BULL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 6)

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BULL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 6) Page 8

by Samantha Leal

  “Can we help you, sweetheart?” One of the men got to his feet and took a step towards her.

  Lacey instinctively took a step back and clutched onto her purse for dear life.

  “I’m here to see whoever is in charge,” she said, trying to sound confident and then cleared her throat. “The new boss.”

  She knew she must have sounded like a fool, but she couldn’t think of what else to say.

  The man was chewing gum and he spat it out onto the floor and held out his hand.

  “Who’s asking?” he eyed her angrily.

  “My name is Lacey… I’m here for a friend, Charlene… I have some of the money she owes you.”

  His eyebrows raised and his face softened.

  “Well, all right then,” he said as if he was mocking her, “You better come this way, Ma’am.”

  Lacey moved forward, but didn’t take hold of his arm. She tried not to look around and lock eyes with anyone. Her heart was racing so fast she was sure that they could all hear it and they began to comment on her appearance as she passed. She felt like she was on show and completely vulnerable. She was desperate to get out of that room.

  The man led her into a corridor and walked with her down to the end. He stopped outside of a tall iron door and knocked on it lightly. A flap slid open to reveal a pair of eyes looking down on them.

  “She’s here to settle Charlene’s debts,” the man with her said.

  The eyes narrowed before the flap closed and she heard the turning of keys and the sounds of chains being undone. The man with her turned on his heel and began to walk back towards the bar area.

  “Good luck,” he laughed over his shoulder. “Matt will love you.”

  Lacey turned to look at him as he walked away and wondered what he meant. She breathed in and out deeply. This was it.

  The door creaked back and a tall, muscular guard stood in front of her. He looked mean and dangerous and he was wearing sunglasses even though it was so dark in there Lacey could barely see in front of her. He didn’t say a word but moved to the side to let her in. She stepped forward nervously and looked up to see another man sitting at a desk in front of her. He eyed her from across the room with wide, interested eyes. The guard left the room and locked them in from the outside. Lacey started shaking. She looked back to the man at the desk and tried to think of the speech she had prepared, but her mind was blank. His cold, dark eyes were fixed on her as she took another step forward to fill the silence.

  “How can I help you?” he said slowly. His voice was deep and gruff and he rubbed his big hand across his stubbly chin. He looked dangerous, more so that the guard, but he was also incredibly attractive. Lacey tried to focus on that to take her nerves away, but it ended up making her worse. The last thing she had expected was to be standing there in front of someone as good looking as he was. Her heart was pounding and she noticed something in him light up, too.

  “I’m Lacey,” she finally managed to speak. “I’m here for Charlene.”

  He laughed and sat back in his chair and kicked his big heavy boots up onto the desk before reaching for his cigarettes and lighting one up. He had long dirty blonde hair that fell softly around his eyes, and Lacey was surprised at how young he was compared to the other men at the clubhouse.

  “Lay-cee,” he over-pronounced both syllables. “Well, I’m Matt,” he flashed her a menacing smile, “I’m in charge here.”

  “I know,” she stammered.

  “Why did Charlene send you?” he asked angrily.

  “Charlene doesn’t have any money,” Lacey said nervously. “I’m here to pay you what I can to help her. She doesn’t want any trouble, and she will get your money back.”

  “How do you know?” he exhaled two plumes of smoke from his nostrils.

  “Because she promised me,” Lacey said naively.

  He laughed again and ran a hand through his hair. He turned back to her and stared at her so intensely, it almost felt like he was undressing her with his eyes. Lacey fought the urge to cover her chest, as if she stood there naked in front of him, trying to save her modesty.

  “I haven’t been running things here for long, but one thing I know for sure is that girls like Charlene, they never make good on promises,” he smiled at her, baring his teeth. One of them had a gold cap.

  “I just want to help her,” Lacey said quietly. “I don’t like seeing a friend in trouble.”

  He clicked his tongue and took another drag on his cigarette.

  “How much you got?” he asked.

  “I have a thousand dollars for you,” she said stepping forward and reaching into her purse for the envelope. “Here.”

  He took it from her and looked inside before he flicked through the notes and nodded.

  “Well, that looks about right,” he said.

  “So, will you leave off Charlene for a while? She will get you the rest. She just needs some more time.”

  He leaned forward so his eyes were level with hers before he blew another two plumes of smoke out of his nostrils. He was so frightening, but at the same time there was something about him that was pulling her in. She didn’t know if she was imagining it, but it felt as if they had an instant connection. His eyes were big and deep and she was getting lost in them. She pinched her arm to snap herself out of the trance.

  “I’m not taking your money, sweetheart,” he said sternly. “That bitch can pay for herself.”

  Lacey took a step back, shocked and completely uncertain about what to do next.

  “But, please,” she stammered. “Please take it.”

  He handed the envelope back to her and walked around the front of the desk. He motioned for her to sit down and sat on the edge of the desk in front of her. Lacey nervously sat down, her hands shaking as she clutched onto the envelope.

  “She owes me money for drugs,” he said. “Why would you pay for her to never learn her lesson?”

