Kenyon: Knight of Chivalry

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Kenyon: Knight of Chivalry Page 8

by T. J. Quinn

  “Of course not,” Neela assured her. “We’re just chatting and killing time. There isn’t much to do in this place, and we’re all counting the days to get back to our men,” she added, as she guided Sharian towards the small chamber they used to rest.

  “Why aren’t you with them?” she asked, curiously.

  “Ethan wanted us in a safe place, just in case things didn’t go as planned. Unfortunately, he didn’t consider the risks we might face in Kalyko,” Neela replied. “I have to admit we would have been relatively safe if Samantha had followed Kenyon’s instructions. But she is too stubborn for her own good,” she explained, sighing.

  “You must have been furious with her,” Sharian ventured, trying to understand the whole picture.

  Neela shook her head. “No, we weren’t. We don’t know Samantha that well since we only met her a few days ago, but we know she has gone through a lot. Staying still was almost impossible for her. She took all the precautions possible, but it wasn’t enough.”

  “Zyrh’s client saw her anyway,” Sharian concluded.

  “Yes. I guess it was fate working,” Neela agreed, as she opened the door for Sharian and invited her in.

  The other women were already there, sitting in comfortable armchairs and sipping their colorful drinks.

  “Look who I found wandering the hallways,” Neela announced with a smile, taking a seat next to Caisys and inviting Sharian to do the same.

  The women chuckled.

  “It has happened to all of us. Unfortunately, we don’t have the cyborgs tracking abilities. They never get lost,” Ashryn assured her.

  “I could use that ability, that’s for sure,” Sharian admitted taking a seat and accepting a glass with a light blue beverage she had never seen before.

  “Try this one, I’m sure you’ll like it. It’s made with some berries from our planet,” Ashryn said, with a smile. “It’s quite delicious.”

  “Thank you,” she took the first sip, and her mouth exploded with all the flavors popping out. It was delicious indeed, not too sweet, not too bitter, and with a hint of acid that made it quite refreshing. “You’re right, it’s delicious,” she agreed, taking a long sip.

  “Just go easy on it. It can also be a bit intoxicating, you know,” Neela warned.

  “I’ll be careful,” Sharian assured her, taking another sip of the beverage. She could feel it already working on her body, relaxing it.

  “So, tell us a bit more about your planet,” Caisys asked, curious.

  “I can’t tell you much about it,” Sharian confessed, with a scowl. “Unmated females are kept practically isolated from the rest of the people, so I didn’t get out much.”

  “And why is that?” Neela asked, surprised.

  “Borzans are famous for their ability to mate with any species in this galaxy. Our genes adjust to the ones of our mate, and our offspring are often a much better version of the alien species,” she started explaining.

  “Oh, that must place you very high in the mating market,” Caisys pointed out.

  “Yes, the highest. But, ever since I was abducted, I got to realize my life was pretty dull and lonely. I was only allowed to talk to my sisters and occasionally my parents when I wasn’t studying with my android teachers.”

  “Our lives back at Dreshan weren’t easy, either, but at least our families loved us while we were growing up, and we were free to enjoy the woods with our friends,” Ashryn commented.

  “That sounds great,” Sharian replied.

  “However, it wasn’t perfect. We had a threat hanging over our heads, just because we were females,” Neela pointed out. “We were forced to participate in a raffle that would determine the participants of the hunting games.”

  “The hunting games? What’s that?”

  “The way the king and his men got hold of us. We were forced to run away from them, into the woods, while they hunted us down, to enslave us.”

  “So, you all participated in those games?” Sharian asked, shocked by their story.

  “Yes, we did. The Dreshanians invaded our planet, several centuries ago, with better weapons. After they had almost decimated our people, they suggested the games for their pleasure and as a way to keep our people under their control forever,” Neela explained.

  “That’s so unfair,” Sharian protested, finishing her drink and accepting a new one from Caisys. “Why haven’t you fought against them?”

