“I guess we just took a Kalu system,” Someone said.
The Kalu on the Star-warrior yard had been probably killed, those in the patrol had been ambushed by jump ships and the few ships actually attached to the station would not survive Bregend's strike force.
The Star-destroyer station looked to be mostly taken, the resistance was minimal, and the Independents were having a field day.
“Jesus, we just stole two thousand Kalu Destroyers with less than fifty ships,” Ola, the card shark of Bregend's ship. Jessie didn't need to see his eyes to know they were twinkling with that ship bounty.
The Free Fleet used an old system of ship capture. If a crew took a ship, then they would get a percent of the cost of the ship. While it wasn't much, a star ship was a damned expensive machine. A few star ships and someone would be set for retirement.
It was a little known fact, the wealth of an individual in the Free Fleet.
The originals had more than enough to settle anywhere they liked, rather comfortably. With the newest acquiring of Star-destroyer's Jessie wasn't going to be surprised if that net worth wasn't going to increase.
We just have to get them into Union space somehow. He thought, wondering just how in the hell they would be able to pull that one off.
There was also a number of Star Warriors littered through the system. It would be time consuming in the extreme to get all the functional ones together.
Jesse wished they could have all been destroyed, or captured, but there was just too damned many of them.
Kalu Independents were swarming over the Star-destroyers, getting into the yard they were attached to, and rushing for command centres.
“This is Min Hae. I want a complete scan of that ship yard, Bregend gives us four hours until he can be within the vicinity. If we know how these stations are built, hopefully we can make our attacks even more effective. Move it Commandos, got a lot more work to do!” Min Hae said, cutting the channel as Jessie stood.
“Sensors to max, teams of four. Quick but safe, I don't want to find out there are more Kalu hiding out the hard way,” Jessie's voice stern, making sure his point got across. “Move out people,”
This is going to be one hell of a blitzkrieg if we pull it off.
Chapter A new war-leader
Orshpa entered Heija system for the first time. It wasn't hard to spot Heija actual, the Free Fleet and Kalu orbiting it from opposite sides as the light display inside the atmosphere reaching even his sensors at the jump limit.
“Relay to Xentar my status as war-leader as well as orders to destroy the Free Fleet on the surface of the planet and join with our fleet so that we might gather all the ships of our clans, to avenge Edvasho and destroy these dishonourable pests,” Orshpa said, his armor carried new scars and burns from parts of the bridge falling on him and exploding under the damned Free Fleet station's fire.
A talker started relaying the message as Orshpa nursed his rage.
We will show them what we will do to their fleets and their people, starting with this planet. Orshpa thought, containing his blood rage in the knowledge of what new found hell he would bring down on these creatures in their homes and on their planets.
He would bring the black silence of space to these creatures removing them and their race from the light.
Xentar rushed from cover to cover, firing his lasers as he did. His enemy was a conniving one, using traps, explosives and bombs from above to kill his Kalu warriors. But he had plenty of Kalu in reserve and it would be but a matter of time before he broke through their lines and brought victory in Edvasho's name.
His communications beeped as one of his talker's wanted his attention.
He didn't want to answer the talker, instead continuing to fight these Commandos. Though it would only be of the utmost importance.
“Talk,” Xentar ground out.
“Orshpa and the remains of his fleet have emerged. He has declared himself war leader and orders us to attack the Free Fleet with everything we have. They betrayed Edvasho's trust, creating dishonourable stories to be repeated to those clans that follow us,” The talker was at least smart enough to say what the hell would interrupt Xentar's fight as fast as possible.
Xentar's already blood-crazed state heightened.
“We shall make this planet their graves, rip their ships from the sky and crush them with our full might on the ground,” Xentar said, his channel open to all of the Kalu.
“We will make this planet a pyre to our war leader Edvasho!” He yelled, Kalu whose battle hormones sung with his words re-doubled their efforts as Xentar dg his claws into the ground and drove himself into a gallop. He ran faster and faster, turning the outcrop he had used as cover.
“Edvasho! Edvasho!” He roared, cries of “Xentar! Xentar!” Coming back as Kalu moved like a sea of black against the Free Fleet lines.
Xentar didn't see as every Star-Destroyer with fighters still in their hangars, released their eager fighters, like flies from a carcass. Star-warriors fired missiles at the Free Fleet ships, some accelerating for the Free Fleet formation, others dropping towards the ground, creating and artificial night with their numbers.
“Salchar!” Krom said, actually shaking me as Yasu beside me groaned in annoyance, pushing my groggy form away.
“What?” I said, my body still trying to figure out what being awake meant.
A noise halfway between a whining noise and groan rose from Yasu's sleeping form. A sleepy smile grew on my face as I remembered the noises from the night before.
“Battle has come master, the Kalu come with all their number and attack our ships as they attack our lines. We are being pushed back. The people need you,” Krom said.
“Power my HAPA,” I said, my tone dull as my face forgot the smile of moments before, instead feeling like it was chiselled from granite as I stood. Being embarrassed about my nakedness was a moot point, action was called for, and I had seen enough naked bodies for a lifetime.
