This Was Meant To Be: BWWM Romance

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This Was Meant To Be: BWWM Romance Page 12

by Ellie Etienne

  “It will take time for your father. More time. Maybe by Thanksgiving,” said Martha wistfully.

  Leigh smiled.

  “I’m sure Dad will come around by Thanksgiving, Mom. Don’t worry. We won’t give him a choice.”

  When Martha saw Leigh and Harrison linking hands, she realized that maybe none of them had had a choice. It had seemed, all those years ago, as if Leigh and Harrison were two halves of a whole.

  Now, it looked like they were two wholes who fit together perfectly, and they knew it.

  Maybe she should just be happy that they had found each other, after everything. They deserved happiness, after all.

  What more could she want for them?

  “You should come home, Harrison. You haven’t been home in so long. You should come home.”

  Harrison nodded, and knew that he did have to go home. He couldn’t let this go on without resolving issues with Samuel.

  Harrison turned up two days later with a bottle of Samuel’s favorite single malt.

  “Think you can bribe me with that?” asked Samuel when they were both seated.

  Martha had decided that she needed to run out for something. She probably wanted to leave them to punch it out without worrying, thought Harrison, amused.

  “Call it a peace offering. I know you’re angry. I’ll take it on the chin.”

  Samuel considered it for a while.

  “You’re happy. I thought I’d never see you happy again. You did well enough, and you’ve been comfortable enough. But I thought I’d never see that joy in you again. I hadn’t seen that joy in Leigh for a long time, too.”

  Harrison waited, wondering if he was going to get out of this without a black eye after all.

  “I never liked that Carl. He took her for granted. Be sure you never take her for granted.”

  That, Harrison knew, was as close to approval as anybody could hope to get.

  “Do you think I will?” he asked, keeping his eyes on Samuel’s steadily.

  Finally, Samuel poured them each a drink and raised the glass.

  “No. Take care of each other. Tell Leigh I said so.”

  Harrison nodded.

  “We’ll be here next Sunday for dinner. You can tell her yourself,” he told Samuel, and they drank.


  “You really think this isn’t too soon?” asked Leigh as they drove home for Sunday dinner.

  Though really, now it felt like she might have too many homes. Maybe she should considering subletting her old apartment.

  “It isn’t, Leigh. Besides, I have Emily on my side.”

  Leigh grinned. Emily’s reaction had been pretty expected – ‘Finally!’ she had said, declaring that it was well past time it happened.

  “Emily always goes through things logically. She doesn’t really think of emotions like we do.”

  Harrison shrugged.

  “Too late now. Martha has already cooked.”

  True, she had.

  “Leigh, don’t you trust me?”

  Leigh smiled when he asked that.

  She didn’t need to think twice about that. She did – she trusted him with everything she was, and it was a miracle to know that he deserved that trust.

  She looked at him and wondered at how much she loved him.

  “I do.”

  “Then trust me. It will be fine.”

  And miraculously, thought Leigh a few hours later, it was fine.

  It was better than fine.

  It was perfect.

  The End.

  The Kinky Billionaire 3

  The epic conclusion to this trilogy is here...

  This was no ordinary hotel room.

  The cuffs on the bed were actually permanent.

  And the open closet displayed all the whips and paddles Alex had.

  I suddenly understood what he meant when he said that his suite was sound proofed.

  “If you want to back out, now would be the time,” Alex offered as he came back to the bed with a whip.

  “Not a chance,” I replied...

  The long awaited conclusion to the Kinky Billionaire trilogy, but can be read as a stand alone story.

  Will Alex be able to fully introduce Emily into his dominating lifestyle?

  Will Emily finally be able to express her true love for the man who used to be her step brother?

  Find out in the final part of the trilogy by Erica A Davis.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to scenes of a hot, sexy and Saucy nature.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 1

  Emily’s eyes seemed to be threatening to close every time she read the file in front of her. She was not sure whether she was tired because of all the work she had been doing lately or the fact that Alex had kept her up late, not that she was complaining. She caught a glimpse of the time from the bottom right hand corner of her screen and sighed.