  “We don’t have the necessary weapons for such a thing. We’re isolated in the woods, and they don’t let us get in touch with anyone,” Neela explained.

  “Yes, they have created several alien colonies on our planet, but those people are kept away from us and under strict control from the Dreshanians,” Caisys added.

  “Ethan and his men got there, looking for a place for a client to establish a settlement. That’s how we met them,” Neela concluded.

  “There has to be a way to get back at the Dreshanians,” Sharian protested.

  “There might be one. The colonizers aren’t very happy with their hosts these days, and they might finally do something about it,” Neela said, with a smile.

  “Would that change things for your people?” Sharian asked, accepting a small sandwich Caisys handed her.

  “Yes, they promised they would let us live our lives and that we would have a say on the planet’s fate,” Neela replied, with a convinced tone.

  “Why have they decided to act now?” Sharian asked.

  Neela finished the sandwich she was eating before she answered. “Because they finally found someone willing to fight with them,” she replied.

  “The cyborgs,” Sharian concluded.

  “Exactly. Ethan says fighting for freedom and justice is embedded in their DNA and I guess he’s right. He simply couldn’t stay still, at the sight of the dreadful things the Dreshanians put us through,” Neela replied.

  “I’m glad they decided to help you,” Sharian said with a sincere smile before she finished her second beverage and her sandwich.

  “Yes, we all agree on that,” Caisys said with a grin.

  Neela tossed a cushion to Caisys. “Admit you’re more than happy with their decision,” she challenged the other woman with a teasing grin.

  Caisys caught the cushion in midair with a scowl. “Yes, I’m more than happy,” she admitted, smiling. “Actually, I never thought I would ever be this happy. The day I was chosen for the games, I felt my life had ended. Being rescued by Conrad was like being tossed into a swirl, and it changed my life forever.”

  “For better?” Sharian asked, with a smile. The answer was quite obvious on the woman’s face.

  “Oh, yes, definitely,” Caisys nodded.

  “Then, that’s all that matters,” Sharian stated, smiling back.

  “What will happen to you now?” Neela asked her.

  Sharian let out a sigh. “Kenyon said he would help me find a new place to live,” she said. “Going back home is not an option since my abduction has turned me into an outcast.”

  “How’s that even possible?” Neela asked, astounded.

  “Well, we’re supposed to go to our mates untouched and unseen by any other male, completely innocent, and I’m no longer any of those,” she explained, scowling.

  “But, it wasn’t your fault,” Ashryn protested.

  “I know, but that doesn’t change the facts.”

  “So, you’ve never been kissed by a man?” Caisys asked, puzzled.

  “I hadn’t, not until I was taken away from home,” she confessed, feeling a bit embarrassed.

  “Don’t tell me your first experience was with one of the disgusting Sherlaacs,” Neela shouted, in shock.

  Sharian shuddered remembering the reptilian males. “No, they weren’t allowed to touch me if they wanted to collect the money they had been offered for me,” she explained.

  “So, it was Kenyon,” Caisys concluded, with a naughty grin.

  Sharian’s embarrassment became even more evident as she nodded.

/>   “Lucky girl,” Neela cheered her. “According to Samantha, the Aslorans have quite a reputation as lovers. Not that she would know since he always treated her as a little sister, but his reputation precedes him, wherever he goes.”

  “I see, perhaps that’s the reason why he conjures such feelings in me, I had never felt anything like that,” Sharian confessed, emboldened by the beverage she had been enjoying. “Every time I’m with him, my heart beats so fast I’m sure he can hear it, and the fire that rushes through my veins. I can’t even explain what it is.”

  The other women smiled. As former sex slaves, they had been trained to recognize attraction and to act upon it, giving males all the pleasure they could.

  “That, my darling, is lust, desire, and with the right man, it can take you to paradise in ways you never thought possible,” Caisys explained, with a naughty smile.

  Sharian scowled, not sure she believed the other woman. The only thing she knew about what happened between a male and a female, came from her mother and she had referred to the whole experience as something the female ought to endure.

