Lacey's Luhpynes [Beyond the Veil 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Lacey's Luhpynes [Beyond the Veil 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 1

by Honor James

  Beyond the Veil 1

  Lacey’s Luhpynes

  It’s hard enough dealing with one human guy trying to get a date. If only her life was that simple. Lacey Rose has two men hot on her heels, and the fact they are sexy Luhpynes is only making it that much harder to resist their appeal. But they aren’t the only ones after her. Lacey has a stalker who is willing to do absolutely anything to gain her attention, including killing all those around her.

  Zhubin and Ansell both knew the moment they met her just who Lacey was to them. Their mate. And neither has made qualms about letting her know at every turn. She’s been resistant, but that can only last so long under the persistent and dedicated courtship of two adult males. The only kink in their plans is that someone keeps trying to kill them off, and doesn’t appear concerned when she’s in the blast radius.

  The clock is ticking for them all. Only time will tell.

  Genre: Futuristic, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 96,509 words


  Beyond the Veil 1

  Honor James


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage and More


  Copyright © 2014 by Honor James

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-388-6

  First E-book Publication: March 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Dear Readers,

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  This is Honor James’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. James’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  I would like to thank my sister. You have been there for me from the beginning and you have helped me see through the haze of uncertainty and into the future that could be.

  I dedicate this book to my fans. I love you all, each and every single one of you. So keep on sending me messages and I will keep on replying. All of you hold a place in my heart.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  About the Author


  Beyond the Veil 1


  Copyright © 2014


  For centuries we had coexisted, for the most part even peacefully. But in one night, with one fateful event, it all changed. Only a select few knew for sure what had occurred. Sadly, not one of them lived to ever reveal that truth. Now we, the survivors, must not only find a way to live and continue on together, but also find out the truth of what happened. If we don’t, we will all be doomed to relive it…

  * * * *

  February 14, 2014

  “Isn’t that just sweet, Casey?”

  “Indeed it is, Jonathan.” She smiled into the camera. “There is nothing that warms the heart more than seeing a young couple in love enjoying Valentine’s Day.” She shuffled some papers. “Now we go over to Dave for our final look at weather tonight. Dave, is this unusual warm spell going to stick around for us?”

  The camera shifted to a man before the weather map. “It’s looking pretty good, Casey,” he said before shooting the camera a killer smile. “While temperatures will dip into the low fifties at night we are looking at some unseasonably warm days. But only for two…”

  “We interrupt our weather forecast for breaking news. Sorry, Dave,” Jonathan said, looking serious. “We’re receiving reports from—” he blinked, his eyes moving back and forth rapidly as he leaned forward. “Sorry folks, just trying to read the prompter with this breaking news.” He licked his lips and suddenly looked ill. “I must apologize, I need a moment.” He spun in his chair and leaned out of view, the sound of someone throwing up clearly heard as the camera switched to Casey, who looked pale and shaken.

  “The unthinkable has occurred according to reports coming in from the White House, where we take you to live now,” she whispered before breaking into tears as the camera switched over.

  At the front of the room behind a podium a man stood holding up his hands. “Settle down, folks. Now!” he bellowed. “It is true, we’ve known about these people for some time, we’ve had discussions with their leaders and even had their help on occasion. Yes, some of them have lived among us, I can report now, but not a one of them has ever caused any harm. They were only the elite forces, assisting us on projects where it was too dangerous to send in the men and women of the Armed Forces of Ame

  “Why now?” The question was yelled from the gathered reporters.

  “The Veil that was separating their realms from ours has collapsed. We don’t know why and we don’t know how. They are scrambling just as badly as we are right now but you need to know that they mean us no harm and we expect every citizen of America and of the world to extend the same courtesy to them.”

  “How long have they been a part of our world?” Another reporter shouted question over the din of voices.

  “Our worlds have always coexisted together from the very beginning of time,” the man said. “They were living and working long before life even began on Earth proper. They left us alone to grow and become who we needed to be. They let us get to the point we would be accepting of them and all they bring to the table. But this event has pushed up the initial schedule to introduce the people of the world to them and them to you fully.”

  The camera cut back to Jonathan in the studio who looked to barely be keeping himself together. “You’ve heard right, folks. The Veil has fallen and realms beyond Earth have been exposed. We will be with you all night providing updates and further information as it becomes available. Stay tuned,” he whispered before the channel cut to a commercial.

  * * * *

  In one moment, one night, a night of love and giving, the entire world as the humans knew it ended, forever shattering the knowledge they were alone in the universe for good. No more suppositions by scientists, guesses by conspiracy theorists. Everything was out in the open. And, as is typical when the human race has something thrown in their face they can’t explain, they started a war.

  For nearly fifteen years it raged, not only on Earth but on the other worlds formerly hidden behind the Veil. In the end the humans’ frantic measures, their desperate attempts, did nothing. For them. It did show the other races that they were too volatile still to hold such knowledge and, with the blessing of all the world leaders, the other races laid down the new laws.

  Curfews were instituted, jobs restructured for full equality and laws set in place for both the humans’ protection from the other races as well as the races’ protection from humans. One overall president was elected for the entire world. A new Congress was put into place with a representative of each country as well as sub-representatives from each province or state.

  As well, each of the races from beyond the Veil placed their own representatives, just to ensure the humans never again tried to attack them and hurt them. Once, they would forgive and help them learn, but a second would mean total and absolute annihilation of the human race. The races beyond the Veil were forgiving, but only to a point.

  Chapter One

  June 20, 2034

  Checking his weapon, Zhubin slipped the blade into the sheath between his shoulder blades. Next he assessed the gun and put it into the holster under his arm. Shutting his locker, he left the change room and headed for the briefing room to find out who he was with for his night’s tour.

