge himself into her hot velvety softness. He pulled her to her feet, threaded his hands through her hair and kissed her until she was moaning, then looked into her eyes.

  “That felt incredible but I can’t take any more,” he said. His eyes full of desire and a bit of playfulness he pushed her down on the end of the bed. “Lie down on the bed sweetheart.”

  Heather slid up the bed and laid back on the pillows, her body throbbing with desire. “Put your arms above your head.” Brian ordered.

  Heather raised her hands above her head, feeling sexier than she ever had, but still a little self-conscious. When Brian said, “Now spread your legs,” she hesitated, but a gentle touch on her foot was all it took to get her to comply.

  He stood looking down at her for several long moments and Heather was sure that she was going to die of longing, to have him so close but not touching her was driving her crazy. The throbbing in her center only increased the longer he stood over her, his erection teasing her with thoughts of what it would feel like to have him buried deep inside her. He knelt on the foot of the bed and she was sure that the moment of satisfaction had finally arrived, but instead of sliding up between her legs, he dipped his head and flicked his tongue over her swollen clit.

  Heather gasped as pure pleasure washed over her, Brian’s tongue lapping at her until with a shudder she exploded into a million pieces, leaving her gasping and trembling with the force of her pleasure. But before the last wave passed, Brian slid his finger deep inside her and continued to use his tongue, immediately causing anther explosion deep inside her. Nearly spent, she was limp on the bed as the last spasm passed but Brian slid up her body, took her mouth with his and slid inside her in one hard thrust.

  Filled so suddenly with his hard, throbbing erection, her body responded and a low moan escaped her lips. Nothing could compare to the feeling of his body deep inside hers and before she could stop herself, she began to rock her hips, needing him deeper still.

  Brian had be
en holding himself back for so long that he couldn’t and didn’t want to do it anymore. Driving himself into her over and over, he let his orgasm take him, the pleasure so intense that everything but the woman underneath him faded to black.

  Heather’s body responded to his, her orgasm deep and full, her body clenching around his until she cried out his name and fell limply back onto the pillows. Brian collapsed on top of her, unable to move for several minutes, his heart pounding in his chest, his breath coming in short gasps. When he was finally able to move, he rolled off her but quickly pulled her to his side, her head resting on his chest. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer, not willing to allow any more space than necessary between them.

  “That might have counted for more than two,” Heather said with a contented sigh.

  “Oh, you think so? Consider that last one a bonus,” Brian said.

  Heather laughed and asked, “What did I do to deserve a bonus?” she asked, then realized what she’d done to deserve it and hid her head in his chest, her face burning.

  Brian tipped her head up and looked into her eyes. “That was the most incredible experience of my life, I hope we can repeat it,” he said, giving her a quick kiss.

  “I think that could be arranged,” Heather said, her face still burning, but very pleased with herself.

  “We could think of it as an experiment. You know, see if the next time is as good,” Brian said with a mischievous grin.

  Heather smiled up at him. “Always the scientist, aren’t you Dr. Taylor.”

  Chapter 9

  Bridget set the phone down very carefully on the desk when what she really wanted to do was throw it across the room and watch it shatter against the wall, but her husband would kill her if she broke another phone. If she broke this one it would have been the seventh in only two years but who could blame her, she had to have some place for her anger to go and therapy was a waste of time. The blame really lay with her three ungrateful sons, who seemed to always be working against her.


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