Sun's Out Guns Out: A Spring Break Novella

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Sun's Out Guns Out: A Spring Break Novella Page 5

by Genevieve Matthews

  “How’s that going to work? You don’t really expect to keep it from him?”

  “We have an agreement. We’re going to enjoy each other’s company while we’re here in Mexico. Once we go home, things go back to normal.”

  “Back to normal? Are you sure about that? I mean, look at how scrumptious he is and then mix that with your inexperience. I don’t think you’re going to want to let him go.”

  “Well, I will. This is vacation and I’m going to enjoy myself…live a little, you know?”

  “I know…and you should. You deserve it. I just don’t want to see you get hurt. I don’t think Jason would want that either. Not that I’ll say anything about you and Luke, but he’ll know something’s up if you’re a mopey mess when we get home.”

  “I’ll be okay, Mattie. But thanks for looking out for me.” We’re both sitting on the edge of our perspective beds facing each other. “Hey, speaking of Jason, how did you two run into each other? You weren’t like making out in here before I got here, were you?” I ask before she can answer my first question.

  “No!” she says, apparently shocked that it would cross my mind. “I mean, not ‘no’ because he’s not a good catch or anything…just ‘no’ because he’s your brother.”

  “Well don’t let me stop you. I think you’d be really good for him. You’ve got my permission if you feel like you need it. I mean, who am I to judge? I’m hooking up with his best friend.”

  “Honestly, I wasn’t going there. I’m sure he’s not interested anyway.”

  “Of course he would be. You’re a great catch.”

  “I’m his little sister’s friend. But anyway, I ran into him walking back to the resort. They were all headed out somewhere but he insisted on walking me home. Pretty sweet guy.”

  “He is a sweet guy. Overbearing and known to smother a bit, but sweet.”

  “Well that’s to be expected. How old was he again when he took over guardianship?”

  “He was twenty-one. Taking care of his thirteen year old sister isn’t exactly what any guy probably wants at twenty-one, but he stepped up. And I’ll be forever grateful to him that I didn’t end up in the foster system. My life would have turned out much differently, I’m sure.”

  Now that I’m in the air-conditioned room, I’m realizing that my panties are still damp from being in the ocean earlier tonight. In fact, it feels like there’s probably a wet spot on the back of my dress.

  “This is slightly embarrassing, but I need to change my panties.” I’m already off the bed moving toward my suitcase to retrieve a dry pair when she laughs loudly, throwing her head back so it echoes around the room. I can’t help but laugh too.

  “Why do you need to change your panties?” she says when she catches her breath again.

  “We went swimming together. We didn’t have suits so we just went in with our undies on.”

  “That sounds like a lot of fun. He’s going to rock your world, isn’t he?”

  “I sure hope so.” I look over my shoulder and smile at her before going back to digging in my suitcase.

  Mattie hops off the bed, still chuckling to herself and says, “I’m going to go take a quick shower. Then maybe we can watch a movie?”

  “Sounds great!” I should probably take a shower too after my night swim in the ocean but I’ll have to see how much energy I have left when Mattie gets out.

  Once I’m changed, I lie back down on the bed and continue to flip through the channels while I wait. I can’t stop thinking about Luke and how amazing it felt when he touched me. And how it felt just as exciting when I touched him. After he made me come I was so eager to repay the favor I didn’t really take the time to enjoy his cock.

  Thinking about it now, he’s definitely packing some heat down there. I was using both of my hands to get him off and there was more than enough of him to go around. My thoughts are consumed by all of the things I want to try with him. It fills me with an excitement unlike any I’ve experienced before. He’s opening my eyes to the pleasures in the world and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for me tomorrow.

  The last thing I remember imagining before falling asleep is being laid out in the wet sand with Luke’s strong body above me. He’s pushing his throbbing cock inside of me, his eyes reflecting the moon in the sky and the pleasure on my face.

  “Mel, do you want to eat soon?”