  For the last six years he’d been a part of the Alien and Earth Defensive Alliance, or AEDA. He was not human, he was Luhpyne or wolf as the humans termed it, which, at seven feet one inch wasn’t exactly a surprise. While there were a few humans as tall, his build gave him away fully. He was built thick of chest, wide of shoulder and moved with a preternatural ability no human could ever replicate, not even dancers or Special Forces.

  His eyes too gave away his alien heritage. They were silver with a lining of violet that had a shape that mirrored the eyes of the pets humans kept called cats. His hair was so dark it absorbed light, mirroring his pelt in his other form. He was muscled, stronger than any human and his voice, which was a deep rumble like a rock slide, held just a hint of a non-human accent.

  Stepping into the briefing room he moved along the back, behind the humans who were much shorter in stature, and nodded to his best friend, Ansell, who looked bored. He was about to speak but their Captain, a non-human, stepped up in front. “Ladies and gentlemen. As you know we’ve been hearing some more threats coming out of the Human Purity groups. It’s all over the news so I’m sure none of you have missed it.”

  He paused as there was a low murmur and several heads nodding. “Be aware out there, the groups are starting to raise a fuss again so take nothing for granted. Keep your eyes and ears open, anything that sounds even remotely useful let us know. Even if you think it’s nothing give it to us. In the grand scheme it could mean a lot.”

  Another murmur and some more nods. “All right. First up—” He looked to the back of the room. “Agent Zhubin, I need you with Agent Lacey Rose to head over to the warehouses. We have multiple casualties out there, human and non-. The coroner is already on his way out to meet the uniforms that found and are securing the scene now.”

  Zhubin dropped his gaze to the woman who was to be his partner for the case. She was smart, sassy and sexy, the three S’s that was also trouble with a capital T wrapped in a layer of sin with a very capital and heavily underlined S. Meeting her gaze he tipped his head slightly. She hated him, but on the job she would be professional and her smarts were always an asset.

  “You two can head out, the rest of you,” the Captain continued and shuffled through some papers before he started up.

  Exiting the briefing room as the Captain handed out more assignments, he held the door for Lacey as she stepped out. Letting it close he followed on her heels toward the back door into the parkade. Knowing her she’d want to drive, so he stuck his hands into the pockets of his black cargo pants.

  Pausing at the door to the garage while she got their assigned vehicle, Zhubin let his eyes move over her. She was tall for a woman of human origins. And she was all human and all woman. She had muscles to her, nothing bulky, but svelte and perfectly proportioned. She also had killer curves, ones she’d used more than once to get someone to say or do something dumb.

  Agent Rose was one hell of a woman, one that even he knew would be a perfect match for the right man. Did he think he was the right man? On occasion he had that thought, then she’d open her mouth and it all went downhill. She had a razor-sharp tongue, slicing and dicing a man’s ego into little pieces too easily. She didn’t take bullshit, ever, and could play with the big boys. Hell, he’d even seen her go toe to toe with one of his people on more than one occasion leaving them to limp away with their tail between their legs.

  Pushing open the door for her, he held it and rolled his eyes when she went through. She’d given him a look of death. Sue him, he had manners. He believed chairs and doors should be held for a woman. He believed a man should pick up the check or, at the very least, offer to do so. He also believed that a man should protect those smaller and weaker than him even when they didn’t like the idea.

  She on the other hand, ballbuster that she was, seemed to believe men were good for nothing. No, he didn’t think she was into other women. She seemed to appreciate the male form well enough and even had, a time or two, been seen checking males out. By him at least, not that he’d ever said anything to alert her to the fact he’d caught her mentally stripping down a male. He wasn’t an idiot.

  Following her to the car, he resisted the urge to open the door for her, barely. It went against every single fiber of his being but he knew she’d just shred him with her razor-sharp tongue if he did. So when she passed him the keys he was shocked but he climbed into the driver’s seat and pushed it back as far as it would go. Thankfully all the AEDA vehicles could accommodate his larger frame so he gained plenty of leg room. She, on the other hand, had to scoot the passenger seat forward, a lot, just to sit comfortably.

  Turning the onboard computer to face him, he punched in his code and pulled up the information on where they were going. He happened to love New York, loved the scents, the smells, the energy the city seemed to vibrate from its very core. It was nothing like it had been before the war the humans started, but it was still a lot the same in the little ways.

  “East side harbor,” he told her. “We’re head
ing for the McKinley warehouses near dock eighteen. Looks like there are six dead with another three currently being rushed to the hospital. The uniforms have two potential witnesses they are holding until we arrive. The coroner is on scene and starting to work. As well, looks like the crime scene techs are there too and are getting started.”

  He punched on the keys and frowned, “No IDs on the bodies and…” He fell silent as he read what was still coming in on the system. One of the technological advances the Veil dropping had given to the human world was interfaced computers on a whole new level.

  Things like cell phones were a thing of the past. Everyone now had a chip behind their ear that worked as a cell phone and recorder as well as ID, which made this unusual. A second chip at the inner wrist held personal information like allergies, medical history and also worked for paying for things. No more cards or cash, everything was now fully integrated into a new version of the Internet. So secure that even hackers couldn’t break through, there was no more identity theft, no more need for banks or financial institutions of any sort. Everything flowed on the new Net system, no glitches, no mistakes.

  “Their hands were all removed. ME says that she’ll likely have to do dental records if not DNA,” he added in a low murmur. Odd, very odd. Switching to live feed of the scene, he watched as the Medical Examiner, or ME, moved to another body and bent to pat him down, looking for anything of significance.


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