Bed of Ice

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Bed of Ice Page 10

by Sk Quinn

  ‘You can’t win me over. I’m not a prize at a fairground. And anyway, why would you want to? I’m sure there are plenty of girls out there who would love to have you.’

  ‘But what if I don’t want them?’ His voice turns to a low whisper. ‘What if I want you?’

  I stare at him. ‘Grey. Stop it. Why are you talking like this? It’s ridiculous. If Patrick could hear—’

  ‘But he can’t,’ Grey whispers, stepping closer. He strokes hair from my ear.

  I move back.


  Suddenly I see a giant shadow appear at the end of the corridor.


  ‘Up late the two of you?’ Patrick booms, his voice cold as ice.

  Grey slaps a huge smile on his face. ‘Patrick old friend! I was just …’

  In my arms, Dan Dan gives a start.

  ‘I told you to keep away from her,’ Patrick growls. ‘I couldn’t have been clearer.’

  ‘Hey.’ Grey spreads his hands open. ‘No big deal. Okay? I was coming back from the pub and I saw Seraphina here on her way in too. It wouldn’t have been gentlemanly to let her walk to her room alone.’

  ‘And since when were you concerned about being a gentleman?’ says Patrick.

  The smile leaves Grey’s face. ‘I am a gentleman.’

  ‘Not as long as I’ve known you.’

  ‘Just because I like women, doesn’t mean I’m not a gentleman. I’m a lover, not a player.’

  ‘Don’t you ever touch her again. Ever. Do you understand me?’

  ‘Loud and clear sir. Loud and clear. Look, you’ve got nothing to worry about. I was just messing around, that’s all.’

  ‘Mess around with someone else.’

  ‘Come on Patrick,’ says Grey. ‘You and me. Amigos, right? We don’t fall out over women.’

  ‘We could over this woman,’ says Patrick. ‘I want you to leave her alone. Do you hear me?’

  ‘No problem.’ Grey flashes a charming grin. ‘Hey. See you in the morning.’ He turns and walks past Patrick, down the corridor.

  When Grey is gone, Patrick turns to me. ‘I don’t want you near him again.’


  ‘No more discussion.’ Patrick looks down at my arms. ‘And I told you that animal is to sleep outside. Wait here. I’ll have someone come take him.’

  ‘Don’t bother. I won’t hand him over.’ I stand as tall as I can and look Patrick right in the eye.

  ‘Oh yes you will young lady.’

  ‘Young lady!’ I shake my head in disgust. ‘I’m not some little woman for you to boss around. I’m not leaving Dan Dan out in the cold, crying all night. And you don’t tell me who I can and can’t speak to. Grey—’

  ‘I don’t want to hear it,’ says Patrick, holding up a hand.

  My lips go tight. ‘Well. I guess if you won’t listen to me, there’s no point in talking.’

  ‘The animal goes back to the kennels. That’s the end of it.’

  ‘NO!’ I shout so loudly that Dan Dan flinches.

  Patrick looks at me coldly. ‘Fine. By morning you’ll understand that a fox belongs outside. Mark my words.’

  He pushes my bedroom door wide open. ‘Goodnight, Seraphina.

  Then he turns and stalks away.

  The further he walks, the emptier I feel.

  I want to shout after him. But what good would it do? He’s clearly as jealous as ever. So instead I head into my dark bedroom.

  I kick the door closed behind me and stand in milky moonlight.

  The bang wakes Dan Dan up and his little head darts around.

  ‘It’s okay Dan Dan,’ I whisper, holding him tighter.

  I lay him carefully at the end of the bed.

  It’s late. Way too late to call Sharon and ask her to help me work my life out.

  I sigh and curl up under the duvet, feeling Dan Dan’s warm little body by my feet. It’s nice hearing his snuffly breathing.

  Pretty soon I fall asleep.


  That night I dream of Bertie. I dream that he’s run away from Disney World and no one can find him.

  I wake with my heart beating fast and see pinky yellow dawn outside the window.

  I want to call Bertie. But it’s too early now.

  My stomach goes cold as I remember what happened last night.

  God. Everything is such a mess right now.

  I rub my eyes.

  What is that smell?

  As I blink around the room, I get that sinking feeling I used to get at school. When I was called into the headmistress’s office.

  Uh oh.