  “You don’t believe me,” Caisys said, astounded. “You must have felt something around Kenyon. I refuse to believe your heart hasn’t jumped into a frantic rhythm each time he walks into the room. Even mine has,” she added, with a slight frown.

  “Mine too,” Ashryn confessed. “He’s too hot, with his golden skin, his muscled body, and those horns,”

  Neela chuckled. “Yes, he’s hot, you have to admit that.”

  “Yes, he is, and yes, my heart beats so fast sometimes it feels as if it’s coming out of my chest,” she admitted. “And when he kissed me, it blew my mind, and I could hardly breathe.”

  “So, he kissed you?” Caisys asked, with a naughty grin.

  Sharian’s golden skin became a bit darker all over with embarrassment. “Yes, he did, and I just realized I don’t even know if he’s already mated to someone else,” she replied, covering her face with her hands in anguish.

  “Don’t worry, he’s free. According to Ethan, he hasn’t shown any interest in settling down,” Neela comforted her.

  Sharian sighed and leaned back. “That’s a relief,” she said, with a faint smile. “He makes me feel like no one else before. Not that I had encountered many men before, but I don’t feel the same way when I’m around the other males on this vessel.”

  “That’s called sexual attraction, darling,” Caisys explained. “Clearly, it doesn’t happen with every male you’ll meet, but it will happen with some special ones,” Caisys added.

  “And when you meet the right male, those feelings will be a lot stronger, believe me. You’ll feel you’ve lost control over your mind and over your body,” Neela warned her. “But you’ll be happier than ever.”

  “How will I know that? I have no means to compare since I haven’t met any other males before?” Sharian asked, with a slight frown.

  “You’ll know, eventually. Just give yourself time to enjoy life. It might not be the first man you’re attracted to, but with time, you’ll know the difference, and you’ll be able to recognize the one,” Caisys said.

  “Can it really be pleasurable?” she asked, a bit ashamed, but too curious not to ask.

  “Of course it can. With the right man, it can be amazing. Just think of what you’ve experienced when Kenyon kissed you, now multiply it by a million, and you’ll know more or less how you’ll feel when he takes you,” Neela explained.

  “My people frown on people engaging in such activities before the mating ceremony,” she pointed out.

  “You’re no longer in Borzan, darling. I’m sure their main reason for their displeasure lies in the fact most suitors on the mating market prefer an untouched mate,” Caisys said, scowling.

  “Yes, I know you’re right,” she agreed, sighing. “Right now, I feel I’ve lost control of my life. I have no home, no job, no place to go, it’s quite scary,” she confessed.

  “I know it is, we’ve been through that when Ethan first saved us,” Neela said. “But one thing you must know for sure – these men will never let you down. They will always protect you until you’re back on your feet.”

  “That’s true. So, stop worrying and enjoy this time with us,” Ashryn suggested.

  “And enjoy all you can, sweetheart, life is too short to live with regrets,” Caisys advised her. “If Kenyon makes you feel happy then, go for it. I’m sure you’ll have a great time together.”

  Chapter Eight

  Sharian sighed. “I wouldn’t know what to do. I don’t even know for sure what happens between a man and a woman,” she confessed her darkest secret.

  “Are you for real, girl?” Caisys asked, in shock.

  Sharian nodded, embarrassed.

  “Have you ever seen a man naked?” Caisys asked, trying to find the best way to explain the whole thing for her.

  “No, I haven’t,” Sharian confessed.

  “Not even in a picture?” it was Ashryn’s time to express her surprise.

  “No, nothing. We are kept secluded until we’re old enough to participate in the mating market,” she explained.

  “And what do you do while you’re growing up?” Neela asked, also surprised.

  “We have private tutors that teach us all there is to know about cooking and administrating a house for our mates.”

  “That must have been incredibly boring,” Caisys spurted out, scowling.

  “It was. I only had my sisters to talk to, but I’ve lost them all along the way since I was the youngest,” she explained.

