VAMPIRE: PARANORMAL: Out For Blood (Vampire Alpha Shapeshifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy Short Stories)

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VAMPIRE: PARANORMAL: Out For Blood (Vampire Alpha Shapeshifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy Short Stories) Page 9

by Powers, Miranda

  “You look lovely, M’Lady.”

  “Thank you, Ann.”

  Diana descended the stairs to the hall to see Jane and Michael playing hide and seek. Michael had found his Nanny hiding in a cupboard.

  “Oh, sorry M’Lady,” said Jane bobbing a curtsey.

  Diana laughed. “Don’t worry Jane, please keep him amused. Please inform Cook that I will be back at one with a guest for lunch."

  “Yes, M’Lady.”

  Miller was still on Butler duty from the previous day and hovered by the front door as instructed. He bowed to Diana as she made her way to the drawing-room.

  A tap on the door galvanised him into action; he slipped the bolt, dropped the catch and pulled open the massive door.

  “Good morning sir, you are expected,” said Miller to Captain William Phillips RN who today was not in uniform but wore a heavy riding jacket over breeches and boots. The captain handed Miller his riding crop and top hat.

  Miller led him to the drawing room.

  “Captain Phillips, M’Lady.”

  William strode into the drawing-room and bowed to Diana. She curtsied back.

  “Is my mount prepared?” said Diana to Miller.

  “Yes, M’Lady. The boy has tethered her outside.”

  “Thank you that will be all.”

  Miller backed out of the room.

  “Will you take a little refreshment before we ride, William?”

  “I think not, Diana. I must own I am rather keen to go on our ride and hear what you may have to say about my proposal.”

  “Then let us depart forthwith.”

  Diana led the way, side saddle, on her grey mare, Penelope. She could have gone astride with the crotchless pantaloons but decided that she would play the Lady.

  The fields were claggy with wet earth where they strayed from the bridleways.

  The hedgerows gave off their musty autumn smell of decaying leaves. Overhead a skein of geese headed south. A hare bolted from the undergrowth startling Penelope causing Diana to rein her in lest she took off at a gallop.

  A cock pheasant gave off its alarm call sounding like a dry cork being turned in a wine bottle.

  “This land is beautiful William. I am Chatelaine of this estate; I do not think I could leave it.”

  “It is indeed a wonderful part of the country Diana but my estate in Devon, with its red earth and wildlife is just as awe inspiring. Perhaps, before you make up your mind, you would like to visit? It could be arranged. We could even take in Bath.”

  “William, my geography is not good but I do know that Bath is a fair distance from your estate.”

  “Only about ninety miles. We could stay there for a few days.”

  “It will be the Season in Bath. I would like that.”

  Ahead she saw the barn that she had been aiming for. A look around confirmed that no other persons were in the vicinity.

  “Let us take a rest in the barn,” she said as she trotted her horse towards her goal.

  William dismounted first and offered his hand to Diana as she slid from Penelope. He caught her in his strong arms and didn’t let go. Their lips met.

  Diana was hungry for him. She broke free, took him by the hand and led him to the barn door. She watched him lift the latch and push open the great door. Inside she saw hay bales stacked up to the roof at the far end and only two bales high at the front. That would do.

  Still holding his hand, she led him to the hay bales and sat down. He sat beside her. It made her smile to see his hands were slightly shaking. Was it passion or was he nervous? There was only one way to find out. She kissed him on the lips as she took his hand and placed it on her breast.

  He needed no more encouragement. Gently he laid her back on the hay.

  She looked up into his eyes. At last, she thought, at last. I’ve waited a long time for this. She felt his fingers at her cravat as he loosened it. She couldn’t help smiling as he unbuttoned her blouse. When his hand trespassed inside taking hold of her nipple between his forefinger and thumb she felt waves of delight down her spine and all the way down between her legs.

  Now she waited as his hand ran up her boot, over her stockings and up to her pantaloons. He found the gap and slipped his finger inside her.

