Forbidden Fruit Vol 2

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Forbidden Fruit Vol 2 Page 28

by Millstead, Kasey

  Jude turned his head to look into the steely black eyes of the senator. There was no mistaking the power this man held within his hands.

  “Yes, sir.” Jude responded like he would to a military superior.

  “This.” Jude watched as the senator held up a thin black folder. “Contains the report of the attack in the Iraqi oil fields. You keep my daughter out of the limelight, I’d almost prefer daylight but I don’t think that’s possible, and I’ll guarantee that these documents end up forever lost.”

  “Sir—” Jude tried to answer but wasn’t able to finish.

  “It’s time for you to practice that silence you’re so skilled at boy. Do as I say and all will go well.” The devilish smile crossing the senator’s face made Jude’s empty stomach turn. “I want you to take care of my daughter’s needs in all ways. That’s why I handpicked you for this job. You could’ve been an actor with your face.”

  Jude shook his head wondering if he might be hearing things. “Come again, sir?”

  “You get what I’m saying, boy. It’s the classic case of apple and tree. You’ve been with me for two years and know about my extracurricular activities. It would appear that my daughter has similar appetites, too.” Jude stared at the senator as he tried to process the words spewing from his mouth. “From the look on your face, it appears I’ve stepped on your honor.”

  The senator laughed while Jude gaped in silence. He didn’t have a response. The level of decadence just spoken by Douglas bordered on illicit, because being a gigolo didn’t fit into the job description of a secret service agent.

  Chapter Five

  “Cammie, I can’t believe you’re wearing that low cut dress out in public.” Cammie’s best friend Mary observed her friend’s midday attire. She felt the dress was more suited for a club. And maybe if one was a stripper at said club, too.

  “Don’t be such a prude, Mary.” Cammie rolled her eyes at her childhood friend. The old adage that opposites attract applied to this friend in every way, shape, and form. “Everyone’s seen them already. Why hide the goods now?”

  “You really have no shame.” Mary tsk-tsked. “I wouldn’t be able to show my face in public again.”

  “Nope. No shame at all.” Cammie was working a strand of her hair into a long, wavy curl. When she tossed her head to the side, her hair shimmered like it was glowing.

  Cammie wasn’t surprised her father’s aide called her about yesterday’s photo releases. It was par for the course in her life. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d actually spoken to her father. Maybe at Christmas. He was off in the Bahamas celebrating with some young, blonde slut.

  The aide informed her that Senator Douglas would be flying in tomorrow and she was to meet him promptly at noon for lunch at La Maison. She figured the upper crust restaurant was chosen so she’d be less likely to make a scene. It was always about appearances, so she made sure hers was inappropriate.

  “Wait,” Mary gasped. “You’re not wearing a bra are you? I can see through the top of your dress. Please at least put on a bra.”

  “I like to give his aides something to stare at. We’re meeting at a place filled with women whose faces are motionless from too much Botox. I’m flaunting what I’ve got while I have it.”

  Secretly, she hid the unease building within her. It wasn’t from embarrassment; it was more a matter of her father’s purse strings. Would he continue to fund her lavish lifestyle after her latest behavior?

  Maybe a bra wasn’t a bad idea after all, she thought. But after glancing at her reflection in the mirror and seeing how perky her breasts looked in her halter sundress, she tossed that idea aside like yesterday’s garbage.

  “Just a touch of red lipstick and I’m ready.” Cammie carefully applied the glossy red color to her full lips. “Voila,” she said while spinning around to face a still stunned Mary. “How do I look?”

  “In the white dress.” Mary stood up with her hands on her hips as she scanned over Cammie from head to toe. “I’d say you’re a redheaded version of Marilyn Monroe.”

  “I agree. Minus the mole.” She bent to adjust the strap of the peep-toe wedges she was wearing. “I chose red to match my lipstick.”

  “Good God, Cammie. Dallas just isn’t big enough to contain someone like you.” Mary smiled as she let their disagreements fade away. It was always like this between them. Shock and surprise gave away to acceptance. Cammie was a bright light needing to shine.