  “You haven’t seen them since they mated?” Neela asked, liking less and less of what she was hearing. People in Borzan had no heart.

  “No, we’re not allowed. My parents kept promising I would be able to see them all at my mating ceremony.”

  “What about brothers? You didn’t have any brothers?” Ashryn asked.

  “Yes, I did, but I never saw them. My mother used to mention them when she visited me once a week, but I never saw them.”

  “You’ll have to forgive me, Sharian, but your people are the worst parents I ever heard of. They treat their offspring as merchandise,” Caisys ranted.

  “Are you all mated to aliens?” Neela asked, puzzled.

  “No, not all. The luckiest females get to mate with our own males,” Sharian replied as if repeating a line she had heard a million times.

  “Are you sure they were the luckiest? They would have to bring up their children in the same way you were brought up. Can you honestly say, now that you know more, that you’ve seen more of the universe, that those were the lucky ones?” Neela asked doubtfully.

  “No, I can’t. My childhood was terrible, and I would hate to have my children go through such a dreadful life,” she admitted.

  “Exactly,” Neela agreed. “The ones that mated aliens had a better chance to find a new kind of life.”

  “You’re right, Neela, but we’re going off course. We were talking about Sharian’s sexual education, or should I say the lack of it?” Caisys said, jumping out of her chair and walking to a small desk, in the corner of the room, to pick something up.

  The other women chuckled. “We’ll have to fix that. We can’t let her go out into the vast universe without being prepared,” Neela agreed, handing Sharian a new glass of the beverage.

  Sharian was feeling a bit tipsy, but she was having such a great time with the women she didn’t want to spoil the moment by refusing to drink.

  Caisys returned to her seat, carrying a portable hologram unit. “If we were somewhere else, we might have been able to put up a real show, but since we’re stuck in the middle of nowhere, this will have to do,” she said, activating the device. “Let’s start with the males of your own species, shall we?”

  The other women giggled, and Sharian looked at the device a bit confused. What was Caisys talking about? It didn’t take her long to find out.

  After punching some keys on the device, a male figure came up. She immedia
tely recognized the male Borzan, with his golden skin and his thick, long hair falling down his back. The male specimen was completely naked, and the women around her were examining his body thoroughly.

  “Not bad, considering they’re such assholes,” Caisys said, making the specimen turn around slowly so they could see it completely. “Check out his muscled body,” she pointed out, running a finger down the specimen’s chest. “And this, my darling, is the most important part,” she added, pointing at the appendage that stuck out in the male’s groin.

  The other women laughed at Caisys’ comment.

  “Some would call it vital,” Ashryn mocked.

  “Yes, it’s the penis, or cock like some like to call it. This comes to life when the male is excited, and it’s used when a male and a female have sex,” Caisys explained.

  “How, exactly, do they use it?” Sharian asked, mesmerized with the specimen in front of her.

  Caisys punched a few more keys, and the cock jumped up, to a perpendicular position to the rest of his body. “This, my darling goes inside your private hole,” she explained, with a devious grin.

  “That can’t possibly fit,” she said, astonished.

  “It fits, don’t worry,” Caisys assured her, putting another male specimen. “This one is a cyborg,” she informed, with a wide grin. “Incredible males, in the humanoid type, believe me.”

  This male also had a cock, probably a bit bigger and thicker than the other one.

  For a few moments, Caisys showed her a few other males, from other species, including the Cetians, the Sherlaacs, the Dreshanians, and the Mitauris.

  “I’ve been saving the best for last,” she said, with a mischievous grin.

  “You have?” she asked, finishing her fourth or fifth drink. She had lost count at some point, distracted with all Caisys was showing her and her naughty comments on the males she was showing her.

  “Of course.” With a mischievous smile, she put up an Asloran male.

  His dark horns, long, dark hair, strong built and muscled body was unmistakable. His cock was a surprise. Sharian was expecting it to be big, considering he was a big man, but it was actually, massive.


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