The Smartest Girl in the Room

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The Smartest Girl in the Room Page 18

by Deborah Nam-Krane

  He had just gotten to his hall when he heard Kyra frantically running behind him. "Please Mitch, let me explain!" That gave Mitch the burst he needed to run to his door and lock it before she could force herself in.

  He sat down in the dark. He heard Kyra crying outside, banging on the door, but eventually she left.

  Hours later, Martin turned on the light and jumped when he saw Mitch. "Didn’t you hear Kyra banging on the door?"

  "I did," Mitch barely whispered.

  "What’s wrong?"

  "Did you know that Kyra was screwing Uli?"

  "I think I might have mentioned something if I had! Oh man, I am so sorry."

  "I think most of the Danes knew." He blinked. "I wonder how long that’s been going on."

  "You know she’s not good enough for you, right? It’s hard to think of anything more humiliating than being stepped out on- by her, with him- but take it as a blessing. You’re finally rid of that dead weight."

  "I don’t care."

  "You just told me she’s been making the two-backed beast with someone else, and you don’t care? There’s noble and forgiving, and then there’s being a doormat."

  "I don’t care about her. I’ve tried so hard to care about her that, I don’t know, maybe there’s something, but mostly, it doesn’t matter. I don’t care who she screws."

  Martin was quiet for a minute. "If you don’t care, then why are you with her?"

  "’Cause I’m an idiot."

  "Right... but why did you get with her in the first place? Was it her looks? She’s pretty, but she’s not a goddess."

  "I can’t tell. I’ve been too busy worshipping someone else."

  "So," Martin said slowly. "There was someone else."

  "I don’t... maybe. No, there was. There is. There was someone else. I think about her all the time."

  "Then I’m going to ask a little more clearly. Why were you with Kyra?"

  "I’ll tell you what I told someone else. It was because Kyra was here and Emily wasn’t going to be. It’s that simple."

  "That’s some bargain, except for the part about Kyra being a blithering, cheating idiot."

  "I did it on purpose." He was making himself sick. "I couldn’t have left this person, so I went to Kyra instead."

  "Do you want to start making sense? Were you with the other girl or not?"

  "I was going to be. I had a date with her. It was important. If I’d gone, I don’t think I could have left her. But I had to. I promised my grandmother and my parents and myself. I couldn’t let some nineteen-year-old temptress get in the way of that. Even if she made me feel like everything was the way it should be. Coming here was more important. So there was Kyra, and can you think of a better excuse to not be with someone than being with someone else? So I was. And I lost a friend because of it, but I didn’t care, because I had to come here. Even when I found Kyra waiting for that other guy-"

  "There was another guy?" Martin shook his head. "When was this?"

  "Before we left. Before finals were over. And yeah, I thought I should find Emily then. And someone told me I should. I was in the middle of trying to figure out what to say when Kyra called and begged me to come back. I was going to look an asshole anyway, no matter what. And Kyra said she was sorry. And I couldn’t think of anything I could do to make Emily take me back. So I went back to Kyra."

  "And now here you are, sitting in our room with me. Great plan. Now what are you going to do?"

  "I’m going home."

  "Are you off your head? We’ve got finals next week. Everything’s going down the toilet then, and oh yeah, won’t that ruin your law school plans if you screw an entire quarter?"

  "Then I’ll take them now."


  Richard asked Emily to meet him for tea. When she walked into the café, she saw Richard with a short, pretty girl with wavy dark brown hair. "Hi," Emily said as she sat down. The other woman smiled uncomfortably. Two minutes after Emily arrived, she got up and apologized for not being able to stay longer.

  "That was weird," Emily said after she left. "What was her name again?"

  Richard sipped his coffee. "Sophie."

  "Sophie," Emily repeated. "Gorman?"


  Emily stared at Richard, waiting for him to say something else. He didn’t. "What are you doing?"

  "I want to know what Drew told you about her."

  "Why don’t you tell me what Sophie told you about Drew?"

  "It’s not that simple. I want to know why Drew told you they broke up."

  "Why don’t you ask Drew? Why don’t you ask Sophie?"

  "I’m your friend. I care about you." Emily stiffened. "I think Drew has been lying to you about a number of things, and Sophie’s one of them. I can’t prove it- "

  "Then why bother?" Emily felt tears coming to her eyes. "Did Jessie put you up to this? I thought I made it clear to her. We’re friends, and that’s the way it’s going to stay." She couldn’t breathe. "Don’t you think I know how I must look? But I didn’t think you judged me."

  "I don’t-" he put his hand on hers, and she yanked it away.

  "Forget it. I can take care of myself." Tears were streaming down her face. "Why don’t you get your own house in order before you try cleaning up after other people?"

  Emily walked out of the café and into the cold, crying the whole way to the library.


  Emily forced herself to work because getting through and out had been so important. But as much as she concentrated, she couldn’t stop thinking about how hurt Richard looked. She’d text Jessie later to figure out how to apologize, as soon as she was done being mad at him.

  That voice came back on her way home, the one she heard that day on her yoga mat. What are you doing? "I don’t know," she answered out loud.