  “It’s only four thirty,” she thought to herself. She rubbed her temple as she flipped through the files on her desk. She had never wanted or needed a good nap like she did at that moment. She closed the file and leaned back in her chair wondering what to do. “This is pointless. I’m not having a very productive day,” she thought as she shut down her computer. She had to leave, she needed to leave. No one would blame her for taking some much needed time off and after all, Adrian wasn’t in that day. She leaned forward and pressed her intercom button.

  “Hey Carter,” Cadence said when she answered the call.

  “Hey, Caddie. Would you come in here please?” Emily asked before she hung up. She looked at her desk and felt a little guilty at what she was about to do. “Well she is my assistant. And assistants assist.” She looked up when the door opened to see Cadence walking in.

  ”Hey boss lady,” Cadence said making Emily smile. That might have been the very first time she was hearing her assistant call her boss.

  “You look and sound unusually happy today,” Emily said.

  “Guess it’s just one of those days,” Cadence said.

  “I’m sorry but I am about to ruin the day for you,” Emily frowned.

  “Nothing you could say could dampen my spirits,” she said. Emily raised an eyebrow.

  “Dampen your spirits? Have you been watching Downton Abbey again?”

  “I don’t care what anyone says. That has to be the best show ever,” she shrugged.

  “Ahem, I think someone hasn’t watched Game Of Thrones yet,” Emily said. Cadence sat down in one of the chairs in front of Emily’s desk and shook her head.

  “Tolkien’s work is fantasy. And we are talking of history here,” she said.

  “Well, no one has proved whether Downton Abbey actually happened or not,” Emily said.

  Cadence shook her head and flipped her hair a little too dramatically.

  “If we keep this going, we may never get down to the business at hand,” she said and Emily nodded with a smile. “So, what’s going on?” Cadence asked.

  Emily looked at the stack of files on her desk and sighed.

  “These,” she said. “Adrian needs them in two days. Will you see what you can do with them?”

  Cadence took the files from her and shrugged.

  “Sure,” she said. And true to her word, her ‘spirits’ were not in the least dampened.

  “What is up with you today anyway?” she asked as she looked into Cadence’s eyes.

  “I already told you, nothing,” Cadence said as she stood up. Emily watched as she walked to the door.

  “Really? Because you are glowing. And unless you are pregnant or something you…” Emily’s voice trailed off when her assistant turned around and looked at her. “What?”

  “I’m not pregnant, Carter. I’m just happy,” Cadence said. “I think you should try it sometime. Happy would be a good color on you,” she a
dded as she walked out leaving Emily dazed.

  “Downton Abbey is making her this happy? Maybe I should watch it,” Emily thought as she got her stuff together. She grabbed her handbag and laptop bag before she walked to the door.

  “Leaving already?” Cadence asked.

  “Yeah with everything happening…you glowing like nothing in the world matters and me trying to figure you out…I kind of forgot to mention that that’s why I was handing over the files to you in the first place,” Emily said. “I kind of need to catch up on some sleep,” she added and Cadence raised an eyebrow.

  “Late nights with Mr. Brewer?” she asked.

  “You just make sure you finish that up in good time. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Emily said as she started walking towards the elevator.

  She could almost feel Cadence’s look as she walked. Whatever it was that made her this vibrant, Emily wished she could have some of it. She could feel her eyelids heavy as she rode in the elevator. She would have done anything to have a Red Bull at that moment or a bed. Just a nice warm bed. She got into her car and got a stick of gum from her bag. It was no Red Bull but at least it would help keep her awake for the next few minutes as she cruised down the streets. She switched on the radio and buckled herself in before she pulled out of the parking lot.