  I look up from the book I’m reading and realize that I’ve missed out on the conversation going on around me. We’re all sitting poolside in reclining beach chairs and I’ve been completely engrossed in the thriller that I’ve wanted to read for the last few months.

  “No, I’m good for now. You guys go ahead.”

  “Okay,” Heidi says. “We’re going to the lunch buffet right here at our hotel so we won’t be gone long.”

  “No worries. I’ll save your seats.”

  “Should we bring you back anything?” Mattie asks while pulling her swimsuit cover-up over her head.

  “Thanks, but if I get hungry I’ll just order something from the tiki hut over there.”

  “Sounds good, see you in a bit.”

  I’m back in my book before they’re out of sight. Being able to sit down and read a book without interruption is quickly becoming one of my favorite parts of vacation. My absolute favorite thing about vacation happens to be in the pool right now playing a game of “500” with a small football and a group of wet, sexy men.

  I look up every time I hear them start to shout or laugh. It’s hard not to just sit and stare at Luke while he’s playing around and having such a good time with his friends. He looks completely carefree and I find myself smiling at his playfulness. I also find myself getting wet between my thighs as I watch how athletic he is. He’s running and leaping for the football, sometimes tackling one of the guys in the process. They all land in a big splash and then one of them comes up with the ball.

  I’m absorbed in my book again when it registers that I haven’t heard any of the familiar laughing or yelling coming from the side of the pool. I check the pool again to find that the guys have moved to the swim-up bar where they’re all ordering drinks.

  Setting down my book, I close my eyes and focus on the warmth of the sun on my skin. I listen to the cacophony of sounds all around me, the splashing of the water, people laughing and talking to each other, waiters and waitresses bringing tropical drinks to people with little umbrellas.

  I think I’ve even nodded off for a bit when someone says in my ear, “How about I help you reapply your sunscreen? I wouldn’t want you to burn this beautiful body.”

  I open my eyes and smile when I find Luke sitting in the chair next to me, still dripping wet from the pool with his drink in his hand.

  “Am I getting red?” I ask.

  “No, I just want to rub my hands all over your body. Actually, if I’m being honest, I can’t stop thinking about how badly I want to strip you bare and lick your pussy until you scream.”

  My body reacts to his words but so does my head. I quickly look around to make sure my brother isn’t around, or that the girls aren’t back from lunch. When I realize it’s just us I say, “Yes, please,” and giggle.

  He takes a drink while keeping his eyes on me and shakes his head. “You’re going to be so much trouble, aren’t you, beautiful.” It’s a statement rather than a question but I have to agree.

  “Yes, I am. Now how are we going to get alone together so you can fulfill your promises?”

  “I’ll find a way.” He gives me a mischievous smile, takes another sip of his drink and then walks away.

  “That isn’t really helpful!” I call after him. He doesn’t turn around but his head tips back and I know he’s laughing. Whatever kind of game he wants to play, I’m a willing participant.

  Chapter 8

  I’m giddy with excitement knowing that at some point tonight I’m going to see Luke. Sure he hasn’t given me anything to go on, but he told me he’d make it happen and I believe in his determina
tion. We’ve spent the entire day swimming and sunbathing by the pool and now we’ve moved to the bar just off of the lobby of the hotel.

  I’m glad we decided to hang around because I have a good feeling that the odds of us running into Luke or my brother are that much greater than if we took a taxi somewhere.

  “These drinks are really going down easily tonight,” I say to the girls when the bartender brings over another drink. I’ve been sampling all of the recommended vacation drinks and I’d say I’m getting myself into trouble tonight. It’s a combination of being out in the sun all day and being dehydrated, combined with the nervous jitters I’m getting from lusting after Luke.

  “Make sure you drink some water, too. Otherwise we’ll be peeling you off of the floor at the end of the night,” Heidi says.

  “Good idea.” I signal to the waitress and ask her to bring over an ice water as well. Taking a sip from my straw, I look around the bar and out into the lobby for what seems like the hundredth time since we’ve sat down.