  She unbuckled his belt, loosened his breeches and found what she craved. It was hard and ready.

  William lifted her skirt and then lowered himself onto her as she spread her legs far apart. He entered her through the gap in her pantaloons and felt her give a little shudder of delight.

  Her hands went under his shirt and she gripped the hard muscle on his back and then down to his buttocks and squeezed each cheek so hard she was sure she must have left fingernail marks.

  As he pumped up and down, she moved in time with him like they were doing a horizontal waltz.

  She felt him getting more carried away and lost herself in her own passion. Each thrust sent waves of ecstasy through her from head to toe. She couldn’t help biting his shoulder around the collar bone due to the sensations that had taken over her body.

  Diana lifted her legs and wrapped them around his back while he carried on driving his hardness into her. She felt how wet and slippery she had become. His penetration slid in and out like a knife through warm butter.

  She could tell he was near. Diana needed at least another minute of his penis inside her before she reached her climax.

  “Not yet, not yet,” she gasped.

  “I’ll try… I’ll try.”

  “Harder, harder.”

  “I’m coming.”


  She forced her body up as he drove down. Now she knew how close she was. Three more hard thrusts would get her there. She could feel him holding back as best he could. One. Two. Three. He fired and she convulsed completely satisfied.

  She put her arms around his back and held him close to her. Diana wasn’t sure if it was the passion, but she felt love for this man. He had told her yesterday that he loved her and she had not reciprocated. Confusion crept into her mind. If she loved him, would she not go with him wherever he demanded?

  They lay in each other’s arms for a long time before he climbed off her and pulled up his breeches.

  She straightened her underwear, stood up and smoothed down the rest of her clothes.

  “Well, William!”

  “Well, indeed Diana.”

  They both laughed. He threw his arms around her and kissed her on the lips.

  “I don’t think I want to live without you, Diana.”


  “Diana, you know I love you and I will take good care of you and Michael. I shall adopt him. He would inherit my estate as well as Eylebourne.”

  “William… and this is hypothetical, I’m not making any decisions, but if I did marry you and we had a son, surely he would inherit your estate, not Michael.”

  “Yes, you are right. If I we had a son… but we may have daughters. And if we did have a son then Michael would be well provided for with Eylebourne Hall Estate.”

  “That’s true.”

  “Do you love me Diana?”

  She looked at him. The passion had subsided and left her happy and content inside. Could she truthfully answer his question at this time? She did not know for sure.

  “That is something I have to work out in my mind William. To tell you the truth, I think I do.”

  “Then we should marry.”

  “Please don’t rush me William.”

  “Will you come to my estate and meet my mother?”


  He kissed her on the lips again.

  “I’ve been thinking further about Eylebourne. Perhaps your father would consider taking on the role of Estate Manager. You could trust him,” said William.

  “I’ll race you back to Eylebourne for lunch,” she said tripping him up and running for her horse. But William had made a suggestion that was not without merit.

  Chapter Five

  Diana sat in
her drawing-room embroidering her jungle scene. She had not progressed far. The joy of her encounter with William the previous day kept creeping into her mind along with the thought that she did indeed love him. It had been such a lovely day with the tumble in the hay, the horse race that he let her win and lunch with civilised conversation. Though she had not yet accepted William’s proposal, his suggestion that her father ran the estate when she wasn’t there had begun to sway her in favour. Though she had not told him directly, she had made it clear that she was moving in the direction that he wished to steer her.

  She knew William would be on the road to his estate. She had agreed to visit him in four weeks so they could go to Bath to take in the season.

  Today she had to face Richard and see what he had to offer. Marriage with him was definitely not on the cards. He’d seemed so different on his return to India. Different and not very happy with himself. And she certainly was not going to return to that country with him.

  Miller appeared in the doorway still on Butler duty. “Mr Devere-Scott M’Lady.”

