My Commander

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My Commander Page 2

by Alanea Alder

  "I just want to talk." His words were careful and he spoke in gentle tones.

  "I suppose you want to talk about your dog people." She edged closer to the nightstand.

  "Dog people? Oh, you saw Colton. Right. How do I explain this?" He rubbed the back of his neck, his face taking on a sheepish expression. If he weren't her abductor, she would say he looked adorable.

  "Start with the dog thing." She suggested.

  "Colton is one of the men in the unit that I serve with. Each man in the unit is a little ... different than most people. Colton happens to be a shifter. He can turn into a wolf."

  Meryn blinked. Then blinked again. Without looking away from him she ran her fingers over the heavy looking lamp base.

  "So you're a wolf?" She asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

  He looked offended. "Of course not."

  She let out a relieved breath.

  "I'm a bear."

  She closed her eyes. "Why me? Why does this shit always happen to me?" When she opened her eyes he had moved a little closer. She tensed. He leaned in and sniffed her hair.

  "Are you sniffing me?" She asked incredulously.

  "I want to be sure. Let me ask you something, are you drawn to me?" His eyebrows were bunched together as he frowned down at her.

  "Do you mean do I want to have hot, sweaty sex with you?" She asked.

  "No! Wait. Do you?"

  "Not answering that."

  "Do you know about animals?"

  "I guess I know what most people know."

  "Do you know that wolves mate for life?"

  "So do swans." She had seen that on National Geographic. He looked surprised.

  "They do? Really?"

  "Yup." She nodded.

  "I never knew that."

  "What was your point?"

  "Sorry, got distracted. The point is that people like me and Colton, we get one mate in life, like wolves in the wild. You are my mate." He smiled down at her.

  Oh God, he wanted to mate with her!

  She grabbed the lamp and pulled the wire from the socket.

  "Is this some freaky ass cult?" She threw the lamp as hard as she could at him. She smiled in satisfaction when it bounced off his head. The satisfaction was short lived when he turned his irritated gaze her way. She jumped on the bed and kept going until she backed into the corner with the second nightstand at her back and the king size mattress between them.

  "I won't become part of the collective. I refuse to have your babies. Resistance isn't futile!" She screamed and picked up the second lamp. He turned and fled the room. Breathing hard, she put the lamp down with shaking hands. He seemed to run from objects thrown at him. She decided she needed to search the room and bathroom for more projectile objects. Feeling better now that she had even a small plan she got to work.


  Aiden sat downstairs with his men around him. He let Lorcan's unit set up patrols in case any other women decided to scale their perimeter fences. How could one tiny woman cause so much damn trouble?

  "She's lively." Darian said consolingly.

  "I have no idea what she is saying half the time." Aiden groaned.

  "She's female of course you don't." Keelan said.

  "Let her calm down. She's been up there for the past of couple hours, she should be getting hungry. Maybe by providing food, you can show her that you mean to take care of her and be a good mate." Gavriel suggested.

  "That's not a bad idea. I know food always makes me feel better." Aiden nodded. Maybe a nice quiet dinner where they could get to know one another was just the thing they needed.

  "Do we have any food here?"

  "Leftovers from that Italian place we went to the other day, it should still be good." Keelan reminded him.

  "Okay. I'm going to try to feed her and get her to listen." Aiden stood with a renewed sense of purpose. His men on the other hand, looked worried.

  "I'm sure everything will be okay." He smiled, feeling more and more confident. He could after all handle one small human female.


  She heard him at the door and jumped up. Grabbing the heavy porcelain toilet back she ran over and climbed up on the long dresser next to the door. She held her breath when the door inched open. He had only taken a single step inside the room when she brought the toilet back down on his head as hard as she could. He fell to his knees with a loud crash. Two styrofoam containers dropped out of his hands and landed on the floor. He floundered around on all fours before falling forward. Shaking, she dropped the toilet back, hopped down and ran out of the room. She sprinted through the hallway and down the stairs. If she could just get outside, she could make her way back to the fence and find her car. She was about to open the front door when she was grabbed from behind. The blond man, Colton held her again.