  Dan Dan is sitting innocently by the window, his paw scratching his ear. He gives a happy little yelp when he sees me and bounces onto his paws.

  ‘Oh Dan Dan.’ I shake my head at him. ‘You’ve trashed the place.’

  Actually, that’s an understatement. Wrecked is a better word.

  The long silk curtains are tattered and shredded. Smashed ornaments and torn books lay around the room. There’s poo and wee on the hand-woven hearthrug and the duvet cover is scratched and shredded too.

  I put my head in my hands. ‘Well at least Patrick can say I told you so.’

  I go to the curtains, thinking maybe I can stitch them back together. I’m pretty good with a needle and thread. But I’d have to be a magician to sew these tattered things. They’re well and truly shredded.

  Dan Dan looks perky and playful as I check out the damage.

  ‘I don’t know what you look so happy about,’ I say.

  A knock at the door makes me stiffen.

  ‘Who is it?’ I call out, dashing to the bathroom to get toilet roll.

  ‘It’s me,’ comes a whisper. A man’s whisper. But not Patrick’s.

  I frown.

  ‘What do you want?’ I say, getting on my hands and knees and scooping up fox poo.

  ‘Can I come in?’ Grey asks.

  ‘No you cannot come in,’ I shout. ‘Haven’t you caused enough trouble?’

  I hear the door creaking open.

  ‘Not nearly enough trouble.’

  Grey stands in the doorway. He looks like he should be on a yacht somewhere, he’s so tanned and relaxed.

  ‘I told you not to come in,’ I say, suddenly aware that I’m in clothes from yesterday and haven’t brushed my teeth yet.

  ‘I thought you might need my help,’ says Grey, flashing me a charming smile. ‘And by the looks of things you do.’

  ‘I’m fine thank you,’ I say.

  Grey laughs. ‘You’re not fooling anyone. You’re knee deep in fox shit.’

  I look down at the wads of toilet roll in my hand. ‘It’s okay. I’m handling it.’

  ‘You want me to take that little scrote outside to the kennels?’

  I look at Dan Dan, who’s got the curtains in his mouth and is pulling them back and forth.

  I sigh. ‘Would you?’

  ‘It would be my pleasure.’

  ‘Be nice to him though,’ I say. ‘He’s only a baby.’

  Grey gives me a salute, then hops over fox poo and wee. He grabs Dan Dan, and holds him squirming to his chest.

  ‘Easy. Easy there little fellow. Whoa! Calm down.’

  Dan Dan scrabbles around in his arms and tries to escape.

  ‘It’s okay Dan Dan.’ I stand up and stroke his head. He calms down a little. ‘I’ll come out and see you soon okay? We’ll work out what we’re going to do with you.’

  ‘Had you thought about putting him down?’ says Grey.

  ‘No I hadn’t,’ I say. ‘Nobody is going to put him down. He jumped right into my arms to escape a pack of snarling dogs. There’s no way I’m going to let him get hurt. No way.’

  ‘Easy there soldier.’ Grey smiles. ‘You’re a fiery one aren’t you? How in the world did you and Patrick end up together?’

  I look away from him. ‘I’m not totally sure we are together right now.’

  ‘Well you definitely were last night,’ says
Grey. ‘I’ve never seen Patrick that way about a girl.’

  ‘You haven’t?’

  ‘Never. And he’s had some pretty girls before you, that’s for sure.’

  ‘Thanks,’ I say coldly.

  I expect Grey to leave with Dan Dan, but he doesn’t. He stands and watches me, a smile on his face.

  ‘Can I help you with something?’ I ask.

  Grey’s smile grows wider. ‘I certainly hope so.’

  I glare at him. ‘Stop it.’

  ‘Stop what?’

  I roll my eyes. ‘You know what. Forget it Grey. I’m not interested in you. Okay?’

  ‘So you keep saying.’

  ‘Because it’s true.’

  ‘How do you know?’

  ‘I just do.’

  Grey laughs. ‘You can’t possibly know until we … you know.’ He clasps his hands together. ‘Really get to know each other. I might make you feel things you’ve never felt before.’

  ‘I doubt that.’

  ‘You must have had a lot of experience then,’ says Grey, raising a teasing eyebrow. ‘To know yourself so well.’

  ‘Could you just leave please?