  Richard strode into the drawing-room dressed in a riding jacket, breeches and boots.

  He looked at Diana sitting at her embroidery wearing a blue dress with a dark blue shawl. “I thought we were to go for a ride Diana?”

  “I think not Richard. I would prefer to stay here.”

  Unusually for Diana, the thought of another roll in the hay did not appeal. Was she becoming dull? Could she be faithful to one man? It seemed like that was the way her mind was going.

  “At the risk of repeating myself, I am offering you marriage. My fortune in India is vast. You shall live like a Queen.” His manner did not appeal to her. She didn’t like his brusqueness and he seemed altogether a very different person she had known before he went to India. It was as if he was demanding that she did what he said. There didn’t seem to be room for discussion.

  “William… er sorry… I mean Richard…”

  “Who the devil is William? Is he that popinjay I saw when I was here last time? Diana, what is your game?”

  Diana felt the anger boiling up inside her. She took three deep breaths, but it didn’t work. “How dare you? How dare you come into my home and speak to me in that way? Get out!”

  “I shall go Diana. But be warned. I am returning to India and I shall take my son with me whether you come or not. If you refuse to allow me to take him, I shall make it known he is my son and you and the boy will not inherit Eylebourne Hall. You will be destitute.”

  “Richard, why are you doing this? What happened to you in India? You were such a good man. Richard…”

  Richard turned on his heels and stormed out of the room.

  Diana sat in her chair and felt a tear trickle down her cheek. How could I have been so wrong about Richard? Deep down, she knew she had not been wrong about him before he went to India. Something happened to him there to change him. Maybe it was something to do with his fortune. She’d heard of Englishmen going to the sub-continent and stealing vast wealth. Had he become so unscrupulous?

  Chapter Six

  Diana stood in the hall waiting for Miller to bring round the barouche to the front door. She heard the clatter of the hooves and stepped out. A slight drizzle fell making the stone façade glisten. Miller had put the hood up on the barouche. She wrapped her cloak around her and pulled up the hood as she made her way to the carriage.

  Penelope and a chestnut mare stood ready to take her to Tunbridge Wells, to the King’s Head where she would entreat Richard not to betray her son.

  The journey seemed longer than usual. Eventually, Diana felt the barouche come to a stop. She looked out of the window and saw the front of a public house with mullioned windows and a large sign hanging over the door that proclaimed she was at the ‘King’s Head’.

  Miller opened the carriage door. He wore a long coat and top hat all dripping wet from the drizzle.

  “Would you accompany me please, I do not wish to go into a public house alone.”

  “Of course M’Lady.”

  Miller pushed the pub door open and held it for her as she entered. A hubbub of voices through the dense tobacco smoke halted abruptly as the customers caught sight of a beautiful young woman expensively dressed. Clearly she was not a regular at this Inn.

  The landlord, a big man with a large belly and mutton chop whiskers, eyed her up and down. “What can I do for you M’Lady?”

  “I believe you have a Mr Richard Devere-Scott residing here. I wish to see him. Please ask him to come down.”

  “Well now M’Lady, in here we don’t take no orders from women. If you wants to see the man, he’s upstairs in that room there.” The landlord pointed to a door at the top of a flight of rickety steps.

  The customers grunted and laughed.

  “Please come with me,” Diana said to Miller.

  Diana led the way upstairs closely followed by her faithful retainer. At the door, she could hear movement on the other side. She tapped loudly on the peeling paintwork.

  “Who is it?”

  Diana recognised Richard’s voice.

  “Diana. I need to see you Richard.”


  Diana waited.

  Richard opened the door. He wore a loose shirt over breeches and no shoes.

  “Have you come to tell me that I can take the boy?”

  “May I come in and discuss this with you.”

  “It isn’t convenient.”

  She pushed past him into the room. Diana stopped dead when she saw, lying on a bed, an attractive young Indian woman with a brightly coloured length of cloth wrapped around her that Diana thought may be a Sari when it was worn properly.