  "Let me go!"

  "No way small fry." A pain filled roar echoed from upstairs.

  "Okay, I know I pissed him off, please let me go."

  "What did you do?"

  "Hit him over the head with the back of the toilet." She whispered.

  "Seriously?" Colton began to shake with laughter, never loosening his grip. She twisted and turned in an effort to get away. Loud footsteps had her looking up. Aiden, looking furious stomped down the stairs cursing and rubbing the back of his head. Not stopping, he grabbed her by the arm, swung open the front door and dragged outside.

  "What are you doing Aiden?" Colton asked, jogging behind them.

  Aiden was taking such large strides he was literally dragging her along. They didn't stop until they came to a car. He opened the back and threw her in. He got in the driver's seat and she began to kick at the back of his head. When her sneaker bounced off for the second time he got out, opened the door and grabbed her again. When she saw where he was about to put her she began crying.

  "Please, don't!" He tossed her in the trunk and slammed it shut. Darkness began to close in on all sides.

  "Dammit! She's human Aiden, you can't drive around with her in the trunk." She heard Colton yell.

  "I'm not going far."

  "Where are we going?" The voices were getting further away.

  "My parents' house." The two car doors shutting vibrated the frame of the car. Seconds later the engine started and she could feel them moving. Crying softly in fear and frustration she prayed he wouldn't kill her.


  When the car stopped Meryn was exhausted. She had been kicking the roof of the trunk the entire trip. She heard the doors open and shut, then male laughter.

  "You're going to have to get that hammered out." She heard Colton say.

  "Goddamn woman!" The trunk flew open and she scowled up at the men. Their bodies were black silhouettes blocking out the brightness of the sun. His hands pulled her from the trunk and half dragged, half carried her up the path to a very expensive looking mansion. The front door opened and a man in butler attire, without batting an eye, stepped aside for Aiden to enter.

  "Shall I inform your parents of your arrival sir?" Meryn stared, he was the quintessential butler. Perfectly combed grey hair. Clean shaven. Crisp collar and well knotted tie. She looked down. Yup. Even his shoes were polished to a glossy black.

  "Is your name Alfred?" She asked, unable to help herself. He winked at her, his eyes kind.

  "My name is Marius Steward, and you are?" He asked, eyeing Aiden who held her upper arm nearly over her head, which had her lurching around on tiptoe.

  "My name is Meryn Evans, I've been kidnapped by this crazy asshole, who wants me to join his cult, have his babies and wear my skin. Can you call the police please?" Bushy grey eyebrows shot up, though his facial expression never changed. Aiden snarled down at her.

  "He what?" A female voice demanded. Meryn looked up the grand staircase as the most elegant couple she had ever seen descended towards them. The woman wore her honey blonde hair up in a Victorian style bun. Her light brown eyes flashed as she moved forward. Her lavender dress was layers of la
ce and satin, cinched around a tiny waist. The man at her side wore a dark suit and cravat. They looked like they had just walked out of a scene from Pride and Prejudice. Meryn couldn't help the tiny sigh of envy. Never in a million years could she look like that.

  "Aiden what have you told this poor child? And let go of her arm, you'll pull it out of the socket like that." The woman admonished. Aiden immediately released her arm. Meryn eyed the woman with new respect, if she had Aiden hopping to, then maybe she could help her get out of here.

  "She is a menace! She gave Colton a bloody lip, threw a lamp at me, knocked me unconscious with the back of my toilet, kicked me in the back of the head... twice and dented the roof of my trunk!" Meryn noticed that he roared the last grievance, trust a man to be more worried about his car than his possible concussion.

  "And how did she dent the roof of your trunk?" Meryn heard the edge to the woman's voice and answered quickly hoping to garner sympathy for her situation.

  "He threw me in the trunk of his car. I was kicking it from the inside trying to escape." She sniffed dramatically and glared at Aiden. She noticed that he had suddenly paled.

