Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2)

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Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2) Page 35

by Maya Starling

  “Here,” he offered Delilah the cloak. “To keep you warm. We will ride all through the night. No one will be able to follow us, worry not. Too many people will be leaving this village on the morrow.”

  Delilah nodded and accepted the cloak after handing him her backpack. He secured it to the saddle and swung himself up on the horse.

  “I will help you up.” Cassiel offered Delilah his hand again.

  She couldn’t help but glance back again, still afraid Lilith might show up. She turned and gazed up at Cassiel, remembering the moment she’d bounced off his armored chest.

  I finally found my knight in shining armor.

  Delilah smiled at him and Cassiel’s heart melted at the sight. She was perfect, down to that shy dimple in her left cheek. He gave her a reassuring smile in return as she took his hand.

  Cassiel pulled her up behind him and shivered involuntarily when she wrapped her small arms tightly around his waist. He directed the horse outside and towards the east, the moonlight showing them the way.

  He could feel her heart beating against his back. She kept a tight hold on him, as if afraid he might change his mind or disappear.

  “Thank you.” Her sweet breath brushed his ear.

  Cassiel laid his hand atop of hers in acknowledgment and left it there. To keep her hands warm, he tried to reason it out.

  When the village was some distance behind them, Cassiel felt Delilah relax against him, but her hold was still tight.

  She buried her face in his back and inhaled the scent of her freedom and safety. She smiled for the second time that night.

  Chapter 40

  “Stop!” Bast said with an exasperated sigh. “Charlie, switch places with Olivia.”

  A couple of days after Cassiel left, Bast decided that Olivia should continue with her training. She’d even persuaded Charlie to at least try and learn how to defend herself. It was a feat destined to fail. Bast was working with Olivia, taking over Cassiel’s role while Kaden coached Charlie.

  Charlie didn’t possess one tiny little fighting bone in her body. She would just freeze, not even attempting to raise her sword. She’d run away, saying she was fast and that her tactics worked.

  But Bast had had enough. She knew there might come a time when Charlie wouldn’t be able to run, would instead have to stand up for herself.

  “Alright. Olivia, you will practice with Kaden. Work on your defense for a start. And you, Charlie,” Bast sighed again, “I don’t know what to do with you.” She really wanted Charlie to be able to protect herself.

  “I can’t swing at her,” Kaden protested.

  “Do you really want me to be helpless and not learn? Which will be harder for you to bear? Me getting hurt because you did not want to work with me, or teaching me because of the risk that you might, only might, hurt me by accident. I know you will be careful. I trust you will not harm me,” Olivia said to Kaden as she took the stance Cassiel had taught her - body angled slightly to the side, relaxed, with a firm grip on the wooden hilt.

  She raised her practice sword. Olivia was glad she wasn’t using the real axe as when working with Cassiel. He insisted on it, while Bast just wanted her to get used to the movement and the feeling of a battle. Of fighting back, of hitting someone and getting hit in return.

  “Fine.” Kaden grumbled and brought up his own wooden sword. After all Olivia had been through and their little falling-out a few days earlier, he really couldn’t say no to her. Órva’ar agreed as well and the dragon’s confidence and reassurance, that he too would be keeping an eye on Olivia, washed over Kaden and he relaxed.

  “And don’t go easy on me or I’ll spank your behind.” Olivia taunted with a smile, while circling Kaden.

  Seeing the mischievous and happy twinkle again in her eyes, already made the effort worth it for Kaden.

  “Now, Charlie…” Bast said and diverted Charlie’s attention from their friends.

  “Yes?” The redhead looked up at Bast. She bit her lip and the nervousness could be read in her sparkling green eyes.

  “Don’t look at me like that.”

  “Like what?” Charlie asked and tilted her head to the side.

  “Never mind… Alright, you remember the stance?” Bast said and turned to Charlie, the makeshift sword hanging loosely in her hand.

  Charlie nodded and stood with her right foot forward, left back, legs at shoulder width, and her body turned slightly sideways, making her a smaller target. After hesitating a moment, but wanting to impress Bast further, she raised her own wooden sword in front of herself, arm bent at the elbow.

