Kenyon: Knight of Chivalry

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Kenyon: Knight of Chivalry Page 10

by T. J. Quinn

  He stole a passionate kiss from her tempting lips. “Good to know, now, let’s get you cleaned up before the girls come knocking on your door to announce the night meal is ready,” he replied, kissing her one more time before he finally allowed her to slide down his body.

  She chuckled, sure the girls would find out what had happened in the past hours. They washed up, and they were putting on clean clothes when someone knocked at the door.

  “See? I told you they would come for you,” he said, scowling.

  “You can hide in the bathroom if you don’t want them to see you here,” she suggested, with a slight frown, not sure how he wanted to manage things between them.

  He closed the distance between them and kissed her until they were both breathless. “I have nothing to hide, sweet girl,” he assured her before he finished dressing and walked to the door.

  Neela was there, and the smile on her face faded when she saw Kenyon. “Oh, I’m sorry, I just came to pick up Sharian,” she mumbled, wriggling her hands nervously, clearly wishing she was somewhere else.

  “Come on in, Neela. She’s almost done. I’ll see you at the meal room,” he said, smiling as he walked out of the room and disappeared down the hall.

  Neela walked into the room still feeling out of place. “Was he here all this time?” she asked, with a slight frown.

  Sharian felt the heat coloring her cheeks and felt thankful her complexion wasn’t as pale as her friend’s, or it would have exposed her to her friend.

  She cleared her throat. “Well, yes, we were talking,” she said, not comfortable with sharing all that had happened between her and Kenyon.

  “For two hours? That was a long talk,” Neela teased, with a naughty grin. She hadn’t believed a word Sharian had said.

  “Yes, and a very stimulating one,” Sharian assured her with a mischievous grin.

  Neela let out a loud laugh. “I’m sure of it,” she nodded. “Are you ready to eat?”

  “Oh, yes, I’m starving,” she admitted.

  “I’m sure you are.”

  They left the room and met the other occupants of the ship at the meal room. Matthew was talking about their destination.

  “We should get to the asteroid in two more days.”

  “Good. I’m looking forward to meeting Ethan and the others before we head back to Dreshan,” Kenyon replied as they all took their places at the long table.

  “Will you be taking us back to Dreshan?” Neela asked, not very pleased.

  “Not sure yet. Having taken the pirate vessel from the Sherlaacs has increased our chances in the fight against the Dreshanians,” he explained.

  “So, that plan is still on?” Neela asked.

  She had taken Ethan to see one of the Athean tribe’s leaders to discuss the possibility of going against the Dreshanians. The Atheans were more than willing to get rid of the people that had been exploiting them and their planet for centuries now.

  “Yes, it’s still on. Now that we have the weapons we need, we can move forward to the next stage and plan our next move,” he explained.

  “Well, I have to admit I would rather not visit the planet in a very long time,” Caisys said distastefully.

  “Me neither,” Ashryn agreed. “You never know what can happen when you’re playing under their rules, and I really wouldn’t risk falling into their clutches again.”

  “I doubt Ethan would even consider exposing any of you to that kind of danger,” Kenyon assured the women. “Gideon has found what seems to be the perfect planet to settle down on, so taking you there while we take care of business is a good option.”

  “Make sure to let Ethan know about it,” Neela said, with a smile.

  The conversation took other directions, and they all enjoyed their meal. When they finished, everybody went to their own affairs. For most, it was time to go to bed, but for others, work was just starting.

  Kenyon asked Sharian to stay behind. “It’s my turn on the bridge.”

  She smiled. “It’s a pity you’ll be busy all night,” she said, teasing him.

  “Indeed, it is. If you weren’t a huge distraction, I would ask you to keep me company,” he confessed, pulling her into his arms and stealing a passionate kiss from her lips.

  She pulled away, gasping for air. “Yes, we would probably end up having sex over the main control system,” she replied, with a teasing smile.

  He laughed. “Yes, there’s a high possibility that might happen,” he admitted. “That’s why you’re going to bed alone, like a good girl to wait for me.”

  “Wait for you? Why should I?” she teased him.

  He pulled her back into his arms and grazed her lips with a mind-blowing kiss. “Is this a good reason?” he asked, with his lips only a few millimeters away from hers.

  She smiled, slid her hands up his horns and pulled him closer, kissing him with all the passion he had stirred in her. “It might be, but you better do a better job when you’re no longer busy,” she said, stepping back and walking away from him.

  He laughed and watched her walk away from him, sure he had created a seductive siren.

  Shaking his head, he walked straight to the bridge, knowing he would have a very long night ahead of him.

  Sharian walked back to her room feeling she was walking on clouds, still aroused from Kenyon’s kisses. She had no idea how things would end up between the two of them, but she was determined to enjoy it as much as she could.

  If she had learned one thing from her abduction, it was that she had to live every day as if it was her last, because it could be. The pirates hadn’t intended to kill her, but her fate could easily have been worse than death.

  She would deal with the future when it became present, not a moment sooner.

  She slept like a rock, for the first time in a very long time. She felt safe, and Kenyon’s promise made her want to be fresh and ready for the second encounter with him.

