Alien Games

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Alien Games Page 3

by Claudia Rose

  The consequence of Jenna sitting up was that Bruce suddenly found himself eye to nipple with her magnificent breasts. With a desperate effort he wrenched his eyes up to her face.

  “Uh, yes, I’m fine,” he said, trying to keep looking her in the eye. “How are you…feeling…?” he trailed off lamely.

  “Oh as good as can be expected in the circumstances,” she replied airily. “I guess we’re not going to be getting our clothes back in a hurry,” she continued, as if the prospect was little more than a minor inconvenience.

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  Bruce struggled up into a sitting position, attempting to gain some control over the situation.

  Seated, he found that he and Jenna were knee to knee in the cramped room. As if on strings, his eyes were drawn inexorably downwards again, over Jenna’s firm tits towards her enticing womanhood.

  The sight of her female charms caused the vessels in his flaccid member to constrict, and the blood pulsing down there made his penis start to inflate like an erratically blown balloon. He tried to cross one leg over the other to hide what was occurring, but this only succeeded in drawing Jenna’s attention to what was happening down at groin level.

  “Why Bruce,” she cooed. “I think you’re pleased to see me.” She reached forward and lightly rested one hand on his inner thigh. The nerves of his leg spasmed beneath her fingers and his cock pulsed even harder.

  Jenna smiled dreamily.

  “I think you need something, and I might be just the person to supply it.”

  Lightly she walked her fingernails up the inside of his leg towards his groin. When she reached his testicles her hand rolled over to cup his swollen scrotum. The last thing she had expected at such an intimate moment was that Bruce’s would yelp and leap a foot in the air.

  “No Jenna, wait!” he gasped.

  Jenna was surprised and hurt. She immediately went on the defensive, just as the Jenna Walsh of old would have. Her eyes flared and she snarled, “Oh I see Glenn, not interested now that you’ve seen me pinned and squirming. Decided you’re too good for me, have you?”

  “No Jenna, that’s not it at all,” Bruce pleaded. “It’s just that I’m in a fair bit of discomfort down there, due to, um, over-stimulation without release.”

  He was about to add, “I’ll do anything you want, let’s just go carefully,” when a soft sliding sound interrupted him. He looked up and his jaw dropped for the second time in the space of two minutes.

  “Besides,” he finally managed. “We’ve got company.”

  Jenna turned and gave a start. Four pairs of eyes were studying them with interest through the open doorway. But the eyes belonged to no creatures that she had ever heard of before. They were clearly more aliens, of two different species, and because none wore any type of garment it was easy to see that a male and female of each species was present. The females had breasts of a sort, and the males had scrotums, but there the resemblance ended.

  The smaller pair looked like a cross between a human and a big cat—a leopard, perhaps—with the male standing about 5”6” high and the female some 6 inches shorter. They stood relaxed and poised on their hind legs, they had slanted eyes, small flat noses, slightly pointed ears, needle sharp teeth, and bodies covered by fine, almost downy, coats of subtly patterned fur. The male was heavier about the shoulders and had more hair on his torso, while the female was much slimmer in the waist and with comparatively wider hips. The impression that they were related to felines was completed by the fact that each had a long, sinuous tail.

  The other pair of creatures towered massively over the cat people. They had the physical presence of gorillas. Their legs appeared short, but only because their torsos were strongly muscled, and their arms were as thick as small tree-trunks. Unlike gorillas they were completely hairless, having instead smooth ebony skin that shone like obsidian, and faces that were very human, and strikingly handsome. Again, the female was some six inches shorter than the male. Other than that, the only immediate difference between male and female, Jenna noticed, was the tremendously large set of testicles hanging between the male’s legs. However, where his penis would have been if he were a human, there was only a barely visible slit.

  As if aware of her scrutiny, the giant creature lowered his head a little to look into her eyes, and as he did so a deep voice, that both she and Bruce could “hear”, rumbled inside their heads.

  “Hello Terrans. We were aware that you had come to consciousness and it was agreed that we should greet you, even though the Vedi have not yet arrived. I am Mortsundroot of the Gortsoitrevnia. Most call me Mort.” As he said this he inclined his huge head towards them in greeting.

