Forbidden Fruit Vol 2

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Forbidden Fruit Vol 2 Page 19

by Millstead, Kasey

  He pushes back some of my wayward hair from my face and smiles. “Don’t feel ashamed. Trisha wanted more than anything to know I’d be happy after she was gone. She was so worried about it and so happy we found each other.” Taking my hand back in his, he kisses the bandage covering it as his eyes stayed on mine. “I love you, Riley. I never thought I’d love another after Trisha then fate stepped in and there you were. I knew you were something special the minute I laid my eyes on you. Please don’t ever leave me again.”

  The tears that dried are now overflowing again. Taking my hand from his, I cup his face. His eyes close with my touch, and my heart is full of love for this man. “I love you too, Parker and I won’t ever leave you again.” His mouth is on mine immediately and all the love I feel is pouring into this kiss. He moves back just enough that I can see his gleaming eyes, and I smile. “Take me home.”

  We talked for the next hour, all the feelings we’ve both been having are the same. We just exploded with relief that we both felt the same way. I jumped a bit when the door to my room opens and Marty comes walking in, the look on his face telling me how worried he’s been.

  “Hey, pumpkin. I stopped by a little earlier but you both looked like you could use some time alone.” He reaches the bed, leans over and kisses my forehead. My grin couldn’t get any bigger. “How you feeling, squirt?” Ah, the infamous nickname he’d given me when we were kids.

  I smile up at him, my body still in pain, but full of the best feelings of being loved. “I’m good, better.” I looked over at a smiling Parker then back at Marty. “Great, now that you’re both here.”

  It wasn’t until the next afternoon before they got all my test results back, checked me over again, (which wasn’t pleasant) and they finally released me. I wasn’t shocked to see the limo sitting at the curb out front of the hospital, but I was at Parker’s eagerness to take care of me. I barely got up from the wheelchair when suddenly I was in his arms, his mouth kissing me sweetly as he helps me into the limo, sliding in next to me and fastening my seatbelt. He even produced a warm and soft blanket out of the back, wrapping it over me and tucking me in saying he never wanted me to be cold again. That’s odd, but sweet. It’s a good thing that it was dark out the night of my accident, so I couldn’t exactly pinpoint the location as we drove down the road to the house, but I shivered anyway causing Parker to tuck the blanket in tighter and put his arm around me. I feel so loved, so cared for. The limo pulls up to the front door. Parker helps me out, and then I squeal when he lifts me into his arms and carries me inside. He immediately heads upstairs and when we pass my room, I look at him, but he doesn’t look back. He only smiles, and I can’t help my smile as he walks into his room. Setting me down onto the bed, he walks to his dresser, opens up the top drawer, pulls out a light pink camisole with matching panties and brings them over to the bed.

  “Where did you get those? They’re not mine.” He smirks and proceeds to undress me. Confusion covers my face as he carefully removes my casted arm from the sleeve of my t-shirt and then pulls it up and over my head. He reaches around, unclasps my bra, removing it from me and sets it on the bed. Standing back a step, his strong arms cross over his chest, and his eyes are full of desire.

  “Damn, we need to get you well and fast.” I watch as his tongue licks his bottom lip, and now I’m on fire. He puts his hands on my upper arms and helps me to stand, then takes my hands and places them on his shoulder. Bending down on one knee, he puts his magical fingers on the waistband of my pants and pulls them down along with my panties. I grasp his shoulders, which is hard with my casted hand, and I step out of them, trying to balance myself. Then he takes the silky panties, from the bed and taps one of my feet to step in, then the other. Once he has them pulled up into place he lifts me up and lays me down on the bed covering me up with the sheets and comforter then he sits on the bed beside me. “I made a call.” He shrugs. “A boutique I know of. I gave them a list of things I wanted and they had them here yesterday.”

  “Thank you. You’re amazing and I love them.” Leaning down, he kisses me, not hungrily, not needy, but lovingly. I want more. My tongue enters his mouth without any protest, we tangle ours together, but then it does become heated and he stops. Looking into his eyes, I know the desire is there and don’t understand how he can just stop like that.

