Forbidden Fruit Vol 2

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Forbidden Fruit Vol 2 Page 35

by Millstead, Kasey

  “I know I would too.”

  “Good, because my aunt works fast. Here are your keys. Welcome to the neighborhood.”

  “What? That quick?”

  “Yup. Aunt Alice said you can even write me a personal check for the security and first month’s rent. She knows your stepfather. He’s done work for her in a bunch of her rental properties. As a matter of fact, she said he put the new counter tops in here a week ago.” Kylie handed her the keys and Gabby happily wrote her the check.


  There was a red suitcase sitting by the door when Rick got home. He hadn’t seen Gabby all day, but he could guess that she’d found an apartment.

  “Gab, you home?”

  “She’s home.” Sophia came stumbling out of the kitchen, drink in hand. Drinking already, but at least it looked like she was alone. Thank God for small favors.

  “I just came back to pack some of my things, Sophia. Did you sign the papers?” He really hoped she had. Those divorce papers needed to be filed as quickly as possible. He needed that peace of mind.

  Sophia didn’t answer him, but disappeared back into the kitchen. She emerged a minute later with a fresh glass of booze and the crumpled up papers, which she threw at his feet. “Here. All signed. Now get out of my house.”

  “Gladly. I will be getting my stuff, though, Sophia. Don’t cause any problems.” He didn’t want much—just his favorite chair and his clothes. She could keep the rest. There was nothing in there that had any special meaning. He’d been moving out his family mementos little by little over the past six months. He didn’t trust her or her drunken friends not to ruin the few things he did care about.

  When Sophia spoke again, she spoke quietly. “You know, I didn’t purposely fuck up our marriage, Rick.”

  Rick didn’t know what to say to her. He was saved from having to address her declaration as she took a sip of her drink and walked away.

  Clothes. Rick needed his clothes. With that thought in mind, he made his way down the hallway toward the bedroom he hadn’t slept in for years. When he reached Gabby’s room, he poked his head in the open door to see her struggling to close another suitcase. She was wearing cut-off shorts and a red plaid button-down shirt that was tied just beneath her breasts, pushing them up to perfection. She looked like Daisy Duke. As a bonus, each push on the suitcase caused her breasts to bounce in all their glory. Hot.

  The carpet muffled his footsteps as he walked up behind her, placing his hands on her hips. “Damn, you look great.” He leaned in for a kiss, but remembered at the last minute where they were, and pulled away. “Sorry.”

  Gabby smiled the most sincere smile he’d seen on her in a long time.

  “You’re happy. And you’re packing.”

  “I am, and I am.” Still smiling, she kissed his cheek. “I found the best place. But not only that, I can move in tonight.”

  “You’re kidding. That’s great, Gabby. Where are you going?” Relief flooded Rick at her news. Constant worry over Gabby being in the house while Sophia’s friends were there was giving him gray hair.

  “You know the place. It’s that little cottage on Pacific Avenue that you put the new counter tops in last week.”

  “The blue house with the red door?”

  “That’s the one. The landlord let me pay her with a personal check and move in today since she knows you.”

  “Yeah. Alice Carruthers. Nice lady. I’ve done work for her on a couple of her places. I think that’s perfect for you. Great location, too.”

  “What are you going to do, Rick? You don’t have to look after me anymore.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll find a place. Hell, I might just build myself a house. I booked myself into Hotel Del for a couple of weeks. I was going to ask you to come with me.”

  The look on Gabby’s face spoke volumes. Rick didn’t want to see it, but it was there. While he knew Gabby cared for him, she wasn’t in love with him. It hurt, but he loved her so much, he’d take whatever she was willing to give him.

  “Oh. Well, I have the new place and …”

  Rick put his finger up to her lips. “It’s fine. You don’t need to explain anything to me, sweetheart.” His heart broke just a little at her relieved expression. Forcing his feelings aside, he ran his hand down her arm and gave her a quick squeeze. “I’m going to go pack up my clothes and take them over to the hotel. Would you want to grab dinner later?”