  “Perfect,” Bast praised and Charlie beamed at her.

  Bast couldn’t help but chuckle, an idea forming in her mind.

  “Now, take a swing at me.”

  The smile dropped from Charlie’s face, and she gulped. “I… I can’t do that. What if I hurt you?”

  “That’s the point, Spark. Hurt them before they hurt you. But for now, I promise you won’t be able to even reach me. I just want you to take that first step and just… swing the sword,” Bast coaxed.

  “But Bast –”

  “No, Charlie. I don’t want to hear it.” Her voice was firm and stern. “I thought better of you. I thought you a fighter after all you’ve been through. Don’t you want to be able to finally stand up for yourself, to defend yourself? Come on, Spark… Make me proud.”

  Charlie’s eyes flashed at the challenge. She did want to make Bast proud of her, but then again, what if she hit her? But Bast was a mighty warrior woman; she couldn’t be bested just like that, not by the likes of Charlie.

  “Attack me and I’ll braid your hair again… just you and me… what do you say?” Bast offered in a softer voice.

  A grin spread across Charlie’s face. “Oh… You’re on. It will definitely be worth it.” She bent her knees a bit, lowering her center of gravity.

  “Good girl,” Bast said and smiled back, happy her trick had worked. She would do anything to keep Charlie safe. When the thought brushed her mind and her heart, Bast faltered a bit. She wasn’t really surprised though, Charlie was doing her best to crawl under her skin and squirm her way into Bast’s heart. Now is not the time to examine my feelings… Later.

  Charlie swung the wooden sword high and Bast deftly deflected it with her own. The redhead didn’t stop though, she plunged with the sword and then aimed for Bast’s side, all her attempts easily parried.

  “I did it!” Charlie squeaked once she stopped her awkward and clumsy attacks.

  “Yes, you did. Wasn’t so hard now, was it… We’ll make a real warrior woman out of you yet.” Bast chuckled. She was just glad that Charlie managed to take that step forward, no matter how awful her attempts were.

  “Yay! Can we try again?”

  “We will. But first, you have to face being attacked,” Bast said. When the color drained from Charlie’s face, she quickly added, “I will come at you really, really slowly and you will have plenty of time to react. I promise I won’t even touch you… I just want you to touch my weapon with yours, can you do that?”

  “Just… Just touch yours as you come at me?” Charlie stuttered a bit and Bast nodded. “Alright, I-I guess I can do that.”

  Bast offered a reassuring smile and waited for Charlie to gather her courage.

  When Charlie took the same starting stance, she nodded to Bast that she was ready.

  Once Bast advanced on her, Charlie’s body reacted on instinct after the many months of abuse. The sword dropped from her hand when Bast pulled her own hand back to swing it forward slowly. Charlie wrapped her arms around her head as she curled into herself. The images and recollections assaulted her mind. She thought it would be easier now that she was away from Magnus and Reed, but it wasn’t. The memories played tricks on her, persuading her brain that Charlie’s body was in danger, making her protect her most sensitive parts. Especially her throat. They loved going for her throat even when she was cooperative.

  Charlie whimpered and he
ld her breath, expecting a blow. She couldn’t hear anything above the pounding of her heart in her ears.

  Gentle arms wrapped themselves around her quivering form, enveloping her in a protective cocoon and she buried her face into Bast’s neck.

  “You’re safe… shhh… no one’s going to harm you. No one will ever touch you again. You’re safe. I’ll protect you.” Bast murmured words of reassurance to Charlie. “Just breathe. Come on, Spark… breathe with me.”

  Charlie listened to Bast’s breathing, and her own chest rose and fell in the same rhythm. She wrapped her arms around Bast’s waist in a tight embrace.

  “Charlie, are you – Ow! Kaden!” Charlie heard Olivia squeak. She turned her head to the side, still holding onto Bast, so she could see her friend.

  Olivia was rubbing her behind and glaring at Kaden. The sight made Charlie chuckle and relax further.

  “Did you just –” Olivia waved her wooden sword toward Kaden. “Did you just spank me?”

  “It’s a lesson to be learned. Never let your guard down, even when your friend is in trouble. You won’t be able to help her if you’re hurt, right?” Kaden raised an eyebrow, but was wary of Olivia’s threatening glare and sword.