Krom gave Krom gave Yasu and me our battle suits.
“Will do commander, I'm going to get some more ammo,” Krom said, bowing to both me, and Yasu who was now awake.
I looked to my wife, both of our faces hard.
“Wake-up?” She said, swinging out of bed in her own naked form.
“Yes,” I said, grabbing two ampules from my bedside, then pausing before I threw it, admiring my wife's figure. Who cocked her hip, and pointed to her face. Her eyes seemed to say really? A part of my granite features broke as I shrugged.
Well what did you expect? I thought, she shook her head as if understanding my own thoughts. I tossed her an ampule and her battle suit.
She caught both as we dressed in silence, sealing our battle suits and putting the ampule into our forearm mounted medical unit. I pulled two medical packs and gave them to Yasu, turning as she fitted one to my back.
Her arms held me tightly as if impressing the moment in her memory.
I kissed her cheek and smelt her familiar sent.
Then we released one another as she handed me her medical pack and I took off the one on her back and replaced it.
She turned, our eyes saying everything we could think of.
“I love you,” I said, I didn't say it much, but I meant it every time. It was not a saying that I thought should be thrown around all the time. Right now there were so many things I wanted to say to her, yet there was so many things I didn't know how to say at that moment. Words were a poor way to express my feelings.
“I love you too,” She said, smiling as her eyes filled with water. There were no words I had to express how I wished to wipe away those tears and never see them. All I could do was wrap her in a hug as if my arms and body could somehow stop the emotions raging in both of us to stop.
Unbidden tears filled my eyes as I stopped myself from shaking.
Then we pulled apart, looking at one another.
“I'll see you soon,” She said, standing on her
tip toes as I bent down and we kissed.
It was painfully short, my lips aching for more as her hands found mine and we looked into one another's eyes, squeezing one another's hands before I turned and walked out of the room.
“Alright Shreesht what's happening?” I said, flooding my system with wake-up as any tiredness fled my body.
Part of my mind wandered back to Yasu, but I had thousands of people to look after, all of them with people that they had left to fight this war, or were leaving right now to man their powered armor, HAPA's and systems.
“Here is the newest reports from Rick. He has opened up on the Kalu.
Rick and Marleen had been on the Bridge of Resilient when reports of a wormhole came in.
Rick had been sitting in the secondary seat for Tactical, he looked to his wife, squeezing her hand as he moved to Salchar's seat.
“Sensor's confirm those ship's identities,” Rick said.
“They confirm the profile sent by Cheerleader and Boot,”
“Communications watch, sound battle stations please. Marleen prepare missile salvo along pre-set targets. Make sure all gunnery watches are ready as their full crew get into position,” Rick said, looking to Marleen.
This is it. He thought, his eyes reflecting that as she looked back to him.
I know my love. Her eyes filled with fire as a grin that he had seen in all too many sparring matches with his wife.
They'd better watch out. She turned to her station as Rick felt a spark of amusement and pride inside.
Yup, that's what I'm married to, and wouldn't have it any other way.
He thought, activating his screens ships going from half watches to full readiness with practised efficiency.
“Kalu ships are re-orientating themselves,” Sensors called out.
“Shields up,” Rick said as people that had been off duty started rolling through the Bridge's doors, talking to those that had been on watch to be in the loop before they took over.
“We have a massive outburst of Kalu fighter's more than before,” Sensors called out.
“Marleen, execute missile Salvo, guns are cleared,” Rick said as missiles burst from the fleet, headed for per-designated targets for the most effect.
Star Destroyers without the time to bring their weapons to bear were ripped apart, Cannons that had been manned by watch crews were rammed into ready positions as Gunners started pounding on the Kalu.
“Alright ladies and gents it's about time we got into this flight. I want every fighter that we have in the sky,” PDS systems opened up on the fighters that were headed directly for the fleet. Kalu ships dove for the surface of Heija.
“Ready all Commandos on board to be ready to repel boarders,” Rick said as Star-warriors made their targets clear as their bomb-pumped drives kicked off.
“Nav I want us in the best position to use all of our guns,” Rick kept the orders flying as the command crew worked like hells own workers as the fleet, like some kind of half-asleep Dragon came to life in flame and death.
“Changing to laser missiles and splitters,” Marleen said, more and more of the regular missiles getting shot down.
“They are targeting sensor platforms,” Walf said, there was no panic in his voice, just the calm voice of someone that expected everything to go wrong to do so.
“Some sensor missiles tactical, we want to be able to see the bastards’ burn,” Rick said.
“Yes sir!” Marleen said parts of the star-map that had become wire frames were cleared up in a few moments.
“New positions to bring the most weaponry to bear sent to your console,”
“Pass it on Ben, I trust you to not put us in a black hole,” Rick said, allowing a glimmer of a smile on his lips.
“Yes sir,” Ben said, his tone at odds with his commanders as he saw to getting the fleet shifted into position.
“Destroyer Vagabond has taken severe shield damage, they are rolling to interpose extra shields, but they are under heavy contact by Kalu fighters. They're practically right next to a Star Destroyer,” Walf said.