  Slipping her hands into her pockets, she took a slight step back, not even realizing it. “If it’s okay with you, I’m going to take tonight to get some things unpacked at my new place. Noelle’s brother is coming over with a friend of his to move my bedroom furniture in for me tonight.” Almost as an afterthought she added, “You’re welcome to stop by.”

  “You know I would have moved your stuff for you.” The resentment that washed over him was palpable and involuntary.

  Gabby placed a soothing hand on his arm. “I know you would, Rick. But I thought it might throw Mother into another fit if she saw you moving my stuff out for me. You know how she is. I think it might be better for both of us if you aren’t even here when Jimmy and his friend come to pick up my stuff. I was trying to make it easier on all of us.”

  Rick didn’t know if he believed that was the real reason, but he didn’t make an issue of it. “Maybe you’re right. I’ll do my own thing tonight then.” He was losing her already before he really even had her. Shoulders slumping, he felt the realization hit him.

  Gabby grabbed his hand and held it in both of hers, giving him a dazzling smile. “Hey. I have an idea. How about if I make us dinner tomorrow night in my new place? Just you and me. I’m taking some of the kitchen stuff from here. Sophia will never miss it.”

  “I love that idea.” He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and turned around to leave. “I’ll see you tomorrow night then.” It felt like she was throwing him a pity date. Pathetic. He was pathetic. But pathetic or not, he’d take every moment he could with her.

  Chapter Seven

  With dinner in the oven, Gabby stepped back and assessed her efforts. Not having a table to eat on posed a momentary problem that was solved by using a blanket from her bed, spread on the living room carpet—just like a picnic.

  Paper plates and napkins, real silverware bought earlier that day, plastic cups, and a good bottle of scotch that her mother had donated without her knowledge, were sitting around the blanket. Not bad for her first day in a new house. Furniture would come piece by piece as she could afford it.

  Vegetables covered the counter as Gabby chopped away, making a salad. The aroma from the baked ziti in the oven added to the homey feeling she experienced cooking in her own kitchen. She was enjoying the preparation and looking forward to seeing Rick.

  When the knock sounded at the door, Gabby answered it wearing an apron she bought at an adult toy demonstration she’d gone to a year earlier. It had a picture of the back of a mostly-naked woman on her knees with her hands tied behind her back, and said, Rope Makes the Best Lingerie.

  “Nice apron, Gab. I couldn’t agree more.” He walked in and gave her a kiss that had her clutching onto his shirt with both hands. Lust radiated from every pore.

  “Wow. Hi.” It still surprised Gabby how eagerly her body responded to his, but with her newfound independence came some doubts about their budding relationship. She knew Rick was in love with her, and while she cared deeply for him, it was still more about sex for her. She planned on talking to him about that very thing after dinner.

  Breathing rapidly, Rick made himself pull away. “I brought wine.” He held up a bottle of red in his right hand, while Gabby entwined her fingers in his left and led him into the kitchen.

  “Thanks.” She took the bottle and asked if he had, by chance, brought a cork screw with him.

  He laughed as he answered her. “No, sorry. I didn’t even think of it.”

  “No problem. I have an almost-full bottle of scotch in the other room. Dinner’s not ready ye
t. Do you want to take a drink outside and look at the ocean?”

  “Sure. I’ll get the drinks and meet you out there.”

  The yellow and white sundress Gabby was wearing was short and flowing. As she stood on the deck, a gentle breeze lifted it just enough to give Rick a peek of her upper thigh. “This is my favorite part of the house so far. I think I’ll be spending a lot of time out here.”

  “Come here.” Rick put the drinks on the railing and gathered her up in his arms, standing behind her with his chin resting on her head. She reached up and placed her hands on his arms that were folded across her. Tilting her head back, she kissed his chin.

  “You know I care about you, right Rick? That I’d never do anything to hurt you?”

  Rick’s sigh said it all. She could tell he knew where she was going with her conversation. “I know that, sweetheart. I do. But if it’s okay with you, could we just have tonight? We can talk about other things tomorrow. Okay?”