  “And I am Zhortasivtal, also of the Gortsoitrevnia,” said the female next to him, in a voice only fractionally less deep. “You are welcome to call me Zhorta.”

  Then the male cat-person spoke, his mind-voice a sweet baritone that purred laughingly in their heads. “Yes, greetings Terrans. I am Fritti of the Trrivv and this is my companion, Mmerr.”

  As he spoke, his companion, the female cat-person, rubbed herself sinuously against the doorframe, and then her soft, sibilant voice echoed purringly in their minds.

  “My dear. I am so sorry that you are in discomfort. Perhaps I can help.” Her tail, snaking forward as if of its own volition, slid up Bruce’s leg and deftly looped itself around his sensitive testicles. It felt to Bruce as if his swollen balls were being cradled in warm velvet and for a moment he was too stunned to make any response.

  Not so Jenna, she suddenly felt very proprietorial towards this portion of Bruce’s anatomy that, twenty-four hours earlier, she wouldn’t have touched with a barge pole.

  “It’s very interesting to meet you,” she responded coolly, assuming that by whatever means the communication was occurring her new found alien companions would be able to understand her speech. “And I’m looking forward to getting to know you all better. But right now my friend has a problem that only I can help him with.”

  In one lightening movement she grabbed Mmerr’s offending tail to pull it loose. Unfortunately for Bruce, as quick as Jenna’s reflexes were, Mmerr’s reflexes were quicker, and instead of being pulled free, the velvet bands tightened into cords of steel before Jenna could remove them.

  The result was that Bruce’s sensitive testicles were pulled so violently from his body that he thought they were coming out by the roots.

  “Eeeeeeeehhhhhhh!” he screamed incoherently, two octaves higher than his normal pitch.

  Desperately he grabbed at Mmerr’s tale to relieve the pressure.

  “Screeeeeesh!” hissed Mmerr, as she felt her beloved tail being mangled by two pairs of Terran hands.

  “Back off, Pussy Galore!” raged Jenna, jumping to her feet. She’d had enough of being pushed around and abused lately, and fury at the way she’d been treated by the first aliens erupted to the surface. She was going to have a piece of this particular alien if it was the last thing she did.

  Not one to back down, Mmerr extricated her tail from Bruce’s desperate grasp and turned to face Jenna with flashing eyes, claws, and needle sharp teeth.

  But before the catfight could begin a new, aristocratic, carefully modulated voice echoed in the minds of everyone present.

  “Ah good. I see we are all getting acquainted.”

  Only Bruce, who was curled on his couch with his hands clenched to his groin, ignored the voice. The rest turned to see who was speaking.

  For Jenna, who had had too many surprises for one day, it was almost more than she could take. Another couple had joined them. Like everyone else they were naked, and quite obviously one was male and the other female, with genitalia that were more conventional by Earth standards. These newcomers were both tall and slim, with refined, aquiline features—the male was strikingly handsome and the female ethereally beautiful. But what really took Jenna’s breath away was their skin, which was a rich luminous blue; their eyes, which were as jet black as their hair; and
their arms, of which they had four instead of two.

  “Good,” rumbled Mort the Gort happily. “The Vedi have arrived. Now perhaps we can find out what is going on.”

  Chapter Four: Enough to Make Him Come

  Jenna’s eyes were wrenched away from these new, startlingly blue, four-armed aliens, by an agonized groan from behind her. She turned back to Bruce, and was frightened to see that his face had gone an unhealthy gray color.

  Never in her life had Jenna felt as close to a person as she did to Bruce at this moment. He was her one link to Earth. He represented everything that was real and familiar. And he was clearly very sick.

  Isn’t this ironic? She thought to herself. The man I wouldn’t have given the time of day to yesterday, is now worth more to me than a dozen World Championships.

  She could see that his groin had started to distend and was turning an angry purple. The sensitive organs down there weren’t made for such handling, she regretted having tried to outsmart the female Trrivv, maybe something had ruptured internally.