  She stopped. She blinked. Joe Welles was standing on her front steps, talking to Drew. Drew was telling a story, maybe coming to the end of it. Joe was smiling, but looking off to the side. Emily backed away behind a building so neither would see her.

  She peered back and saw them shake hands, Drew cupping his hand over Joe’s. Joe laughed, then released him and waved off. Drew smiled then went back upstairs. Joe was heading towards Emily. Now was a good time to go back home.

  "Joe!" Emily said two seconds later. "What are you doing here?"

  "Hey! Emily!" Joe said after a second. "What are you doing here?"

  "I live nearby, just heading home to drop off my books before I hit the library. And you? Oh, let me guess, picking up the flyers, right?" Zainab had told her the week before that Joe had started making flyers for the election, although it wasn’t for a month. Zainab had also told her that she had picked them up yesterday.

  "You caught me," Joe laughed. "Boy, Zainab keeps you filled in! I couldn’t get any of this done without her."

  "She’s the best. But don’t work her too hard, okay?"

  "I promise, I won’t. But hey, I’ve got to go. Flyers!"

  "Good luck, Mr. President!"

  She thought she’d try the direct approach with Drew. After kissing him hello and asking about work, she casually mentioned Joe. "Did I see you with Joe just now?"


  "Joe Welles. I thought I saw him talking to you as I was coming up the street."

  "Oh- oh! Joe! Yeah, he’s great. He was in one of my classes and we were shooting the breeze. How do you know him?"

  He didn’t remember the party. Okay. "Same thing. A class. What’s he been up to?"

  "Joe? Oh, you know, out on co-op, keeping up with the parties, the usual here."

  Why were they both lying? Maybe Zainab would know. Emily frowned. Of course not.


  Mitch owed Martin his academic career. By Thursday night, he had completed all of his work, due in large part to Martin keeping him supplied with coffee as well as significant help outlining and revising his papers. It was all a blur, but Mitch was pretty sure that Martin skipped some of hi
s classes to help him. Mitch guiltily hoped that Martin could use it as intense prep for his own exams the next week.

  Martin made sure he made it onto his plane. Mitch thanked him, boarded his plane and then passed out until it touched down in Boston.

  Mitch’s parents picked him up. His mother seemed bewildered, but his father raised his eyebrows. "Let’s get home," he said through gritted teeth.

  Mitch fell asleep in the car and didn’t wake up until the next day. At the breakfast table, his mother slid him a bowl of cereal and waited until he was done before she began.

  "Do you want to tell us why you left Ireland two weeks early, or do you want us to guess?"

  "Liz, cut to the chase," his father barked. "What was her name?"

  Mitch pushed the bowl away. "It doesn’t matter, it’s over."

  Mitch’s father couldn’t speak for a minute. "I did not spend thousands of dollars over your regular tuition to send you across the Atlantic so you could act like you were at summer camp!"

  "I made a mistake, Dad. Do you want me to say I’m sorry? Fine, I am. Believe me. But you didn’t waste your money. I went to the program and I did what I was supposed to. And maybe a lot of my learning was crammed into three days, but I got it done."

  "This is not your God damned fraternity!" Mitch’s father yelled. "You cannot just keep picking up and leaving every time you get tired of something."

  "Jake!" Too late. Mitch was on his feet.

  "How long should I have stuck it out with those sadists? How long should I have been around a girl who made me sick to my stomach that I never should have been with in the first place?"

  "When is anything going to be good enough for you? Nothing is perfect!"

  "I’m out of here!"

  Mitch found an apartment by the end of the afternoon. It was a small basement studio right near the Brighton/Brookline line, on the Brighton side. He could move in immediately, but it was going to cost him. No problem- he’d already found a buyer for his car and could cover it. Sometimes he was so lucky.

  The next day he registered for classes. On his way to his new home, he walked past the library and looked up, wondering who was in there.

  His father was wrong. Some things were perfect just as they were.


  Emily aced her finals, but it had been her most difficult finals week ever. She didn’t like working so close to the line. Something had to change for the next quarter.

  Emily hadn’t wanted to go out with Drew that day. She was desperate to figure out how she was going to get a job and get in the last of her classes. Thank God, she only needed four now, not the usual five. She’d registered, but she didn’t have money for books. She kicked herself for all of the time she’d squandered when she could have been working to make the money she’d need for books. And how was she going to eat? Her funds were running low at this point. She wanted to be home to try and figure something out, but he wouldn’t stop until she’d given in. Go, she thought, or explain.

  They ate lunch at Legal Seafood- Drew’s favorite place to go even though she could get very little there- and then he wanted to buy her a shirt. "Fine, whatever." She was tired of arguing with him, and she didn’t have time. She picked out a shirt without trying it on. She was shocked when she saw him pull out a wad of bills. "Where did you get all that cash?"

  Drew grinned. "Didn’t I tell you? I got a raise!"

  "A raise? On co-op?"

  "I am that good. I am so good, in fact, that they asked me to stay on an extra quarter, so we should be flush with cash for another three months. How would you like to celebrate?"

  No, she wasn’t that stupid. "I think... we need to get dessert."

  She was almost done; she just needed a couple of questions answered now.