  A gentle kiss to her cheek woke her up to find him in bed next to her.

  “Did you have a good night?” he asked, with a smile.

  “Oh, yes, I sure did,” she assured him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer.

  “Good, because you’ll need the energy you’ve been saving,” he replied before he kissed her.

  And she did. He made love to her as if there were no tomorrow, taking her to paradise a few times before he allowed her to leave the bed.

  The following days were spent in the same way, with them spending every moment they could together, mostly making love, but also talking and sharing, getting to know each other. Unfortunately, she was the one doing most of the talking, but she didn’t mind.

  She figured it might be too soon for him to confide in her. The last thing she wanted was for him to feel pressured into doing something he wasn’t ready to do.

  When they finally reached the asteroid where Jaffar’s vessel was supposed to be, it was a big relief for everyone to confirm the vessel’s presence.

  “Matthew, are you sure you can handle things with just Steven and a couple of androids?” Kenyon asked as they landed on the asteroid.

  “Yes, boss, especially when you’ll be on my tail all the time. You’ll be able to assist me if I need it,” the man assured him.

  “Very well, then. Get over to the ship and let’s get out of here.”

  The men nodded and quickly left the vessel. It only took them a couple of hours to check the other vessel and get ready to leave.

  “Where are we going now?” Sharian asked him.

  “We’re heading to Efloria. Ethan is waiting there for us. It will take us a few days to get there.”

  “Why are you going there?” she asked, curiously.

  “It was as good a place as any other for us to meet. Besides, Ethan is purchasing the weapons we’ve been asked there,” he explained.

  She frowned a bit. “What do you know about this planet?” she asked, in a tremulous tone.

  “Not much, to tell you the truth. I’ve
never been there, but Ethan told me their technology is way more advanced than the other planets we visited so far,” he replied, intrigued with her questions. “Do you know them?”

  She shook her head and took a step away from him, hugging herself. “No, not personally, anyway, but I do know about them,” she explained, with a scowl.

  Surprised with her self-protective gesture, he looked at her, tilting his head to a side, with a speculative expression on his face. Something was clearly wrong. “Care to share your knowledge?” he asked, with a gentle tone that didn’t hide his curiosity.

  She sighed and looked out through the main window, her eyes lost on the immensity of the universe. “Whenever we received an offer from a possible suitor, my parents would give us all the information they could find on the male and his planet.”

  “One of your suitors was an Eflorian.” He wasn’t asking.

  “Yes, in fact, he was the suitor my parents informed me of, right after I turned down the last one,” she explained, sighing.

  “What did you learn about them?” he asked, curious.

  She cleared her throats. “Well, they aren’t the friendliest people on this side of the galaxy, that’s for sure,” she said, scowling. “They’re probably your size, and equally built, but their faces are a bit more animalistic, though I wouldn’t know with what to compare them.”

  “I believe Ethan compared them to apes, an extinct animal from planet Earth, so I have no idea what they look like,” Kenyon commented. “Did you feel tempted to accept the offer?” he asked, his heart slowing down its pace, while he waited for her answer.

  “No, not even for a second.”

  Her reply was quick and determined, and his heart was able to go back to his normal pace. He didn’t bother in analyzing his reaction, sure he wasn’t ready to admit whatever it meant.

  “They are too cold for my taste. But you’re right about them. Their technology is way more advanced than most around these parts. I knew my parents would put a lot of pressure on me to accept him,” she added.

  “Why do you think that?”

  “Every mating involved benefits not only to the bride but also to her planet. Having access to the Eflorians’ technology was an opportunity they would not reject and certainly wouldn’t allow me to reject,” she explained, with a sad tone.

  “Would they be able to force you to accept it?” he asked, with a deep frown.

  “Yes, of course. It never happened in my family, but we all heard stories of other females forced to accept suitors they had previously rejected for the good of the people,” she told him, oozing scorn in each word. “I have no idea how they convinced them but judging by their faces during the mating ceremony, it wasn’t pretty.”

  “Then, your abduction was a good thing,” he concluded, with a faint smile. He liked less and less people from Borzan, especially males, and their stupid rules.

  She let out a dry laugh. “Considering the results, yes, we could say that, but it was quite terrifying, and even more, since I had no idea who I was going to be mated to. In those dark moments, the Eflorian male was a very appealing option.”

  “Yes, I understand, especially considering you were surrounded by the disgusting Sherlaacs,” he agreed.

  “Exactly. I was so desperate to escape I couldn’t think straight,” she assured him.

  “It’s all left in the past now.”

  She nodded, but she wasn’t very attracted to the idea of visiting Efloria. She doubted she would encounter her suitor, and she had no idea what her parents had told him about her sudden disappearance, but the whole idea still made her feel a bit uncomfortable.

  Chapter Ten

  Kenyon closed the distance between them and pulled her into his arms. “Would you like to go to the holograms room? We could pretend we are on a lovely beach, looking at the sunset,” he suggested, trying to erase the sad look on her face.

  She smiled. “That sounds great, but don’t you have to work?”

  He shook his head. “I’m on duty tonight, so I’m free as a bird right now,” he assured her. “We can lock the door and forget about the rest of the universe.”