  “Bruce, Bruce, it’s okay,” she whispered, kneeling beside him to stroke his forehead. His brow was furrowed with pain and clammy with cold sweat. Jenna was experienced with treating her own soft-tissue injuries and knew that she needed to reduce the swelling. “Give me a moment to see if I can find something to use as a compress,” she said to him, starting to rise to her feet.

  “Perhaps I can help.” A second cultured voice, more lightly pitched than the voice of the male Vedi, echoed in Jenna’s head. She straightened up and turned to find herself facing the serene features of the female. The alien woman’s eyes were deep black pools, and for a peculiar moment Jenna felt as if she was being drawn down into them.

  What she wasn’t aware of, but what the other aliens noticed immediately, was that physically she and the female Vedi were of strikingly similar build and posture.

  “Tisshh,” murmured Fritti, to no one in particular. “Color the Terran blue and give her two more arms and there’d be enough Vedi women to pleasure me and my tail.”

  Mmerr bared her teeth at him and laughed mockingly.

  “Just one Vedi woman is two arms more than you and your tail can handle.”

  Jenna was oblivious to this exchange. Her attention was focused on the Vedi. She needed to resist her. These beings were all aliens, she couldn’t trust them, only Bruce was human here. She opened her mouth to shriek in fury and fear. But before she could utter a sound, the voice echoed once more in her head.

  “Be calm, Terran. I know what you have been through and how difficult it must be to absorb it all. Let your mind relax, feel peace wash through your being. I can heal your friend.”

  As she said this, the Vedi laid a cool hand on Jenna’s shoulder to encourage her to move aside. Jenna felt her skin tingle strangely at the touch, and her body rocked forward, almost of its own volition, so that the creamy globes of her well-formed breasts pressed firmly against the almost identically shaped blue breasts of the alien woman. Jenna gasped at the sensation, it was similar to the tingling she’d felt when the woman touched her shoulder, but warmer and more intense. She wasn’t the only one surprised. The Vedi’s eyes widened, and one of her eyebrows rose inquiringly.

  “My name is Ranisha. I see we must talk. But first let me help your friend.”

  Jenna drew aside in confusion, all her resistance gone, which allowed Ranisha to sink gently down beside Bruce.

  For some time the blue woman did nothing, simply knelt beside the sick man, her eyes closed, her body gently swaying. Then she stretched her arm out towards Bruce’s crotch, and as she did so she started to hum, softly at first but gradually increasing in volume.

  Bruce, who was close to losing consciousness, did not hear the humming as sound, he felt it as a soft vibration in the very center of the intense pain that had gripped his genitals and lower part of his belly. The vibration gradually increased in intensity, and as it did so it seemed to Bruce that the pain was dissolving, and in its place delicious warmth was building. The freedom from pain felt so good that he couldn’t decide whether to laugh or cry.

  His eyes, which had been clenched shut, opened slowly and he found himself looking into the same black pools that Jenna had encountered a few moments earlier. Ranisha’s eyes seemed to him to be like windows, openings through which she was giving him a view into her alien soul. Bruce didn’t really understand what it was he was seeing there, but he knew intuitively that this alien woman was immensely wise, immensely kind, and very terrible if crossed.

  “So Terran, how are you feeling now?” Her voice echoed soothingly in his mind, and her mouth quirked into a smile. At the same time, her hand, which had been hovering over the site of his injury, lowered itself to settle directly on his groin.

  Bruce gasped—and suddenly everything seemed to be happening at once.

  All the blood in his body surged towards the place where Ranisha’s hand was resting, tremendous rushing warmth suffused every part of his crotch. Never in his life had his cock sprung to attention with such speed. In a matter of seconds it was pulsing madly, and he was transported into a world of intense pleasure and desire.

  “The blocks are starting to take effect,” gasped Ranisha’s voice in his mind. “I have only a few more seconds.” Bruce didn’t understand what she was talking about, and he didn’t really care.

  With what appeared to be a huge effort of will Ranisha curled her fingers around Bruce’s shaft. Immediately a glistening drop of pre-cum appeared from the angry red eye at its tip.

  “I must stop in a few seconds, the pain is too much,” she cried out in his mind.