  “Look, sweetheart. You need to heal and it’s not that I don’t want you. Oh, God, how I want you but…. We need to get you strong again.” I give him my best pout, but I know he’s right. “Come. I’ll lie down with you and we can cuddle.” I can live with that. He walks around the bed and slides in next to me as I roll over onto my right side, laying my casted arm on a pillow he put there for me. His arms quickly move around my waist. His hand grasping my good one and our fingers entwine. “There. Isn’t this good?” My body moves closer to him, and I sigh.

  “This is heavenly. Parker?” I say, as he kisses my cheek he hums. “What now? Where do we go from here? I mean…. We know we love each other and I have my nursing career but I….”

  His arm tightens around my waist, his face snuggled against the side of mine. “Sweetheart, you can have your career and anything else your heart desires but I don’t want you to ever leave me. Let me send some of my help to go pack up your apartment and make this house officially ours.” My head turns slightly, so I can see his eyes, and I swallow hard.

  “But….” Is all I can manage to get out.

  “Indulge me. You love me, right?” I can feel his smile against my face and nod. “All right then what’s stopping you. I can guarantee I have Martin’s approval now.” A giggle escapes me. His head rises and he peeks over at me. “What? I do my homework, find any obstacles and remove them. In this case it was just a matter of winning him over and trust me, I won him over.”

  Now it’s my turn to smirk. “And how did you win him over? Wait! Did you bribe him?” I question, my brows creasing and my best pout on my lips. His teeth nip my lower lip, pulling it out, then he sucks on it both of us moaning together. When he releases it, he gives it a quick kiss and moves back a bit, looking deeply into my eyes.

  “There was no need to bribe, my princess. Showing him how much I love you, how much I took care of you, how worried I’ve been about you and how much I would die for you…. Well, I think that did it.” I can’t take it anymore. My casted arm raises between us and around his neck. My fingers twisting in his hair as I gently pull him towards me and instantly, my mouth is on his. I can feel how wet I am as I pour all my love into this kiss until his hand presses against my stomach, and I wince. His mouth moves away from mine. His hand reaches up, takes my hand and brings it down between us until it’s resting on the pillow again, then gets up from the bed, heading to the bathroom. “I told you I can’t help myself and look what happened. I hurt you.” Sounds of rummaging through a drawer makes me wonder what he’s doing, but I find out when he brings the medicated ointment out in his hand and sits down on the bed next to me. “Roll over onto your back.” I don’t argue, just move until I’m flat on my back. He raises my camisole, removes the cap to the ointment and softly begins spreading it over my cuts. My eyes close with his tender touch. Damn, that feels good. His hands and fingers are magical. But his chore is done quickly. He caps the ointment, crawls into bed behind me, helping me to roll over again and we resume our earlier position. Yawning, I comply, my eyes growing heavier by the moment, and soon he is holding me close against his body. “There now,” he whispers. “Sleep, my princess. We’ll talk more when you awake. I love you.” I’m so comfortable, so loved and wanted. I never thought when I first walked into his front door and into his office, I would be here right now, in the arms of the man I love.


  The next day I awaken laying on my back, Riley’s arm lying across my stomach, her breathing light as she sleeps, and I swear there’s a hint of a smile on her face. Her bruises are horrible and when I think I could have lost her my heart stops. I brush a few strands of hair away from
her beautiful face and just look at her. I know death is inevitable. We all will die someday, but what we do with our lives while we’re here on earth is what matters and to be able to be happy throughout our lives is a blessing, one I will never take for granted. Carefully, I remove her arm and slide out of bed, stopping when she moves, snuggling up with my pillow, and then I head for the bathroom to get cleaned up for the day. When I open the bathroom door to leave I see Riley standing by the bed, her legs wobbly. As she starts to collapse I run over, lifting her in my arms.

  “Sweetheart, what do you think you’re doing?” Gently I lay her back down on the bed, but she struggles while pushing up into a sitting position. Stubborn. Her face pale, the bruises and cuts standing out even more. Moving her long hair off her shoulder, I leave my hand there and my thumb rubbing across her soft collarbone. “Baby, what were you thinking? You’re much too weak to get up and walk on your own.” Her eyes look up at me. Her long lashes cover half of them. So beautiful. “It’s okay to get help when needed. Isn’t that what you do for others being a nurse?”