“Well Marleen I sense a new target for your guns,” Rick said.
“Vort, tell Heston his biggest priority is those damned Destroyer's the one's with fighters and closest to us are the biggest priority. Marleen could you get some laser missiles on those dear?”
“Certainly,” She said, Rick could see the amused head shake she gave at his slip-up as she tapped away at her controls.
“All helms confirm receipt, Fleet ready for movement,” Milra said.
“Well Helm, I see no time better than the present,” Rick said back, watching the star-map as he talked. Mere minutes ago it had been a place of calm, now it was a true battlefield, Kalu and Free Fleet formations hammering one another with lasers and missiles with abandon.
The Kalu were so tightly packed that they weren't able to bring all their weapons, or missiles to bear. Something that Rick was thankful for. The first wave of missiles had struck down forty seven Star-Destroyer's. Each missile had been picked out for precision, hitting the weakest parts of the star-destroyer's and the one's that had been filled with Kalu fighters.
Though it didn't seem to have much affect by the number of fighters that were now streaming out of the damned two to three hundred Destroyer's remaining.
Thankfully half of them were empty, and half of the number leaving the destroyers were headed for Heija.
“Vort, the ground..,” Rick started to say.
“...has been fully appraised of the situation and is reacting as necessary,” Vort said, cutting off his commander. Not many would have done so, but Vort and Rick had known one another for a number of ears, and battles now.
Rounds started flying from the ships on the surface of Heija, missile tubes released their payloads as they too added their weight to their brothers and sisters onslaught above.
“That's what I'm talking about Lifendi,” Rick said making a fist and pumping it slightly in victory. Foshunti might have a small squadron on the surface of Heija, surrounded by Kalu, but still his crews were fighting with the perseverance that the Free Fleet was feared for.
Laser-missiles struck Star-destroyer's engine's causing them to lose altitude. If it had been in the black of space then the Destroyers would have been fine, but now, so close to the atmosphere as the Kalu had wished to rush down and join the battle on the surface. The fighter's leaving the destroyers were thrown as atmosphere ripped at the ship, Heija pulling the destroyers down like a Rick would imagine a Kraken would.
“Nice shooting Tactical, keep it up,” Rick said as more destroyer's engines were struck, the ships ripped apart by the laws of gravity and air friction.
One smashed into a mountain range, the entire ship going up in a ball of plasma, and burning. Burning like no ship would in vacuum.
Gunners changed their targets to ship's engines, it took some time for the ships to be claimed by gravity, but at least slowing the enemy at this point was a plus.
Marleen stood at her station, missile salvos that had already been programmed in were flying free of the fleets tubes in synchronization.
Gunners were leaning into their guns fully, the AI enhancements making one gun team as effective as four teams would have been.
“Tactical, you may run down to the gunnery decks,” Rick said, knowing that she was of little difference up on the command deck for the immediate future. Also knowing that his gunner's accuracy, savagery and rate of fire took a jump up as their tactical commander wrangled and gun and got into hammering the enemy, clearing and firing like the best of them.
As much as she liked being in the gun pits, she was a necessity on the bridge. Though as Salchar had let her loose, sometimes even following her down to gunnery. Rick was not going to challenge his commander's precedent. Or listen to the eventually reasoning Marleen had for being on the gunnery deck.
“Aye, Aye commander!” she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement at the new challenge of her ta
sk. She snapped two fingers in his direction. Rick knew she was more at home kicking round feeds until they cooperated and slamming rails out and into place than on the bridge.
“Seventy six percent shields,” Krat said, looking to Rick. “Once they get around the atmosphere and get a bead on us then we're going to get hammered,” He said, voicing what Rick already knew, and reminding him.
“Well we best give them a smaller window. Milra, Ben,” He said, his voice snappish as both heads cracked around as Rick studied the main screen.
“What would give us greater acceleration through the Kalu, I want us coming around the planet as fast as we can, then braking as we come across the Kalu formation. They've come this far,” Rick looked to them and the crew which were looking at him with looks of confusion.
Charge the Kalu? Are you crazy? They seemed to say as Rick's thoughtful look stretched into something much more feral and hungry, much as a wolf might smile when its prey had walked into its domain. “I think it would only be fair to give them a full fleet broadside,”
Those concerned looks from before turned into thoughtful looks for those that were still understanding what he was saying, others shook their heads, expressions of Here we go again, a Free Fleet commander at it again. Tugging at their mouths or expressive modicums.
Milra and Ben looked to one another, a silent look passing between them before they both turned to their consoles.
Rick sat back in his chair, settling his face into a more official expression as he looked to the ground.
He was sending constant reports to Salchar, now he received an order.
About time we were getting the hell out of here anyway. Salchar's message said.
“Ben, Milra, once we clear the Kalu formation I want us to dive into the atmosphere, we will provide support to the fleet on the ground and hopefully lure the rest of the Kalu onto the surface,” Rick said.
“Certainly commander,” Ben said, as if the order was as normal as plotting a wormhole.
Well even that was odd at one time. Rick remembered.
From the Black (Free Fleet Book 4) Page 35