  “If Texas isn’t big enough than no place is.” Cammie hooked her arm through Mary’s and started leading her to the door of her condo. “Oh, by the way, you’re coming with.”

  “What?” Mary stopped dead in her tracks and removed her arm from Cammie’s. “I have no desire to shield you from your father.”

  “Listen he likes you. More than me most likely. You’re the perfect daughter he wishes he had.” Cammie reattached herself to Mary and led her to the garage where a shiny BMW was parked.

  “I swear you have a way of getting me to say yes.” Mary circled the car and climbed into the passenger seat.

  “Remember, I was raised around politics all my life.” Mary glanced over at Cammie as she got in the car. She swore an unguarded moment of sadness flashed in Cammie’s eyes.

  They never talked about her mother’s death, but Mary knew each and every time her mother came to Cammie’s mind. When her mother died, Mary helped Cammie through everything. Mary worried about her lifelong best friend and the dangerous consequences of her rebellious actions.

  “So what do you think your father is going to say? It’s not like he’s Mister Perfect himself.”

  “It will go something like this. Clean up your act, young lady. Do you realize what I have at stake right now? I’m going to run for President. Same old, same old. I doubt he’ll even say hello to me.” Cammie started her car as the garage door rose. “I’ll smile and nod. It doesn’t matter what I say anyway. He never listens.”

  The drive to the restaurant was somber as the approaching confrontation drew closer. Cammie hoped that the public venue would keep arguments down. After all, the senator had a lot to lose if a big brouhaha took place in his hometown. He’d been a senator for this state for over twenty years; even first graders knew him by sight.

  Cammie pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, and eased the car up to the valet. After putting the Beemer in park, she ran her palms over the fabric of her dress.

  “Hey, it’s going to be okay.” Mary reached across the console and grabbed Cammie’s hand. “So what if you got caught with your top down…”

  Mary’s attempt at humor and Cammie’s nervous giggle broke the tension and worry that had been building.

  “You’re right. I’m pretty sure there’s a photo of my father’s pants around his ankles out there somewhere. He’s just been lucky or has more dirt on someone else most likely.”

  As the two friends made their way into the restaurant, their promenade left several casualties. The poor valet was the first one as he helped Cammie exit her car. He had to adjust himself and hide his erection after his bare forearm lightly grazed one of her taut nipples. With a slight wiggle in her hips, she entered La Maison with her head held high even if her hands were a touch shaky.

  “Good afternoon, Miss. “The stiff-lipped maître d’ greeted them as they stood near his podium. “Do you have a reservation with us today?”

  “We don’t, but my father sure as hell does.” Cammie tossed back her fiery hair. A slow realization hit the maître d’ as he recognized the woman in front of him.

  “Oh, of course, Miss Douglas. Right this way please.” The maître d’ snapped his finger in the air. The action caught the attention of a young woman who was staring at a table a few feet away. Cammie could see that her father was at the table the woman seemed intrigued by. The senator’s back was toward her, but the man sitting across from him was someone she’d never seen.

  Cammie was certain because he had a Hollywood-worthy face. One she wouldn’t f
orget. His sharp and defined jawline jutted out proud beneath his cheeks, and his lips were full and sensuous. The kind that could kiss you for hours. She continued to stare at him and willed his eyes to look away from her yakking father toward her.

  Finally her wish was granted, and the man’s eyes shifted her way. He stared right at her or more like pierced her with one single look. His dark eyes scanned over her body, and she noticed one of his brows began to fold down in assessment. She straightened her dress as she and Mary followed the hostess to the table.

  The man rose from the table to a towering height when she stopped next to her father. His broad shoulders screamed strength to her. The man licked his lips as he stopped skimming over her body and focused on her fully hard nipples.

  Cammie and this tall, dark, and handsome stranger were locked in a staring contest. Perhaps he was a new aide. But something about this man’s demeanor didn’t add up to politics. He appeared too lethal and virile to be a Washington operative.

  The senator turned to see Cammie and Mary’s presence next to him. “Well, if it isn’t my tramp of a daughter.” Mary gasped at the off-color greeting, but Cammie took it in stride.

