Take Me Again

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Take Me Again Page 5

by Mackenzie McKade

  "Yes.” She sucked in a breath of anticipation as her breasts grew heavy and her nipples stung. There wasn't anything like the first signs of arousal.

  He released her, reaching into his pocket to pull out a fifty. Lust simmered in his eyes as he placed the money on the table, grabbed his hat and put it on, before he scooted out of the booth. His features were tight as he extended her his hand. Another series of tingles released moisture between her thighs. Her fingers closed around his, feeling the heat of his body.

  Her pulse leaped. She didn't realize how much she needed to be made love to. There was a hunger inside her that had continued to build ever since she locked gazes with Crane at Jester's house Friday night. Just the thought of him took her need to a higher level. Tonight Rowdy and his friend would vanquish Crane from her thoughts for good.

  A warm breeze blew from the south. Stars twinkled in the heavens as they walked into the night. Rowdy stopped several times in the dimly lit parking lot to steal a kiss. She laughed, loving his playfulness, while in the back of her mind she craved for the moment two men would cherish her body. A flood of excitement anointed her thighs. She was really going through with this.

  As they reached his truck, he pressed her against the vehicle, his body trapping hers so that she felt his firm arousal hard against her belly. “Second thoughts?"

  Her fingers curled into fists by her side as she resisted the urge to squirm against him. “Have you done this before?"

  He nodded. The fire in his eyes burned even brighter. “It's like nothing you've ever experienced.” He touched his nose to hers. His lips, feather-light, pressed to hers as he said, “Trust me.” His minty breath was warm against her skin as he smoothed his mouth along her jaw line. “I promise,” his voice dipped low, “we'll rock—your—world.” The way he emphasized each word made her hot all over. Gently he brushed back a lock of her hair. His teeth scraped her earlobe, sending chills up her spine. “We'll leave no place on that beautiful body of yours untouched—unloved.” A sexy growl followed that nearly undid her. “I can't wait to see you come apart in our arms.” His tongue swirled around the shell of her ear.

  Tracy's heart leaped into her throat. The picture he painted in her mind was exactly how she imagined it. Just once she wanted to do something forbidden, to feel as if she were the most desired woman in the world. Sandwiched between two men whose only focus was to drive her out of her friggin’ mind. She inhaled a tight breath. Yes. That's what she wanted—a fantasy for one night.

  As he took control of her mouth again, her hunger soared. She grasped his shirt, holding on. His tongue teased her lips before sliding between them to deepen the caress and break down any uncertainty that remained.

  Nothing would dissuade her from the path she was on.

  The kiss ended and instead of the blissful moment she expected, he glanced at his watch. “Shit. We've got to go.” Grabbing her hand, he pulled her to the other side of the vehicle. A click sounded as he unlocked his truck, opened the passenger door and helped her inside. His actions were quick moving around the truck to get behind the wheel.

  "In a hurry?” she chuckled as he crammed the key into the ignition.

  "With you—always.” He gave the key a twist and the engine roared to life.

  "Such a liar."

  Rowdy was artful when it came to foreplay. He knew what was required of a man to make a woman relax and put her into the mood. That's why she felt so comfortable with him. He didn't make her feel as if there was something wrong in seeking her pleasure with a stranger—hell, make that two.

  "Did you bring that corset?"

  She patted her purse. “Uh-huh.” Inside was the corset along with a pair of stilettos, black stockings, and a lacy little thong. Of course, she wouldn't mention that she was thinking of one irritating veterinarian when she selected the ensemble.

  "Great.” He flashed a sexy grin. He accelerated and she held on for the ride.

  Stopping before two elaborate wrought iron gates, he rolled down his window and punched in an access code. The gates moaned open. As they passed through the entrance and took a left, her anxiety rose again. He must have seen her uncertainty because he reached over and squeezed her hand.