  Her head bows, and I can tell she’s frustrated since she can’t fidget with her hands. That’s got to be killing her right now. “I always heard the saying ‘doctors and nurses make the worse patients’.” Her head rises, and she gives me a sweet smile. “Now I know why. I hate anyone to wait on me, help me with every little thing. It kind of makes me crazy.” A chuckle leaves my mouth. She’s just too cute for words.

  I cover her bandaged hand with mine and lean into her. “Trust me. I understand but….” Raising my eyebrows, I give her my best stern look, doesn’t work very well when her smile widens. “Even if you weren’t hurt I’d want to pamper you. I want to make sweet and long love to you. I want to shower you with gifts. I want to give you everything.” My hand rises, catching the lone tear that drips from her eye. “I love you, my sweetheart.”

  She leans in closer still, laying her head down on my shoulder. “Thank you for loving me. I love you too. So much.” We sit like this for quite a while, neither of us wanting to move away from each other. Then her stomach growls. Very loudly. She giggles, and I get up, walk to the closet, grab a robe and proceed to help her put it on. She squeaks when I lift her into my arms, and I walk her downstairs into the kitchen and set her on a chair at the table where Martin is already chowing down on breakfast. Heading over to the buffet table, I fill two plates with enough food to feed a small army.

  “How are you feeling this morning, Rile? You still look really pale.” I hear Martin ask her.

  Walking to join her, I set her plate down in front of her. She looks down and turns to me eyes wide and smiles as I sit beside her. “My stomach wasn’t THAT loud.” She giggles and takes a bite, and I’m relieved to see her appetite is there. Taking a bite of my own, I watch her devour some more, her luscious throat constricting when she swallows and her head turning to Martin. “I feel a bit better. Thanks, Marty. I’m a little shaky though but someone….” She looks at me with a smirk. “Someone won’t let me walk so I’m not sure I’ll ever get my strength back.”

  Chuckling, I set my fork down on my plate, wipe my mouth off with my napkin and get up to get us both some orange juice. “You almost fell. You’re still very weak. Damn, woman! You just got out of the hospital yesterday.” I return to the table, setting our glasses down and watch as she nearly chugs her whole drink. I pick up her glass and go pour her some more. “Besides, I love carrying you, having you in my arms safe. I think once you’re well I should continue to do that anyway.” I notice Martin looking at me with a small smile on his face as I sit down. “What?”

  He clears his throat. “Nothing. Just glad to see my sis so happy.” He looks at her, his smile turning into a small frown. “So, sis. When do you go back to your apartment? I mean. You must be missing your things and well, there’s really not a need for you to stay here anymore once you’re well.”

  My hand reaches under the table, grasping hers, and as I look into her eyes, I see hers are sparkling, a huge smile on her full lips. Keeping my eyes on hers, I answer for her, “I’m making a call right after breakfast to a moving company to go pack up her things and bring them here. Mr. Taylor will go and supervise along with Mrs. Lewis to make sure her womanly things are, um, kept private from wayward eyes.” She lightly squeezes my hand in assurance, giving me a sweet smile.

  He sets down his coffee cup, keeping his hands around it. “That’s moving kind of fast, isn’t it? I mean, you haven’t known each other that long.” His hand reaches across the table, taking ahold of her fingers peering out of her cast. “Look, sis, I just want you to be happy but I am still your older brother and will protect you at all cost.” His eyes shift to me, one brow lowered like he means business.

  I release her hand, wipe my mouth with my napkin and place it next to my plate as I push my chair back, picking up my plate as I stand. I start to walk over to the sink and say, “Don’t you think you should give your new partner a bit of a break?” After placing my plate in the sink, I turn around to find Riley’s eyes open in shock, her mouth dropped open as she shifts in her chair to look at me. Unsuccessfully trying to hide my smile, I walk back over and sit back down in my chair, turning to face her and taking her bandaged hand in mine, pulling it away from fidgeting with the fingers on her other hand. “Yes, sweetheart. Martin and I spoke most of the night you were in the hospital and realized that our business needs complement each other’s so we’ve joined in partnership.” I chuckle as I bring up my other hand, gently pushing up her chin with my fingers and closing her mouth. “What have I said about catching flies? Hmmm.”