  Her father was known for his distasteful dialogue and might have even said the same thing to her without yesterday’s photos.

  “Yes, that’s me.” Cammie said, although her eyes were stuck on the mountain of a man in front of her. “Who’s this?” She finally tore her eyes away from the man and focused on her father.

  “Here, ladies, have a seat.” Senator Douglas motioned for Cammie and Mary to sit-down on each of side of him. The square table was now full. “I didn’t know you were bringing Mary today. It’s always lovely to see you, dear.”

  The senator produced a wide smile for Mary and she squirmed under his attention. Even though the same scenario had happened countless times before, she’d never get used to being recognized when Cammie sat by her ignored. The cruelty was too much for her to comprehend.

  “Nice to see you, sir,” Mary spoke in a rush.

  “Father. Introductions, please?” Cammie repeated her request. She had to know who the handsome man was sitting there.

  “This is Jude Warner. He’s been assigned to my security details in Washington for a couple of years.” Douglas stated without any fanfare.

  “Jude Warner.” Cammie let his name roll over her tongue as she spoke. She finished with a lick and bite of her lip. “Hmm. That name suits you.”

  Jude shifted in his chair, after Cammie’s blatant flirting. “Pleasure to me you.”

  “I sure hope so.” Cammie laughed, knowing her words might sound crass. “This is my best friend Mary.”

  Jude looked to the blushing young woman and smiled. “Nice to meet you, too.”

  “Thanks. You, too,” Mary spoke just above a whisper.

  “Excuse me.” All eyes at the table turned to the server positioned at their side. “Welcome to La Maison. Senator would you like something to drink?”

  “Yes, I think this is a vodka type of lunch. Martinis all around.”

  The senator discussed the summer heat in Dallas and Cammie and Mary’s upcoming senior year at SMU until the drinks arrived. Cammie knew the topic of her topless photos was pending conversation and hoped her father would finish his first drink before bringing the subject up.

  After a couple of sips in, the senator unleashed the elephant in the room. “I’m sure you’re aware of why we’re meeting today.” He spoke with a solemn tone. He’d put on his let’s-make-a-deal hat. “Those damn photos were your biggest fuck up yet, young lady. What would you’re mother say?”

  Cammie recoiled at his words. How dare he even bring up her mother? “Probably the same thing she’d say to you about the fucking trip to Aruba you took with some blonde bimbo one month after her death.”

  Cammie heard what sounded like a slight chuckle and turned to see this Jude character faking a sudden cough. His reaction to her comments convinced her she’d scored with her remarks.

  “All right, that’s enough. I sure as hell didn’t fly in from Washington to weigh our sins against each other.” His lips formed a tight, straight line.

  “Fine,” Cammie huffed. “So what the hell did you fly into Dallas for?” Cammie glanced over at sweet Mary who’d folded into herself, and decided she’d take her shopping for a new Louis bag after lunch. Mary had earned a nice reward.

  “I flew in to introduce you to your new bodyguard.” The senator’s Cheshire smile formed slow and sweet on his lips, while he waited for the reality of his words to sink in.

  Cammie’s eyes went from wide to angry squinted slits as she looked toward Jude then back at her smug father. “You mean him?”

  “Yes, Cammie. Meet your bodyguard, Jude Warner. He’ll be your constant shadow until the day after the election.”

  Cammie looked at her martini and didn’t know whether to throw it in her father’s face or down it in one fast gulp.

  Chapter Six

  Jude knew he was in a fuck ton of trouble when his dick rose to attention the second he saw Cammie standing near the maître d’ stand. The fucking traitor of a dick he had was straining against his zipper. Like a divining rod searching out water or something wet like her pussy.

  “Fuck,” he muttered under his breath as the senator carried on in his one-sided conversation about the mission Jude was to perform. Which was keep Cammie happy and out of the news.

  Why couldn’t she be homely with endearing qualities, he thought. Instead she’s standing there looking like a wet dream come to life.