  Lacey felt as if she had been slapped. She sat up straight and looked at him. She had never thought of it that way before.

  “I just thought I was helping her,” she said.

  “I’ll tell you what,” he said warmly, his eyes crinkling around the corners as he smiled, “I’m not going to take that money… But there is something you can do to help your friend…”

  “Anything,” Lacey said. “I just don’t want her getting hurt.”

  He took another drag on the cigarette and put his hand on her knee.

  “You can come back here tomorrow. Maybe we’ll have a drink… Maybe we’ll get to know each other a little better.” He was looking down at Lacey’s chest and she knew what he was thinking.

  “I… but…” she tried to hold the envelope out again, but he just pushed it back to her.

  “I’ll be here at noon,” he said, “If you don’t show, Charlene’s in trouble.”

  He got to his feet and walked towards the iron door before he knocked on it hard and she could hear it opening from the other side. It creaked open and the guard stood there with his arms folded.

  “But…” Lacey began.

  “That’s all I’ve got,” he shrugged. “Take it or leave it.”

  The guard laughed and Lacey stared at Matt. He was teasing her, she was sure, but at the same time, she didn’t want to anger him by asking.

  “Noon,” he repeated before he waved her off with his hand. “Oh, and not a word to anyone.”

  Lacey left the office and began walking back down the corridor. Her heart was racing and she didn’t know where to turn. Charlene had a lot to answer for. Now it was she who was in big trouble.


  Lacey tossed and turned all night, terrified of what the next day may hold. She knew she didn’t have to go and she could tell Charlene that he was bribing her and making her feel uncomfortable. But now that Lacey had put herself in his presence, he knew what she looked like and who she was. It wouldn’t take much for him to find her in a small town like Clay Springs.

  She stared up at the ceil
ing and wiped a tear away. What was going to happen to her if she went back? What could he realistically want from her? She tried to recall the features of his face in her mind’s eye, but they were all blurred and distant… it reminded her of when she had a crush on someone when she was younger and she couldn’t remember what they looked like.

  She knew he was handsome, and she knew she had been attracted to him on first sight… But she was also afraid. He was dangerous, an outlaw who was threatening people to settle debts. Charlene had said he could be capable of killing people if they didn’t do as he asked. Lacey bit her lip and sat up. She knew she had no way out of the situation. Matt had asked to see her, and she was going to have to go…


  As soon as noon had passed, she left her apartment and made her way back to the Satan’s Riders clubhouse. She decided to walk and as the sun beat down on her hard from above, she found herself wondering if it would be the last time she saw daylight.

  You’re going to get yourself killed, she thought. Turn back and run.

  She shook the thought off, knowing there was no way back from this. She had been foolish by putting herself in the situation, and now she was going to have to deal with it. She still had her money. As soon as the day was over she was going to make a run for it. Disappear out of town and never see bad influences like Charlene ever again.

  She turned a corner and saw the building looming in front of her. It was dusty out front and there were around ten bikes in different positions, all empty and cold as if they’d been there from the night before. It didn’t look anything like the previous night. In daylight, it looked like any other building in town, but she knew what lay inside.

  She approached the two steps and climbed them before crossing to the door and trying the handle. It was locked, so she knocked lightly. Inside it was quiet, but she could hear men’s voices getting closer and then the dull thump of boots as someone made their way across to the front door. It swung open and a man with a long beard stood there, shielding his eyes from the light.

  “What?” he barked before realizing she was a woman and looking her up and down with a satisfied grin.

  “I’m here to see Matt,” she said nervously.

  The man looked at her as if she was insane and then slammed the door on her. She turned and looked back to the road, confused and worried.

  Okay, she thought, this is good, now I can leave and it isn’t my fault… I tried.

  She was about to skip quickly down the steps when from around the side of the building a familiar set of eyes came into view. Matt walked towards her in a pair of low-slung ripped jeans and a black vest. He was dirty, covered in oil like he had been working on one of the bikes and sweat glistened all over his tanned skin. Lacey stopped in her tracks and stared at him. His face cracked into a grin.

  “Lay-cee,” he said her name slowly again. “Wasn’t sure you’d show.”

  She felt frozen to the floor. Her legs wouldn’t move and she just stood there staring at him, not knowing whether to speak or just do whatever he asked.

  “You don’t have to look so nervous,” he laughed. “Come down here.”

  Lacey walked down to meet him and followed him around the back of the clubhouse. There were around ten garages, all in differing states. Some were locked up tight with no way of seeing what was inside, while others had their doors wide open with bike parts and stacks of boxes. Matt led her around to the last garage where a bike was on its side, with rags and oil canisters littered around it. He kneeled down and continued what he was doing.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” he said.

  Lacey looked around to see if there were any other people, but the back of the clubhouse was deserted.

  “What am I here for?” she asked quietly.

  “To help Charlene pay her debts,” he sniffed before he held a cigarette to his lips and clamped it between his teeth. “You want to help your friend, right?”