  “Fine, then it’s time to switch sides. I will attack and you defend yourself.” With that said, Olivia charged at Kaden. He turned and ran.

  Charlie couldn’t help but full-out laugh at the two. Even Olivia started laughing as she chased Kaden around the field, Pup joining her, trying to thwart Kaden’s attempt to flee. Charlie was glad to see her friend sparkle with life again, for Olivia had been so utterly lost and depressed. She did keep up a good façade around her people, but Charlie could hear her sobs at night as Kaden shushed her to sleep.

  “So much for practice today,” Bast said, still holding Charlie in her embrace. It just felt natural.

  “At least I made some progress. I’ll try harder next time. I’m sorry.”

  “No… No, Charlie. Look at me.” Bast took Charlie’s face in her hands and tipped her head up so she could look into those green eyes. Her thumb absentmindedly caressed Charlie’s cheek. “I’m proud of you. You did great today, and I’ll help you conquer your fear further. We’ll do it step by tiny step, together. Alright?”

  Charlie was mesmerized by the closeness of Bast’s face, their lips only inches apart. She wasn’t sure if Bast was talking about practice or the two of them.

  As if reading the confusion on Charlie’s face, Bast added. “We’ll both try…” She kissed Charlie’s forehead in a tender show of affection, letting her lips linger as Charlie closed her eyes and savored the moment.

  “Thank you.” Charlie beamed at Bast when she pulled away. Before she could say anything else, a movement over Bast’s shoulder caught her attention. “Someone is coming.”

  Bast spun, muscles coiled, eyes narrowed, ready for action.

  “Olivia! Kaden! Someone is coming!” Charlie called back to the chasing duo who were quick to join them.

  “There’s ten of them… men and women, adults and children,” Kaden said, “At the back, there’s a giant of a man. You can clearly see him carrying a kid on his shoulders. The ones in front, though, seem familiar… two men, a redhead and… the other one has dark hair, both have bows in their hands.”

  “Theo!” Charlie screamed.

  “Damien!” Olivia added as they both dashed away from Bast and Kaden.

  “Olivia!” “Charlie!” Bast and Kaden yelled together as they ran to follow.

  “Theo!” Charlie shouted louder, as she picked up her skirt and ran faster. Her voice pierced the air, gaining the attention of the oncoming group of people.

  “Charlie!” Theo and Damien’s voices rang back. They parted from the group, swung themselves over the fence, and ran towards the girls.

  “Olivia!” Damien bellowed when he spotted her as well.

  Kaden stopped Bast’s frantic charge when he realized who the men were. “They’re friends.” He just about stopped himself from grabbing Olivia from behind and hauling her back to safety. Bast slowed, but kept an ever watchful eye on the men and people behind them who seemed just as surprised.

  “Pup... stay with me,” Kaden commanded as he watched Olivia and Charlie throw themselves into the men’s arms, hugging them tightly, squealing and laughing with joy.

  He stiffened as Órva’ar’s jealousy coursed through him again.

  Bast noticed his internal struggle. “Don’t do it… remember what happened last time. Olivia will be furious with you. I think she’ll just skip the scolding part this time and walk away.”

  Kaden nodded, letting Bast’s words settle into his mind, reaching Órva’ar. He sent the dragon his own feelings of reassurance and trust for Olivia. With eyes trained on Olivia only, the dragon was soothed.

  “What are you doing here? What happened?” Charlie asked as she switched places with Olivia, so she could hug Damien as well.

  “We missed you, that’s what happened!” Theo teased.

  Charlie chuckled. “No, but really… what happened, who are these people?”

  “All I have to say is - Magnus… he finally snapped. These people are seeking shelter. How about we all sit down somewhere and we’ll tell you all about it? We’re very tired, I can only imagine how they feel.” Theo inclined his head back to their group.

  “Oh! Right! I apologize… where are my manners! Come, follow me and we will get you settled,” Olivia said.

  “Umm… you might want to call off your bodyguards first,” Damien looked behind Olivia towards Bast and Kaden.