  Her head turns to Martin and then back to me. “Wow. I just…. Wow. I’m just so surprised. But you work from your office here” She looks back at Martin, who’s wearing the biggest smile and then turns to me again.

  Leaning forward, I kiss her forehead and then move back so I can fully see her beautiful face. “Come. The doctor gave me some salts for a bath that will help your cuts and help them not to leave any scars. I’ll tell you all about it as you soak.” She allows me to pull her up from her seat as she smiles at me, her eyes never leaving mine, and as I lift her in my arms, I look at Martin, who is smiling at her. I love how she only has eyes for me, not even paying attention to her brother as I carry her out of the room and up to our bathroom.

  Setting her on the bathroom counter, I begin to start the water in the tub, then opening the linen closet doors, I retrieve the salts the doctor gave me, pouring some into the flowing water. After returning the bottle to the linen closet, I walk over to Riley, standing in between her legs, and begin removing her robe, slowly. As I push the fabric off one shoulder, I kiss the skin there, then I push it from her other shoulder and kiss it as well. Her eyes are hooded when my eyes peek at her, but I go back to work. I push the robe off her, letting it gather on the counter. My fingers then find their way to the hem of her shirt, pulling it up over her bruised and cut stomach, then up and over her gorgeous breasts until finally it’s pulled over her head, her hair flowing around at the middle of her back from the movement. “Beautiful.” I hear her breath catch as my hands capture her ample breasts, my fingers tweaking and pinching her nipples until they’re standing high and taut. My lips can’t take it anymore, and they move in quickly, sucking, gently nipping until my cock is straining against my pants. I feel her hand around my cock before I look down. In my lust, she’d reached into my gym pants and boxers and was stroking it hard. Fuck! As my mouth continues to pay homage to both of her breasts, my hands pull down her panties, her bottom lifting, so I can remove them. My hand finds her pussy soaking wet as my finger glides inside. Her body laying back a bit to give me easier access and my body leans in following her movements. Her moan echoes off the walls in the bathroom and mine intermingles as we bring each other to climax. Left panting, I press my forehead to hers, then bend down and kiss her lips gently. “Good morning,” is all I can manage to get out trying to catch my breath.

  Her eyes look
up at me through her long, black lashes and her smile radiant. “I think someone else needs a bath now too.” I laugh as I manage to tear myself away from her, turn the water off and then pick her up and place her into the warm, medicated water.

  “Oh, I plan too, just as soon as you’re done soaking.” I wink. “Are you ok here while I make a couple of calls? I’ll just be in the bedroom so I won’t be far.” My phone beeps in the pocket of my discarded gym pants on the floor as I reach for them, putting them on, leaving my boxers on the floor. I hear her giggle as I swipe my phone, noticing I have a text message from Martin and begin to walk out into the bedroom, turning my head to her when I reach the door.

  “Oh, Parker. I’ll be fine. You don’t need to keep babying me, really.” She lays down more in the tub, rests the back of her head against the wide ledge and closes her eyes.

  “Nonsense. It’s my job and I don’t want you falling asleep in there or pruning that lovely skin of yours.” One of her eyes opens a slit, one eyebrow raises but she smiles closing her eye again and sighing. “I’ll just be a few minutes and will bring you some clean, comfortable clothes.” With that, I walk into the bedroom, my smile overtaking my face as I read his text.


  My skin is slightly pruned by the time Parker lifts me from the tub. We have another sexual interlude on the counter before he has a chance to help me get my clothes on. This time I started it, but I couldn’t keep my hands off him. He just looked so yummy with no shirt, showing his muscular chest and tight abs. I finally noticed a small tattoo on his left side with some words, but couldn’t make out what it said. His trim waist and the small hairline below his belly button forming a V trail down beneath his pants did me in. I got really clean that day, having yet another bath with him after our second interlude was totally worth it.


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