  “I’m not so sure she’s such a good friend anymore…” Lacey said as she thought back to her frantic calls to Charlene’s cell phone as soon as she had left the clubhouse the night before, which had been ignored… Charlene had no doubt been somewhere getting high and drinking herself into oblivion.

  “I thought as much,” Matt said. “That’s why I wasn’t about to take your money.”

  He pointed at a large rock not far from where he was working.

  “Wanna take a seat?” he asked.

  Lacey walked past him and sat down. The rock was blisteringly hot but she pulled down her shorts so they covered enough of her skin.

  “Matt,” she said, “I don’t want to be rude, but I just want to know how I can help…”

  He looked up at her and smiled.

  “I thought you were all about the money,” she stammered. “I, I thought you would take the thousand and that would be the end of my involvement…”

  “And like I said, I’m not taking your money,” he said as he took a drag on the cigarette. “Good girl like you, bet it took you a while to save… Bet you work hard…?”

  Lacey nodded.

  “Fuck-ups like Charlene don’t deserve the easy way out. I’ve been like you, I’ve worked hard and I’ve been taken advantage of, I can spot it a mile off… And if there’s one thing I don’t like is seeing good people lose out through no fault of their own.”

  Lacey realized her mouth was gaping open. She couldn’t stop staring at his muscular arms as they flexed each time he moved.

  “I suppose you’re right,” she agreed.

  “Plus,” he stared at her, “You’re pretty hot.”

  No one had paid Lacey attention in such a long time she had almost forgotten what it felt like to get a compliment. She felt herself blush and she looked down at her feet. He was nothing like she had imagined when she had turned up there. His hardened exterior was still there visually, but as he spoke to her and she got to know him more, it was as if he was genuine and kind on the inside.

  “I’m trying to get this place in a better position,” he said, “Will probably never happen but my father started this club thirty years ago and these fuck-ups have run it into the ground… I was never going to have anything to do with it, but I felt like I had to come back.”

  “Maybe we’ve got something in common then,” Lacey smiled, feeling herself relax. “I was never supposed to be here, either… I made my escape but got sucked back in.”

  “Well at least we’re on the same page,” Matt smiled. “All the outstanding debts, I want them gone so we can start again. Then I can get the hell out of here.”

  Lacey was jealous of his plan and wished she had a solid one herself. Not just the idea of making a run for it in the middle of the night.

  “Instead of giving me the money,” he said, “I want to spend today with you.”

  Lacey looked up and locked eyes with his.

  “Let’s not beat around the bush,” he said suddenly. “I like you, Lacey,” he leaned towards her. “I don’t know what it is…but I have to have you.”

  Lacey felt her sex pulse. Did he mean what she thought he meant? Her heart began to pound and she looked up at him with innocent eyes. He held out his hand and she took it as he pulled her to her feet.

  “Take a ride with me?” he asked her.


  Lacey gripped Matt’s waist as they flew down the highway. The scent of his skin, the cigarettes, sweat and oil mixed in with his cologne was driving her wild.

  She couldn’t believe what was happening. She was on the back of a bike with a supposed outlaw, driving at ninety miles an hour out across the desert. He’d said he wanted to take her somewhere beautiful, that he wanted her to experience his most favorite place in the world. He took a bend and she dug her fingertips into his muscly abs. She must have been crazy to go somewhere with him. He was a total stranger and a criminal at that. She knew the night before when they had first locked eyes on each other that there had been something there. A spark had ignited even if it had gone u
nsaid. And now he seemed determined to have her and Lacey realized she wanted nothing more.

  He was right. She had always been such a good girl and had never given in to her passions. She had always done the best for others and let her own dreams go to waste. She had never put herself first, no matter how much she wanted something. This was her chance to take all of that back. This day with this wild, dangerous biker was going to change everything. She was at a turning point. She was going to act out of character and do things she had never even dared dream of.

  The bike started to slow, and Matt pulled off the highway. They were in the middle of the desert with red and orange mountains all around them. He pulled onto a beaten track and the dust kicked out behind them. Lacey looked over her shoulder and smiled. This was like another world. The terrain was wild and deserted, and it made her feel so alive.

  When Matt stopped the bike, he lifted her off with his big, rough hands and placed her gently on the ground. She looked up at him and couldn’t help but smile. She had never been so pleasantly surprised.

  “Let’s walk up to that ridge,” he said as he took her hand and pulled her towards a rock face.

  They made the short climb, and Matt insisted on holding his hands over her eyes.

  “You have to wait to see the view,” he whispered in her ear. “It’ll take your breath away.”

  He was behind her, with his arms wrapped around her shoulders and his palms over her eyes. She could tell they were high up, much higher than where they had been on the other side of the ridge. She could feel the rush of air around her and she clung to him, terrified that she would fall.

  “Ready?” he whispered in her ear.

  Lacey nodded and braced herself. Matt slowly peeled his hands away from her eyes and revealed what was in front of her. She gasped and held onto him tightly, not daring to move. It was like she was on the edge of the world. A huge, deep canyon was in front of her, the sunlight shining on it and showing off the most amazing colors. Deep purples, reds, oranges and yellows all merged together across the landscape. It was magical and like nothing she had ever seen.


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