Forbidden Fruit Vol 2

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Forbidden Fruit Vol 2 Page 15

by Millstead, Kasey

  Following him through the foyer, in between the staircases and love seats, we stop in front of a big oak door that he taps on lightly. How the hell will anyone hear that? Not hearing a sound he reaches down, turns the doorknob and opens the door, walking into the room, so I slowly follow. The first thing I notice is the enormous bookcases, all made out of oak, that line the walls on either side of the room, the lush light brown carpet beneath my feet making no noise as I continue to walk until he speaks. “Miss Morris, you may close your mouth and take a seat, if you will.” That deep sexy voice is definitely not the man I followed in here. I snap my mouth shut. My eyes follow the floor, the two leather chairs, the front of a desk, a top suited chest and finally into stone cold blue eyes. I swallow hard. “Miss Morris, please sit.” My body jumps at his voice, my feet stepping faster until I’m sitting in one of the leather chairs and getting a much closer view of the deep voiced stranger. He looks at the man who brought me here and waves him off. The man, nods slightly, turns, and my body shifts as I watch him leave, shutting the door behind him. “Miss Morris, if I could have your attention, please.” My head swivels around like a well-oiled cog and again, I’m facing Mr. Sexy Voice. “Ah, there you are.” His eyes are zoned onto my cleavage that is showing fairly well in this low cut, button down shirt, and I find myself fisting the center trying to close the gap when his eyes quickly dart to mine. “Yes, well. Miss Morris….”

  “Riley,” I interrupt. His eyes growing wide, the look on his face shocked as if I wasn’t supposed to speak, and my mouth snaps shut again. Shit! I’m gonna get fired on my first day, I just know it. His mouth flinches as if he’s trying not to smile as he lays his forearms on the desktop, clasping his hands.

  “Miss Morris, I know you’ve only just arrived but if you’d give me your undivided attention for just a few minutes I will go over what’s expected of you.” Swallowing hard again I clamp my mouth shut and nod. “Good. Now….” He looks down, picking up a paper and silently reads. “I am Mr. Wright. I’m aware you come from….” His eyes look up from the paper and stare into mine. “Let’s just say, a more open environment, a more simple life?” What the fuck? “Nothing wrong with that I assure you. But here you’ll find we have, let’s say, a more proper environment, one that must be followed.” Slowly, I nod again but inside I’m feeling the need to run. “As you are aware, Trisha, my wife, is bedridden, her doctor’s give her possibly three months but of course they don’t know for sure. Her pain level comes and goes during the day and evening but here….” He picks up another sheet of paper from the desk and hands it to me in which I don’t hesitate to take from him.

  Our fingers touch as I take the paper, our hands lingering there, and I gasp at the feeling that flows inside of hand, through my arm, making its way throughout my body. Looking up, I see his mouth slightly open and his eyes half closed and I swear I heard him gasp as well. Shit, I’m so stressed out I’m hallucinating all kinds of crazy things. Coming to my senses, I pull the paper from him, laying it in my lap with my hand pressing on top of it. He looks down at the paper and clears his throat.

  “Yes, well. You might not want to crinkle the paper from all recognition so you may have it as a reference.” My eyes dart down to my lap to find I’m fisting the paper and quickly smooth it out with my hand. I look back up and into his blue eyes that are staring at me. “Good. You are expected to eat meals in the dining room with me. Mrs. Lewis, our cook and housekeeper, will stay with Trisha while you eat, your nursing attire is fine except for the evening meal which requires more of a dressier clothing but not formal. You are free to the entire house. However, this room is locked when I am not occupying it. All of Trisha’s medications are replenished every week, but if there is something you feel she needs that would help make her more comfortable I will provide you with Dr. Taylor’s card so you may phone him to confirm. If he is agreeable he will order them and have them delivered. Mr. Davis, the man who brought you to me, will show you to your room which is next to mine on the second floor and anything you require you may ask him. Any questions?”