  “I swear…it’s like the universe is working against my capability to stay awake,” she thought when she heard slow violin music on the radio. “That is definitely something I wouldn’t listen to even on a very energetic day.” She was now fumbling with the radio trying to get a new channel…any other channel really would have been better than the lullaby that was playing at that moment.

  “Perfect,” she said to herself when she heard the familiar upbeat sounds of Green Day. She was humming silently as she began driving down the street. Though she was still sleepy, she had a million thoughts going through her mind. And they were not just the simple thoughts of work and trying to decide whether or not to pass by Walmart for some groceries. She was still humming to Basket Case as she reluctantly drove past Walmart.

  “Guess I’ll have to do without cookies or eggs tomorrow,” she thought as she went on driving. At the back of her mind, she couldn’t help but wonder whether April was at her place. As it turned out, April was supposed to be moving out of Baltimore and before she found her own place, Emily had offered up her apartment. She however didn’t know when April was supposed to get there. “Finally,” she thought as she pulled up in front of her building. She looked at her phone as she unbuckled her belt and frowned. “Three missed calls?” she wondered as she looked at the screen. “How did I not hear the phone?” she said under her breath as she fumbled with her volume button on the side of her phone. She took a long deep breath and shook her head as she climbed out of the car balancing the two bags in her hands and her phone between her shoulder and ear.

  “Emily, hi…I’ve been trying to call you,” Alex said when he picked up.

  “I’m sorry. I was…” she sighed. “My phone was on silent. I don’t know how that happened,” she said as she opened the front door. “Everything okay?” she asked. She was now walking up the steps to her door.

  “Well, I guess I could say that everything is indeed alright. I was just checking up on you. I wanted to know what time I should pick you up,” he said.

  Emily, who was now outside her door frowned.

  “Pick me up? For what?”

  “Dinner,” Alex said. “We are supposed to be having dinner together tonight, remember?” he asked.

  Emily shook her head. That fact had completely escaped her mind. She took a long deep breath.

  “I’m sorry. I guess I was just…there’s been a lot happening lately.” She walked into her apartment and kicked the door closed with the heel of her shoe. “But…how’s nine?” she asked. She heard Alex sigh loudly.

  “Nine is a little late considering it’s a weekday. I was hoping to have you back home by eleven,” he said. She nodded as she let her bags drop on the nearest couch before she sat down. “How about seven?” Alex asked. Emily looked up at the clock above the mantelpiece. That gave her at least an hour before she had to get ready.

  “Seven is fine,” she said in a small voice. She didn’t know why she never had it in her to say no to Alex and furthermore, as tired as she was, she still wanted to see him.

  “I will be there at seven, then,” he said. She could almost hear his smile, yes hear. She could picture his perfect features relaxing as he rejoiced at the thought of seeing her that evening.

  “See you at seven,” she said before she hung up.

  She would have loved to see Alex that day but she was getting the feeling that she didn’t look the part. She hadn’t had a good night sleep in almost three days and she knew that the exhaustion was written all over her face. She set the alarm for an hour from the current time before she kicked off her shoes and pulled the blanket she usually draped over herself as she watched TV. She closed her eyes as she thought of what her life had been like in the last seven days…Baltimore, she and Alex in the Baltimore hospital helping April with the Jake situation, and the way she blew up at Alex. “The way I blew up at Alex,” she thought as she closed her eyes. She was not sure why it had happened. She was not sure whether it was mere jealousy or the fact that she was getting real feelings for Alex…maybe she was actually falling for him? She took a long deep breath and pulled the blanket up to her chin…

  Emily was not sure what happened but the next thing she knew, she was in Alex’s house. She was in the living room: that much she could tell. She began to slowly make her way to her bedroom, wondering where he was and what he was doing.