  The two were quite a sight. Both tight-lipped, their eyes narrowed, scrutinizing the newcomers. The wooden swords were still in their tight grasps and each had a wild animal sitting next to them.

  “Olivia, you might want to go to Kaden. We don’t want him to go all dragon on us again.” Charlie took an instinctive step back and Theo wrapped a protective arm around her shoulder.

  The action didn’t go unnoticed by Bast and she felt jealousy course through her for the first time. It was an unpleasant feeling and she switched her gaze to Theo only.

  “Dragon?” Damien said.

  “Yes,” Olivia said before moving back to Kaden’s side, “We have a lot of catching up to do. Oh, and Charlie… Bast doesn’t seem too impressed by Theo’s arm around you.”

  Charlie’s gazed shifted to Bast. What she saw made her smile and bite her lip.

  “Is that your girl?” Theo whispered into Charlie’s ear and Damien joined them.

  “Almost there,” Charlie said. “I’m keeping her.”

  “I can see why. That’s one impressive woman,” Damien added, eyes wide at what Bast was wearing. She opted for her usual tribal outfit when practicing, leaving most of her skin and scars for the world to see.

  “Oi! Hands off. She’s mine. You have each other. You didn’t want to share, I won’t either.” Charlie shook Theo’s arm off, stuck her tongue out and walked over to Bast.

  As Olivia approached Kaden, she had to smile. Even though he seemed completely tense, she was glad to notice the absence of amber in his eyes.

  “Hey…” Olivia said shyly as she stood in front of him. “Thank you for not causing a scene.” She wrapped her arms around his waist.

  Kaden exhaled, a sense of peace easing into his mind. “I promised to try harder.” His arms enveloped Olivia.

  “Yes, you did.” Olivia raised herself on the tips of her toes and kissed his lips gently. Kaden relaxed further and she could hear Theo’s teasing whistle behind her.

  She pulled back. “You have met them before. You know you have nothing to worry about. I told you about them, and that Damien is like a brother to me and that the two of them are lovers.”

  “Yes. I know that. I... umm... interrupted them last time.”

  “Oh!” Olivia giggled. “That must have been a sight. Come on…” she took Kaden’s hand and intertwined their fingers. “Let us get them settled and fed. We have a lot to talk about.”

  Kaden raised their joined hands to his mouth and planted a soft kiss to the back of Olivia’s. “Let’s.”

  Charlie simply sauntered over to Bast, took her hand and dragged her toward Theo and Damien, a happy bounce to her step. “Come Bast, I want you to meet my boys.” Charlie glanced over her shoulder at Bast and winked mischievously.

  Bast’s forehead furrowed in confusion. “Your boys?” She spat.

  Charlie didn’t answer and they reached the duo. “Theo, Damien… this is Bast. She’s from the Forbidden Forest and her father is a tribe leader. She’ll be a chief one day, too.” Pride and affection coated Charlie’s voice.

  “Bast, these are Theo and Damien. My best friends. They helped me a lot when I was still traveling with them and Magnus. I spoke of them. They’ve finally left the bastard’s side… oh… and they’re a couple… lovers!” Charlie finished with a wink.

  “Charlie!” Theo and Damien admonished with a sigh of exasperation.

  Bast blushed at the insinuation but chuckled as well. “I experience that a lot with her, too… the exasperation. At least there were two of you to handle her. I have to deal with her on my own… all the time.”

  Charlie blinked once. Twice. Bast’s playfulness and teasing caught her off guard.

  “We’ll get along just fine then,” Theo said, shaking Bast’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  After the introductions were over, Theo and Damien led Kaden, Olivia, Bast and Charlie to meet their group. They appeared weary, hungry, quiet and apprehensive.

  Olivia’s bright smile and personality quickly soothed their unease as she welcomed them into her home and led them to the house.

  She was glad for the new distraction, new people to take care of, wanting to make her mother proud.

  Olivia pulled the velvet burgundy curtain over the boarded-up window. She could hear a storm brewing outside, the wind howling and whistling through the cracks between the slats of wood. Chilled air crept in, and the curtains swayed. Olivia thought the gathering storm a harbinger of things to come, as distant thunder courted the wailing squall.


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