  Emily called Zainab on Saturday. "Hey!" Zainab answered. "What’s up? How were finals?"

  "The usual."

  "Yeah, me too," Zainab said absently. "Someone at the Key Club is having a party tonight to kick off the Spring quarter, and I’m trying to make sure we get as many people from the clubs to show up. What are you... uh, never mind."

  "Am I not good enough to make the invite list? The geeks aren’t politically active enough?"

  "What? No, you can come if you want to. I just didn’t think you’d want to."

  "I never want to, but you always invite me anyway. What’s going on?"

  "Well, I saw someone a few days ago. Someone you’re not crazy about. And I know Joe invited him."

  Mitch was back. Emily felt mad, and then almost virtuous because she was entitled to be mad. "Yeah, you’re right, I’ve got plans. And don’t bother giving my regards to anyone- they’re pretty useless."


  "I didn’t call about that. I wanted to know-" deep breath. "Does your offer still stand?"

  "My offer?"

  "You know, the one you made when you helped me move, and then repeated a bunch of times this quarter?"

  "Oh! Oh my God- are you finally leaving Drew?"

  "I think so," she said slowly. "There’s something I need to do first." She knew Zainab was too distracted to follow up on that. "But I might see you on Monday."

  "You know where I am."


  Emily had tried all weekend to get in touch with Richard. She finally asked Jessie, who eagerly told her that he was out of town trying to shore up funding for his solar car and would be back on Sunday night.

  "Can you please have him call me?"

  "Why, are you coming to your senses about him finally? I have no idea why you’re with Mr. Psycho-"

  "Jessie! Point taken, believe me. But can you please have Richard call me? It’s really important."

  Richard called at ten-thirty, when Drew was in the room. He apologized for not calling her back before.

  "I’d love to meet you for lunch tomorrow," Emily said as if she were responding to a request. Richard was silent at the other end. "Yeah, the place we met last time is fine."

  "Is everything okay?"

  "Yeah, I love those sandwiches too, but the pastry you got me the last time was really delicious. I think I’m going to try that one again."

  "Okay. I’ll meet you there at twelve."

  "Great! See you then."

  Drew was glaring at her when she hung up. "If you need someone to take you out to lunch, you should just say so and I’ll give you money. It makes me look bad when you do that to Richard."

  "Sorry, babe. You caught me."


  She ran to the café after class the next day. Richard was already there, with a small teapot for her. She sat down and stirred her tea, unable to look at him.

  "Was there something you wanted to say to me?" he said finally.

  She looked up at Richard’s long, thin, serious face. "I’m sorry," she said quietly. "You were right, probably, and I was wrong." He didn’t say anything. "You were right, and I was wrong. I should have listened to you, but I’m not that bright. Because you’re much smarter than I am. And you’re much better looking than I am-"

  "Alright, alright." He held up his hand. She couldn’t tell if he was annoyed or amused. "What’s going on?"

  "Tell me you accept my apology first."

  "What if I’m not ready to?"

  "Then you’re not Richard, because he isn’t petty. He’s generous- you’re generous. Otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten me tea."

  "I’m just nice."

  "Have it your way." When she looked at him again, he was smiling.

  "What’s wrong?"

  "I think Drew’s a liar."

  Richard took a big long breath and sat back in his chair. "I think he is too. Actually, I’m sure of it." He leaned forward again. "Alright, tell me what I wanted to know before. What did he tell you about Sophie?"

  Emily tried to remember all the details. "He didn’t love her, she glommed onto him first week of school, he couldn’t leave her- because he felt sorry for her?- he was thinking abou
t marriage even though he couldn’t stand her.. ugh. Is this a quiz? She’s Jewish, she’s well off, she’s much prettier than he said she was... they ended it last year over a toothpaste cap."

  Richard shook his head. "No. No. Yes, she’s Jewish. Yes, her father is well-off. Yes, they got together early on in freshman year, but everything else is wrong."

  "How do you know?"

  "Sophie was my friend first. I know her through Miranda... Never mind. Long story. She’s younger, obviously, but I kept an eye on her when she got here."

  "You liked her," Emily said suddenly.

  "A long time ago," Richard said. "But Michael ruined that, so nothing ever happened."

  "Go on."

  "She told me she was seeing this guy. She said he was clingy and possessive and wanted to be everywhere with her. And he liked to talk, but not to her, more like at her. She didn’t really like being with him, but she was confused. She hadn’t dated anyone seriously in high school, other than me, I suppose, and she thought that was the way it was supposed to be. So she stayed. Rather, he stayed with her in her very nice apartment for over two years."

  "At 173 Mass. Ave, right? So what happened?"

  "I know Drew wasn’t telling the truth about how it ended."

  "How would you know about that?"

  "Sophie had a miscarriage. You have to understand maybe better than anyone; the things she said were so bizarre I couldn’t believe them. She said he thought the baby was his ticket. They’d get married and then he’d be all set. But then she lost the baby and she was extremely depressed. Once she started getting better, Drew was gone."

  Emily was afraid if she opened her mouth she would scream. She looked down at her tea, then looked at him. She found her voice. "If he did this to your friend, why were you friends with him?"


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