  "Oh, son." The handsome older man covered his face with his hand and the woman stared at them in shock.

  "You locked her in the trunk?!"

  "She was kicking me." Aiden protested.

  "She is human and half your size!"

  "You don't understand, she is a terrorist!"

  "She is your mate isn't she?" The woman asked. Meryn started to feel uneasy. There was that mate word again.

  "Maybe." Aiden muttered under his breath. He stuck his hands in his pockets and stared at the floor. Meryn looked over to see Colton grinning like an idiot taking the whole thing in. She frowned at him. He winked at her. Yup, an idiot.

  "You couldn't explain things to her in a normal way? You had to kidnap and assault her?" The woman demanded her hands on her hips accentuating her tiny waist. Meryn looked down at the puffy layers of her extra large hoodie, worn jeans and dirty sneakers. Yup, no comparison.

  "I tried to serve her dinner and that was when she hit me over the head."

  "I was trying to escape, you had me locked up for hours." Meryn clarified.

  "That's because you threw the lamp at me and were screaming about cults. I was letting you calm down." Aiden glared down at her, she glared right back. The sound of hands clapping together had them both looking at the woman.

  "This is what we're going to do. We're going to go to the kitchen and let Marius make us a nice pot of tea. We'll sit down and I'll try to answer your questions. Please know that you are not in any danger. In fact every single person in this room would gladly defend you against any possible threat. You're in the safest place you could be." The woman stepped forward and looped an arm through hers. They walked towards the back of the house. Meryn hoped that after their explanation maybe they would just let her go. The woman leaned forward and whispered.

  "His bark is worse than his bite. He's a good man. He has dedicated his life to protecting our people." The woman patted her arm.

  "He doesn't like me." Meryn whispered.

  "Why do you say that?" The woman asked.

  "Because I don't look like you. He knew I had cut my hair, I don't think he likes how I look with it short. He said I look like a boy." Meryn ran a hand over her short cropped curls and the woman laughed.

  "Trust me dear, he wouldn't want a mate that looked like his mother." Meryn stopped and stared.

  There was no way this woman was his mother!

  The woman pulled her along until they were in the kitchen. Meryn momentarily forgot about Adelaide's age and gawked at the room in front of her. The magazine cover worthy kitchen had warm, light brown, stone countertops, industrial stainless steel appliances and even a brick oven. This was every chef or bakers dream kitchen. They all sat down around a large, dark wood table. The woman's words started to sink in.

  "You're his mother? No way! You're not old enough to be his mother."

  "Thank you for that darling, but I'm older than I look."

  Meryn edged away in her chair. "You're dog people too, aren't you?"

  The woman looked at her confused.

  "She means shifters. She saw Colton shift in the yard." Aiden explained to his mother.

  "Sweetheart, Aiden is a bear, we're his parents, that makes us bears as well. My name is Adelaide McKenzie and this is my mate Byron McKenzie. You of course have met Aiden. The blond man who looks entirely too amused at my son's discomfort, is his childhood best friend Colton Albright, and the delightful man who is making our tea for us is my squire, Marius Steward." Adelaide made the introductions and Meryn nodded and kept her mouth shut. The less they knew about her the better.

  "I hope you like Earl Grey little miss." Marius set a fragile looking china cup and saucer in front of her. As he poured the dark liquid in her cup the floral scent of bergamot filled the air. She inhaled deeply, Earl Grey had always been a favorite. He held up a sugar bowl filled with tiny white cubes and a pair of tongs.

  "Four please." He nodded and with practiced ease dropped four of the sugar cubes in her cup. She picked up a tiny silver spoon and began to stir.

  "Four?" Aiden stared.

  "I like it sweet."

  "So do I." Byron smiled at her kindly and took three cubes.

  "Now, in all the ruckus, did my son explain that you were his mate?" Adelaide asked sipping her tea.

  "He said we were mates, but I kinda freaked out after that."

