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Alien Games Page 8

by Claudia Rose

  “Configure the laboratory with the four standard tests involving mechanical devices. We will use all four females, rotate the subjects, and graph their responses.”

  “As you require, Alpha 19. Again I mean no dissent, but are you sure that the Terran female is ready for such an intensive session so soon after the dominance tests? She will need to climax four times in as many hours.”

  “I have thought of that too. But she has unusually high libido, and with the assistance of the controller chip to re-stimulate her nerves, I don’t anticipate a problem. She can rest the following day while we introduce the Terran male into the program.”

  “Very well. I will set up the experiment to commence as soon as all female subjects have eaten.”

  * * * * *

  Jenna woke to find a very worried Bruce sitting quietly beside her. The memory of the session with Mort caused her to moan and bury her face in her pillow.

  “Jenna, are you all right? What did that big ape do to you? Is there anything I can do to help? “

  “Oh Bruce, it’s not what Mort did to me, it’s what I did to him. Have you seen him this morning? I can’t believe that I am capable of such things, even with the Reven messing with my mind.”

  “I don’t understand what you mean. How on earth could you have done anything to Mort? The guy’s the size of a house!”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. This is too much. How am I ever going to show my face again?”

  Miserably Jenna climbed out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. She dithered around for quite a while, but eventually her common sense told her that it was better to get things over with and face whatever music there was to be faced. Besides, she was hungry.

  Bruce was still sitting unhappily on the bed when she emerged. She gave him a wan smile as she dressed.

  “You might be better staying in here, I’m not sure if an enraged Gort is going to be very manageable.”

  “Whatever you say, but I’m coming too.”

  Together Bruce and Jenna walked nervously into the communal area. The others were already all there eating, and they gave the Terrans friendly greetings as they emerged. Mort and Zhorta were across the other side of the room. As boldly as she could, Jenna walked straight across to Mort.

  “Mort, I just want to say how sorry I am about what happened. I’ve never done anything like that before and I really don’t know how the Reven were able to make me do something that is so opposite to my nature…”

  Jenna stopped mid-sentence because if Mort was pissed he had a strange way of showing it. He was smiling broadly and looking at Jenna with great big puppy dog eyes.

  “You have nothing to apologize to me for, Jenna. I was just telling Zhorta what a gentle and considerate lover you are. I will treasure the romance of the experience. I suggested to her that you might like to give her a few tips on foreplay and subtlety.”

  Rather than appearing offended by Mort’s criticism of her as a sexual partner, Zhorta was chuckling with amusement.

  “Oh Mortsundroot, I never realized you were such a romantic. What ever happened to your assertion that the measure of really good sex was when you couldn’t walk comfortably for the next week? If we ever get the chance to be alone together again, I’m going to hang you from the roof by your balls and show you a really good time. No offence intended, Jenna,” she added sweetly.

  “Oh none taken!” a flustered Jenna assured her hastily. “Well, if everything’s all right with you guys, I guess Bruce and I will get some breakfast.”

  She grabbed Bruce by the arm and pulled him towards the food alcoves.

  Once they were sitting eating, Bruce tried to broach the subject of what had happened between her and Mort.

  “Look!” responded Jenna. “I don’t want to offend you, but I really can’t bring myself to talk about it at the moment. Give me chance to get used to the idea of what we did, and maybe I’ll give you a free demonstration.”

  Bruce recognized that tone of determined refusal, it was something the old Jenna had always used, and despite his concern he had the sense to stay silent. This wasn’t easy; he was churning with jealousy at the knowledge that Jenna had obviously been sexually involved with Mort. He knew rationally that she’d had no more say in the matter than he had, but with their relationship so new, and their own desires perpetually thwarted, it was very difficult to take.

  Shortly after breakfast Bruce and Jenna were idly chatting, when the trance again overtook her and she rose to walk out of the room. Bruce was distressed, but the memory of yesterday’s futile gesture stayed him in his seat. Reluctantly he looked around to see which male she was going with this time, but to his surprise he saw that all three of the alien females were leaving as well. The four males looked at each other with surprise as their companions abruptly departed.