  Cammie was seated next to him now at the table. She peeked at Jude from the corner of her eye. Her gaze felt like the heat from the sun’s rays, both warming and burning his skin at the same time.

  After he suffered through an awkward introduction by the senator, the mystery surrounding her father’s failure to mention his daughter was clear. Their relationship was completely screwed up. And when he asked himself what kind of a father says hello to his daughter by calling her a tramp? The only answer was a shitty one.

  When the senator informed Cammie that Jude was going to be her around the clock bodyguard, Jude wanted to turn over his security clearance and high-tail it out of the restaurant. Cammie appeared to be just as thrilled, because the fire on her cheeks matched the red color of her lipstick. She was mad as hell.

  “What the fuck do you mean, he’s my bodyguard?” She threw her arms across her chest in an act of defiance. The only thing Jude noticed was how the top of her breasts pushed out of her halter-top. A measly centimeter or two and he’d be witnessing a wardrobe malfunction.

  “You’ve left me with no choice.” Douglas reprimanded her. “When you posed for that photo and your tits ended up on TMZ, I had to rein you in. I will not let some rebellious streak destroy my chances for the Presidency.”

  Jude didn’t want to be in the middle of this battle of wills. It looked as though Mary felt the same way.

  “I don’t need a babysitter. I’ll behave.” Cammie huffed and dropped her arms back to the table.

  “Look at him.” Her father motioned to Jude. “He looks like he could give any movie star a run for his money. I think you two will end up getting along just fine.”

  “Oh my God,” Cammie spat. “What the hell are you even trying to say? He’s like my prison guard because I feel like you’ve sentenced me to jail.”

  Before the senator could respond, his chief of staff walked up to the table, seeming to appear out of thin air, with a security team of two behind him.

  “Hello, Cammie,” the aide addressed her first. “I am afraid I need to borrow your father. We’ve had a development come up in Washington.”

  The senator glanced up at his right-hand man and flashed a knowing smile. Something told Jude this wasn’t an accidental happening, but a planned escape. He wished he’d listened to the huddled conference on the flight to Dallas instead of plugging his ears with music.

  “If you would excuse me, I have to get back
to the people’s business.” The senator pushed his chair away from the table and stood. “Darling, I want you to drive Mr. Warner to your condo that I’ve graciously purchased for you and set up house with him for the next few months. Otherwise your line of credit will dry up like the ground in West Texas.”

  “I can’t believe you’re doing this to me.” Cammie appeared to be angry with her father. The best word to describe her was livid.

  Mary moved closer to Cammie and whispered something in her ear. Cammie nodded as her friend spoke quietly to her. Jude wondered what the hell Mary was sharing because Cammie lowered her tense shoulders and even expressed half of a smile on her lips.

  As Mary and Cammie shared their secrets, the senator conferred with his aide about the logistics of getting back to Washington. The senator’s plane left in two hours and they needed to make a late dinner meeting with the head of their party’s national organization. Jude was left sitting at the table with nothing to do but guess his fate, and it wasn’t looking too favorable for him. It appeared that his babysitting job would begin shortly.

  Their server arrived at the table with a few appetizers and had a confused look on her face. She sat the dishes down in front of Jude and shrugged. “Is everything okay?”

  Jude responded to her question. “Who the hell knows? But the senator is leaving.” The server nodded and backed away from the group.

  “Daddy,” Cammie cooed from my side. Her tone was unrecognizable from just a few seconds ago. The senator pulled his attention away from his aide and eyed her. “I’ll do as I’m told.” She turned and smiled at Mary. Mary smiled back seeming to be pleased at Cammie’s sudden change of heart.

  “Glad to hear it.” The senator boasted then pivoted toward Jude. “Boy, take care of my little girl. I’ll be expecting those daily updates, too.”

  Jude wanted to roll his eyes or perhaps give the senator a special viewing of his middle finger, but he refrained. Years of military training taught him to control his emotions, but they forgot to teach him one thing: how to suppress his sexual appetites. That would have been handy since he has to watch every move made by a beautiful redhead with perky tits that wore practically see-through dresses.


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