  ‘As my lady commands.’ Grey raises an eyebrow at me. ‘Until later then.’

  ‘There’ll be no later. Okay? Thank you very much for taking Dan Dan, but if this is the price maybe I should have taken him myself.’

  ‘Okay okay.’ Grey heads towards the door. ‘Point taken.’ He fixes me with warm blue eyes. ‘Bye-bye princess.’

  ‘Don’t call me princess,’ I shout. But it’s too late. Grey has already slammed the door shut.


  I clean the bedroom best I can and then head on down for breakfast.

  I kind of hope I’ll bump into Patrick on the way, but of course I don’t. I’m sad he didn’t come to my room this morning. But then again, lucky he didn’t really. If he’d have seen Grey there …

  When I reach the great hall I find Vicky in the kitchen stirring a big pot of porridge.

  ‘Hey Vicky,’ I call out.

  ‘Morning hen,’ says Vicky, turning around.

  I try to say good morning back. To pretend everything is fine. Like I usually do when I’m having boyfriend trouble. But something about the kindness in Vicky’s eyes stops me.

  I shake my head, bite my lip and blink to stop tears falling.

  ‘Oh hen.’ Vicky drops the porridge spoon and hurries out of the kitchen. She gives me a big hug. ‘What’s the matter?’

  I shake my head at her shoulder, unable to speak. I don’t know why it’s hit me all of a sudden. But …

  ‘I think Patrick and I are over,’ I blurt out.

  ‘Has Patrick done something to you? If he has there’ll be trouble. I may look like a wee lass but I’ve got a drawer of knives back there.’

  I giggle through my tears.

  ‘That’s better. Now. Tell me. What’s happened?’

  I wipe tears away. ‘Oh, just … more jealousy stuff. And last night …’

  I redden. I don’t want to tell Vicky about Grey. It might hurt her feelings. So I snap my mouth closed. But there’s no fooling Vicky.

  ‘Would this be about Grey by any chance?’ she says. ‘It’s okay. You can tell me.’

  ‘You’re too clever for your own good Vicky,’ I sigh. ‘Yes. He got jealous of Grey.’

  ‘Grey’s been pulling the moves I suppose?’

  ‘Sort of.’ I look at the floor. ‘Sorry. Nothing’s happened.’

  ‘Of course not,’ says Vicky. ‘You’re a decent girl. And you’re seeing Patrick. It’s okay. I mean I knew it anyway. I know what Grey’s like. I’ve heard all about him and his conquests. I know I’m being an idiot. I just can’t seem to help myself.’

  I put an arm around her shoulder. ‘You’re not an idiot. Every girl falls for a charmer once in her life.’

  ‘But does every girl get over him?’

  I smile. ‘Yes.’

  ‘You’re sure about that?’

  I nod. ‘Absolutely. Next to Patrick, my ex-boyfriends mean nothing. Absolutely nothing.’

  ‘Uh huh.’

  ‘Did Patrick come down for breakfast already?’

  ‘No. He went straight out into the woods this morning,’ says Vicky. ‘Took a fishing line and supplies according to Gregory. No need for me to fry half a dozen eggs for him.’

  ‘He’s left the castle?’

  ‘Before Gregory got up. So it must have been early.’

  ‘Did he say anything about Bertie? He’s supposed to be coming back today.’

  ‘Oh.’ Vicky brightens. ‘As a matter of fact I know something about that. Bertie’s having such a great time at Euro Disney that him and his mammy are staying yet another day. Good news, huh?’

  ‘Hmm.’ I stare at the oil paintings. ‘I should call him. But Patrick has Anise’s number …’

  ‘Well. Anise’s number will be in the main office.’

  ‘Which office is that? The one Rab is in?’

  ‘No. Not that one. Um …’ Vicky twiddles her hair.

  ‘Mrs Calder’s old office, you mean?’

  ‘Sorry hen. Thoughtless of me.’

  ‘It’s all right. I’m going to have to go in there at some point.’

  ‘Do you want me to go with you?’

  I smile. ‘No. It’s fine. Honestly. It’s only a room. Mrs Calder isn’t anywhere near the castle.’

  Vicky nods. ‘She’s a long way away now,’ she says, but her voice is distant.

  ‘Vicky? Is there something wrong?’