  That was perfect for Gabby. She wanted a night with Rick. She wanted an entire night without sneaking around or worrying about someone finding them. He had once promised to make love to her all night long, and as selfish as she knew it was, she wanted that. She turned around and pushed up on her toes to kiss him. “Yeah. We can have tonight, Rick. I want that, too.” She leaned her forehead against his chest and simply let him hold her.


  “God, this is good. You always were a good cook, Gabby.” There was a spot of tomato sauce on the corner of Rick’s lip that Gabby leaned over and licked off.

  Her voice husky, she said, “I know baked ziti is your favorite. And I must say, the sauce is delicious.” She’d spent the better part of the morning cooking her own sauce.

  Rick’s tongue quickly flicked out and over hers as she pulled away. “Um, even better.” He gifted her with a naked smile. There was nothing hidden; he was simply happy and living in the moment.

  Being patient was not one of Gabby’s strong suits, and she was ready for dessert. Fidgeting, she toyed with her food. “Rick?”

  Mouth full of ziti, Rick motioned for her to continue.

  “Are you about done? Because it’s all I can do to keep my hands off you.”

  Rick looked at all of the food and dishes around him. He finished his scotch in one large swallow and wiped his mouth with his napkin. “Hell yes. Let me just clean this up for you.”

  Pent up lust in her eyes, Gabby grabbed his hand. “Leave it.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice. The sun was just setting as he pulled her up to her feet. “I want this night to be special.” He poured two more small glasses of scotch and led her out to the deck to watch the sunset. She didn’t have any deck furniture yet, so he placed the glasses on the floor and sat down.

  Gabby acquiesced when he patted the spot in between his legs. She leaned back against him as she sipped her drink. “This is perfect, thank you.”

  Rick kissed her hair as he held back his emotions. He knew, with ever fiber of his being, that this was their last time together. His love for her was stronger than his need for her. He’d let her go gracefully, but he’d always be there for her. “Gabby, I love you so much. All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy. You know that, don’t you?” It killed him to be saying such things, but he needed her to know.

  She leaned her head back and snuggled into his arms deeper. “I do, Rick. I really do. I love you, too, it’s just …”

  “No. You don’t need to say anything else, sweetheart. You’re a very young woman, with your whole life ahead of you.”

  “You know, I was thinking about going to school to become a vet tech. Maybe I could still work part-time at your company?” Gabby knew that was asking a lot, but she didn’t want to cut ties with him.

  “Anything you need, Gabby. You’re always welcome in my company. Aside from you being an excellent worker, I’d hate to lose contact with you. And I think you’d make a great vet tech. God knows you’ve always loved animals.”

  Silence settled in after that as they watched the sun fall past the horizon. Gabby wasn’t sure what to do, but believed honesty was the best way to go.



  “I know it’s not fair of me to ask, but would you make love to me now? All night long?” She was being totally selfish, and she knew it. They both knew that the night was a goodbye of sorts.

  “There is nothing on this earth that could stop me.”

  They made their way into the bedroom. Gabby lit the candles she’d bought and lowered the lights. “Just give me a couple of minutes.”

  “Sure.” Rick used the time alone to gather his thoughts. He knew he had to tell her the depths of his feelings before they made love. He needed her to understand that no matter how in love he was with her, he would never stand in her way or push her for anything she didn’t have to give.

  Gabby came out of the bathroom, her hair damp from her quick shower. Instead of the outright sexy clothes he’d seen her wearing at other times, she was wearing beautiful, classy lingerie. The white teddy had split sleeves that exposed most of her arms to her wrists. It was shear and low cut, but had silk panties that covered her intimately. Her breasts, on the other hand, were displayed proudly, her nipples already puckered and waiting for attention. She was a vision.

  “Jesus. You take my breath away.”

  She walked over to him, but he held her back by putting his hand up. “Wait. I have to say this first. Before I touch you and lose my mind completely.”

  Gabby smiled at him as she ran her hands along her sides.