  “It seems we are not required today,” stated Ghanjihi matter-of-factly.

  “Pity,” stated Fritti. “A foursome appeals to me at any time, and particularly that foursome.” He leered as he said this, and his tail twitched erratically. “I wouldn’t mind being an observer, either.”

  “I’m not too bothered,” rumbled Mort. “As tender as yesterday’s loving was, I could do with another day or two to re-gather my energies. I feel a little weak.”

  “Well,” said Bruce. “What do we do to pass the time?”

  * * * * *

  When the women came out of their trance they were standing in a very different room to the one Jenna had been in yesterday. It was well lit, although not too brightly, and practically unfurnished. In shape it was a large square, and at each of the corners stood a strange mechanical device.

  “Oh good!” exclaimed Mmerr, in evident delight. “Reven toys!”

  “It would seem so,” agreed Ranisha, smiling to herself.

  “Who wants what first?” chortled Zhorta.

  “Hang on a minute,” interjected Jenna. “I think you people need to enlighten me a little here. What are Reven toys, and what are we supposed to do? And where the hell have my clothes gone again?” she wailed as an afterthought.

  Before anyone could explain, the mechanical Reven voice intruded.

  “Subjects, you are required to use each of the devices in turn. When all have climaxed on one rotation you will move onto the next machine. When you have climaxed on all four machines the experiment will be over. Attach yourself to a device immediately.”

  “Jenna,” whispered Ranisha urgently. “These are Reven pleasure machines and we must each use one. Seat yourself in the chair over there—but watch the rest of us also so that you know what to do in subsequent rotations.”

  “What? You mean I have to sit on those sad contraptions while they try and make me come. This gets sicker by the minute. Anyway I don’t think I can come four times in a row.”

  “These are Reven machines,” grinned Ranisha. “You’ll come a lot more than four times I would think. Now quickly, get to the chair before the controller chip does something unpleasant to you!”

  Ranisha hurried to a corner and entered what appeared to be a vertical plastic cylinder opened down its center. It was about three-foot in diameter and eight-foot high. Once inside, Ranisha stood looking relaxed and smiled reassuringly across at Jenna.

  The “toy” the others had left her was a fairly ordinary looking easy-chair. Having no other option, Jenna reluctantly seated herself in it. When she sat down, however, she gave a start because the seat wasn’t firm. Not only did it recline as soon as she had lowered herself into it, but it felt as if she were sinking into its surface. Whatever substance the chair was made of, it was warm and soft. As it gave beneath her the sensation reminded Jenna of the time she’d lowered herself into a hot-mud bath. She didn’t stop sinking until most of her body was absorbed into the device. When she looked down she could see her breasts and thighs rising from the surface like islands on a calm sea, other than that she was fully submerged in whatever the hell the thing was made of. There was no discomfort, quite the opposite
, but Jenna knew she couldn’t have moved a muscle had she wanted to. She looked over to see what the others were doing.

  Mmerr had headed straight for a machine that looked positively obscene. It stood about waist high, and was shaped remarkably like the back of a horse. The difference was that where the saddle should have been, there was a very dramatic looking phallus, as well as a number of lesser protrusions. Mmerr hadn’t mounted the device yet, she was stroking the phallus with her tail and purring happily, while one hand delicately massaged her own crotch. Jenna could see that this posy’s pussy wasn’t a lot different to her own. Ironically it had less hair, and Mmerr’s moist and swollen inner lips were clearly visible, and becoming even more so. Jenna hadn’t seen another female’s anatomy close up, she’d never thought she’d want to, but Mmerr’s excited mound was more attractive than she’d imagined. Sensing her gaze, Mmerr grinned over at Jenna.

  “I’ve never been good at saving the best till last, this ride just does it for me. It connects with my spot inside, my nub outside, and my tail, all at the same time.” She added unapologetically, “You’ll have to excuse me, this is going to get noisy.”

  Mmerr vaulted lithely onto the saddle. With considerable delicacy she positioned herself over the gleaming tip of the up thrust phallus. She used both hands to pull open her vulva, while her tail wrapped around the vertical rod and carefully positioned it for entry. Then, in one smooth motion, she sat. Jenna was amazed, not only at how easily Mmerr slid downwards, but also at how deeply the phallus lodged inside her.