  This is Kahini, my servant. She will be the boy’s Nanny or Amah as we say in India.”

  “Richard, I am not going to India with you and you are not taking the boy. Please don’t ruin his life. It seems you have all you need. Why do this?”

  “Because I want the boy. I want a son who I can bring up in India to hand my fortune to when I die.”

  “Richard, I can give you a son. You do not have to take this woman’s,” said Kahini standing up still with the Sari wrapped around her.

  “I want a white boy, not a…”

  “Richard, you said you loved me,” Kahini pleaded.

  He shoved her so she fell backwards onto the bed.

  If Diana had any lingering doubts about whether to go with Richard that one action was enough to convince her that she had made the right decision to refuse him.

  “I’m taking the boy or I’ll ruin him. That is final. Now make up your mind,” said Richard with such venom that Diana had never encountered before.

  “If you try to take the boy I shall track you down and kill you.”

  Diana spun round to see Miller holding a pistol in his hand and a look on his face that meant murder.

  “What is it to you old man? Why should you risk the hangman for a boy who has nothing whatever to do with you? You’re just a servant,” said Richard but Diana could see from his face that he believed Miller was capable of shooting him.

  “I am the boy’s great-grandfather,” said Miller holding the pistol rock steady and pointed square at Richard’s chest.

  Diana gasped.

  “That’s right M’Lady… Diana. I am your mother’s father. She knows and she sent me to live with you when you married Sir Reginald. She wanted me to protect you and that is what I will do. I shall protect you and my great grandson. So Mr Devere-Scott, you say you will take the boy or ruin him? I have lived my life. I am now going to shoot you so you will neither take the boy nor ruin him.

  “No,” pleaded Richard.

  “Don’t,” said Diana. “Please don’t shoot him. I do not want to see you hanged. He’s not worth it. We shall manage even if he does expose Michael’s parentage.”

  Miller squeezed the trigger. Diana held her breath. Richard cowered with his arm over his face as if he could stop the bullet if he couldn’t see it.

Bang. Richard fell to the floor with blood gushing from his thigh.

  Miller looked confused. His pistol had not gone off.

  Kahini sat on the bed with a pistol in her hand and smoke coming from the barrel. “He has not been himself since the massacre. I could not let anyone take the responsibility I should have taken months ago.”

  She jumped from the bed. Her Sari fell from her revealing her nakedness. Kahini grabbed a cravat from a chair and put a tourniquet on Richard’s leg to stop the blood.

  Diana heard footsteps thundering up the stairs. The landlord and two other men appeared at the door and looked at Richard lying on the floor, bleeding, with a naked Kahini tending him.

  “An accident!” said Richard through clenched teeth to stem the pain. “I was giving a pistol to my Lady friend as a present and didn’t realise it was loaded. I’m afraid I’ve shot myself.”

  “Are you sure,” said the landlord looking at the shocked Diana and dumbfounded Miller and then resting his eyes on the naked Kahini. “Shall I call the Magistrate.”

  “I think I would prefer you called a doctor,” said Richard managing to smile.

  The landlord and his companions left. Miller pushed the door closed. Diana and Kahini got Richard up on the bed and laid him down.

  “I’m sorry Kahini. I’m sorry Diana.” Richard passed out.

  Kahini loosened the tourniquet and then tightened it when the blood flowed again.

  “Why?” said Diana.

  Kahini wrapped her Sari around her body.

  “I am not a servant. I am the daughter of a Maharaja. Richard and I fell in love, but my father prohibited me from seeing him. I escaped and went to live with him. My father sent an army and massacred the village where we stayed though we had left hours before they came. Richard blamed himself for the massacre and ever since he’s changed. He’s been drinking and fighting. I should have done something but didn’t know what to do. When he heard he had a son, I think it tipped him even more over the edge and he became fixated that he and only he could bring up the boy.”


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