  “God, don’t do that.” Rick took a deep, cleansing breath and began. “Gabby, I’m in love with you. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone. And I know you don’t feel the same.”

  At the hitch in her breath, he again put his hand out to stop her from talking. “No. It’s okay. Really, sweetheart, it is. I wish you felt the same way about me, but you don’t.”

  “I do care about you, Rick. I’d never want to hurt you. Maybe we shouldn’t do this.” Gabby started to back away, but Rick rushed up and held her to him.

  “Oh God. Yes, we should. It’s okay, Gabby.” He gently ran his fingers over her hair and down her back. “So beautiful.” He said nothing for almost a full minute as he looked into her eyes and ran his hands over her.

  “I would—will—do anything to make sure you have a wonderful life. That includes walking away. I’m too old for you, sweetheart. You have your whole life ahead of you. School, marriage, children. I’m past wanting those things. I’m not selfish enough to take them from you. Just give me tonight, and I’ll figure the rest of it out tomorrow, but know this—believe this. This will be the best night of my life, and I will never, not for one second, regret any of it. Just let me love you.” The one thing Rick wished he could take back was that damn tear that escaped his eye. Some big, tough guy.

  “Yes, Rick. I’m all yours tonight. With every fiber of my being, I’m yours.” Gabby closed the miniscule distance between them and placed her lips on his.

  Rick pulled her closer as he plundered her lips, finally remembering to pull back so that he could take her gently. He broke apart from her and led her to the bed. Gently picking her up, he placed her in the middle.

  He stripped himself out of his clothes, showing off an impressive erection, before joining her on the bed. Gabby’s hand went to the bow at the top of her lingerie that held it together.

  “No. Let me.” She immediately put her hands down giving Rick all control.

  “You’re so pretty, Gabby.” Rick slowly undressed her. His hands touched every inch of her, and his lips soon followed. He spent almost an hour kissing and touching every single inch of her body, bringing her to orgasm twice. He thought he’d explode from the sexual tension pulling so tightly in his body, but it was worth every agonizing moment.

  With Gabby lying on her belly, and him behind her, he prodded her opening, eliciting pleased moans from her. She was incredibl
y wet—so slick he had to hold himself at her opening to keep from slipping away.

  As he slid inside her for the last time, tears again gathered in his eyes. He’d never loved someone so completely. How was he going to give her up?

  He pulled out of her, needing to see her face. “Gabby, turn around, sweetheart. I want to see you when I fill you.”

  Gabby turned over and saw the raw emotion in his eyes. It almost hurt her to see it. She wished so desperately that she could return that kind of love, but the most she had to offer him that night was her body and the caring she did feel for him. “Yes, Rick. Make love to me.” She thrust her hips up at him, and he slid inside.

  “Ahh,” Gabby moaned, pushing up against him again. “You feel so incredible.” She drew him down to her to lick and suck his neck as he began to move inside her. “Oh, yes. More.” Gabby was more than a little surprised at the rush of feelings that came over her as she held his eyes while he slid in and out of her again and again. She felt a deep and soulful connection to him in that moment. Letting the feelings flood her body and free her mind allowed Rick to give her the most intense orgasm she’d had so far.

  As Gabby tightened around him, he was powerless to do anything but explode inside of her, crying out her name. He knew he’d never feel that kind of bliss again, that pure perfection, but that was the price he was willing to pay for an uninterrupted, perfect night with her.

  He knew their relationship had just taken a turn that he might not really be ready for. How did you let something go that you had so recently acquired? He promised her he’d do anything to see her happy, but was he sure he could keep that promise?

  Lying with Gabby snuggled lovingly in his arms made him second-guess himself. Maybe she wasn’t in love with him the way he was her, but could he turn the tides? He thought that just maybe he could. At that very moment, he made up his mind to fight for her.

  The End

  About the Author

  Nikki Worrell lives in Southern New Jersey with her husband of twenty years. She has a B.S.B.A in Human Resources and is a bookkeeper for a law firm in Philadelphia.


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