  Shaking my head, he rises from his chair, so I grab my purse from the floor, the paper from my lap and stand. He’s beside my chair, in an instant, his arm out in front of him showing me to the door. As I walk around the chair I notice he’s right beside me as we walk to the door, stopping in front of it, he reaches for the doorknob opens the door, and I walk out into the hallway. When I turn around the door is closed. This is gonna be a very interesting job.


  My forehead presses against the oak wood door as I quietly close it once she’s in the hallway. What in the fuck am I doing? I about scared the shit out of her. She looked so frightened, so out of her element. Well, I hope she’s not too scared when I finally have her. And…. I will have her.

  My eyes are getting tired from the last three hours of doing paperwork. Locking up the files and turning off my computer I stand, stretch and head out the door, locking it behind me. I walk up the staircase, down the hall and stop in front of Trisha’s bedroom door when I hear voices. “That’s great! You did very well. Dr. Taylor said these treatments are good for your lungs. There now.” Slowly, I open the door and see Riley sitting on the bed next to Trisha. Riley stands, moves to the table against the wall where everything for Trisha’s medical needs are kept, and then back to the bed, fluffing the pillows behind Trisha. “There now. Comfortable? Do you need anything?” It’s quiet for a minute, so I take a step further into the room when Trisha speaks.

  “I’m fine, dear. Thank you so much. Maybe just a glass of fresh water and I’ll be set for the evening.” Riley smiles, walks over to the long table, pours a glass of water from the pitcher then takes it to Trisha. I quietly take two steps back and out of the room, closing the door and head down to dinner.

  I’m halfway through my salad when Riley walks into the dining room. She’s a vision of loveliness wearing her long hair down, the top button undone on her white silk shirt, her black skin tight dress pants and black high heel shoes. Not being able to remove my eyes from her, I watch as she walks around the long table, then pulls out her chair beside me, crossing her long legs as she sits. My eyes follow up her body to her slim waist, flat stomach, her more than ample breasts, her unblemished skin on her long neck, the fine bone structure of her jawline to her luscious pouty full lips and they land on her beautiful, sparkling brown eyes. I watch as her throat constricts with her swallow and then back to her eyes. We stare at each other for a beat, then I look down, picking up my fork and stab at a piece of lettuce. “You’re late.” Taking a bite I look over at her just sitting there staring at me. “Well, go ahead and eat.” She nods, picks up her fork and takes a small bite, my eyes glued to her mouth as she chews. Perfect. We continue to eat in silence until Mrs. Lewis brings in the main course, taking our salads and serving the steaks and potatoes on our plates. She looks at me, I nod and she leaves. We begin to eat again, the silence still thick in the room, until I find my voice.

  “Are your accommodations to your liking? Did you find everything you need?” I take a bite of steak and look at her cutting her meat and watch as she takes a bite. She chews very slowly, almost seductively, then I watch her throat as it moves down.

  She dabs at her mouth with her napkin, then takes a sip of her water. “Everything’s great, thank you.” She takes another bite, and I finally shake my head and begin eating again. “Trisha is very sweet and took her breathing treatment without a complaint.” My chewing stops, my eyes shift to her and then back to my plate where I set my fork down.

  Wiping my mouth with my napkin, I turn to her. “Trisha is a darling and you will never hear a complaint out of her about anything. The woman is remarkable, never has she said a bad thing throughout her illness.” My heart skips a beat and sadness washes through me. How can I love my wife, watch her die and still want this young beautiful woman next to me? I know Trisha wants me to find someone she approves of but how wrong is it that I feel this way towards
Riley? Fuck! Just sitting here with her so close, her smell is already making my cock press against my pants with wanting her. I place my napkin on the table, move my chair back and stand. “If you’ll excuse me. Please have a good evening and sleep well.” The look of surprise and shock is on her face as I leave the dining room.

  I head straight for my bedroom, remove my clothes and put on my gym shorts, t-shirt and tennis shoes and head down to the gym. After working out with some weights I get on the treadmill, start it up and begin jogging. My already heated body is now sweaty. My breathing labored, but I feel better getting some of my tension out. After an hour, I grab a towel, wiping the sweat dripping from my face, throw it in the basket on the way out of the gym and head upstairs. As I walk down the hallway to my room, I stop as I reach Riley’s door. Remaining very quiet I listen.