  “That sounds even better,” she assured him.

  He grazed her lips with his before he guided her out of the room and straight to the holograms room. Once there, he punched a few codes, and a lovely beach during sunset materialized in front of them.

  He grabbed a couple of small mattresses and carried them to the middle of the room after making sure the door was locked.

  “It’s a pity this isn’t real. I would love to finally see the ocean and take a bath in it. One of my sisters did it right after she was mated, and she told me it was amazing,” she said, taking a seat on her mattress.

  He took a seat next to her. “I’ll take you to see the ocean as soon as possible when we land on Efloria. It might not be like this one, but I’m sure you’ll love it,” he promised, taking her hand and kissing its back a few times before he kissed her palms, sending chills down her spine.

  “That would be amazing,” she assured him, leaning her head on his shoulder while enjoying the sunset projected by the holograms.

  He kissed the top of her head, and they stayed there for a few minutes until the sky was covered with stars and a huge blue moon.

  “Is it really this beautiful?” she asked, with a smile.

  “Yes, it is. But its beauty fades when compared to you,” he murmured, cupping her face and stealing a breathtaking kiss from her.

  “Uhmm, flattery won’t take you anywhere with me,” she assured him, with a naughty grin.

  “It’s not flattery when you’re telling the truth,” he replied, kissing her a few more times, while his hands slowly removed her tunic.

  She chuckled, helping him to get rid of her clothes before she helped him to get out of his suit. “Are you sure there is no way we can be surprised in here?” she asked, looking around.

  “Yes, I locked the door,” he calmed her fears, pulling her over his body, while kissing her all over her face, down her neck and across her chest until he reached her breasts.

  She tilted her head back, exposing them to his touch, relishing his caresses.

  “You’re so perfect,” he murmured, taking her nipple between his lips and caressing it with the tip of his coarse tongue, sending jolts of pleasure through her body.

  She moaned aloud, cupping her breasts and offering them to him and his sweet torture.

  He smiled and continued kissing, sucking and nibbling her delicious, hard peaks for a while, before he flipped them around, pushing her against the mattress with him on top of her.

  This time, he wanted to explore every inch of her body, giving her pussy special attention. Covering her belly with a million kisses, he rolled down slowly, until he reached her mound.

  The first kiss stole her breath away and he smiled, as he pushed her legs open, as wide as possible, to give him full access to her.

  Unlike the human females he had been with lately, she didn’t have a clitoris nor anything resembling it, but she had been so responsive to him, he was sure her entrance had the same sensitivity human females had on their clit.

  He took his time exploring her folds, kissing, licking and nibbling them, loving the way she shuddered and squirmed under his touch. However, the moment he reached her entrance, her muffled moans turned into loud cries. A few licks, kisses and nibbles were all it took for her to fly over the edge, pushed by the powerful waves of the orgasm that shook her whole body.

  Pleased, breathing hard to keep his own body under his control, he turned his attention to her other hole. Though he had loved making love to her every time, his need to bury both his cocks inside her had become undeniable and very hard to ignore.

  He had to fully take her, make her his completely. He knew she had never done it before, but he was hoping her body would welcome him in her second hole the same way it had received her in her first.

  Therefore, he moved his kisses there, and after a
few caresses, he finally dared to slide a finger inside her. She was still lost in the haze of her orgasm, so her body was relaxed, and his finger slid inside her easily. Encouraged with her reaction, he slid a second finger, thrusting them in and out of her.

  “Oh, that feels so good,” she moaned, finally realizing what he was doing.

  He kissed her entrance a few times. “I need to take you completely,” he said, with a naughty grin while he pushed a third finger inside her.

  She gasped, and moaned aloud, pushing her hips towards him, eager for more.

  Her gesture shredded his self-control completely, and he leaned forward for a mind-blowing kiss, before he put his cocks at her entrances, ready to take her.

  He struggled to go slow that first time, burying himself inch by inch until he was deep inside her. Her body stretched to welcome him just to clench around him once he was inside her.

  That simple reaction almost made Kenyon lose his self-control, while waves of wild pleasure rushed through him. He grabbed her hips to hold her still, and with a deep thrust, he started the oldest dance of the whole universe, going deeper and faster inside her each time.

  A few moments later, they were both exploding into a powerful orgasm that melted them and took their breath away, as their bodies shuddered and squirmed, under the orgasmic waves.

  Kenyon collapsed next to her, and they stayed there for a while. The only sound in the room was their heavy breathing, the sighs, and the grunts after such an explosion.

  After a while, when the waves finally subsided, he pulled her into his arms. “I’m convinced I’m totally addicted to you,” he murmured, amused.

  “It’s an addiction we share, you can be sure of it,” she replied, cuddling in his arms, wishing she never had to leave.

  He kissed the top of her head. “That makes me incredibly happy,” he assured her.

  They stayed in silence for a little longer, both of them lost in their thoughts. “We should leave, the night meal will be served in no time,” she warned him.

  “Yes, I know. I wish we could stay here the entire night.”

  “We can come back when you have the night off,” she suggested with a naughty grin.


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