  "That's understandable, considering the situation." Byron shot an amused look at his son.

  "How could he know that we are mates? We've just met." Meryn asked. She still didn't quite believe this was happening, but seeing Colton shift had definitely swayed things in her mind. Either they were telling the truth or her genius mind had finally cracked. She personally didn't think that she was that weak, that only left the explanation that they weren't lying and really were bear people.

  "Being shifters we know by scent." Adelaide explained.

  "So that's why he kept sniffing me." Meryn mused out loud and Byron laughed.

  "A mate's scent to a male is like catnip to a cat, we can't get enough of it." Aiden's father leaned over and buried his nose in Adelaide's neck breathing deeply. He smiled at his mate as if to make the point.

  "So Colton, with the great ass, is a dog shifter?" Meryn asked. Aiden growled loudly.

  "I do have a great ass." Colton admitted beaming.

  Aiden's father ran a hand over his mouth smiling. Aiden stood, sending his chair flying backwards.

  "You shouldn't be looking at anyone else's ass!" He bellowed chest heaving. Thirty minutes ago, she would have been terrified, but he had kidnapped her, stuffed her in a trunk and manhandled her. She had met his parents and saw their love for each other and their son and it had changed her perception of him. She was no longer afraid of him. He was just a grumpy, spoiled-ass bear and she was tired of his growling.

  She stood, ready to bellow back when she noticed that he towered over her. Grumbling, she climbed onto the chair. She was still only about chin level. He smirked down at her. Seething in frustration she climbed on top of the table and put her finger right in his face.

  "Don't you dare tell me what to do! I am a grown woman, if I want to look at naked men I will!" She knew she was screeching, but couldn't help it, this man drove her nuts.

  "You want to look at naked men, start with me!" Aiden whipped off his shirt and stood in front of her his hands on his hips.

  All coherent thought flew from her mind. Meryn felt her IQ dropping along with her eyes as she took in every ... single ... inch of him. The man was a work of art. Never before had she seen something so perfect. He was built, but not bulky. His muscles had definition and she appreciated every dip and ridge. Her eyes moved down his body and the view only got better. Mentally she traced each rigid valley that made up his eight pack. Her eyes followed the smattering of dark hairs down until she was looking at w
here his pants began. She couldn't help her physical reaction to him if she tried. Groaning, he pulled her off of the table and into his arms. His lips found hers and her world changed forever.

  She had never felt such need, such urgency as she did when his tongue twined around hers. It was as if he was inhaling her, absorbing every breath and drop of sweat. He fed from her lips as if he was dying and she was his last meal. Vaguely she was aware of everyone quietly leaving the kitchen, but she didn't care. All she wanted was this man, forever. She had gone her entire life without ever experiencing this drowning need, and now that she had, she would never let it go. It was as if her body was coming alive for the first time under his touch.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and practically climbed up his body. She buried her hands in his hair and allowed him to dominate her mouth. He pulled away and she whimpered. His lips traced her ear and her breath caught, when his soft lips trailed down the slope of her neck she moaned. He pulled away again and she noticed that his eyes were different now. They were no longer a bright blue, but an unreadable black. She tensed. She had forgotten that he wasn't human. The black eyes were eerie. She was trying not to be afraid, but it wasn't something a person could exactly control.

  He must have noticed the change in her ardor because he blinked and closed his eyes. Pulling her close he buried his face in her neck.

  "Please don't be afraid of me. Not me. We may have had a rocky start, but I would never hurt you. Never." He whispered harshly.

  It was his desperate request that swayed her. It touched her very soul. It was filled with raw sense of loneliness that she understood all too well. In that moment she knew that she would never be afraid of him again. Hesitant at first, she wrapped her arms around his head and stroked his hair. A shudder went through his body and his arms tightened.

  "I'm sorry I hit you with the toilet." She whispered. He chuckled and she felt a sense of accomplishment. It was the reaction she was hoping for. She pulled back suddenly, desperate to see his smile.


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