  “I know, Martin. Yes, very strange. I dunno he’s…. He’s really stuffy, snobby doesn’t talk much, but when he does he’s very authoritative, not friendly at all. His wife though? Total opposite, so sweet and kind. I guess they do say opposites attract.” My ear gets closer to the door to hear if she’s whispering or what she’s doing. “I miss you too. Love you too. Ok, night. Sweet dreams.” My head bolts back, and I quickly walk next door, open my door, leaning against it when it closes and breathe a sigh of relief. Creeper.

  Heading into my bathroom, I flip on the shower nozzles, walk to the counter, place my hands flatly on top and look at myself in the mirror. “Creeper. Ugh! She infuriates me with her youth, her obvious innocence and those breasts. Fuck!” My hands lift and then slam down on the counter. I practically tear my clothes from my body, kick off my shoes, then test the water, adjust and step in. Grabbing the shower gel, I squirt a ton into my hands, rub them together, getting the lather up, moving straight to my engorged and achingly painful cock. My other hand smacks against the tile in front of me as I lean my cock into my lathered hand and begin stroking myself. My moans echoing off the shower stall as I begin pumping harder, my hand fisting my cock tighter, stroking, and pulling until I explode all over my hand and the shower wall. “Fuck!” escapes my mouth and I briefly wonder if she can hear me. After washing I throw my dirty clothes in the hamper, put on some sleep pants and climb into bed. What an exhausting day, physically and mentally. I’m never going to be able to get to sleep tonight. Knowing she’s right next door.

  Chapter Two

  What a weird first day! He’s so refine, so strict, so demanding, so gorgeous, and so sexy, so…. Ugh! So infuriating! But Trisha is so sweet, so kind and so fragile. I don’t know what she sees in him. Yes, I do. Gah! After taking care of her needs for the rest of the evening, she asked me to read to her. It’s a romance book she’s been reading, but says she doesn’t have the strength anymore. It’s actually a really good book, I got so involved in the story I hadn’t noticed she had fallen asleep. I tucked her in and brought the book back with me to my room. Once I get inside my room my phone begins ringing. Checking the caller ID, I smile, hit ‘talk’ and put the phone to my ear. “Martin! How are you? I’m so glad you called.”

  It’s been so long since I’ve talked to my brother that we end up talking for half an hour. He’s my twin, but older by two minutes, and we’ve always been inseparable, hating it when we’re apart. But he lives about three hours away and has for about a year now. We don’t get to see each other as often as we’d like anymore, he with his graphic design company and me training to be a nurse, but we talk as often as we can. Like me, he couldn’t believe I got this job and after telling him all about my first day, he thinks Mr. Wright is as strange as I do. We finally end the call and promise to talk tomorrow.

  Figuring I’d better take my shower now since the paper he gave me says I must start my day at seven in the morning, I gather my favorite sleeping wear, a silky camisole and matching silky boxer shorts, and head into my bathroom. After the water temperature is perfect, I step in and begin to wash but stopping quickly when I hear a moan from the other side of the wall. What? Standing there silently I wait. There it is again only louder! Oh, my God! It’s him! My heart starts to beat faster when I hear another one, my eyes closing, and I imagine he’s behind me. His soapy hand is covering my breasts, fingers tweaking my nipples, and my back leaning against his chiseled and muscular chest. His strong hands continue to fondle and knead my breasts until finally one moves slowly down my stomach, sliding with the soap until it reaches my needy pussy. My breath catches, my hand covering my mouth quickly as a moan escapes it. His finger enters inside me, curls, then another follows while his thumb begins making circles and pressing on my swollen clit. My climax is reached swiftly as I hear him moan again next door, mine joining in harmony. I’m left panting, my head softly pressing against the cold shower tiles. Once clean I brush out my hair, blow it dry, put on my pajamas and head back into my room. Grabbing the book from the bed, I climb under the covers, reading for an hour until my eyes can’t stay open any longer.