  With a happy purr, Mmerr let her legs drop down on either side of the device. Then, with her eyes closed, she began running her hands over her breasts, while her tail snaked around to massage the area of her clitoris.

  Jenna was entranced, and could have watched for much longer, but a bizarre apparition appeared at the edge of her vision.

  It was Zhorta. The device she had chosen for this first rotation was much less obscene than the one Mmerr was mated to. Somehow Zhorta had squeezed her huge frame into a black jumpsuit. Clearly it was capable of expanding to fit her body, but the effect was to make it appear as if she had been dipped in liquid latex. To complete the picture, she was pulling a black, full-face helmet down over her head. She reminded Jenna of a huge Harley-Momma wearing black leathers.

  “So tell me about these ‘toys’,” Jenna called to Ranisha.

  “You are seated on a sensory chair, it is designed to stimulate your erogenous zones, and only your erogenous zones. I am standing in a body sheath, it will stimulate all my nerve endings. Zhorta is wearing a virtual lover, it is intended to allow her to live-out her most secret fantasies. And Mmerr is riding the self-stimulator, it is designed to give its user maximum control over her sexual experience, and it concentrates sensation largely in the genital area.”

  “Activity will commence in thirty seconds,” droned the Reven voice.

  “Be calm Jenna, it will not be unpleasant,” reassured Ranisha.

  “Just relax,” came Zhorta’s muffled advice from behind her helmet.

  “And enjoy the ride,” finished Mmerr, with a throaty purr that changed into a yowl of delight as somewhere a Reven flicked a switch.

  The effect was not so sudden for Jenna, she had time to see what was happening to the others. Mmerr’s ride had started to move, and it appeared to be emitting a soft hum. Zhorta was making strange contortions in mid-air, which looked to Jenna as if she were holding onto a basketball and pounding it repeatedly between her thighs. Ranisha was by far the most striking, the cylinder she was standing within had closed around her, melding itself to her figure. She appeared to be encased in a shimmering rainbow, and her body was tensed like a bow, her back arched, and her magnificent breasts thrust forward. Her lips were slightly parted, and Jenna could hear a soft, unearthly sound of incredible beauty coming from them.

  Perhaps it was the sound Ranisha was making that made Jenna feel more attuned to what was happening to her. The chair was definitely starting to do things to her body. A fine layer of its substance had risen to cover her breasts. She was aware of warmth there, and also down below her waist.

  But that was not all, a mass of sensations was starting to affect her. She found that she could isolate them—it felt as if her toes were being sucked, each one gently and individually; another tongue was at work behind her knees; while more pleasurable sensations were occurring in and around her pussy. She was aware that she was being gently entered. A pressure was kneading her most secret places, forcing her open, invading her. Again her anus was the target of much of the stimulation, she felt as if a warm tongue were exploring this most taboo place, driving her wild with desire. Jenna abandoned herself to the experience and let her brain take her on a tour of all the possibilities of stimulation. The feelings ranged from her earlobes, to her toes, to her pussy, to her breasts, and to her nipples. It was an arousal that was gradual but insistent, and the climax that began to build in her was as inevitable as a tsunami. She abandoned herself to the sheer physicality of he pleasure, hearing herself sigh, then moan, then gasp, then scream as wave after wave of climax took possession of her.

  Finally it was over, and she lay panting in the embrace of the chair. It was with a sad sense of ennui that Jenna considered what had happened. While the climax had been powerful, the experience had left her feeling hollow. Nothing had stimulated her mind, only her body. No living creature had touched her, she hadn’t even touched herself—what had happened had been precise, mechanical and clinical. It wasn’t something she’d care to try again. Even when things had been arguably worse, when she’d been stuck to the wall with bits of alien plastic violating her, she’d at least felt a degree of intimacy having Bruce there responding to her arousal with impressive evidence of his own sexual excitement.