  "Here we are.” He pulled into a driveway leading to a gorgeous two-story home of European influence. Large red brick gables, high-flowing, graceful roof lines and a fireplace with a decorative brick pattern along the front façade dashed her apprehension. Instead she breathed in the elegantly groomed landscape. Rich green grass and several topiary shrubs of leaping dolphins dotted the lawn around a fountain that disappeared from her sight as he steered his truck into a three car garage alongside a red two-door sports coup. The fact he lived in a gated community instead of a ranch revealed he lived a carefree lifestyle. The car screamed Rowdy was a playboy.

  That's when Tracy realized she really didn't know much about him and nothing about his friend. Yet tonight she would lie in their arms. When tomorrow's light rose they would know each other intimately.

  Tracy didn't wait for Rowdy to open her door. Nerves had her grabbing her purse and pushing the door open. She slipped out of the truck waiting beside it.

  As he came around the vehicle, he winked and gathered her hand in his. Keys jingled as he selected the house key and unlocked the door. The garage opened up into a large utility room with a washer and dryer.

  "It's not much, but I call it home.” He ushered her through the dark room.

  Reaching around her, he flipped the light switch. A flash of brilliance sparked and lights flooded the next room, stealing her sight for a second. As her vision returned, the first word that came to mind was “beautiful.” The kitchen had an open brick oven, stainless steel conveniences, an island a cook would die for and the quaintest breakfast nook overlooking the backyard. She didn't have time to take in anything more as he grabbed her hand and escorted her into the family room.

  Again she was taken aback. Rowdy's cowboy persona had her expecting a country living ambience, not the elegance that surrounded her. Mahogany trimmed the room with matching wood and leather furniture. An entertainment center adorned one entire wall. Surround sound, a sixty-four-inch, high-definition television and a selection of movies it would take Tracy several years to watch. As she took in the room, Rowdy released her hand and went directly to the bar, which was as much a masterpiece as some of the art hanging on the walls. Intricate carved wood with brass trim, marble countertop, and smoky glass gave it a look of grandeur.

  "How did you accomplish all this in one day? I'm still not through unpacking."

  "Movers and a decorator. Wine?” He reached for three glasses and a corkscrew.

  "Uh. Sure.” Rowdy's place was exquisite, but Tracy liked the country look and feel of her own house. After work she liked to kick her boots off and climb in the middle of the floor to play with Sheldon.

  "Make yourself at home.” Rowdy nodded toward an archway. “The bedroom is over there if you want to slip into something more comfortable.” She didn't miss his devilish grin as he started to open the bottle.

  Hugging her purse to her chest, she made her way to the bedroom. The richness in this room was no different from the rest of his home. The centerpiece was a huge mahogany bed with bedposts that had to be eight feet tall. Even the fireplace was large and trimmed in reddish-brown wood. But the thing that caught her attention was the large tub visible from the bedroom. The thing was big enough to have a party in. Green vines with exotic colorful flowers circled the pillars that surrounded it making it look like an oasis.

  Tracy placed her purse on the bed and then began to undress. Once again her anxiety rose, but she took a deep breath and pushed it aside. Instead she focused on loosening the laces on the corset. She slipped the black satin and red lace over her head and her nipples hardened, growing harder as the material scraped across them. She loved the way the garment cradled her breasts and hugged her ribcage. Goose bumps covered her arms as she stepped into the matching thong and pulled
it up her hips.

  Taking a seat on the bed, she carefully rolled a stocking up her leg. The silk was cool, stroking her skin to embrace her upper thigh. She took her time with the second stocking, briefly closing her eyes to savor the feel. The final touch to her ensemble was the black three-inch stilettos she inched her feet into. The click of heels against the marble floor was the only sound as she went into the bathroom.

  A smile crept across her face. “Oh yeah.” She gazed at her reflection in the full length mirror. “Sinful and naughty.” Just the look she was going for. Voices from the other room made her twist around.

  Rowdy's friend had arrived.

  Dolan turned down the glass of wine Rowdy offered him for a shot of whiskey. The amber burned as it touched his throat. “Ahhh ... Just what I needed.” He slammed the shot glass on the bar and then pivoted. Not seeing the third individual in their intimate party he took the opportunity to survey his surroundings. As he walked the room, he said, “Not exactly what I expected, but nice."