  The alarm goes off and I peek out of one eye, staring at it to shut off. Rolling over I smack it and climb from under the covers heading towards the bathroom, stopping abruptly when I hear a knock on the door. Who in the hell is it at this ungodly hour? Almost stomping to the door, I open it and freeze, the deepest, darkest and gorgeous blue eyes are staring into mine then start traveling slowly down my body. Shit! I forgot where I was and that I only have on my skimpy sleepwear. My hand reacts before I think clearly and slams the door. Shit! I run like a mad woman to the leather chair, retrieve my robe, pushing my arms through the sleeves cussing the whole time and run back to the door, throwing it open. He’s still standing there but now has a furious look on his face. Shit.

  “Good morning, Miss Morris,” he says with clenched teeth. My heart is beating so fast I think I’m gonna have a heart attack. “I hope you slept well. Just wanted to stop by on the way downstairs to make sure you had everything you needed to begin your day.” My words are stuck in my throat, so I swallow hard and cough, covering my mouth with my hand. “I hope you’re not becoming ill, Miss Morris.”

  “Oh…. Oh, no. Sorry. You just…. I forgot where I was this morning for a minute. Sorry.” I look down at my feet feeling so embarrassed. His hand cups my chin, my eyes traveling up his body as he lifts my face up until I’m looking into his eyes. His eyes seem like they're looking into my soul.

  His mouth appears to be fighting a grin. “No need to apologize, Miss Morris. Really.” We stand there just staring until he finally releases my chin. “Downstairs in twenty minutes, Miss Morris. You’ll have time to eat breakfast before work.” He turns, and I watch him as he walks down the hallway until he begins to descend the stairs and out of my view. Damn!

  I’m sitting at the dining room table and look over at his empty chair. I’m eating a plate full of eggs, toast, sausage and pancakes. Good eats here, I’ll give them that! I’m starving! My mouth stuffed with food, I look up as he walks into the room and he walks behind me to get to his chair. He sits, puts his napkin on his lap, my eyes look up again to see Mrs. Lewis walk in with his plate of food and a cup of coffee, setting them down in front of him. She turns and walks out of the room, my eyes then look over at him to find him staring at me.

  “Good breakfast?” There’s so much food in my mouth, I can only nod. “Well, you seem to have a hearty appetite. That’s good.” He takes a sip of his coffee, sets it down, then picking up his fork he gathers some eggs, and I watch how his fork slides into his mouth, his lips forming around it, then he pulls it back out. Damn, he even makes that look sexy. “So….” My eyes snap from his mouth to his eyes as I swallow my food. “How was your first day? Are your accommodations to your liking?”

  Wiping my mouth with my napkin, I place it back on my lap and give him my attention. “Yes, thank you. The room is lovely and my first day was beyond my expectations. Trisha is a wonderful person and I’m encouraged I can help keep her pain level down.” He takes another bite of food then wipes his lips and nods.

  “Trisha is one
of a kind. I’m glad to know you like your accommodations and that your first day went well. She already spoke to me last night of her fondness for you, only after one day, however she is a loving and kind person. She informed me you read to her?” I couldn’t help my smile from displaying and nodded eagerly. I really enjoyed reading to her and also found myself lost in the book. “She used to love to read. Read all the time. Now….” The crease on his forehead only magnifying the saddened look on his face. “Well, I must go into my office and get some work done.” Hardly touching his breakfast, he pushes his chair back and stands only to turn to me. “Have a good day.” Watching him walk out of the room and the sadness still filling me only makes me want to crawl back into bed.


  Dammit! I let her get to me. I let her dredge up all the feelings for Trisha and the inevitable reality of her dying. Fuck! Not to mention seeing Riley this morning in her silky sleepwear didn’t help with my burning desire for her, my cock hardening as I took in her loveliness. Her breasts almost spilling out of that camisole making me want to fondle them, and latch onto a nipple with my teeth. On top of everything after first laying eyes on her and doing research about her life to find out that she’s a virgin makes my cock even more eager to be inside her. Then breakfast was equally as rough with her wearing her scrubs that she had changed into, her cleavage showing very well from her low neckline. I think I need to hit the gym before I can focus on my paperwork now.


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