  “Alex,” she called out as she began walking towards his room but there was no answer. She looked around the hallway and called out again, “Alex?” She was now standing outside his bedroom door. She touched the door handle ever so slightly and turned the doorknob to open the door. “Hey, Alex?” she called out again as she walked into his room. She was about to walk into the room when she noticed Alex on the bed. And he wasn’t alone either. She gasped when she saw Alex and another woman naked on the bed. They were in a tight lip lock and from where she was standing she could see that Alex was moving on and off her, almost as if he was inside her…wait a minute. She clasped a hand over her mouth and stifled a cry. He was inside her. Every glorious inch that she adored so much was inside the strange woman. She gasped and walked out of the room before she made her way to the living room. She was breathing hard and deep as she walked to the living room.

  “You know, you wouldn’t be this upset if you didn’t love him,” Emily heard. She looked around trying to find who had said that. The voice was too familiar to ignore.

  “Who said that?” she asked as she looked around her.

  “You fell for him a long time ago and you know it,” she heard the voice say again. She touched her temples and shook her head. When she looked up, she saw April standing there.

  “You? What are you…what are you doing here?” she asked as she looked at her cousin.

  “I’m here because you want me here. I wouldn’t be here otherwise,” April said.

  “What does that even mean?”

  “You’re smarter than that Carter. You know exactly what April is talking about.” This time, it was Cadence’s voice. She looked at her assistant and shook her head.

  “You…what are you…” her voice trailed off. She knew exactly what she wanted to ask but she just couldn’t bring herself to ask it. She was lost for words, especially since Alex was now standing right in front of her. “Alex,” she said in a whisper.

  “You know why you are here, Emily. Just admit it,” he said in a low voice. He took a step closer to her and looked into her eyes. She could almost feel her heart beating hard in her chest. It was like it was trying to beat out of her rib cage. She looked at him and shook her head.

  “Alex,” she started.

  “Come on, baby. You know that you are here because you want me,
” he said.

  “I know…I do.” Her voice was so low, she was actually whispering.

  “When you say it you will believe it, Emily,” she heard Cadence’s voice behind her saying.

  “Say what?” she asked, her eyes never leaving Alex’s.

  “You are in love, cuz and you know it,” April said. Alex was now smiling widely. She looked at him as he slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. She put a hand on his chest and bit her lower lip.

  “You know what you’re feeling but you keep on pushing it away. You can’t do that,” he said. “If this is how you truly feel then nothing you can do can ever change that fact. You are mine…you will always be mine” he said as he looked at her. She could not help but notice the intensity in his eyes. They were almost looking right through her. She tried to pull away but he wouldn’t let her loose. “Tell me, baby. Tell me what I want to hear,” he whispered as he stroked her hair. She was about to answer when she suddenly heard a loud ringing. It was a little melodious but still a little annoying…

  Emily suddenly opened her eyes and found herself on the couch, covered up to her chin. She looked around and the melodious ringing suddenly made sense. It was her alarm. She switched it off and got up before she made her way to her bedroom. The weird thing was that this was not the first time she had such a dream. Over the past couple of weeks she had been having those kind of dreams….she didn’t even know what those dreams meant. She stripped down and stepped into the bathroom wondering how a dinner date with Alex would have slipped his mind. Normally, she looked forward to seeing Alex, sometimes the days didn’t seem to move fast enough. But this time, for some reason, she just couldn’t figure out what happened. When she got out of the bathroom, she walked to her closet wondering what she was supposed to wear. Alex hadn’t mentioned what she was supposed to expect.

  “But this is Alex. It is bound to be some Michelin star restaurant for sure,” she thought as she pulled out a white dress from her closet. She walked to the mirror and held the dress against her body and smiled. “Archives much?” she thought as she looked at her reflection. The dress had been sitting at the back of her closet for God knows how long. She wasn’t even sure she could still fit in it. “Don’t be ridiculous Emily,” she thought, tossing the dress on the bed. She quickly oiled up and did her makeup. She was not sure why she was so bent on looking perfect especially for a date that she didn’t even know about.


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