  His friend's taste had changed. Maybe it was the fact that with his current job he didn't have time for a ranch. Still, ranching was in a man's blood—once there it was hard to make a break. Truth was ranching didn't pay much and evidently computer programming did by the looks of his friend's place.

  Nothing could beat the picturesque view of horses or cattle grazing and the freedom open land offered. The scent of hay was something Dolan had always loved. His home sat on the fringes of Cord's ranch. When Uncle Cordell passed, his cousin had gifted him with twenty acres and the small three-bedroom ranch house upon it to keep him near because the two of them were the last of their family. Dolan was a proud man. It had been hard to accept Cord's offer, but he too wanted to stay close.

  "So, where is she?” He wanted to get this party started. The last couple days had been hellish. Not to mention, he hadn't seen his little redheaded veterinarian anywhere, which bothered him more than he cared to admit. Guess it was too much to hope that she'd gone back from where she came.

  Before Rowdy answered, the bedroom door opened.

  In one fell swoop the air in the room disappeared leaving Dolan dizzy. As if his thoughts had conjured the woman, Tracy Marx stepped into the room not more than four feet away.

  Her eyes widened. Her jaw dropped. Shocked didn't describe the look of surprise on her face as their eyes met.

  He shared her disquiet. Speechless, his feet rooted to the floor, the only thing that appeared to be working was his cock. The damn thing sprung to life.

  Sexy didn't begin to describe how she was dressed. Stilettos and long legs wrapped in sheer black stockings led to narrow hips barely concealed by a thong. But it was the corset raising her breasts and presenting them as if they were dessert that almost gave him a heart attack. Wild red hair framed her face making her the most sensual creature he had ever laid eyes on. Not to mention, her soft female musk taunted him unmercifully.

  Lust rumbled in his throat. He felt his nostrils flare. Tingles exploded in the center of his palms giving him the uncontrollable urge to bury his hands in her silky mass.

  Her mouth snapped shut drawing into a thin line. She blinked hard before her gaze shot to their host. “Rowdy?” There was a quiver in her voice. Her fingers now balled into fists.

  "What?” The lack of innocence in his friend's voice made Dolan turn and glare at him. “You two know each other?” Before either of them could comment, he said, “That's great. Makes getting to know each other easier."

  "Easier,” she repeated with enough heat in her tone to light a fuse. She faced Dolan with accusation in her eyes. Her palms now perched on her hips. “You set this up to humiliate me."

  What the fuck was she talking about? “Humiliate you?” His voice was coarse as sandpaper as he closed the distance between them. Nose to nose, he huffed, “Woman, I want you gone—not in my bed.” It was a bold-faced lie. He did want her in his bed, so badly he felt his control slipping.

  She flinched at his cruel words. Color heated her cheeks. For a second the hardness in her features crumbled and moisture filled her eyes making them pools of blue.

  Dammit. He didn't mean to hurt her. It just—

  Before he could apologize, her backbone stiffened. Moist eyelashes batted her emotion away, almost as if it never existed and replaced it with one of pure disdain.

  "Feeling is mutual.” She whipped around, took several hurried steps and then drew to an abrupt halt. As if she second guessed her move, she pivoted again and walked back so that they were a foot away. With a toss of her head she sent her mass of red hair over a shoulder. “You know, Crane, you remind me of the first animal I treated.” She narrowed her gaze. “He was a jackass, too.” She was still hissing the insult when he reached for her.

  The impact of their bodies coming together forced an indelicate “Ugh” from her. Chest to chest, hips to hips, he trapped her in his embrace.

  Fury flickered in her eyes, dilating them. “Release me.” Her heated breath washed over his face.

  Release her? The hell he would. Instead he lowered his head and captured her stubborn mouth with his. The kiss was slow, hot, and he made sure thorough and unforgettable.

  Taken unaware, she froze.

  There was a second where time stood still and a thousand sensations seduced him. With a need that bordered on insanity he stroked her tender lips, savoring her essence and the softness of her skin.

  Yes. The word hummed throughout him. He knew she would taste of heaven and hell.

  She bit his lip.