  “You’re being really obvious,” Mattie says into my ear. She’s sitting next to me at the bar also sampling a variety of fruity vacation drinks.

  “Really? Obvious for whom? Shari and Heidi, or Luke?”

  “Obvious to everyone. It’s clear that you’re looking for someone. You’ve got to play it cool. And if he ends up coming, I’ll help cover for you.”

  “You will?”

  “Of course I will.” She gives me a smile and a wink while taking another sip from her drink. “So play it cool.” She emphasizes each word to really get her point across.

  “Okay, I’ll try to pull my shit together,” I say.

  “Ladies, I’ve spotted what looks to be a group of handsome men out on the patio,” Shari says, grabbing her drink off of the bar and walking toward the door, signaling with her free hand that we should follow. The rest of us share a look and laugh. Shari has a sixth sense when it comes to searching out the single men in a room. She’s ambitious and full of fire, a nice contrast to my quieter personality. She helps pull me out of the shell that I tend to live in.

  We follow her out onto the patio. There’s a fancy fire pit in the middle of comfy sofas and chairs and then other seating areas scattered around the large space. A path right off the patio leads down to the beach lined with tiki torches. I can’t believe we haven’t spent more time out here, it’s really beautiful.

  “Look who I found,” Shari says. I look around and locate where the girls have walked off to while I’ve been admiring the atmosphere. Shari’s standing next to my brother and his group of friends. I smile, searching the area to see if Luke is with them. I don’t see him right away so I walk over and give Jason a hug.

  “Hey little sis, you having a good time?” He clinks his beer bottle on my glass and gets up to pull some more chairs over into the circle.

  I sit down and relax into the chair. “Yes, we’re having a great time. We thought we’d stay close and check out this bar tonight and it’s really nice. It has a calm, chill ambiance that fits me well.” I take a drink of my Bahama Mama and take a moment to really study Jason. He looks more relaxed than I’ve ever seen him in our adult lives. Granted he’s been an adult much longer than me, but since I’ve been old enough to notice he has always been burdened with a lot of pressure. “You’re having a good time? You look like you’re having fun.”

  “Yeah, I am. It’s kind of funny that the first vacation I take in my adult life is also the same vacation you decided to sneak off to. Seems like a strange coincidence, doesn’t it?” He’s leaning back in his chair with his arm slung over the back, using his hands to emphasize his point.

  “It’s completely crazy that it worked out like this. But as long as you’re not mad at me, I don’t mind having you around.”

  “I’m not mad…anymore. I know I need to chill out. You’re graduating college in a few months, will hopefully be getting an actual job soon after that…and here I am still acting like you’re fifteen.”

  This line of conversation is really out of the ordinary for Jason. Either he’s had too much to drink or he has had a come-to-Jesus moment on this vacation. This is the only conversation that I can remember where he’s talking to me like my brother instead of my father.

  “It’s okay.” Not the most eloquent response but he has me speechless. I guess being on vacation really is helping to calm him down. I look away from him and find that Luke is sitting across the table from us, staring right at me. He must have joined us while I was busy talking.

  He gives me the slightest wink while bringing his beer bottle to his lips. His gaze is smoldering. Having him sitting right across the table from me has an instant affect on my mood.

  “Jason, have you met all of my friends?” I take the opportunity to introduce him to everyone, even though he has met Mattie multiple times. In turn he introduces me to the guys around the table that I don’t know. He ends with Luke, saying, “And of course you already know Luke.”

  He nods at me and smiles. “Nice to see you again, Mel. Are you having fun? Behaving yourself?”

  I know he’s teasing me but I’m too conscious of Jason sitting right next to me to engage in his playful banter.

  “I’m having a great time. It’s nice you could drag this guy off for a break finally,” I say, nudging Jason.

  Looking around at our group, Shari and Heidi are talking to a few of the guys, laughing and drinking. Mattie has just pulled up a chair on the other side of Jason and successfully pulls him into a conversation. I’ll have to make sure to thank her later for being my partner in crime. I look back at Luke and his eyes haven’t left mine. He gives me the slightest nod of his head, indicating that I should meet him over by the path.