  With an obvious effort, and with an audible moan of deep pain, Ranisha rubbed her hand up and down the length of Bruce’s cock to stimulate it. But she managed only three brief strokes before crying out, clutching the back of her head, and falling to the floor where she curled into a fetal position.

  Bruce didn’t actually realize she’d stopped. Those three strokes had been more than sufficient. It felt to him as if every one of the millions of nerve endings in his engorged rod was receiving concurrent stimulation.

  It was enough to make him come…and come…and come…

  He was too far-gone in ecstasy to take any control of the situation. In fact he wasn’t even aware that his cock was unrestrained. He had surrendered himself completely to the astounding ejaculation that was pumping him empty of every drop of pleasure, pain, desire and unrequited lust that had built up within him.

  In practical terms, this meant that when the eruptions of sticky white cum began spurting out of him, Bruce’s penis was waving around like an uncontrolled fire-hose. Semen sprayed everywhere. A long jet of it splashed across his own face. While an even larger gush covered the heaving bosom of the still suffering Ranisha, who had only just managed to sit back up. The fluid traced the curve of one breast, leaving a shiny liquid trail down her silky blue skin.

  Jenna’s jaw had dropped in surprise when Bruce rapidly metamorphosed from an injured victim into a prize stud stallion. It dropped even further when Ranisha collapsed. Unfortunately it was still open when, with one final spasm, Bruce’s cock sent an enormous spurt sailing through the air and straight down her throat.

  For what seemed like a long time there was an awed silence in the little room—broken only by the sound of Jenna softly gagging.

  At last Bruce opened his eyes, to find Ranisha looking quietly down at him. He pulled himself up on one elbow, relishing the absence of pain in the area of his now flaccid penis.

  “What did you do to me?”

  “I did nothing.” She smiled, showing perfect gleaming teeth the color of black pearl. “It was your own being healing itself. I merely channeled the process and accelerated it to its natural conclusion. Your body has restored itself, and the tantric release has cleared you of the pain, and the frustration of unrequited lust. You should meditate now and locate your inner core of serenity.”

  “But what happened to you? What did
you mean when you said the pain was too much?”

  “Ahh, that.” Ranisha smiled again, mischievously this time, Bruce thought. “Well, you see, the Reven’s controller chip is designed to prevent us giving each other pleasure outside the bounds of their sad little experiments. I could only override my pain centers briefly. But it was more than enough, don’t you think?”

  She addressed the last remark to Jenna, who was still grimacing as if someone had dropped a slug in her mouth.

  “That was revolting,” she replied angrily.

  “On the contrary, it was most enjoyable. Bruce is a man of impressive powers.”

  Ranisha ran one slim blue finger up the rivulet of sperm that had trickled down her breast, and delicately transferred the droplets to the tip of her tongue, as if they were finest caviar.

  “Mmmm. Most unusually potent, I have never tasted the like. No wonder the Reven were so desperate to acquire you.”

  Jenna controlled her revulsion enough to say, “Who are the Reven, and what do they want with us? And for that matter, who the hell are all of you? Why do I keep hearing you in my head? AND WHY THE FUCK DON’T WE HAVE ANY CLOTHES!?”

  She knew she was shouting and might even be getting hysterical, but she couldn’t stop herself and she didn’t think she wanted to.

  The compelling voice of the male Vedi answered her.

  “Be at peace!” he said. “We can answer all your questions, and perhaps give you some mental ease. But there is very much to be said. Let us go through into the communal quarters, take refreshment, and talk.”

  With that, he turned and walked out of the room. And the others aliens fell into step behind him, as if he were the Pied Piper and they were the children of Hamlin.

  Chapter Five: Struck Down by Desire

  Bruce and Jenna stared bleakly the backs of the departing aliens. They felt reluctant to leave this little room. For all its lack of charm it, at least, was a known quantity, a place of privacy and a sanctuary from further shock.

  But standing there alone, face to face, for the first time since their abduction, they both retreated into an awkward personal silence. Bruce looked down at the floor. Jenna did too, but what she saw down there—her own nakedness and his limp manhood—simply reinforced her sense of unreality at the bizarre events that had overtaken her life.


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