  As if sensing her mood, the chair released her from its grip, and Jenna climbed shakily to her feet. The others had finished too. Mmerr had climbed down from the machine and was proprietarily stroking it with her tail. She looked so pleased with herself that Jenna half expected her to sit down and begin washing with one delicate paw. Zhorta was struggling out of her jumpsuit, all the while giggling as if something hilarious had just occurred. Ranisha, too, was free from the cylinder. She was standing looking relaxed, as if nothing untoward had happened.

  “How was that, Jenna?” she inquired.

  “Good while it lasted, but overall unsatisfying. I don’t think something as purely mechanical as that is my thing.”

  “Ah, good. I had imagined that is what you would have felt, and am pleased to have my suspicions confirmed. We both require more than mechanical stimulation, our mind is our most potent sensory organ and we crave sexual contact with another. Some become addicted to machines like this,” she gave Mmerr a small sideways glance. “But for most of us they are ultimately unsatisfying.”

  “True,” agreed Zhorta. “But they can also be very funny.”

  “Attention subjects,” intruded the Reven voice. “The next rotation will begin in ten minutes, move one place to your left and prepare to use the device.”

  Jenna sighed. “I really don’t think I’m ready for another round.”

  “You will be,” Ranisha assured her. “Go to your place and compose your mind.”

  Jenna’s place this time was the lewd machine that Mmerr had so enjoyed. Having seen Mmerr use it she wasn’t too taken aback, but she did find the evidence of Mmerr’s pleasure disturbing. She looked around, wondering whether she dare complain. But all the others were engaged in preparing themselves. Zhorta had sunk into the chair Jenna had vacated. Ranisha was now wearing the black jumpsuit, although it had mysteriously sprouted an extra pair of arms. And Mmerr was waiting impatiently inside the body sheath for things to get underway.

  Jenna looked again at the phallus, still gleaming with the slipperiness of Mmerr’s orgasm. She had always been a fastidious person, she took her personal hygiene very seriously, and the thought of mounting a device covered in the juice of someone
else’s pleasure left her feeling a little ill. But at the same time, she wasn’t sure that complaining wouldn’t just activate the controller chip, nor did she want to cause offense to any of the others.

  So, taking a deep breath and holding it, she moved closer to the glistening phallus, pondering the best way to mount. But she couldn’t hold her breath forever, and finally she had to suck in air with a gasp. Mmerr’s scent on the chair was surprisingly pleasant. It reminded Jenna of a sweet, heavy musk, and that in turn reminded her of how erotic she’d found the sight of Mmerr’s private places. Feeling more cheerful, and already a little aroused, Jenna climbed on board.

  She slid down the shaft just as Mmerr had, feeling it adjust in width and length so that it filled her comfortably. She wriggled a little to settle herself, and gripped the body of the machine experimentally with her legs, as if she were riding a horse. When the powerful tendons of her inner thighs squeezed, the phallus responded with a delicious pulse that focused her attention on the pleasure spots between her legs. Growing in confidence, Jenna allowed gravity to press her down harder, so that the smaller protrusions pressed against her clit and between her buttocks.

  “You look marvelous up there,” commented Zhorta, who had been watching the proceedings with interest from the embrace of the chair. “No wonder Mort thought you were magnificent.”

  Jenna blushed a little at the memory, but she also recalled the fun she’d had with Mort’s great piston. She was still thinking of the last experiment when the machine started. The combination of rocking and vibration set her clitoris tingling almost immediately, while the phallus pulsed up and down its length with a sensation of oil-filled beads being drawn in and out of her hole. Determined to relax and go with the experience, Jenna tried out a range of positions and sensations. For a while she closed her eyes and advanced the process by massaging her own breasts, but she found it more exciting to watch the others. Mmerr was wriggling sinuously within the rainbow body sheath, yowling with pleasure, her tail, which was also encased, circling in an aerial ballet. Ranisha had contorted herself into a complex shape in the jump-suit, her upper pair of arms were holding her legs apart at greater than a ninety degree angle, the lower pair were massaging her own buttocks, and most amazing of all, she had her helmet covered face pressed into her own crotch. Over in the chair, Zhorta wasn’t capable of much movement. But she was clearly enjoying herself, and Jenna noticed with awe that her ample breasts seem to be expanding and contracting in time with her moans of pleasure.


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