  He stands up and walks away without anyone noticing. I finish the rest of my drink, put my hand on Jason’s shoulder and say, “I’m going to get a refill.” I start walking away before I hear his answer.

  Before I step onto the sand path, I stop and slip my sandals off. I’m looking around, trying not to be too obvious, but I don’t see Luke anywhere. There are fairly dense trees off to the left of the trail while the right side is open with just a few palm trees scattered throughout. There’s a steady trickle of people wandering down the path to the beach so I decide to follow it for a bit and see if Luke decided to head down to the beach.

  I’ve only gone a few more steps when an arm slips around my waist and I find myself gazing up into Luke’s breathtaking brown eyes.

  “Come here,” he says into my ear, pulling me off the path into the copse of trees. He’s leading me now, holding my hand while we step over rockier terrain now that we’re on our own course. The sounds of the people back at the patio are fading into the distance. I’m about to ask him where we’re going when he turns back suddenly and lifts me in his arms.

  The next thing I know, he has me pressed up against a tree, his hands gripping and spreading my thighs. I wrap my arms around his neck, ready to take his kiss. Having his hands on my body ignites the passion and desire that I’ve tried to keep bottled up when we’re not alone like this.

  “I wish we could be alone, just for a day, where no one’s looking for us or wondering where we are.” His lips are ravenous on my body while I talk. He’s licking and biting a trail of kisses from my neck down to my chest. He’s pressing me against the tree with his body so his hands are free to roam.

  “Come back to my room.” He pulls his face up and kisses me hard on the lips. “I’ll make you feel so good.”

  I’ve never wanted anything more than to be alone with him in a room right now.

  “The room you’re sharing with my brother? We can’t take that chance.”

  His hard cock is rubbing against my pussy while his hands and lips continue to explore my body. I’m trying to take in so many amazing sensations all at once that I feel like I’m going to combust.

  “There’s a dead bolt. We can lock the door.”

  He slips his fingers into my panties and starts to
message my clit. My worries about being caught immediately leave my head. All that I want is the pleasure he’s giving me in this moment. The way his fingers are stroking me, if Jason caught us I would beg Luke to keep going until he made me come. Consequences be damned.

  “Fuck it, I need to taste you.” He sets me down so I’m standing and leaning against the tree. Without missing a beat, he pulls my panties down and off my feet. When he’s on his knees in front of me he says, “Spread wider for me.”

  I’m trying to find something to hold onto when his fingers spread my folds and a moment later I feel his warm tongue slide along my slit. He’s applying just the right amount of pressure. Every place that he licks holds secret treasures waiting to be unlocked.

  The longer he works me over with his tongue, the more intense the sensations become. I entwine my fingers in his hair to pull him close and hold him to me. The need to come makes me start to rock my hips so I can have control over where I want his tongue.

  I’m pressing into him when he shifts positions on his knees and I feel my balance shift forward. Suddenly we’re both off balance and falling. His arms wrap around me to hold me to his chest while we both tumble onto the ground. My ass is probably completely exposed to the animals watching us from the trees, but I’m laughing too hard to care.

  “This is why we need to go to my room.” He’s laughing too while rubbing my back with one hand and pushing my hair out of our faces with the other. “Falling onto a bed won’t hurt as much as falling onto the hard ground.”

  “I’m sorry, that’s completely my fault. You were making me feel so good I lost control of myself and took us both down. Are you okay?”

  “I’ve never been better.” He pulls me down so our mouths meet. Our kiss carries instant heat that makes all of the achey goodness come back with a vengeance. “I want you to straddle my mouth so I can finish eating that perfect pussy.”

  “Oh God. I want that, but I can’t do it here. Not in the dirt.” I imagine all of the little creatures that live in the woods out here and I know I won’t be able to relax. With my luck, a huge snake would slither over and bite my ass.


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