  "Fuck,” he yelped, but didn't let her go as she attempted to shove him away. So much for making the damn kiss unforgettable.

  The growl of frustration she released only ignited his need to devour her more. Their eyes met in a fiery exchange. A squeal came from her parted lips as he stepped forward, pinning her against the wall.

  Her breathing was rapid, chest heaving to mimic his. Determination to resist him was etched on her brows. No way would she win in this game of wills. Before the night was over she would be melting in his arms.

  "Dolan.” He heard Rowdy's warning tone but ignored him to press his mouth to hers once again. In the exchange their teeth clashed.

  She continued to struggle against his assault, but that didn't deter him. In reality he didn't know if he could stop. He had to taste her—all of her. Never had he wanted anyone like he did her. Since seeing her at Jester's she was all he could think of. She dogged his every waking moment and haunted his dreams.

  He inhaled her powdery perfume and caressed the silkiness of her skin as he slid his palms down her body. Looping his hands behind her knees, he raised her to part her thighs and move between them. He fit so damn perfect, like he belonged there.

  His hands traveled down her back and settled on her ass, cupping and squeezing, pushing her against his groin. As he grinded his hips into the sweet spot he hoped to be revealing soon, she tossed back her head and cried out. The delicate sound caught somewhere between passion and desperation. He prayed it was more of the first than the latter. Even still, he stroked her lips with his tongue urging her to give in, allow him to carry her to ecstasy.

  But the time wasn't right. She continued to resist him.

  Relentless with his kisses, he nibbled on her bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth. All the while, he caressed and rubbed against her body, tempting and teasing to break down her defenses.

  Dolan knew the moment she surrendered. She sighed, softening against him. Struggle gone, she crossed her legs at the ankles to hold him closer. Her mouth opened, welcoming him with an urgency to match his own. Knocking his hat off, she threaded her fingers through his hair, pulling him nearer to take the initiative and deepen the caress.

  The touch of her tongue against his ignited an explosion of fire and ice. Male pride surged through his veins as he wrapped his arms possessively around her.

  Damn. Her submission was even better than he had imagined. One after the other he swallowed her mewling cries.<
br />
  Rowdy nudged him. “My turn.” Dolan didn't want to let her go.

  "Mine,” he growled against her lips. Eyelids half-shuttered, she looked at him with such hunger that he swore he felt the tug. A shiver slithered up his spine.

  "Ours,” his friend insisted. “You've had her long enough. It's my turn."

  Dolan wouldn't have released her, but she unfolded her legs and eased down his body to stand on her feet. She placed her palms on his chest and looked into his eyes to send his heart reeling. What was it about this woman that made his chest tighten—made it hard to breathe?

  The calm she wore quickly began to crumble as she took a shuddering breath. “Rowdy,” she whimpered.

  Dolan stepped aside and his friend took his place.

  Cupping her face, he hummed, “Hush, baby. Let us pleasure you."

  "I don't think—"

  Dolan watched as his friend stole her building objection with a heated kiss.

  No way could Dolan let her leave. While Rowdy kept her occupied, he inched between her and the wall. Brushing aside her hair, he began to caress her bare shoulder with his lips. Hands riding her hips, he slid his fingers forward to hug her flat abdomen.

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  Chapter Six

  Tracy couldn't think clearly. Rowdy's mouth moved relentlessly over hers as he held her tight. She had waited a lifetime to experience something as explosive as what these two men offered. The battle between her and Dolan had been fucking hot, breaking down her resistance. Her surrender had rocked her. She knew immediately it was only a taste of what was to come. Tonight she would venture into the unknown. Discover what it felt like to step beyond the traditional lines of making love.

  Crane stepped behind her, pressing his front to her back. Sandwiched between the softness of their cotton shirts and the stiffness of their jeans against her skin made her feel vulnerable. She inhaled their masculinity, hot and spicy.

  Crane placed his hands on her waist and every bone in her body grew weak. The man's kisses had drugged her, but his touch was deadly. Wicked hands caressed her with reckless abandonment, stroking the bare flesh between her corset and thong. His fingertips set off a series of sparks across her skin every place they teased.


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