  Vicky scrunches her lips together. ‘It’s probably nothing. But if I heard something, you’d want me to tell you, right?’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘You’re sure?’


  ‘Mrs Calder … I heard something in the pub the other night.’

  I feel chills along my arms. ‘What did you hear?’

  ‘Oh, just about her husband.’

  ‘Didn’t he … I mean I heard he passed away.’

  Vicky nods. ‘He did. Years ago. But … he was a police officer. Quite high up actually.’

  ‘Does that matter?’

  ‘Probably not. But he was pretty well connected. Some of the police round here … they look after certain families if you know what I mean.’

  ‘Are the Calders one of those families?’ I ask, my eyes widening.


  ‘But they’re in custody. Mrs Calder and her daughter. It’s an open and shut case. They can’t … they won’t … I mean it’s fine. Isn’t it?’

  ‘I’m sure it is hen.’ Vicky smiles, but her eyes look tired. ‘It’s just something I heard that’s all.’

  Now I feel really uneasy. ‘I need to speak to Bertie,’ I say. ‘Right now.’

  I turn to go.

  ‘Wait!’ Vicky shouts. ‘There’s something you should know. About the office.’

  ‘It’s fine,’ I call over my shoulder. ‘Whatever it is, it’s fine. I’ll handle it. I went into the woods yesterday. Nothing can be worse than that.’

  ‘It’s not about the Calders,’ Vicky calls out.

  But I don’t stay to hear the rest. I need to talk to Bertie.

  Right now.


  When I reach the office, the door is open.

  Wide open.

  When I see who’s sitting behind the desk, I freeze.

  ‘Well hello again princess.’

  Oh lord. So that’s what Vicky wanted to tell me.

  Grey sits behind the desk, smiling an irritatingly perfect smile.

  ‘Fancy seeing you again so soon.’ Grey stands. ‘Come in.’

  ‘I don’t need to come in,’ I say, stepping back. ‘All I need is a phone number.’

  ‘No problem.’ Grey throws me a charming smile. ‘Patrick has me on duty here. Mrs Calder’s replacement. He didn’t trust anyone but me after everything that went on.’

  ‘And you really think you’re trustworthy?�
� I say, raising an eyebrow. ‘Some friend you are. You’ve hit on me twice already. And come to my bedroom—’

  Grey shrugs. ‘I like beautiful women. What can I say? And you’re one hell of a beautiful woman. I can’t wait to find out what you’re like in bed.’

  ‘You’ll be waiting a long time.’

  ‘So you say. But women have said that before.’

  ‘This woman means it.’

  Grey’s smile grows. ‘I rise to a challenge.’

  ‘I need Anise Mansfield’s number,’ I snap.

  ‘No problem.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘You can have it on one condition.’


  ‘That you help me out this afternoon.’

  ‘Help you out? Doing what?’

  Grey sits on the edge of the desk. ‘I got myself in something of an awkward situation last night.’


  ‘The daughter of some family friends was in the pub. My mother promised her I’d take her out some time, and she ended up inviting herself to a party. A friend of my mother’s charity bash this afternoon. I told this girl I couldn’t take her. Said I already had a date for the party. The trouble is my mother will be there and she knows this girl ever so well. I can’t lie to my mother, can I?’

  ‘I’m not liking where this is going.’

  ‘It would just be for an hour or so.’

  ‘Look, believe it or not I’m in love with Patrick. He means everything to me. And last night … I don’t know if things are ruined or not. But they certainly won’t get any better if I go on a date with you.’

  ‘That’s how you want to live your life is it?’ says Grey, coming around the desk. ‘Letting Patrick’s jealousy get the better of you? Hardly a good basis for a relationship, is it?’

  I have to admit he’s right.

  ‘What’s so bad about this girl anyway?’ I ask. ‘That you can’t go with her?’

  ‘Believe it or not, I don’t want to lead her on.’

  ‘I don’t believe it. What the real reason?’

  ‘That is the real reason. She’s one of these awful society girls whose mission in life is to get a husband. After an hour she’ll start hinting about marriage and the good connections she has and how rich she is. I hate women like that.’

  ‘I’d have thought she’d suit you down to the ground.’

  Grey laughs. ‘Do me a favour. I don’t have time for any of that “how much land does your family have” bollocks. Women like that see me as prey to be caught in their net. No thank you.’


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